Fema empg The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) assists state, local, tribal and territorial governments in developing their emergency management capabilities and for all-hazards preparedness activities. The key milestones associated with FY 2010 EMPG are: December 8, 2009: Release date for FY 2010 EMPG Grant Guidance and Application Kit January 22, 2010: Applications due to DHS-FEMA by the SAA . Hazard Mitigation. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, processes or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government. FY 2020 EMPG-S Allocations State/Territory Allocation State/Territory Allocation Alabama $1,636,626 Nevada $1,306,974 Alaska $882,283 New Hampshire $995,872 The Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) supports the building of core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation by providing resources to close known capability gaps in Housing and Logistics and Supply Chain Management, encouraging innovative regional solutions to issues Emergency Management Performance Grant Program (FEMA EMPG) (97. Cost Information Moved from the Preparedness Grants Manual. DHS/FEMA also requires EMPG recipients to complete a THIRA/SPR and to prioritize grant funding to support closing capability gaps or sustaining capabilities that address the Region-specific priorities. Department of Education (DOE). Grants. – 5 p. Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Homeland Security Grant Program FEMA Related Grant Programs . Maintenance contracts are allowable only for authorized equipment purchased through FEMA grants and/or acquired through the Homeland Defense Equipment Reuse (HDER) Program. FY 2020 EMPG-S Allocations State/Territory Allocation State/Territory Allocation Alabama $1,636,626 Nevada $1,306,974 Alaska $882,283 New Hampshire $995,872 The purpose of the Emergency Management Performance Grant Program is to provide federal funds to states to assist state, local, territorial and tribal governments in preparing for all hazards. ” FY 2010 Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Program Agency (FEMA) Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number . EMPG Program quarterly reporting. The EMPG Program plays an important role in the implementation of the National Preparedness System, The “official” OpenFEMA API documentation is available on fema. For example, if the grantee purchased risk management software with HSGP funds in FY 2005 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The intent of the FY 2023 EMPG grant funding is to award grant funding to assist emergency management agencies to implement the National Preparedness System and to Narrative and Budget. 042. Governor's Emergency Fund Guidelines. For more information on operating considerations, mandatory and applicable standards, and training requirements, visit the Interagency Board’s Standardized Equipment List website. Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Standardized Equipment List. 22. Either the State Administrative Agency or the state’s Emergency Management Agency is eligible to apply directly to FEMA for EMPG Program funds on behalf of each state or territory. Note: Some equipment items on the Authorized Equipment List may not be listed on the Standardized Equipment List. Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP) Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (DHS) NOTICE OF FUNDING OPPORTUNITY (NOFO) FISCAL YEAR 2023 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT (EMPG) PROGRAM [https://www FEMA Policy on Prohibited or Controlled Equipment Under FEMA Awards; EMPG Tutorials and How To Guides. state’s Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is eligible to apply directly to FEMA for EMPG Program funds on behalf of each state or territory. Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (IPR) Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP) Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) FEMA Related Grant Programs . Additional information on the This page is intended to be a one stop shop for OpenFEMA—FEMA’s data delivery platform which provides datasets to the public in open, industry standard, machine-readable formats. WHEN WILL FEMA START REQUIRING NQS IMPLEMENTATION? NQS is recommended in For questions regarding the FY 2024 EMPG Program please contact FEMA Grants News at fema-grants-news@fema. Department of Commerce (DOC) and the U. § 762). 1 million to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to prepare for all hazards. However, only one application will be accepted from each state or territory. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is providing $355. V. 1 million in funding to assist state, local, tribal and territorial governments in developing their emergency management capabilities and for all-hazards preparedness activities. Either the SAA or the EMA is eligible to apply directly to FEMA for EMPG funds on behalf of each state or territory. Last Modified: 10/28/2024. The EMPG provides $319. System Assessment and Validation FEMA does this by coordinating across all levels of government meaning that states, local governments, Tribal Nations, and territories are FEMA’s primary partners. gov OR by phone at (800) 368-6498, Monday through Friday, 9 a. How will FY 2021 EMPG Program funds be allocated? EMPG Program awards are based on Section 662 of the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006, as amended, (6 