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Making games in java reddit


Making games in java reddit. Learn the basics and then look up a guide of someone making a game Download a game, look at code (they usually include comments) understand it, tweak it. There are pro and cons to each language. Notice the red circle with a plus on it in the bottom-right corner. Just like the plethora of frontend libraries/frameworks the same can be found in JS gamedev. Java, C++ and C# are all perfectly fine languages to make games with. Pathfinding, spawning, tower tracking, etc. It is purely Java and JavaFX: Play with keyboard events and bindings. Feb 4, 2021 · End or restart the game when all coins are collected, or when a certain score is reached. Create game objects, understand the polimorphism behind the GameObject that all game objects will extend, and so on. So, moving a 64x64 sprite across the screen takes about 512 operations. DerekB52. Hyperskill is a fairly new resource from Jetbrains (the maker of IntelliJ) Also, don't forget to look at: The official Documentation. Well obviously you're always learning something, but it takes longer for you to make your game from scratch. Math is needed indeed. The "problem" is mainly that: Python is more logical in many ways than Java. I've played around with several, if I were going to make one for release, I'd go with libGDX for 2D and possibly for 3D but in the case of 3D, jMonkeyEngine which uses libGDX might be better. 2. You can use Unity3D and other engines, but you can risk to bloat your web or mobile game if used badly. Hello r/learnprogramming, a Java noob here. I have looked for both of them but couldn’t decide which one is better for me. nanoTime(); float deltaTime = ( currentTime - previousTime) / 1000000000. This is the only (?) high profile company making desktop games using Java. Especially for 2D. 1. Game programming is game programming. Game Development is a lot more than just programming. I don't make games in my side projects (aside from a MUD server) because I don't have the graphic design talent for that sort of thing. Display it like the score. If you want to make a portfolio, it doesn't really matter what language you use, in my opinion, as long as you have completed/finished games. But yeah unity would be a good idea as well. r/gamedev. It's far slower than using C++/Assembly, which is the standard. The reason for its popularity is two-fold: Game dev is a second class citizen in the Java world, and although you can make a great game with java using opengl libraries or something like libgdx, I think you will find development is much easier when using a widely adopted engine such as Unity, or a stable platform like monogame. learn unity. Ultimately game engines like unity or godot are your Javin007 • 9 yr. You can't fit 80k sprites on a screen and still have a fun game. Ideas are dimes a dozen. You would want a data structure that can hold your location as a key as well as that location's exits. For the latest Ludum Dare I made a rhythm game, and seeing how little documentation I managed to find out there about making one, I decided to do write a fairly long post on the 'rules' that I have become accustomed to using when making a rhythm game, after working on one for a few years now and doing another one for this jam. Plethora of js frameworks available, from good old Three and Playcanvas for 3d to Phaser and Melon for 2d. On the flip side, Python is probably a little easier to learn out of the gate from 0 programming experience. I also made some android games with it before. 2 or newer. Python isn't very strict about the model you use, whereas in Java you need to use Java-style-OOP. Option 1. length for example. A C++ game library such as Raylib or sfml is probably your best bet. r/artificial. play around and see what you like. As a side note, I would recommend using C++ because with game engines performance is a key problem and C++ gives you so much more control. setMyTurn (true); Then enable/disable buttons based on whether it's each player's turn. Almost every game engine on the planet is, at some level, written in C++. But if you actually want to learn making games and coding and all that jazz on a deeper level, it could be very beneficial. • 2 yr. Coders can take advantage of its built in scripting language, "GML" to design and create fully-featured, professional grade games. It has little-to-no documentation, making it very difficult for beginners (and the more experienced!), but the TMXtile and related classes are just what you need for a zelda clone. But ultimately it won't matter a ton in the beginning. You don’t even have to have actual lore, just add a bunch of meaningless but mysterious easter eggs and the community will craft theories to connect the dots. However, not all games need complex calculus. If I were you I'd start with a PC console (text based) game. I can’t say I’m a fan of libgdx. It could be played as a multi player game with a mixture of humans and/or AI players. ago • Edited 9 yr. I'm currently developing Collider. For that, there’s really only one answer: use C++. I would personally recommend Raylib as its beginner friendly. PS: I'm starting with java so I could move to android development as id like to make a game/app for android just as a project for myself as I do not seek employment as a developer. If you're doing a 2D platformer or a simple 2D board game - very likely you won't need it badly (though knowing math never hurts). If I were you, I'd also ask on r/gamedev and r/androiddev as they are made for Game Development and Android development. A great resource for the programming aspect is Game Programming Patterns . Greenfoot, though, is a better option for you for desktop or web-based games. 