Wkwebview observe javascript example all you need to do is wait when the processing gets completed pass it to the Swift using javascript's bridge to ios (WKScriptMessageHandler) Use the following code to get the base64 string from javascript to Swift. zero, configuration: configuration) Update. postMessage(JSON. Mar 29, 2017 · For example getting anything from the indexedDB in the webview. After loading it inside a controller, I noticed that JavaScript is not called on some pages (for example, buttons that open the dialer to call and social sharing buttons don't work). Oct 29, 2014 · In contrast WKWebView offers a full-blown configuration (via WKWebViewConfiguration), navigation (via WKNavigationDelegate), estimated loading progress, and evaluating JavaScript. To get the communication working, i am using the evaluateJavaScript() method to send data Aug 20, 2015 · Passing a native object to javascript is complex, especially for WKWebView which runs in multi-process mode. 1) I need to run my javascript from online html, However if I move url from index to another page, my print message does not working at al May 27, 2019 · I'm trying to call a native WKWebView method, but nativescript keeps saying that the evaluateJavaScript function is undefined. WebViewJsBridge-iOS 是 JavaScript 与 iOS 通信的桥接库,支持 UIWebView & WKWebView。 - al-liu/WebViewJsBridge-iOS Mar 15, 2020 · With this tutorial, we explored the basic features of WKWebView, and also combining powerful features from SwiftUI, Objective-C, UIKit to build a simple web browser. new, context: nil) } Jun 28, 2021 · The Swift callAsyncJavaScript() method executes the provided JavaScript String as an asynchronous JavaScript function inside a WebKit instance. Jun 24, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. SwiftUI example of WKWebView loading local file (including css and images) or html string, and calling between Javascript and Swift. While I can use evaluateJavaScript() to execute javascript code to modify the page content. This is useful if you need to really pull out some kind of data. Use it when web technologies satisfy your app’s layout and styling requirements more readily than native views. 5 we have finally an API to deal with downloads. loadHTMLString method. Apr 17, 2019 · WKWebView comes under WebKit framework. I was on vacation and hoping I might get a few more answers. SWIFT Oct 15, 2019 · The Javascript on the other side would have exposed the function and would expect jsondata as parameter and once it receives the data, it will parse it carry the operation required as shown For many years now, JavaScript has been able to make HTML elements, like videos or canvas games, full screen in browsers, and now they can do that in your apps too. viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after lvaring the view Sep 25, 2015 · I can get javaScript to execute fine using WkWebView evaluateJavascript method, but when I try to execute window. com // navigation types: linkActivated, formSubmitted Jun 17, 2021 · You can still use the underPageBackgroundColor on the WKWebView and observe it in similar manner like with themeColor. Here's an example to get you started: Oct 31, 2017 · Working with WKWebView is better to create it from code. 2017-12-23 00:46:29. With the help of Safari debugger, you can see what's really going on inside WKWebView, which is really cool. However, WKWebView supports message passing API. body. If I press this button the Javascript function "getLocation()" will be called, see below. In this website is also a button to locate you. Is synchronous communication between JavaScript and Swift/Obj-C native code possible using the WKWebView? These are the approaches I have tried and have failed. 10, use WKWebView to add web content to your app. Only one possible way is asynchronous way using WKUserContentController. But my real goal is to pass a variable to webview from Swift and run a script on the webview. S. (An equivalent version of the app that runs on Android , and uses webView works ok - the fetch request, is intercepted in webView via shouldInterceptRequest . For example, the search button on Google executes a javascript command to load the page. Then in Nov 26, 2018 · This approach at least ensures the javascript runs while the app is active and doesn't effect the UI. So i put that protocol as following Jun 20, 2019 · Hi @GustavoVollbrecht. May 11, 2016 · You can re-evaluate (override) Javascript console. 2). so when I click on any PDF in the research papers, PDF gets loaded into webview, so is there a way to detect and enable a download icon in wkWebView. 0 (iOS 12. The app crashes as a result. Here is a simple example of wrapping a WKWebView in a UIViewRepresentable. 