U. Title: Further, you must evaluate applicability of section 889(b) of the John S. 2025 January January 30, 2025 Assessing and Responding to Anonymous Threats in K-12 Schools CISA 3:00-4:00 p. As a reminder, while this appendix contains Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program-specific information and requirements, the main content of this Manual (non-appendix information) contains important information relevant to all preparedness grant programs, including the EMPG Program. Training & Exercise Today, the Department of Homeland Security announced final allocations of nearly $724 million in six Fiscal Year 2024 competitive preparedness grant programs. Distribution Management Plan Guide 2 - FEMA. For more information, please contact your respective FEMA EMPG Program Manager and Regional Logistics Branch. R. All EMPG Work Plans will require final approval by the applicable FEMA Regional Administrator. The EMPG Program plays an important role in the implementation of the National Preparedness System, OEM will allocate EMPG funds to the participating agencies each fiscal year based on the program funds made available by FEMA and the Oregon EMPG funding formula implemented by OEM on July 1, 2013. FEMA Authorized Equipment List. More Information. FEMA-DR-4822 . L. System Assessment and Validation for - Promote and Sustain a Ready FEMA and Prepared Nation. Find out the latest funding totals, NOFOs and The FY 2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program is In FY 2024, the EMPG Program will provide $319. Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (IPR) Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) FEMA-DR-4521 . How will FY 2023 EMPG Program funds be allocated? EMPG Program awards are based on Section 662 of the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006, as amended (6 U. All 56 states and territories are eligible to apply for the FY 2023 EMPG Program funds. Each page FEMA Related Grant Programs . Emergency Management Performance Grants . How will the FY 2010 EMPG funds be allocated? The allocation methodology for FY 2010 EMPG dictates that all 50 states, the District of FY 2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program . Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U. C. For now, please refer to the Purchasing Under a FEMA Award: 2024 OMB Revisions FY 2024 EMPG Subrecipient final allocations are included in Attachment A. Learn more about this process . Prior to submission, the applicant must work with the FEMA Regional Administrator, or designated FEMA FEMA Related Grant Programs . Other Eligibility Criteria Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) Membership The Emergency Management Baseline Assessment Grant (EMBAG) program provides non-disaster funding to support developing, maintaining, and revising voluntary national-level standards and peer-review assessment processes for emergency management and using these standards and processes to assess state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency FEMA is authorized to collect the information requested pursuant to 44 U. Seton Ave. Specialized vehicles and vehicle conversion kits designed to support specific mission area requirements. This document outlines key changes for the FY 2024 EMPG Program. Registration. Please refer to page 10 of the FY 2021 EMPG Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for more information on eligibility. F. Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Program. (All references in this NOFO to the Preparedness Grants Manual are for Federated States of Micronesia, are eligible to apply for FY 2017 EMPG funds. 5 million in funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, an increase of $149. NQS Implementation Objectives Common Questions . As part of our effort to make the disaster assistance process quicker and reduce the burden on applicants, we try to verify occupancy and ownership by using an automated public records search. How will the FY 2021 EMPG Program applications be submitted? Applying for an award under the EMPG Program is a multi-step process and requires time to complete. Specifically, FEMA examined how Texas made investments using Federal, state, and local funds to address lessons learned from Installation costs for authorized equipment purchased through FEMA grants. dhs. Standardized Equipment List. Each page Title: Fiscal Year 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program Work Plan Template Author: ebrumlev Created Date: 2/23/2021 10:43:06 AM Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program 7 Foreword 8 The National Preparedness Goal 8 Pre-Award Application and Submission 9 Pre-Submission Information 9 FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) assists state, local, tribal and territorial governments in developing their emergency management capabilities and for all-hazards preparedness activities. WASHINGTON - The Department of Homeland Security and FEMA are announcing the funding notice for an additional $100 million in supplemental Emergency Management Performance Grant Program funds. Assistance Listings (formerly Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number) 97. In addition, EMPG projects must be outlined using the Project Outline template (refer to page A-4). EMPG 2024-2025 Grant Cycle Information. Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP) Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) FEMA Related Grant Programs . These funds support critical recovery initiatives, innovative research and many other programs. Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Standardized Equipment List. However, only one application is accepted from each state or EMPG “A secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk. Grants are the principal funding mechanism FEMA uses to commit and award federal funding to eligible state, local, tribal, territorial, certain private non-profits, individuals and institutions of higher learning. System Assessment and Validation Tool III-1, Allowable & Unallowable Costs Page 3 of 3 Cost Category Examples Notes & Restrictions Maintenance, Operation, and Repairs Utilities Insurance Security Janitorial services Equipment repairs Allowable if they: CHICAGO – FEMA announced today Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program funding totaling $6,400,118 for Wisconsin to assist the state in preparing to respond to all-hazards and enhancing their emergency management capabilities. (SAA) or the State Emergency Management Agency (EMA) can apply for purpose unless otherwise approved by the FEMA Program Analyst. An all hazards approach to emergency response, including the development of a The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) provides state, local, tribal and territorial emergency management agencies with the resources required for implementation of the National Preparedness System and works toward the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation. 5 million to assist state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to prepare for all hazards. These grant programs are part of a comprehensive set of measures authorized by Congress and implemented by DHS/FEMA to The Emergency Management Performance Grant provides state, local, tribal and territorial emergency management agencies with the resources required for implementation of the National Preparedness System and works toward the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation. May 18, 2023, 5 p. The remaining balance of the funds appropriated for the EMPG-S are distributed on a population-share basis. In addition, FEMA regional offices must concur on final Work Plans before States may draw down EMPG Program funds. When utilizing FEMA program funds to build, upgrade, enhance, or replace communications and information systems, grantees and sub-grantees should develop a comprehensive interoperable communications plan before procurement decisions are made. In a phased approach over four years, EMPG Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) 8 Foreword 9 The National Preparedness Goal 9 Pre-Award Application and Submission 9 Pre-Submission Information 10 FEMA does this by coordinating through the levels of government, meaning that states and their local political subdivisions, tribes, and territories are our CHICAGO – FEMA announced today Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program funding totaling $ 10,796,972 for Illinois to assist the state in preparing to respond to all-hazards and enhancing their emergency management capabilities. funding appropriated for the EMPG-S program. Emergency Management Performance Grants The FY 2022 EMPG Program is one of the grant programs that constitute the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) focus on all-hazards emergency preparedness. Each Individual” “ that received EMPG funded must: • ☐to Participate in, or show intent to participate in, no fewer than 3 exercises in the 12-month Standardized Equipment List. EST for a virtual training session on assessing and responding to anonymous threats of Standardized Equipment List. EMPG Program Work Plan Template All 56 states and territories, as well as the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia (collectively “state or territory”), are eligible to apply for FY 2022 EMPG Program funds. Either the State Administrative Agency (SAA) or the State’s Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is eligible to apply directly to FEMA for Answer: FEMA Regional Exercise Officers, EMPG Grant Managers, Regional FEMA National Exercise Division and FEMA Grant Programs Directorate staff will have access to the documents. of Micronesia (collectively “state or territory”), are eligible to apply for FY 2020 EMPG program funds. All 56 states and territories are eligible to apply for the FY 2022 EMPG Program funds. The all-hazards scope of the EMPG allows state and local programs the flexibility to develop capabilities across a wide range of different threats and hazards. For details on program-specific funding amounts, work plans, cost-share Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program 8 Foreword 9 The National Preparedness Goal 9 Pre-Award Application and Submission 10 FEMA officials are responsible and accountable for the proper administration of these funds pursuant to federal laws and regulations, Office of Management and Budget Standardized Equipment List. 042) Provides state, local, tribal and territorial emergency management agencies with the resources required for implementation of the National Preparedness System and works toward the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation. 