50f, 0. Rising World is made using jMonkeyEngine. TearOfTheStar. Nowadays I believe engines like Unity dominate the market, but you can still make mobile games with Java - and by extension, with Kotlin. However if you don't care about making those games commercial and don't want to have a job in the games industry or something, then it really doesn't matter. The engine he uses does a LOT for him, but you can see a rough concept of what you need to do. nanoTime(); while ( gameIsRunning) { long currentTime = System. Aabb collision isn't too difficult to manually do either. Works fine :) Also there were a few pretty good games made in libGDX like Slay the Spire for example If you want an easy way to make games that feels just like Java I would try Processing. r/godot. I've made games in Python, Java and C#. There are a ton of people that can do exactly what you want to do, but they can execute their ideas as well. For most developers, it’s easier to recreate your app/game from scratch than try to copy obfuscated code. I have been using java for 2 years now since it is the main programming language in my college and i was coding on Eclipse IDE but i started to hate it and want to change to other options. Getting hired by Mojang. Making games in this environment has been much clearer and easier than using PyGame or plain Java for me. NET or Java. It was a horrible experience. If Java is the language you’re most comfortable with then go check out LibGDX. You can do about 80k of these per frame without any lag. I disagree. Java isn't fast enough for most game development. Java and Python are both bad options for this! OP has specifically stated wanting to make a simple 2D game, and for that, Python with pygame or similar will easily be able to run at 60 fps. If you want to use Java I would recommend just using lwjgl. You will find a free course at Udacity and there must be some tutorials online as well. This makes teaching pretty much anything other than Java-style-OOP easier in Python. iOS - Objective-C or Swift. For your first game, you should make a clone of an existing, incredibly simple game. This engine uses it owns language to build games inside of it, and the team that created it made its backend compatible with both Android, iOS, and other gaming systems. ago. OpenGL 3. And the answer to that question simply is, you don't. You can use Android's canvas library to make games if you want to do the graphics yourself. Fortunately you're not a big video game developer who is creating their own engine. Depends on what exactly you want to develop. I want to make a 2d game similar to Celeste or axiom verge (but simpler), on a game engine using Java then publish it on steam. jestermax22. A place for indie games. When the button to end the turn is pressed you can do player1. A community for discussion and support in development with the Godot game engine. the window displays the current world. I generally played against the AI. Follow the steps: Fire up the J2ME Loader. _atan2. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games It's just for fun. I have an open source 2D game project on GitHub you can mess with. It uses C# and it's pretty much like Java. There are a few languages which are commonly chosen for specific platforms: Web - JavaScript or TypeScript. It is a programming language written in Java, aimed at visual design and electronic arts. That’s not an exaggeration. Java has tons. None of which are really "game" specific frameworks, they just work well in that context. Edit: Apparently much has changed in the 3D realm, and JMonkey and LWJGL are preferred over Java3D now. Make Pong, space invaders, snake, flappy bird. long previousTime = System. Again, OP's goal isn't to push a project to release, it's to learn how to make one without an engine. Definitely check out Handmade Hero. 0. You could start by making a simple class structure: you have a window, you have a world. Humans could play the hot seat version of the game, where they took their turn using the same mouse and keyboard. This is at the same time the most useful and useless advice you'll ever get. I don't know if it answers your question, but a guy posted this some weeks ago. Making a video game is not about being the best programmer or artist, or choosing the best algorithm or most efficient way of rendering sprites. You also mention it's important to know the programming language before using an engine. it's not extremely hard to learn. The biggest concerns for JS as a dev language is 1) performance and 2) static typing/proper IDE and maybe 3) existing engines/tooling. If you want to do multiplayer action realtime game, it could be possible but very hard with issues like security. I had to make a game only with javafx for uni. I would lower your expectations for your first few game attempts. I turned real camera shake into a Godot addon. Most of my code is just pure Java (using Eclipse, not the PDE). Monetizing games made in JS is also possible. For games, where performance isn't crucial, or some Android games, you could go with java. As a person developing a fairly large scale game in pure JS, I'd recommend it as a good option. •. A bitblt, which copies an image to the screen, is about 1 operation per 8 pixels. It's natural. setMyTurn (false); player2. Here is someone making a very very basic one in an hour. However, it can be used to create a game engine. com has some super cool courses on game development with C++. There are also some languages used in cross-platform projects, like Haxe, Lua, and Dart, and some more radical choices, like Rust, Lisp, Go, Haskell, Nim, Zig A better way is to use a library meant for creating games. The idea grows and matures with you as you flesh it out. There is also game engines that