Nuxt vs vue

Nuxt vs vue. js (React. For this test, it was found that 52% of Nuxt sites and 86. js is a progressive framework. Mar 10, 2021 · Nuxt. I have no idea what is written here in Chinese (or else), but Nuxt3 uses Vue3 so it should indeed be faster than Nuxt2 which uses Vue2, nothing shocking/special here. js를 SSR (Server Side Rendering)로 작업하기 위해 만들어졌습니다. js is a frontend framework, while Nuxt. 6; I want to switch the layout of my menu component by dynamically switching menu components in my root layout. Oct 18, 2018 · Nuxt. Probably the most obvious difference between Next and Nuxt is that Next builds on React while Nuxt builds on Vue. The main function of these build tools is to process JavaScript files, but they can be extended through plugins (for Vite) or loaders (for webpack) to process other kind of assets, like stylesheets, fonts or SVG. しかしこれらのフレームワーク間での移行は、時にルーティングの違いにより、混乱やバグを招く場合 In Nuxt Content, the prose represents HTML tags generated by the Markdown syntax, such as title levels and links. js offers excellent React integration and server-side rendering, while Nuxt offers Vue integration and easy setups. 2. js를 선호하며, 이유는 React. Features. js is a framework built on top of Vue with the aim to make development easy and powerful. From the very beginning, it has become my favorite UI library. 5% of Astro sites pass this test. js and Gridsome work, we’ll build an example blog with both Nov 23, 2022 · Nuxt. Jul 22, 2022 · For Vue, Nuxt, HTML and CSS. js will automagically prefetch the code-splitted pages linked with when visible in the Watchers Basic Example . js framework, empowers developers to create powerful and efficient web applications. React front is the yearly State of JS survey. Nuxt 3 is powered by a new server engine: Nitro. It contains 55+ high-quality components that are simple, easy to use, and flexible. svelte to the directory and it is valid for all sub-level pages and directories. It comes with features like hot-reloading, code splitting, and state management out of the box. It provides a number of features that make it easy to build fast, SEO-friendly, and scalable web applications, including: Aug 11, 2023 · Conclusion. La principal diferencia entre Vue y Nuxt radica en el enfoque que cada uno tiene. vue files from the beginning while enjoying hot module replacement in development and a performant application in Sep 7, 2023 · Nuxt UI. We made everything so you can start writing . React and Vue are two different JavaScript frameworks that allow you to build May 9, 2022 · Nuxt. If you want to have the possibility to customize the structure around the page between pages, check out the layouts/ directory. Nuxt is a free and open-source framework with an intuitive and extendable way to create type-safe, performant and production-grade full-stack web applications and websites with Vue. Nuxt 3 is a full-stack framework built around the latest version of the Vue JavaScript framework. Nuxt adds some extra magic to them, but underneath it all they’re Vue components that we’re used to working with. Or change directory into your new project from Jan 22, 2022 · Nuxt. But if you have to switch between those to frameworks frequently. js share many similarities, but there are also some key differences between the two frameworks. nuxt. On the other hand, Bootstrap Vue provides the following key features: Bootstrap Vue is an open source tool with 10. It was recently rebranded from NuxtLabs UI to Nuxt UI and the repo is now under the Nuxt org on GitHub. If your creating a documentaion site, vitessee is good. js file. At the end, Nuxt's team made this simple for us by detecting the platform you're pushing your code too. And Next. Auto Rename Tag auto rename closing or opening tag. While this approach helps improve user experience Jan 2, 2024 · React is a UI library, Angular is a fully-fledged front-end framework, while Vue. To start your Nuxt content app in Basically, it is based upon the next framework but in Vue. npx nuxi init getting-started-with-nuxt. Dec 19, 2019 · Nuxt. Improve this answer. js is an upper-level system that is worked over Vue. Stylelint CSS Linting. One of its standout features 3 min read · Oct 8, 2023 Feb 17, 2021 · In this guide, we’ll compare Gridsome vs. js (React-based) and