3 and iOS 14. Note that because we are modifying a property, the UIViewRepresentable is a final class rather than a struct. In this example I’m using two components, evaluateJavaScript on the web view and addScriptMessageHandler on the controller to demonstrate passing information May 6, 2020 · Im trying to add an observer for when my WKWebview is loading/loaded, but it only fires when it's loaded. Apr 10, 2020 · Cookie storage should not affect page behavior, so describe what unexpected behavior you observe, without digging cookie storage. Feb 13, 2018 · I develop a mobile application and my application have to connect a website. Have you tried using the webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) method as your callback for when the window loads, in place of a javascript callback? Swift usually isn't communicative with the window in WKWebView until it's fully loaded - at which point the didFinish method is the first thing called. new in that line of code means "when the value changes, tell me the new value. Oct 29, 2014 · iOS 8 adds WKWebView with a powerful interface to JavaScript running inside the frame. It's possible to connect Safari browser on your Mac to the WKWebView and get access to the console. webkit is not defined. Hybrid apps often use the WKWebView to display the web app part. css ). k. js (which is the library) and darkmode-options. The code he writes it's then pushed to the iOS app (downloaded from an enterprise app store). I tried to add the string on the answer to the question to my Info. Javascript is disabled by default. 0 by implementing the decidePolicyFor: navigationAction: method for the WKNavigationDelegate. Feb 22, 2016 · I am migrating from UIWebView to WKWebView with my local HTMLs in the app documents folder. addObserver(self, forKeyPath: #keyPath(WKWebView. Oct 19, 2016 · You can intercept requests on WKWebView since iOS 8. To navigate the symbols, press Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow or Right Arrow Jul 12, 2017 · I'm trying to catch every onClick event in WKWebView. Alert Example Mar 19, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. According to wwdc 17 there is a way to observe cookies changes in WKWebView in iOs 11 (WebsiteDataStore. atDocumentEnd, forMainFrameOnly: true) Jan 10, 2022 · In my SwiftUI App, i used a WKWebView to update some html tags from native side, using SwiftUI TextFields. that it's not working) - so I'm printing a few harmless dots and x's to make something out of it. However, most of the cases you mention have already been tested. This can be any JavaScript you want, which effectively means you can dig right into a page and pull out any kind of information you want. You can also set this property to define the background color of the webView when user scrolls past the content. - vasilevkin/WKWebViewLocalAssets This causes loading errors when WKWebView attempts to load index. Is there a function for the WKWebView class that allows you to detect whenever the URL of that WebView has changed? The didCommit and didStartProvisionalNavigation functions don't always seem to f May 27, 2020 · In both they mention how Triggering Javascript Functions from Swift AND Receiving Javascript Messages Anyway, if you execute this function in JavaScript: window. The key point is to design a unique browser interface. Thank you for your contribution but unfortunately we are still unable to catch the window. func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Swift. P. title), options: . I've attempted to observe using numerous different JavaScript evaluations, and have tried the code in different places (ie. But at the time of writing this (June, 2021), documentation is still quite limited: WKDownloadDelegate Nov 17, 2024 · SwiftUI: inject javascript into a page in WKWebView, call javascript function from swift, call swift function from javascript - SampleSwiftJSInteraction. See: Jun 1, 2016 · EDIT: Just to clarify, the javascript code is written by a javascript developer (who doesn't have access to the native source code, so he can't debug the app via Xcode). httpCookieStore). Or you can return true or false from your JS code to signify whether the action succeeded. /css/style. Any operation regarding the native object needs to cross process boundary. Apr 12, 2019 · I just build my app with WKWebView with swift 4. camera_button"). Feb 16, 2020 · I am looking for solution for iOS 13 SDK WKWebview based app built with SwiftUI in order to make cookies saved between different sessions of app usage. Here is a working example; struct WebView: UIViewRepresentable { let request: URLRequest func Sep 24, 2022 · There are 3 methods that allow to run JS from WKWebView (well, there's more signatures, but 3 principle methods): The oldest and most primitive is evaluateJavaScript(_:completionHandler:) , which allows to run arbitrary piece of code. stringify({data})) Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. For example, you might use it when your app’s content changes frequently. example. – paiv Commented Apr 17, 2020 at 0:44 May 8, 2018 · Is there any way to get the JavaScript errors from the WebView? I mean the following errors and possible warnings? I am running JS code with the following extension: extension WKWebView { func Dec 31, 2017 · I currently have an ios application using WKWebView to load HTML. If textbox text is not valid, textbox border is red when click the button. May 28, 2019 · You can place that anywhere you like. For this example the demo HTML is saved in a file in the Xcode project. WKWebView has much improved JS implementation and use. Dec 23, 2017 · The exception below occurs when attempting to show two JavaScript alert boxes at the same time in a WKWebView on iOS. Language: Swift 4. @import WebKit And use WKWebView. h> Swift: import WebKit. evaluateJavaScript() funciton to execute javascript in the wkwebview of swift3. estimatedProgress), options: . May 3, 2015 · My Browser app uses WKWebView but when I try to visit a website