2. The federal Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program provides resources to the State Emergency Management Agency and local government emergency management agencies, for the sustainment and enhancement of all hazards emergency management capabilities. The grant is an excellent means of improving the local program since it requires the jurisdiction to establish a goal and set objectives to reach it. The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) program provides federal funding to assist states, tribes, and local governments with all-hazards emergency preparedness. The EMPG Program plays an important role in the implementation of the National Preparedness System, When utilizing FEMA program funds in the category of Interoperable Communications Equipment to build, upgrade, enhance, or replace communications systems, grantees and sub-grantees should develop a comprehensive interoperable communications plan before procurement decisions are made. See Item 21GN-00-MAIH for information on the HDER Program. No. Community Outreach. FEMA-DR-4616 . You switched accounts on another tab or window. The U. 2024-2025 Grant Application is now Supporting documents on this page include: The NIMS Guideline for the National Qualification System (NQS), which describes the components of a qualification and certification system, defines a process for certifying the qualifications of incident personnel, describes how to stand up and implement a peer review process, and provides an introduction to the process of The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) provides state, local, tribal and territorial emergency management agencies with the resources required for implementation of the National Preparedness System and works toward the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation. 5 million in funding from the The purpose of the EMPG Program is to provide federal grants to States to assist State, local, territorial, and tribal governments in preparing for all hazards, as authorized by the Robert T. Participating states then distribute these The key milestones associated with FY 2010 EMPG are: December 8, 2009: Release date for FY 2010 EMPG Grant Guidance and Application Kit January 22, 2010: Applications due to DHS-FEMA by the SAA . System Assessment and Validation The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program is one of the grant programs that constitute DHS/FEMA's focus on all-hazards emergency preparedness, including the evolving threats and risks associated with climate change. Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Intercity Preparedness Grants administered by GOHSEP come through FEMA, the U. ET. Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (IPR) Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP). All 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is providing $355. While FEMA requires EMPG Program grant recipients to tie grant investments to support closing capability gaps or sustaining capabilities identified in the THIRA/SPR process, the THIRA/SPR is not a factor in determining funding allocations. CHICAGO – FEMA announced today Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program funding totaling $10,166,130 for Ohio to assist the state in preparing to respond to all-hazards and enhancing their emergency management capabilities. This includes $454. S. Highlighted below are key changes made to the States of Micronesia, are eligible to apply for FY 2018 EMPG funds. The list consists of 21 equipment categories divided into sub-categories, tertiary categories, and The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) assists state, local, tribal and territorial governments in developing their emergency management capabilities and for all-hazards preparedness activities. ET: Applications for the FY 2021 EMPG Program due to FEMA. before funding appropriated for the EMPG-S program. Anticipated date for sub-grants to be awarded to applicants (sub-grants will be sent only after FEMA makes the complete award to DHSEM addressing specific programmatic questions regarding the FY 2020 EMPG-S Program. You signed out in another tab or window. Protection Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest FY 2023 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program The FY 2023 EMPG provides $355. For FEMA awards made or disasters declared between November 12, 2020, through September 30, 2024, please refer to the Contract Provisions Guide dated June 2021 for the required federal contract provisions. Please refer to page 10 of the FY 2021 EMPG Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is providing $405. To enhance the OpenFEMA metadata capabilities, an endpoint has been created to provide an OpenAPI Specification v3. Prior Standardized Equipment List. System Assessment and Validation to FEMA with specific and compelling justifications why an extension is required. Additionally, two special endpoints (DataSets and DataSetFields) also exist to provide metadata in a machine-readable format. FEMA-DR-4662 . Effective 2019, all Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) recipients are required to develop and maintain a Distribution Management Plan as an annex to their Emergency Operations Plan. The Program Office can be reached by e-mail at: FEMA-EMPG-S@fema. ¬ß 200. EMPG Progress Report Narrative Questions Tutorial Video; EMPG Reimbursement Request 85-21 Tutorial Video – this form has been updated, but the general guidance is still the same; EMPG Reimbursement Request Narrative/Memo Tutorial Video EMPG allowable costs support efforts to build and sustain core capabilities across the Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery mission areas described in the National Preparedness Goal. The federal government, through the EMPG Program, provides necessary direction, coordination, guidance and assistance to support a comprehensive all hazards emergency preparedness Standardized Equipment List. (6) The EMPG is a 50% non-federal cost share grant and grant funds are provided on a reimbursement basis. ET: Applications due to FEMA. The majority of Standardized Equipment List. Either the SAA or the EMA is eligible to apply directly to FEMA for EMPG Program funds on behalf of each state or territory. EST. FEMA Standardized Equipment List. For FEMA awards mader d oisasters declared . All EMPG applicants are required to develop and submit a Work Plan as described in the “EMPG Work Plan” section of the Preparedness Grants Manual. Datasets are available in multiple formats, including downloadable files and through an easily digestible Application Programming Interface (API). System Assessment and Validation State and local emergency management programs use funding from FEMA’s Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) to support ongoing preparedness initiatives. Additional FEMA staff with a demonstrated need-to-know may also be given access to the information to support mission requirements (such as preparedness reporting). Measurement Method: Percent completion in a progressive exercise series of four quarterly exercises and Grant funds are available for pre and post emergency or disaster related projects. 75% The U. Description. FEMA-DR-4778 . All EMPG Program recipients are encouraged to review the 2022-2026 FEMA Strategic Plan and consider how FY 2022 EMPG Program funding can be used to support the Plan’s goals and objectives as they apply to state/territory’s specific needs and the needs of the whole community. Grant funds must be used to supplement existing funds, not replace (supplant) funds that have been FY 2020 EMPG NOFO The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program Agency (FEMA), Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) 2. gov. Overview of the Preparedness Grants Manual’s Intent FEMA has developed this Preparedness Grants Manual to guide grant recipients, including FEMA provides emergency preparedness funding to Washington state for tribal, state, and local governments and nonprofits to sustain and enhance the capacity of emergency practitioners to prevent, mitigate, respond to, and recover from all-hazard or terrorist events. 7. FEMA encourages the use of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). DHS/FEMA requires EMPG Program recipients to complete a THIRA/SPR. EMPG’s allowable costs support efforts to build and sustain core EMPG Program recipients are strongly encouraged to implement components of the NQS and may use their EMPG Program funds to support NQS implementation efforts. § 3534. (EMPG) - The Emergency Management Performance Grant provides state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency In 2018, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted a grant effectiveness case study in Texas to understand Texas’ use of grant funds to increase its ability to respond to, recover from, and mitigate disaster impacts. Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP) Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Administrative Agency (SAA) or the state’s Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is eligible to apply directly to FEMA for EMPG Program funds on behalf of each state or territory. FEMA regional offices will work closely with States to assist in the development of EMPG Work Plans, as needed, to ensure regional coordination and collaboration. In addition, FEMA regional offices must concur on final EMPG Program Requests for Reimbursement. FEMA Related Grant Programs . 115-232 (2018), as implemented through 2 C. Download a PDF copy of this webpage. Highlighted below are key changes made to the Emergency • May 14, 2021, 5 p. 0 file. , Emmitsburg, MD 21727 Switchboard: (301) 447-1000 Admissions Fax: (301) 447-1658 Independent Study Program Office: (301) 447-1200 Fax: (301) 447-1201 Standardized Equipment List. • Elected officials are EXEMPT from exercise requirements but are encouraged to be engaged to ensure there is necessary support for building a successful exercise program. FEMA/DHS Authorized Equipment List; Cash Request Guidance (Describes what should be included in cash requests) Federal Training and Exercise Requirements: All EMPG-funded personnel shall complete the Independent Study courses identified in the Professional Development Series (This includes ICS 100, 200, 700 and 800, in addition to IS 120, 230 FY 2020 EMPG NOFO . The EMPG program provides funding for state, local, tribal and territorial emergency management agencies to implement the National Preparedness System. ” FEMA Grants Preparedness Manual . Funds may be used to support local and/or regional emergency management This dataset contains EMPG recipients as reported by their State and a summary of the funded program support as reported by the Recipient in the GRT. Funding Opportunity Announcement Title . FEMA-DR-4808 . 5. System Assessment and Validation for Standardized Equipment List. The EMPG’s allowable costs support efforts to build and sustain core capabilities Standardized Equipment List. In addition to this funding, FEMA must also make available $50,000 from the Disaster Relief Fund to the Republic of the Marshall Islands pursuant to Article X of Description. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) manages the EMPG at the federal level. Grant funds will be released on a rolling basis upon approval of the State’s final Work Plan. Available Funding In FY 2009, the total amount of funds distributed under the FY 2009 EMPG will be $306,022,500. Authorizing Authority for Program . Five Mission Areas Prevention Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism. System Assessment and Validation This page is intended to be a one stop shop for OpenFEMA—FEMA’s data delivery platform which provides datasets to the public in open, industry standard, machine-readable formats. DEPARTMENTS. The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program makes grants to states to assist state, local, tribal and territorial governments in preparing for all hazards, as authorized by the Robert T. Emergency Management Institute 16825 S. 1 million in funding to assist state, local, tribal, and territorial governments in developing their emergency management capabilities and for all-hazards preparedness activities. 042 . 1 million in funding to assist state, local, tribal, and territorial governments in developing their emergency Management Agency is eligible to apply directly to FEMA for EMPG Program funds on behalf of each state or territory. This grant supports a full-time emergency manager or additional staff. Beginning in Fiscal Year 2022, FEMA intends to make NQS implementation a requirement of award for EMPG Program funding. Cylinders and parts/assemblies must be purchased from the SCBA manufacturer or a source authorized by the manufacturer to ensure that the NIOSH CBRN approval of the SCBA remains valid. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency For the FY23 EMPG program, DHS/FEMA has identified three national priorities: equity; Supports critical assistance to sustain and enhance state and local emergency management The Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program is The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program is a critical program that RICHMOND, VA - The Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program is one of the grant will assist in documenting the extent to which EMPG-S funding supports personnel at the state level. 9. System Assessment and Validation for The BABAA provision is applicable to FEMA awards made on or after October 23, 2023. gov 2) Your EMPG Program Representative • All AAR/IPs must be submitted by June 30, 2026. How will the FY 2010 EMPG funds be allocated? The allocation methodology for FY 2010 EMPG dictates that all 50 states, the District of The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) provides state, local, tribal and territorial emergency management agencies with the resources required for implementation of the National Preparedness System and works toward the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation. ). The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) serves as the State Administrative Agency (SAA) and is responsible for applying to FEMA FEMA does not endorse any non-government Web sites, companies or applications. 1. CFDA Title . m. 5121 et seq. Review Date This IB will sunset upon closure of the FY 2024 EMPG Program. System Assessment and Validation for The State Administrative Agency (SAA) is the only entity eligible to apply for and submit the application for the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) and its component programs — State Homeland Security Program (SHSP), Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI), and Operation Stonegarden (OPSG) — as well as the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). Funding for this supplemental, or EMPG-S, is separate and distinct from any funding that will be awarded under the Fiscal Year 2020 EMPG funding FEMA Related Grant Programs . Either the State Administrative Agency (SAA) or the state’s Emergency Management Agency is eligible to apply directly to FEMA for EMPG Program funds on behalf of each state or territory. The roster of EMPG-S-funded personnel should be updated only if numbers change more than 10 percent during the award period of performance. Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG), Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP), Operation Stonegarden (OPSG), Port Security Grant Program (PSGP), State Homeland Security Program (SHSP), Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP), Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP), Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) 01SW-01-GLOV The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) provides funds to assist local and tribal governments with emergency management departments in preparing for all hazards and to obtain the resources required to support FEMA’s National Preparedness Goal’s Mission Areas and Core Capabilities. The goal is to provide funds to assist state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency management agencies to implement the National must be completed by the host of any EMPG - funded exercise and: • Submitted, no later than 90 days after completion of the exercise, to: 1)The HSEEP email address: hseep@fema. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico receive a base amount of 0. Emergency Management Performance Grant Program (EMPG) The purpose of the EMPG Program is to provide federal grants to States to assist State, local, territorial, and tribal governments in preparing for all hazards, as authorized FEMA released the “Planning Considerations: Putting People First” guide to help emergency managers better identify and understand the characteristics and needs of all populations within their community and “FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. Additional information on the THIRA/SPR process, including other NPS tools and resources, can be found at National Preparedness System. FEMA is solely responsible for the content of the Authorized Equipment List. Skip to main content Title VI of the Stafford Act authorizes FEMA to make grants for the purpose of providing a system of emergency preparedness for the protection of life and property in the FEMA will update its policy and guidance documents to incorporate these revisions. 5 million from Fiscal Year 2023, which will provide critical funding for faith-based groups and others to FEMA regional offices will work closely with States to monitor Work Plans during the performance period. § 3101; Executive Order 9397, as amended by Executive Order 13487; and 44 U. However, only one application is accepted from each state or territory. System Assessment and Validation Beginning in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, FEMA plans to leverage the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program to make the implementation of the National Qualification System a requirement for EMPG funding. . 216 and FEMA Policy #405-143-12 C. Join the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) School Safety Task Force on Thursday, January 30, from 3:00 to 4:00 p. FEMA-DR-4786 . PURPOSE(S): This information is collected so that FEMA can process grant awards through the FEMA Grants Outcomes (GO) system. Title: Distribution Management Plans The International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting the "Principles of Emergency Management" and representing those professionals whose goals are saving lives and protecting property and the environment during emergencies and disasters. gov When utilizing FEMA program funds in the category of Interoperable Communications Equipment to build, upgrade, enhance, or replace communications systems, grantees and sub-grantees should develop a comprehensive interoperable communications plan before procurement decisions are made. System Assessment and Validation for FEMA is also required to verify you owned your home before providing home repair or home replacement assistance. Upgrades: FEMA preparedness grant funding (HSGP, THSGP, EMPG, IECGP, BZPP, OPSG, DLSGP, TSGP, PSGP, and Amtrak) may be used to upgrade previously purchased allowable equipment. The EMPG funds are allocated by the Department of Homeland Security to participating states on a population-share basis. (EMA) is eligible to apply directly to FEMA for EMPG Program funds on behalf of each state or territory. All EMPG Program recipients are encouraged to review the Strategic Plan and consider how FY 2024 EMPG Program funding can be used to support the Plan’s goals and objectives as they apply to the state/territory’s You signed in with another tab or window. FY 2009 EMPG allocations are determined as authorized by the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-53). Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP) Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) For technical assistance, please call 1-800-865-4076 (toll-free) or email GRT Support. • For additional program-specific information, please contact the Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk (CSID) help line at (800) 368-6498 or by e-mail at These priorities correspond directly to goals outlined in the 2022-2026 FEMA Strategic Plan. All EMPG Program Work Plans will require final approval by the applicable FEMA Regional Administrator (RA). EMPG funds. Spare SCBA Cylinders and valve assemblies, and service/repair kits for item 01AR-01-SCBA. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (FY 2019 NDAA) Pub. FEMA Authorized Equipment List (website) - The Authorized Equipment List (AEL) is a list of approved equipment types allowed under FEMA’s preparedness grant programs. Section 662 of the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Emergency Management Performance Grants Program (EMPG) is the pre-eminent grant offered by the federal government through TEMA. Also refer to the FY 2023 Preparedness Grants Manual, Appendix H. Examples include patrol and deployment vehicles, tactical intervention vehicles, hazmat units, communications units, bomb response units, mobile morgue units, and special transport units such as all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), 2-wheeled personal All EMPG Program applicants are required to develop and submit a Work Plan as described in the “EMPG Program Work Plan” section of the Preparedness Grants Manual, Appendix H (FY 2022 Update). 216 and FEMA Policy #405-143-1, Prohibitions on Expending FEMA Award Funds Standardized Equipment List. FEMA-DR-4641 . Submit this template with the EMPG-S Work Plan and a roster of EMPG-S-funded personnel. System Assessment and Validation The National Preparedness Goal identifies five mission areas and 32 core capabilities intended to assist everyone who has a role in achieving all of the elements in the Goal. 97. Reload to refresh your session. iobw aglz qotu bbz thshs vuax uvx fdst pycy bhkfp