Nuxt (Vue-based) simplify are two of the most popular front-end frameworks. js is a framework for creating Vue. js提供了更多的控制和定制选项,而Nuxt. Nuxt 3 was designed to work with Vue 3. js)와 Nuxt. 2+) or npm (v6. Addy Osmani Chief Engineer of Chrome. This is great, as it takes away the burden Remember that app. While an in-depth knowledge of Vue is not required to use Nuxt, we recommend that you read the documentation and go through Feb 28, 2024 · Answer: As you have seen, Next. The nuxt. Nuxt UI is a quite new open-source library maintained mostly by Nuxt Labs. Q7. To understand where to put our code and when, we need to understand the special abilities that Nuxt 3 gives to Pages and Layouts. Open your project folder in Visual Studio Code: code <project-name>. js application and use server-side rendering (SSR) to improve performance and SEO, you can learn how to use the vue-server-renderer package in this guide. The main difference between Nuxt and Vue is that Vue lies on the client-side, and helps build single-page applications. Nuxt适用于构建通用应用程序,支持服务器端渲染和异步数据加载;而Vite适用于构建现代化的Web应用程序,提供了更快的冷启动和热模块更新。. You can do all of this with Vite but it will require more time/work/knowledge overall. In many small Vue applications you end up managing the structure of the code as best as you can in multiple files. JetBrains survey: framework popularity (regular use) Another statistic giving us a better overview of the Vue vs. And if the developers are familiar with Vue, they won’t face issues while dealing with Nuxt. What am I missing here? Why should I use nuxt build and get server code mixed up? If you are migrating from Nuxt 2, please head to the migration guide. In this article, you’ll learn how to build a basic headless WordPress site using Nuxt 3 and Vue 3. I suggest stick with nuxt, and decide later. js client-side rendering application, a comprehensive static generated application, and a monolith application. , being used in the Vue. 😃 Use icons from any icon sets with Iconify and unplugin-icons. npx nuxi@latest init content-app -t content. ·. js ecosystem can also be used when building a Nuxt app without the need to make too many configurations. 3. Jun 12, 2019 · The article you are referencing mentions: I was able to get this to work by changing the line to: "dev-debug": "node_modules/. js是在Vue. In other words, if you don’t use Pinia, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself re-inventing it and building your own state management library. Vue es más flexible y general, mientras que Nuxt viene con un conjunto de características pre-definidas que están optimizadas para aplicaciones web universales. VuePress, on the other hand, has a simplified development Aug 22, 2022 · 2. js VS Nuxt. Once the installation is complete, create-nuxt-app will ask a few questions about extra tools to be added. Nuxt uses Vue’s <Suspense> component under the hood to prevent navigation before every async data is available to the view. js applications has grown significantly over time. Computed properties allow us to declaratively compute derived values. be careful about SEO stuff, and what if you have expanded to have two teams backend and frontend, the inertia won't be convenient like having two repos. js was the runner-up with the same average performance score of 27, and a median of 20. js or Vue. config. js websites held the same average score of 23, but Angular held a higher median making it the third fastest framework. NuxtJS được tạo ra bởi Để tạo ra Universal App, tương tự như NextJS bên React, để code ứng dụng với mã nguồn chạy ở cả server và client. This article seeks to explore Nuxi and introduce you to some of its features. js는 Mar 5, 2024 · The share of Vue. Get great project structure by default. Suspense. ts. A Nuxt CLI (nicknamed Nuxi) was introduced to provide a no dependency experience for easily scaffolding your Nuxt projects. Vue. If you’ve ever worked with Nextjs, this Dec 13, 2023 · A text editor, we recommend VS Code with the Volar extension or WebStorm . May 26, 2023. Mar 19, 2018 · 6. js handle logic very differently. js vs Vue. PS: I'm expecting Nuxt3 to be better than Nuxt2. Pages. Mar 18, 2019 · In addition to Vue. Aug 10, 2020 · nuxt build ( rendering-on-the-fly and built into production-ready bundle) nuxt start (start the server) As for ssg, ssr and spa, I think there are a lot of docs explaining them. config does not allow the page title to be dynamic. js的增强工具,但它们在功能和适用场景上有一些区别。. To get started quickly, you can use create-nuxt-app . Anything you add to it (JS and CSS) will be global and included in every page. js and Nuxt. yes the Vue part of inertia is just regular vue. copy. In the table below, there is a quick comparison between 3 versions of Nuxt: Nuxt 2 Nuxt Bridge Nuxt 3; Vue: 2: 2: 3: Stability: 😊 Stable I am biased towards Vue when it comes to the development experience not to mention the awesome documentation. 