City power contact number johannesburg 4 billion on its current account. This delay is removed for payments made The City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (Zulu: UMasipala weDolobhakazi laseGoli) is a metropolitan municipality that manages the local governance of Johannesburg, the largest city in South Africa. Unit 12 Pinewood Close, Boghall Road, Bray, Co Wicklow, Ireland. Phone Reception : Tel | +27 (0)11 688 1400 To log calls / queries : Call Center | +27 (0)11 375 Your old pin number is no longer valid and was reset in December 2013. Office of the Ombudsman for the City of Johannesburg © 2025. Cape Town Offices. They can be contacted via phone at +27 11 470 3630 , visit Re port il legal connections If you know or suspect anyone with an illegal water or electricity connection, or notice people tampering with connections, please contact the City immediately at Joburg Connect on 0860 562 874 or 0860 × Close alert ALERT: Please note that this system requires all users to register before they can log faults using the 'Register' button below Joburg’s City Power has announced it will extend operating hours to 7pm in a bid to complete • Contact the Call Centre: For immediate assistance, you can reach out to City Power's call Hursthill sub station, City Power Business Profile: Contact Information, Customer Reviews, Rating & Accreditation, Customer Complaints, Business Details hombaze. City Power | 3,506 followers on LinkedIn. Joburg Water sends out meter readers on a monthly basis to read the domestic City of Johannesburg Events Management Unit 2. 8. css"> Below you can find all the municipal & Eskom load shedding schedules for Johannesburg along with their associated load shedding blocks. Fax: 011 49. City of Johannesburg regions; Region B; The City's Strategic Priorities; (City Power) For each disconnection and each reconnection of supply: Disconnection notification only: R145,28 Contacting Joburg Water In supplying water and sanitation services to such a vast geographical area, Joburg Water has divided the City into six regions: Central D eep South R andburg/Roodepoort Midran d S a ndton S ow eto In Furthermore, it encourages customers to continue using the call centre number – 011 490 7484 – or the existing toll-free line 0800 202 925 and online portal to report their faults. City Power is responsible for providing electrical services to property owners in the City of Johannesburg that are not serviced by Eskom. ie Reg No: 114630 V. City Power Johannesburg is working in Public administration activities. Call the Customer Care Number 0860 Joburg or 0860 56 28 74 Will my email What you need to know about the amended Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy Understanding the amended Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy: ESP grant Your Contact Number (required) Your Email (required) Johannesburg Offices. On the 19th December 2001, the National Energy Regulator of South Africa Send an email to joburgconnect@joburg. Emergency telephone numbers are for This was the route taken in Johannesburg when City Power started its rollover project. Payments made via third parties can take days to reflect on your municipal account. Contact information for all power related issues such as electricity outages, meter issues, street lights and prepaid/smart meters. za Tel +27(0) 11 490 7000 Fax +27(0) 11 490 7590 Non-Executive City Power is 100% owned by the City of Johannesburg. Find contact details for City Power, including phone numbers, email addresses, and office locations. City Power services Rabie Ridge while Kaalfontein, Allandale, Ebony Park and Ivory Park are serviced by Eskom. TO log any fault, contact the Joburg Call Centre on 0860 562 874 or 0860-JOBURG, or phone Joburg Water on 011 688 1500. Home Number. If you have an old meter starting with numbers 070 and 071, it will be replaced with new smart meters, with numbers starting 076 and 077, as per City Power spokesperson, Isaac Mangena. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 2. This municipal online payment portal of services order will be issued. Update your address and help us keep in touch with you! ELECTRICITY is one of the key e-Joburg has been designed to be city smart, make life easier, more convenient, and more cost-effective for residents of Johannesburg. Some areas of Johannesburg have electricity supplied directly by Eskom. To determine if you are a City Power customer City Power will extend working hours and suspend penalty fees for non-vending customers as it races against the clock to complete the metering upgrades ahead of the looming Token Identifier COJ - City Power Tenders. Skip to content. JHB Road Agency What are the phone numbers for City Power? The phone numbers for City Power are: Customer Service: +27 114 Connect with City Power via Facebook at @City-Power-Johannesburg-Official_Page-931719430231394. Postnet Suite 013 Private Bag X11 Halfway House 1685. za Developed with City Power contact info: Phone number: +27 114907000 Website: www. com - Business Directory and online map for information City Power page of the www. Or call us 0114907484 / 0860562874 💡🔌 #JoburgUpdates #Joburgservices City Power is located in Johannesburg. Two, key in the second twenty digits of your Rico token and wait for it to be accepted. 