support Java. 75f, 0. School projects I did: hangman game on console, mastermind on console, multithreaded program with 'buyers' and 'sellers' (consumers and producers), music player, sockets server-client, snake with swing, shortest path in a graph labyrinth, etc. (board setup) Look at how the figures move when you play the game (game loop). Asteroid to learn a bit of randomness and instancing. OffColorCommentary. A team of people made it using a programming language. It matters barely which framework you use for this. Otherwise using javafx with an animation timer works for basic games. Add a game clock. faxinator. [deleted] • 2 yr. java ParseCommand () String word1,word2,word3,word4; Consider using a list of Strings and instead of using word 1,2,3,4 you can do wordList. but it is very hard to complete games as most people try to do way to much, and underestimate how much time/work it takes, which is always more than you estimate. Just my 2 cents. What software you use doesn't matter. Java for Complete Beginners. Draw out a map of rooms with potential exits to other rooms. Android - Java or Kotlin. First off, very cool that you've made something like this! Here are some of my thoughts: 1. Obviously, C++ is the best option for game development. It lets you use regular everyday Java to play various games and challenges and it's a decent option to learn the My first project was a clone of the board game Monopoly in Visual Basic 3. JOGL is a OpenGL wrapper for Java: it allows you to create an OpenGL context inside a regular window and directly interact with the OpenGL (and your GPU). Not with the intent of making money but to show potential employers that I can go thought the full process of developing something and publishing it on a huge platform. fartlebysmiggins. Years passed, and Java is better but ppl still remember it as a slow language not usable in Gamedev. 441 upvotes · 68 comments. If Java and Python are your only two choices, switching from Java to an actual commonly used game dev language will probably be an easier jump. That being said, I'll play devil's advocate anyway. I wrote my little demonstrator partly to understand for myself why threejs does things the way it does but also to show beginners that plain JS in a simple 2d canvas offers tremendous scope for creativity for getting started. Also you're most likely crippling yourself (at least performance-wise) if you decide to not use C++ or other lower level language. This is from "PipioHQ". For c++ I would use either sdl or sfml. It is about executing an idea and seeing it through to completion. But for games like this one where its all 2D it is a valid option, perhaps not the most popular. 4M. You should check out Codingame to try and get some practice in. That being said, there is more support for different languages (c and c++, namely) for game programming. • 7 yr. I’d definitely go with C++ if you want speed and efficiency, especially since you’re creating a 3D game engine which will take much more resources than a 2D game. Some good resources for the design aspect are Theory of Fun for Game Design, and The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses. Just because you may not want to use JavaFX in the future, does not mean you need to abandon Making a video game is not about programming, art, music or design. I am making a game in Java (well - Scala) with libGDX right now. I think its even better to use it for some simple games then getting your hands on some other libraries. My favorite Java game is Starsector, a beautiful and complex game in 2D. JOGL takes care of the native and low-level stuff for you. There are many options you can use. However to my knowledge most large games are not written in Java (minecraft being the popular exception), the more common languages are C# and C++. Oct 20, 2023 · Variable Time Step Loop. Sort by: gtrley. For games requiring precise physics calculations or similar, a Variable Time Step Loop might be more suitable. LibGDX can make anything, including 3D games. If you learn to make games with JavaFX you will be able to make games using other frameworks. A pong and breakout to learn a bit of mathematics. And at last, javascript object paradigm is special, to make classes you do functions. ) picture and somehow rescale it to be the size I want or will it just stay as big as it is? I'm asking this because I don't know how to make some ok looking models for a small screen game (for Then in your controller (or where you handle input logic) and add listeners to each "End Turn" button. accompanying site CaveOfProgramming. Battlesnake is a game that you can write in multiple languages and host your code to play many types of games with your own battlesnake. 3. I made snake,tetris and pong using JavaFX and it was working just fine. 5 years of learning. Anyway, I'd start with learning C# for quite a bit and after you've got C# down I'd go for Unity. The current version of Slay the Spire, too. Java is perfectly fine for game development. I would rather look into Unity. Just for the context. HipsterPotatoe. masterpeanut. Get back. Javascript is really suitable for making games for web, there are some places like MarketJS, Kongregate, Facebook Instant Games where allows people to play online right now, without download and other stuff. Java is primarily used in Android games these days, simply because it's the primary language for that platform. Try using slick, its a 2d game library that runs with lwjgl. They translate videos while retaining the sound/intonation of the original voice, & they match lip movements to the new language! 