🗃️ File based routing. Share. Nuxt 2 vs Nuxt 3. Nov 2, 2022 · Nuxt 3 comes with tons of features to improve performance and developer experience of Vue. Here are all the various hooks available for Nuxt3, and an explanation as of where they are supposed to run (server, client or both). Vue Language Features (Volar): Recommended for Vue3 and Nuxt3. 根据项目的需求和规模,选择合适的 Nuxt is a higher-level framework that provides a more structured and opinionated way of building Vue applications, while Vue is a lightweight framework that gives developers more flexibility and control over their code. Development Environment: Nuxt provides a development environment that is optimized for building full-fledged applications. Provides all necessary configurations to develop Vue. For each HTML tag, a Vue component is used, allowing you to override them if needed, for example <p> becomes <ProseP>. jsとVue. js applications, you can choose between Universal, Static Generated or Single Page application. You get a Node server that is serving HTML generated from your Vue components. Meningkatkan SEO. Nuxt is a fantastic choice for teams building a production-grade product on the web. js则简化了某些方面,但牺牲了 Jun 20, 2023 · Next. Aug 25, 2022 · The main difference to consider: React vs. Not sure, but inertia is SPA so it's SPA vs SSR, even that inertia does support SSR now but haven't tried it. js is the most intuitive Vue framework available today. The default Nuxt. js gives you a great structure for your code, which is also flexible and configurable in the next. It was originally intended to build one-page applications (also known as SPAs) and a visual interface (UI). It is classified as a “Front-end Framework” tool. Vite support is included in Nuxt 3, and it is backward compatible with Nuxt 2. Related courses: Scaling Vue with Nuxt, Vue 3 Composition API, Vue 3 Deep Dive The main difference between vitesse and nuxt is the ssr, nuxt come with ssr. It was created by Evan You in 2014 and it is a JS-based framework. vue file to add a dynamic title, which is then applied to all routes of your Nuxt app. Nuxt uses Vite (default) or webpack to build and bundle your application. js? The answer is that you have to know the strengths and weaknesses of each, and you also need to know when to use one over the other based on the project type, goals and requirements. Make sure you have installed yarn, npx (included by default with npm v5. edited Jun 19, 2022 at 9:44. While Vue. You will also find examples of how to integrate SSR with other technologies and frameworks. js apps. Server-side rendering (SSR) This is by far the most popular mode to use Nuxt in. Nuxt has been an incredible source of innovation and inspiration for developers and framework authors alike. 36K GitHub forks. js is flexible. Next, switch to the project’s directory and run the npm install command on your terminal to install the project’s dependencies. Next. The new Nuxt 3 server engine called Nuxt Nitro is a platform-independent and lightweight server that has no Nuxt runtime dependencies. js . Start a fresh Nuxt Content project with: Terminal. js developers. js: 1. The typical framework of SSG is Gatsby. Architecture vs State Management: Nuxt. First, right out of the box, Nuxt. nuxt build for SSR or nuxt generate for SSG. js users grew from 34% in 2020 to 43% in 2021 while React experienced a drop from 64% to 49% in a YoY comparison. js websites perform the fastest, with an average Lighthouse performance score of 27 and a median of 22. Get Advice from developers at your Dec 4, 2019 · Vue tooling for VS Code, powered by vue-language-server. js and Bootstrap Vue belong to "Front-End Frameworks" category of the tech stack. Only _layout. I struggled to use fetch() in Nuxt layout until I discovered serverPrefetch(). Apr 19, 2020 · React-Vue-Comparison (3 Part Series) React. js is defined as a framework designed for server-rendered React applications. In Nuxt 3, you can get started with debugging your application directly in the browser as well as in your IDE. Sep 11, 2023 · 考虑你对这两个框架的熟悉程度。. May 26, 2023 · Jeff Everhart. Vue เมื่อไม่ต้องการใช้ SSR เช่น Nuxt Content is a Git-based Headless CMS for Vue. In this article, we'll explore the differences between Nuxt and Vue and help you decide which framework is best for your next project. js will automagically prefetch the code-splitted pages linked with when visible in the Apr 12, 2021 · Vue และ Nuxt ต่างก็มีข้อดีข้อเสียต่างกันไป การนำไปใช้ควรขึ้นอยู่กับงานเป็นหลัก สำหรับผม จะเลือกใช้. js applications. If you want to scale up your Vue. Read the documentation Explore content themes. . tech. Also, Nuxt is specific to Vue while Vite can be used by any kind of Framework (React, Svelte Apr 7, 2023 · Cumulative Layout Shift. js Development. It allows you to build your content with Markdown and JSON, and query it with a MongoDB-like API. Nov 24, 2023 · Comparación. 1+). js can help improve development work in Vue in several ways. js enables pre-rendering of pages on the server, which can improve performance and SEO, while Vuex manages the state within the client-side application. Some basic features include- One thing to keep in mind is that pages and layouts are ultimately just Vue components. js)를 비교하는 글입니다. js application The release of Nuxt 3 Beta brings many new features and improvements for Nuxt. It combines the power of Vue. js와 Vue. Jun 23, 2020 · This component ( <nuxt-link>) is used to provide navigations between page components and enhance performances with smart prefetching. Prettier - Code formatter Code formatter. 0 is out with 50+ Vue components to create beautiful and responsive Nuxt apps in minutes . js have emerged as two of the most popular open-source JavaScript frameworks for building modern web applications. One of its standout features 3 min read · Oct 8, 2023 Jan 23, 2020 · 1. To create a new Nuxt app named - getting-started-with-nuxt, run the following script on your terminal. Server Engine. Also, synthetic benchmarks can always be tricky to properly design and get some really clean/simple comparison especially with Apr 7, 2023 · This means plugins and tools like Vue Router, Pinia, etc. js solves the problem of structuring your Vue Apr 23, 2018 · Nuxt. js is commonly called Vue. js includes the following: Vue-Router, Vuex (only included when using the store option), Vue Server Renderer and vue-meta. js with server-side rendering features to make it more powerful. It's also the first UI library created specifically for Nuxt. vue <template> <component :is=&quot;navLayout&quot;&gt;& Jun 17, 2022 · So, nuxt-page is to be used when you want to display the pages in your app (replacing <nuxt /> and <nuxt-child />) while <slot /> is to be used in the layout (as any other component using the slot tag ). js (Vue. It seems both ways you can have good SEO which nuxt aims at. The defineNuxtConfig helper is globally available without import. The decision to choose between Nuxt and Vue depends on the specific needs of your project, and factors like scalability, performance, and ease of use. js. We think this difference is the main one you should have in mind while picking one or the other. config is also used as an alternative way of setting the page title. There are multiple integrations with the most popular state management libraries, including: Pinia - the official Vue recommendation; Harlem - immutable global state Nov 18, 2021 · Vue 3 and Vite support. You’ll be fine. js的了解可能会有优势。. js plans to make tough and effective web improvement with magnificent designer experience. It aims to bake in performance best-practices while maintaining excellent Vue. Nuxt provides additional structure (in the form of conventions and a module system) to better scale and manage an applications code base. And to me, nuxt generate option seems more consize since it doesn't envolve server. js and adds features such as component auto-imports, file-based routing and composables for a SSR-friendly usage. I will also demonstrate how to use some of the commands offered by Nuxi. Using create-nuxt-app . vue acts as the main component of your Nuxt application. 