1 Vision The vision of City Power is aligned to the vision of our shareholder, the City of Johannesburg: City Power’s Contacts Managing Director: Lerato Setshedi (011) 490-7320 lsetshedi@citypower. css"> 1. Phone 011 490 7 send Email Think Local This City of Joburg Rates and Taxes page includes information on Calculating Your Rates, Rates Policy, Property Rates Tariffs and more. Brochures Should you require further information, please contact our Call Centre on 086 099 5150 for any website-related queries. 9 billion in historic debt and R1. Phone : 353-1-2769200 Email : info@powercity. City Power will extend working hours and suspend penalty fees for non-vending customers as it races against the clock to complete the metering upgrades ahead of the looming Token Identifier Revenue customer services centre The City's revenue customer services centre is based st Thuso House, within a walking distance of the Metropolitan Centre, to the west of the City Power provides prepaid vending services for its customers. za (011) 490-7696 Lebo Maroane lmaroane@citypower. Pre-paid Queries: City Power Phone and Map of Address: 40 Heronmere Rd, Booysens, Gauteng, 2091, South Africa, Johannesburg, Business Reviews, Consumer Complaints and Ratings for This City of Joburg Electricity page includes information on Contacting City Power, Electricity, New Connections and more. You can find more information about City Power at CITY POWER I Business Plan 2021/22 2. Physical address City Parks House, 40 De Korte Street, Postal address Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo, PO Box 2824, Johannesburg, 2000. Email Address. Phone 011 490 7 send Email Think Local Find available bids and procurement opportunities from City Power. Call: 011 375 5555 option 2. 7. But City Power hit back City Power Employee? Employee SAP Number * Contact Details. 06:00 to 18:00 (Mon - Friday) 06:00 to 18:00 (Saturday) Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays. Transportation House, No 1 Raikes Road, Braamfontein, 2001. 0800 004 826. Contacting City Power; Tariffs; Meter Readings; Readings Online; Log a Fault; Payments; The Find information on City Power's tariffs and charges for electricity services in Johannesburg. City Power is working in Libraries activities. "><p>The City offers a single point of contact to streamline its service to you – by doing so it keeps track of all incoming requests, comments, suggestions or complaints. The City of Joburg MMC for Environment and Infrastructure Services Department (EISD) Cllr Tania Oldjohn has expressed her satisfaction that City Power is doing its best to ensure that Billing Queries Rates Department Problems Help Incorrect Accounts General Contact Number – City of Tshwane Municipality Council Read more; City Power Johannesburg Contact Accounts Department Faulty Meter Queries Inner City Areas Customer Service Centre address Services Offered Hours Thuso House Customer Service Centre 61 Jorissen Street Braamfontein (customer entrance is via Stiemens Customer care is usually the first point of contact for visitors or callers. za City Power Johannesburg postal code 2094. Contact Person * Mobile Number * This will be your username. za Find local services × Close alert ALERT: Please note that this system requires all users to register before they can log faults using the 'Register' button below Find contact information for City Power, such as: a phone number (01140), email (. Call Centre: (011) 375 5555 Physical: 40 Heronmere Road, Reuven, Booysens Postal: PO Box 38766, Booysens, 2016 Tel : (011) 490 Johannesburg City Power says it will extend working hours and suspend penalty fees for non-vending customers as the deadline for prepaid electricity meter upgrades approaches. za website Call Centre: (011) 375 5555 Physical: 40 Heronmere Road, Reuven, Booysens Postal: PO Box 38766, Booysens, 2016Tel : (011) 490 City Power Johannesburg 40 Heronmere Road Reuven Johannesburg PO Box 38766 Booysens 2016 www. There are also areas where the electricity is provided by Eskom, these areas may follow a different schedule - view the Eskom Loadshedding Schedule For Johannesburg. | City City Power Johannesburg, located at 40 Heronmere Road, Reuven, Johannesburg. za Tel +27(0) 11 490 7000 Fax +27(0) 11 490 7590 Non-Executive Option 1 - Account and billing queries/ self-help balance enquires. Citiq Prepaid Sovereign Quay <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles. Prepaid/Smart metering. Call: 0860 562 874 option 2. “The new City Power is located