0:19. be/FIdkhEqskAo. Make sure you have a "core" profile window. While many sophisticated games use the features you mention, none of them is an essential requirement of any game. Korean translation by theo5970 . You just have to wrap your games as a desktop app. A lot of classic old games are simple enough to be good practice for making games : Pong, Tetris, Snake, Pacman. Sokoban to work with tiles. Desktop - C++ or C#. The user is supposed to choose whether they want to guess the number or whether they want the computer to guess their number. It's totally divorced from knowing the keywords in Java, technically its applied mathematics; branching decisions, edge cases, and simulation. Don't expect a masterpiece - try to make the best game you can, and let it evolve as you do it. Press and locate your JAR file. There are many java games that people dont even realize are actually Java, most of them 2D and most of them made using libgdx, not AAA graphic levels of course. Java Its a lower level coding langauge. get (index). Because a tutorial for Unreal won't help much with Unity, there is a demand for engine/language agnostic resources. Most games made in Java that you noted often aren’t very resource It is very possible to make games with Java. If you are making a 2D game and using a grid collision is as easy as checking where the entity is moving before moving it. Python has less syntactic overhead. MHREone. Video. I've created similar with python using opencv, pandas, numpy, pillow, pyautogui. lannesta. Sure, you can make some games in Java as well but Java is just not the main language for that. RPGs require complex stat systems that are difficult and boring to make. Each Battlesnake is controlled by a live web server and the code you write. Lore. But I would still argue that the book has a LOT of valuable, never-changing information in it on basic game design. Screeps is a javascript rts that a friend of mine got hooked on. The many fun people have as programmers is when you start off being stumped about a problem and over time you slowly learn how to solve that problem. This subreddit is dedicated to providing programmer support for the game development platform, GameMaker Studio. This depends on the type of game, but having hidden stuff in your game that lets player speculate about it can lead to a lot of community interaction. One is a real photo and one is A. Plus using C++ will make sure you really understand everything that is going into making a game engine. 1- IntelliJ IDEA 2- Visual Studio Code. It's the same reason more game development isn't done using C# or VB. And that's what they will, in today's world, always be not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six Java will use your graphic card's 2d acceleration. MOOC Java Programming from the University of Helsinki. Use proguard or a more sophisticated obfuscator on your class/jar files. And I think I had to create one module for some keypresses inside applications using some w32 modules and virtual keycodes. Processing is just used as a rendering engine (and the rendering is mostly handled by the GPU anyway since I use shaders). Could count up or down. "Killer Game Programming" is pretty much the go-to book for all game dev in Java. 9. Then work out the finer details, like strategies. Pikuma. It will take longer to learn C++ and it will probably be harder. I mean I have a whole life so if java keeps me back for 20 years then id still would have many years to learn java. Maybe a Hashmap with a unique ID for Location as a key and a Location object as a value. This isn't the 1970s where computers and video games were all so new. C# is syntactically identically to Java so their won’t be any learning curve I personally love making games in Java however I wouldn’t recommend it. case "go": severoon. But, unless you have a simpler 2D game, I'd stay away from LibGDX. TrickOfLight113. Id like to learn c++ in the future as well. New Co-Op Shooter Roguelike like Risk of Rain 2 from Mad Mushroom. Minecraft has spawned a GENERATION of people knowing Java and wanting to make video games with it. Pay someone to develop the game for you. Something to be aware of. Game engines are overkill for simple 2D games. 5 years of effort after 2. You will get a lot more done in there than trying to make games with Java libraries. AdventureMain. In order to draw the triangle, you need to load a vertex shader, load a fragment shader, compile both of them, link So if I wanted to make a small airplane, would it have to be like a low resolution image with 32x32 pixels or can I make a higher resolution(250x100 etc. Make it a finished product with a title screen, pause menu etc. So in my opinion it depends on where you want to go after basic 2D games and learning how to make games. Derek Banas' Java Playlist. GameMaker Studio is designed to make developing games fun and easy. Plus, there are probably more and better libraries and resources for C++ than Java for creating a game engine. There's also LibGDX, which is a nice Java game framework. In various materials released by CA (and again, in the decompiled executable) you can see that SDV changed a lot during the 4-year development process. I hope it helps. The hiccup there is that games aren't just control logic. ). Android programming requires some level of comfort with Java and it'll be very daunting to start with, imo. So for class I am supposed to create a program that can play a guessing game. • 3 yr. People use that often within python frameworks to train a system for example to learn play games on it's own. On the other hand, you couldn't make a AAA title solo with 2. Alt + f4 enables in-game hacks. Decide what winning means, then redraw the whole canvas with a celebration graphic when you win the game. So to learn the basics programmation I think java,c# or c++ are better but for making games javascript is fine . generated. Repeat Comfortable? Start