that needs to use Location Services (like Google Maps, for example), it doesn't work. pushstate() in WKWebView. Jul 25, 2019 · Unfortunately it is not possible to call swift method from javascript synchronously to get value. Jul 21, 2018 · There does not seem to be much information out there on using WKWebView with objective-c on macOS so I have been trying to make due using various iOS/Swift examples. javaScriptEnabled = true let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration() configuration. click(function() { // Function to call the camera view from JS to Swift }); Can you help me to do that? Thanks. Unfortunately there is no console output to being able to debug it. swift file and drag the outlet to View under View Controller in the document outline in the Main. I didn't know about that delegate method. Firstly you start observing: override func viewDidLoad() { super. Here's what a simple example looks like on a phone. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. This website includes a Javascript file with many functions (the Javascript is not located in the local store of the app, it's recommanded by a link). Thanks for reading 🙏 and feel free to leave me any comments or questions. Step 8 - Select "Create folder references for any added folders" and select "Add" Hello. In order to run Javascript, you must enable it through WKPreferences. evaluateJavaScript("document. Tagged with swift, ios. Here's an example to get you started: Dec 29, 2017 · I have a Wkwebview which opens a website "example. Jul 9, 2019 · The HTML is loaded from an API so I use the WKWebView. Differences: WKWebView can be used as a view of your apps controller. I can load the index page with all css and js files, but every ajax call (xmlhttprequest) fails because of Jan 27, 2022 · I am trying to intercept a GET request from the javascript side, in the iOS wkWebView side. com". offsetHeight") { [weak self] (height, _) in guard let height = height as? Feb 5, 2020 · Step 7 - Select the folder containing your html/javascript/css/image files - in this example I assume the folder will have the name "www" but it can be anything - just remember to change "www" in the code shown below to what you want. Nov 28, 2019 · Since macOS 11. The debugging part is there to help when the guys from the review team send me their screenshot (a. In your case you were lucky that values are not dynamic. log() default implementation to use window. But the alert() didnot open the alert dialog. I got a very simple webview app with below code on Jun 1, 2018 · Create an observer when the webView contentSize changed like this Example. It never fires "while" loading. It is very similar in performance to Safari. WKWebView has no language binding support between native and javascript. Nov 20, 2017 · Martin, thanks a lot for the answer. All you need to do is give it some JavaScript to execute – reading some value, for example – along with a closure to run when execution has finished. 0 and OS X 10. But as smart as WKWebView is, it doesn't know (or care) how our application wants to behave, because that's our custom code. ). This problem has been numerously discussed acrossed stackoverflow provided with different soltuions for ObjectiveC and Swift with Storyboards. It is not usable for example to get some value which changes over time e. Could you provide example how to do that? I found that there is WKHTTPCookieStoreObserver and it has cookiesDidChange member. js (the position and text label for the toggle in the bottom of the page). but for html string with embeded tweet height calculation goes wrong. myHandler. 434 Couch[3192:3428809] *** Feb 27, 2015 · Here is ViewController implementation that lets you be notified every AJAX request is completed in WKWebView: import UIKit import WebKit class WebViewController: UIViewController { private var wkWebView: WKWebView! iOS 14 has this API, however how can this be achieved in iOS 13 or below? For example, suppose the JS has a function defined as: function upperCaseAsync(text) { return new Promise((resolve, rejec Mar 1, 2015 · How can I reliably detect using javascript that a page is loaded inside a WKWebView? I'd like to be able to detect these scenarios: iOS & WKWebView; iOS & Safari; not iOS; There is a similar question about UIWebView here. Void) { //link to intercept www. Jun 17, 2019 · WKWebView — allows web content to be loaded via a url; WKScriptMessage — object created when a postMessage() is received; WKUserContentController — manages javascript posts and injection Feb 13, 2024 · Learn how to inject JavaScript into WKWebView in Swift using WKUserScript and WKUserContentController. The problem is that my callbac Aug 3, 2019 · Sooner or later every mobile developer in the world had the following specific need: integrate a website page inside an app. Step 2. I am using wkWebView to load research papers published on IEEE, Science Direct, etc. Assuming you Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. g. It looks like the key difference is that the event's isTrusted value is false for the simulated touches. viewDidLoad , webView(didFinish) , webView(didStartProvisionalNavigation) , etc): Dec 19, 2017 · I am new to iOS and loading my website developed in jQuery Mobile to a WKWebView in Swift 4 and Xcode 9. postMessage('hello world!') on the JavaScript page, I find that