in Booysens, Pretoria. Street lights 4. The reconnection of your services takes up to 72 hours to be fully Diale Josiah Lodi. This includes: 1. The p re-paid system Pre-paid electricity tokens are the ideal way to stay in control of your electricity budget. Joburg Energy Usage Issue 18 –March 2019 Group Strategy, Policy Coordination and Relations For further information Please contact: Kate Joseph KateJ@Joburg. Hursthill sub station, City Power is working in Corporate Meter Readings After supply services are dependent on readings taken from each consumer’s water meter. It is divided into One, key in the first 20 digits of your recode token and wait for it to be accepted. Details of Contact Person Title Name Surname Telephone Number Mobile Number Fax Number E-mail Address 1. It handles general enquiries and complaints by telephone, e-mail, fax or face-to-face at the centre. 4041 VAT exclusive, or R0. To verify City Power employees and contractors, please contact City Power’s 24hr Security Services Control room on (011) 490 7900/7911/7553/7504 or send a WhatsApp on 083 579 City Power provides electricity services and solutions to the residents and businesses of Johannesburg. za City Power, located at 41 Fricker Str, Booysens, Johannesburg. Pre-paid Queries: City Power Johannesburg 40 Heronmere Road Reuven Johannesburg PO Box 38766 Booysens 2016 www. Telephone You can phone our Call Centre and give your meter reading to the Call Centre Agent. Get the latest business Southern Johannesburg, Eldorado Park, Ennerdale, Lenasia and Orange Farm Customer Service Centre address Services Offered Hours Lenasia Civic Centre cnr Rose Avenue and Eland Contacts: City Power Johannesburg is a municipal entity responsible for the distribution of electricity in the City of Johannesburg, South Africa. - Faulty meters - Change meters - Meter inspections - Wrong readings - Number of implausible e-Joburg Home Other queries contact us on: 0860 562 874 Joburg Connect eMail Support. Citiq Prepaid Capital Hill Morkels Close Midrand. All property holders are required to pay an average of two months' deemed The first step in the query process is to log your query with the City's Joburg’s call centre: 0860 Joburg or 0860 56 28 74 or sending an e-mail to: joburgconnect@joburg. You can contact Stay updated on City Power's loadshedding schedule and find essential information on how it affects your area. Your Johannesburg, 2000 joburgconnect@joburg. Electricity outages 2. Our website URL Log In Log In City Power Contact City Power for inquiries and assistance through their official contact page. Chief Director: Integrated Development and Spatial Planning. 4607 VAT inclusive, and R15 is the minimum purchase value. It distributes electricity, bought from bulk generators, to Joburg, keeping the city’s residents warm and its lights burning. City Power Johannesburg 40 Heronmere Road Reuven Johannesburg PO Box 38766 Booysens 2016 www. The current tariff is R0. City Power Johannesburg - Official_Page, Booysens, Gauteng, South Africa. Residents living in these areas should direct their enquiries directly to the Eskom Sharecall number: 08600ESKOM (0860037566) Find out how to contact City Power for billing, outages, emergency, and other services in Johannesburg. City Power Call Center 1. Please contact us to log a call by calling the I have to compliment the JHB City Power team/teams that came to sort out our problem. za Tel +27(0) 11 490 7000 Fax +27(0) 11 490 7590 Non-Executive City Power Johannesburg Contact Accounts Faulty Smart Pre Paid Meter Queries Problems City Power Outages City Power Contact Number Possible causes of high bills for consumption of electricity The meter reader has not visited your property, and an estimated reading has been used by the City / City Power Johannesburg (Pty) Ltd City Power Johannesburg (Pty) Ltd. Areas Digg out details of City Power, Florida Park in Johannesburg with all reviews and ratings. 40 Heronmere Road ×---Service + call price * This phone number available for 3 min is not the recipient’s number Contact City Power’s Call Centre: The toll free number is 0800 202 925. The City's banking details are: Bank: Standard Bank Account: No bank details will be supplied only the unique beneficiary number allocated to COJ i. Option 2 – City Power. Deceased Estate · Copy of the executorship letter – letter of appointment · That person's original or certified copy of ID · 3 months bank statement of the executor · Need a copy of the Get updates and information on power outages and repairs in Johannesburg from City Power's official Twitter account. It is one of the major E-Services; Campaigns; Priorities; Procurement; Recent; Herman; A-Z; Privacy Policy; Terms and Conditions; Notices; Feasibility Study for Alternative Waste Treatment Find information on current power outages, planned maintenance, and restoration times from City Power. e. co. 2. Home; Home; Local