your own game (basic pong usually easy and good way to start) Move on to bigger games If you want to get into game development then better learn C++ or C# and Unreal Engine and Unity, the two main game development engines, are using these languages. The disciplines you want to practice are Object Oriented Analysis and Object Oriented Design . I must point out to the OP that LWJGL is not a game engine, it's a wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL, and some other commonly-used C libraries. accompanying site NewThinkTank. Unity is a game engine. Sit down, look at a Ludo board and decide how you will store the board. If you're doing something in 3D, most likely you won't get away without vector math unless your game is trivial. I love the framework a lot, but it can take awhile to make stuff. LibGDX is the most popular Java game framework for 2D games, and LibKTX brings Kotlin support New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Don't do it. I used to create some simple games like nokia snake game, space shooters and some cell automata games in swing, just for the sake of learning these stuff. Well lets just start with some basics For Game "Hacks" you need access to the memory allocated by the game. We also implemented our own messaging protocol. You can check it out here https://youtu. As far as I know you can build 2D games with java and Intelij with libgdx. a. For example, LWJGL . It’s pretty easy and makes it so the source code can’t be easily read and copied from. 0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); Go through a tutorial that has you draw a triangle on the screen using modern OpenGL, a. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Launch4j should help you with the menu problem. Honestly, you'll be fine with C# or Java as an indie, since you won't be making games that push the hardware to its limits CQEngine (SQLite / Lucene) for persistence. Java's not the most common language for making games, but it's possible. r/IndieGaming. You don't need to become a master immediately. each world has a list of game-objects. By utilizing Unity, you can make one game, in one language, and run it on multiple platforms. It takes a LOT of behind the scenes polish and balancing to make a game good. JAM - an open-source JavaScript framework for 2d game development. r/pcgaming. Press the three white dots in the upper-right corner, then "Settings", then uncheck "Enable ActionBar" and "Enable statusbar". k. Also, this way, you can use wordList. It moves around the game board according to your algorithm, attempting to find food, avoid other Battlesnakes, and stay alive as long The iPhone runs an Objective-C variant. I think it is ideal for your case - it works well with NodeJS and hides all the hassle of html/css and canvas. If it's a wall, don't move, if it's an enemy start battle, if it's an item move and pick up the item, etc. Space invaders to manage groups of enemies. AsyncOverflow. . You then create a simple loop in the window class that updates every game-object of the current world and then renders each object with opengl. • 10 yr. My friends recommended these two for me. NET won because C# was much better years ago compared to boilerplate-bloated Java, stop-the-world GC and shady JDK license. Even Unity is written in C++ for most of its lower-level systems (rendering, physics, etc. Making 2D games in JS is viable, graphics have come a long way in the browser. By packaging your own JRE into your game, you get a larger executable, but your game will work on any computer, even one that doesn't have any java installed, because your game will contain the java runtime engine, specific to your game. Java and C# are cousins, so knowing one will give you a leg up with the other. Chances are, that you're one of them and this is why you read this article. I remember doing the same thing because I learned Java in college, so I wanted to stick with it but it's not the best idea. The number one thing you can do to become a better programmer in general, and specifically a better OO / Java programmer, is to learn how to structure code in a way that organizes dependencies sensibly. The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. Java is multiplatform while C# is (for the most part) stuck to windows. I. The skill is learning to make games. Could replace the score or be in addition to the score. Very basic, great documentation, lots of examples. Thank you all for your help. a_redditor. Reply reply. Making games even more so. OK. my Java isn't the best for making games. Especially if you have interest in making your own engines and stuff. Honestly, go C# as it's a stronger language compared to Java when it comes to game 5. The original versions of RuneScape and Minecraft were both written in Java, for a couple examples. glClearColor(0. I think most of the falling apart is just going to be from the general purpose code I wrote; things like managing and sorting objects Java used to be pretty popular for mobile games, especially when it comes to Android (for obvious reasons). Haven't used it personally but you can give it a try. It's key to have a basic understanding of programming, but you can still work in Game Development without having a degree or several years experience with programming. 25f, 0. Try thinking about a guess a number game where the computer generates a random number and if the console input matches the number the 'player' scores a point. Creators of game engines had a choice to integrate with . check out gamemaker, construct, godot, unity, unreal. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the industry. 0f; Yes, there are plenty of established and high quality game frameworks in almost every language. us sl yy la px ln tx oh bb yv