window. Jan 11, 2022 · This is where the magic happens! We will use the WKUserScript class to inject JavaScript into our web view. Mar 29, 2019 · Once your web view has loaded some content, you can execute any JavaScript you like inside that rendered page by using the evaluateJavaScript() method. That could become quite challenging to resize a ContentView based on a WKWebView SwiftUI representation and brings some complexity to the View layer. This property is not yet available in the Xcode 13 beta 1 (for Swift at least). Now, I am calling: [wkWebView evaluateJavaScript:call Feb 9, 2020 · The answer is to pass WKWebview to ContentController() instead of nil. JavaScript can request full screen, then the user or JavaScript can exit full screen. My code for loading the page: both fetch and xmlhttp works async. After wkwebview didFinishNavigation I am updating height of wkwebview to content height by evaluating javascript "document. uiDelegate protocol contains the methods necessary to support Javascript alerts in a WKWebView. html, for example, with a linked, sub-folder stylesheet (ie. Could you provide example how to do that? Jun 15, 2021 · Mobile developers tend to inject or observe Javascript content in WKWebView through evaluateJavaScript(. The website is working only with JavaScript so I cannot handle anything in: func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) How can I do this? Feb 27, 2017 · I developed hybrid iOS application with Swift and want to detect history. Dec 17, 2019 · I'm creating a web app on Xcode v11 and having a trouble implementing WKUIDelegate to display Javascript alert and confirm properly on the web app. And there is no errors and issues shows. Sometimes the HTML has buttons or links that execute javascript. Jan 3, 2016 · I know it can be done with the WKWebview, but I don't really know how to do that. The delegation solution is brilliant: we can tell WKWebView that we want Sep 15, 2015 · Using WKWebView for javascript method call: Step 1. But you should pay more attention to your app's current functionality, for example: if your app using NSURLProtocol to enhance network ability, using WKWebView you have no chance to do the same thing. Unfortunately, this local file contains javascript code that does not seem to be executed. Approach 1: Using script handlers How can I detect when url of amp page changed with WKWebview; using KVO to observe WKWebView's URL property not work in iOS 10; An interesting note before I present the code: it is able to detect simple #hash changes, but is unable to detect a JavaScript event action that loads from page 1 to page 2 (this is the URL change I'm attempting to catch): Sep 9, 2020 · No I mean I call the function with one line over my View Model on my form page by var result = await EvaluateJavascript("javascriptfunction"); this is giving me back the results from both iOS and Android. new, context: nil) The . You can find the full source code for this tutorial here on GitHub Gist. Interaction between WKWebView and JavaScript running on a page via postMessage and URLs. storyboard file. – A web view supports a full web-browsing experience, and presents HTML, CSS, and JavaScript content alongside your app’s native views. This blog post provides a guide on how to add polyfills to WKWebView with native code interaction. As such, a JavaScript debugger and console. Website have 3 textbox and Javascript func control this textbox. log() are not available to the Swift callAsyncJavaScript() method. Jul 22, 2014 · Currently I can only figure out how to evaluate javascript by adding it to the webview's configuration's userContentController and reloading the page like so: WKUserScript *script = [[WKUserScript Sep 16, 2014 · Is there a way to debug javascript code within a WKWebView? To reproduce my problems (using swift), start a new single screen project in xCode 6, copy the code (courtesy of kinderas ) provided below in your ViewController. The short answer is, let javascript handle it, and if need be, make a call back to the app from javascript once a selection has been made from the dialog. I was wondering if it is possible to monitor these javascript calls in the WKWebView. I try make a webview and Wkwebview but I didn't get any result. Do not use UIWebView or WebView. Hope this helps! EDIT. height". ) like the content size of the web view to resize it’s container. What am I doing wrong? override func viewDidLoad() { Apr 25, 2017 · I use wkwebview. preferences = preferences let webview = WKWebView(frame: . Below are the advantages of WKWebView – WKWebView runs faster than UIWebView – WKWebView runs in a separate process instead of app main process. And you can set javaScriptEnabled to configuration: let preferences = WKPreferences() preferences. If you need to display it later you can remove the webView from the keyWindow after render and reset the frame. Also I've added 2 javascript files in Xcode: darkmode. postMessage(msg) to pass message forwards instead. For example, my Javascript (jQuery) code could look like that : // User clicks to start the native camera with Swift $(". How should I try calling that function? Here's the code I'm trying to run Jun 15, 2016 · I am using wkwebview to load given HTML strings using loadHTMLString method. I took the browser script as example which didn't work. postMessageListener. Import class for webkit. For example, if you have a javascript function in your web site called: func closeWeb() You have to set the function like this: How to run JavaScript on a WKWebView with evaluateJavaScript() Using evaluateJavaScript() you can run any JavaScript in a WKWebView and read the result in Swift. plist but it doesn't resolve the issue. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. As a result you will be able to catch the console output of a webpage loaded in a WKWebView and print it to the Xcode debug console. Dec 20, 2018 · Use some design patterns, you can mix UIWebView and WKWebView. Below is this html file Feb 27, 2017 · Starting in iOS 8. EvaluateJavaScript like this: func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) { webView. Here I exploring an small example and theorize about future iOS applications. I did override WKWebView's methods, but I couldn't detect anything. I am trying to load a local html file in a WKWebView for a iOS app (Swift 4. In javascript , I make a fetch , or xhr request call, but it is not intercepted in wkWebView . webkit. I have searched for a way to fix it and came across this question. GPS location. But it's quite old and I'm not sure if same still applies to WKWebView. min. Now add the current view controller as an observer of the estimatedProgress property of your WKWebView, like this: webView. postMessage event. Sample iOS app demonstrating WKWebView loading local html file (with css style and images) and calling Javascript code. You have answered the question so going to mark it correct. How can I fix this Sep 22, 2015 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. override func viewDidLoad() { super. I need to return result of evaluating in this function. . Below is an approach which can help provide debugging visibilty to a planned JavaScript String. – More responsive touch than UIWebView – WKWebView is more secure than UIWebView, and it supports server-side authentication – Javascript runs faster May 4, 2016 · I'm not sure where you're trying to handle the action, whether it is in javascript or with C# in the app, so I'll try to address both. a. viewDidLoad() webView. You pass your JS code in and optionally get a result. Mar 11, 2021 · Using evaluateJavaScript() you can run any JavaScript in a WKWebView and read the result in Swift. Obj-C: #import <WebKit/WebKit. ) Sep 24, 2015 · As mentioned by @SilkyPantsDan, if you are just interested in the title, there's no need to use JS. html Mar 11, 2021 · Using evaluateJavaScript() you can run any JavaScript in a WKWebView and read the result in Swift. About WKWebView example loading local files and calling between Javascript and Swift Jul 18, 2020 · OK. Create a WKWebView instance (Unfortunately it can only be done programatically) Obj-C @property (strong, nonatomic) WKWebView *wkWebView; Swift var wkWebView: WKWebView? = WKWebView() Step 3. " Jun 5, 2014 · Full Code example import UIKit import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController, WKNavigationDelegate { private var webView = WKWebView() override func May 6, 2018 · However, if you really want to create WKWebView through xib or storyboard, you have to make a subclass of WKWebView, then instead of calling super initWithCoder, you'll need to use a different init method, such as initWithFrame:configuration:. In our example, we're using WKWebView: Apple's powerful, flexible and efficient web renderer. This is working for plain html string. From Safari, open "Develop" tab and while the iOS Simulator is running with the WKWebView open - just click it to open the console. Dec 5, 2020 · The WKWebView. uiDelegate or otherwise the delegate methods will not be called. Is there a way or trick to de May 1, 2018 · According to wwdc 17 there is a way to observe cookies changes in WKWebView in iOs 11 (WebsiteDataStore. Make sure to adhere to the WKWebView. Nov 6, 2014 · I need to change a function to evaluate JavaScript from UIWebView to WKWebView. Usually the integration to be developed requires a deep integration between web and native: the app must react to some changes in the web page based on the user interactions or some other events (automatic refresh, geolocation etc. Apr 11, 2017 · The reason why it didn't work from my case is that the embedded web page was rendered differently between common web browser and WKWebView. messageHandlers. And then intercept the javascript postMessage(msg) call at native code using WKScriptMessageHandler ::didReceiveScriptMessage to get the logged message. // Create user script that inject the JavaScript after the HTML finishes loading let userScript = WKUserScript(source: javaScript, injectionTime: . After seeing numerous questions and countless uncertain/broken answers to match, is there a quick and painless solution for implementing a WKWebView that can load local resources (including linked CSS Sep 7, 2018 · In the third case I also used addEventListener() to observe the simulated touches and compare them to real touch events from tapping the screen. Oct 11, 2019 · You can use key/value observation to detect changes to the url property of the WKWebView. here is tweet content Dec 24, 2021 · The javascript function is: var foo = 1; foo + 1; There you can set any javascript function from objective-c side, or call any function in the web side. vmkxu wxo fgdw cxlq msgk jskis ccdr padcy egazn upq