business; City View open tenders and opportunities at City Power. Please remember to have your account number available. City Power made a bold promise to send 200 City Power officials out to people's City Power page of the www. T No: 4808938e To ensure that there is no delay in the City receiving payment. Fraudulent actions include: Electricity A meter that has been removed and Once you have dialled 0860 56 28 74 or 0860-JOBURG, a voice recording guides you to the appropriate option:There is a range of these: Account and billing enquiries: select option 1 – please remember to have your account number Log your query Once you have dialled 0860 56 28 74 or 0860-JOBURG, a voice recording guides you to the appropriate option: T here is a range of these: Account and billing enquiries: select option 1 – please remember to have your With less than 125 days to go, Joburg Market is gearing up to host the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) conference from 14 to 16 May 2025. za Tel +27(0) 11 490 7000 Fax +27(0) 11 490 7590 Non-Executive This page shows the loadshedding schedule and information for areas in Johannesburg whose electricity is provided by City Power. css"> Western Johannesburg, Roodepoort and Doornkop Customer Service Centre address Services Offered Hours Roodepoort Civic Centre 100 Christiaan De Wet Road Florida Park Accounts A S its name implies, City Power powers the city. The City will issue the reconnection order and send a contractor to reconnect your meter. za website. support@placedigger. <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles. Electric Utility Company City Power, Gauteng, customer reviews, location map, phone numbers, working hours City Power Joburg Market Johannesburg City Parks Johannesburg Development Agency Johannesburg Property Company Johannesburg Roads Agency Johannesburg Social Phone: 011 49. Your details incorrect? CITY POWER Booysens Johannesburg Gauteng South Africa. za 0860 56 28 74 You can contact us in the following ways (011) 358-3408/9 VAT NO: CITY OF JOHANNESBURG 4760117194 VAT NO: City Power disconnected over 120 housing units with bypassed prepaid meters in Kliptown Square, Johannesburg. Please note that this option only deals with General Manager (South) Lenasia, Klipspruit, Hursthill, Reuven & Roodepoort Rakefa Makgoro 011-490-7827 083-704-9336 rmakgoro@citypower. </p><p>Calls are The webpage provides information on the service connection process for City Power customers. Amend City Power Johannesburg is located in Johannesburg. . Another option General account queries; For any query regarding City accounts, contact Joburg Connect on 0860 562 874 or fax your query to 011 358 3408/09 or email your query to joburgconnect@joburg. Developed by Bitsapiens Joburg City Power was established as a separate company from the City of Johannesburg on 1 January 2000. Privacy Statement. You can find City Power. Business Web-page Address 1. See the phone numbers, email addresses, and physic City Power is 100% owned by the City of Johannesburg. citypower. ), website, business opening hours, address and more City Power in Johannesburg. 3. See Google profile, Phone, Website and more for this business. You can contact the company at 076 714 2014. You can contact the company at 011 470 3630. za. You can find more information about City Power at City Power Johannesburg 40 Heronmere Road Reuven Johannesburg PO Box 38766 Booysens 2016 www. See below for a list of COJ - City Power Tenders that may form part of the official COJ - City Power Tender Bulletin. World of Sunpower proudly announcing that after the success In solar industry we are coming into wind energy, borehole pumps and Electric vehicle industry. Why is Joburg City Safety Strategy; Contacts; Contact; Court Papers; City Power Johannesburg (Pty) Limited is a separate company, with the City of Johannesburg as its sole shareholder. con@. o All customers are correctly and timely billed. za What does City Power do? City Power was established in 2001 as an power park ( UJ side), Holomisa informal settlement, Nacefield compound, Orlando Ekhaya Tshokolo Khoele 078 983 1768 011 933 3226 ReynetteM@joburg. SMS opt-out Preferences (tick to opt out) Outage Notifications. Other Areas supplied by City Power in Johannesburg: Old Block Number: New Block Number: Academic Hospital, Berea, Braam Park, Brenhurst Clinic, Contact details. 072 282 3264 . This is the official Page of City Power Johannesburg. And three, key in the 20 digits of Refunds are given on credit balances and deposits once a City account has been closed. org. I logged a street light issue on 6/10/2022 and the team arrived 7/10/2022! The fault was underground CONTACT; Johannesburg. These are any interference by unauthorised persons with the City’s power or water networks, or with meters. govpage. The newly-installed prepaid meters were disconnected on Wednesday and penalties were Register as a supplier with City Power by filling out the application form on their website. Joburg Contact Us; City Parks and Zoo. You may also log a fault on the Johannesburg water website Hursthill sub station, City Power Johannesburg postal code 2092. Are you registered with any of Expanded Social Package (ESP) Registration This rebate applies to homeowners & tenants of residential properties, South African Citizens who are unemployed or have limited income and City Power; Joburg Market; Johannesburg City Parks; Johannesburg Development Agency; Johannesburg Property Company; Johannesburg Roads Agency; Johannesburg Social Housing Company; Joburg City Safety The City of Johannesburg receives numerous returned statements due to incorrect addresses. za WHEN faced with an emergency – be it medical or accident – the team Joburg residents turn to is the City’s emergency management services (EMS). Diale@gauteng. As we coming into new . These tenders can consist of Request for Information (RFI), Request for Quotation (RFQ), THE Group Legal & Contracts Directorate is responsible for ensuring that all actions and decisions of the council's structures are in compliance with the legal framework of the City Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo will be removing 312 trees along the Delta-Orlando 88kV power servitude along the Braamfontein spruit in the Parkhurst area. "> Suburb Contact number Alexandra 011 445 4900 Alra Park (Satellite) 011 819 1908 Bank City Power Johannesburg is a local government office, located at Westlake Rd, Florida, Johannesburg, 1710, South Africa. com; PlaceDigger - South Africa. 073 568 4097. Using web portal: City Power. Meter issues 3. City Power Customer Queries Contact Number Tender Queries : Telephone: 011 490 7112 Fax: 011 870 3688 E-mail: hpretorius AT citypower. gov. Customer-focused energy services company, operating and maintaining the Johannesburg's electricity distribution network. You will need to quote your account This City of Joburg Stations page includes information and contact details of stations in the City. Brought to you by <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles. See Google profile and more for this business. 39,028 likes · 422 talking about this · 499 were here. "> Government numbers Report a crime 086001-0111 Report City Power Johannesburg | 1,043 followers on LinkedIn. Why new Contacting City Power; Tariffs; Meter Readings; Readings Online; Log a Fault; Payments; The Pre-Paid System; Emergency contact numbers. za advising your account number, and the new address. Click on an area to see the full schedule, or use the search at the top of the page. These Powercity Limited. City Power is working in Utilities activities. za Sponsored Links: Related / Similar City power light the way in Johannesburg, report outages, faults and compliments in the link below. Josiah. AA45 FAQ's for more information City Power is unable to provide any information to councillors regarding. 9. A. Event Safety Officer *Name: Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for CITY POWER JOHANNESBURG (PTY) LTD of JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG. Home; You may elect to log any fault by contacting Joburg Connect on 0860 562 874 or 0860 E-Services; Campaigns; Priorities; Procurement; Recent; Herman; A-Z; Privacy Policy; Terms and Conditions; Notices; Feasibility Study for Alternative Waste Treatment Answer: The City of Johannesburg is constantly working to upgrade systems and improve procedures to deal with inaccuracies in its billing. za General Manager – (MAOS) Manage City Power provides reliable electrical services, career opportunities, and updates on power outages in Johannesburg. They are also issued for inactive accounts that have a credit balance. Visit the utility’s Customer Service Centres: Staff will assist you in verifying your meter status. SearchInAfrica. You can contact the company at 011 490 7000. za This City of Joburg Emergency Contacts page includes information and contact details of the City's emergency entities. Phone: 0860 Joburg or 0860 56 28 74 or sending an e-mail to: joburgconnect@joburg. Event Organiser *Name: *Surname: *Organisation *Designation *Contact Number *Email Address 3. 5 Cybo Score. za Tel +27(0) 11 490 7000 Fax +27(0) 11 490 7590 Non-Executive City Power Johannesburg 40 Heronmere Road Reuven Johannesburg PO Box 38766 Booysens 2016 www. When calling, Eskom published a notice on Thursday to warn electricity supply to Johannesburg would be disrupted because City Power owed it R4. Please find your new pin number printed on your latest Original Tax Invoice or alternatively contact Joburg's Call Centre contact us on sales. City Power (Greater Johannesburg Address Johannesburg Water SOC LTD 17 Harrison Street Marshalltown Johannesburg 2107. For any municipal service queries, please call 0860 562 874. egzgo lorkp vzgy xbrfr lkae ppgcbg kxu ciim eolya uatrsr