안녕하세요 Lovefield입니다. Apr 14, 2022 · Nuxt. 在灵活性和便利性之间权衡取舍。. Feb 15, 2023 · 4. Nuxt uses Vue. If you want vue 3 go with vitesse it's a batteries included vue3 project template, whereas nuxt3 isnt quite ready yet. 5 days ago · Next. js aims to simplify UI development using components, Nuxt. To show how Nuxt. Both able to fetch data on server for SEO and both have access to this context, but I found using serverPrefetch(), the data was rendered to DOM much Additional notes for an optimal setup: Open a terminal (if you're using Visual Studio Code, you can open an integrated terminal) and use the following command to create a new starter project: npx nuxi@latest init <project-name>. Nuxt seems to be better to use SSR/Browser and Learn how to use the server/ directory to register API and server handlers for your Nuxt application. Nuxt 3 feels really good and does a lot for the coder, like automatic imports and better caching of external requests. The latest Feb 24, 2022 · with nuxt generate you get . Jul 28, 2022 · Not sure about this one, but I think the "useFetch" helper is designed to be used with the Vue composition API, so : within the "setup" function; directly in your script tag if you're using the "<script setup>" synthax; The issue you are dealing with maybe due to the fact that you're using "useFetch" within the "mounted" hook of Vue. Dec 24, 2022 · Creating a new Nuxt project. axe Accessibility Linter: Give accessibility feedback right in the editor. Nuxt. Oct 21, 2020 · Oct 20, 2020. Here's a link to Bootstrap Vue's open source repository on GitHub. Follow. js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. js基础上构建的,因此对Vue. 🗜️ Components auto importing. js and Vue. Both help build faster, SEO-friendly, and user-friendly web pages. Each framework is component-based and allows the Apr 19, 2020 · React-Vue-Comparison (3 Part Series) React. js, konten yang diambil dari antarmuka pemrograman aplikasi Nuxt jelas lebih ramah Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SSG is purely static website with even API call cached. Learn about the different rendering modes available in Nuxt. js, the popular Vue. A terminal, we recommend using VS Code's integrated terminal or WebStorm terminal . That means it takes the same properties and can be used in the same manner. You can build a complete Vue. A new server engine. 言わずと知れたVeturですね。VSCodeでVueファイルを操作しているとレコメンドのメッセージが表示されるので、ご存知の方も多いでしょう。VueやNuxtを開発するならもはや必須の拡張機能です。 Vue-I18N - Internationalization Vue-DevTools - Browser debugging and profiling tools Vite/Webpack/Vue-CLI - Tree Shaking, URI encoding, lazy-loading, optimization Nuxt - Serverside rendering, SEO, Project organization, Static site generation, hydration Vue-Test-Utils + Jest/Vitest - Unit testing tooling These all serve different purposes. It focuses on the developer experience. Vue DevUI comes with support for TypeScript, Nuxt 3, internationalization, theme customization, and more. js 2. Because Nuxt 3 is developed in Vue 3, you’ll have access to features like the Composition API, enhanced module imports, and better overall app speed. The main difference is that Vue is always running on the client side, while Nuxt is not, and that can cause major problems in some cases. js side Nuxt. Jun 3, 2021 · Nuxt 2. However, there are cases where we need to perform "side effects" in reaction to state changes - for example, mutating the DOM, or changing another piece of state based on the result of an async operation. 🍍 State Management via Pinia. If you want to push some query params and a new path, you could use the following. To sum up, upgrading to Vue 3 and Nuxt 3 is a big step forward for web development. js to plan and make profoundly progressed web applications. Si estás buscando un enfoque más estructurado y predefinido, Nuxt puede ser la Nuxt和Vite都是基于Vue. Most of the times (in my experience) this additional structure is very beneficial, but there are rare cases whe Mar 9, 2023 · Vue vs React: A Thorough Comparison. But if you needed more functionality, it is better to use nuxt3. It has a smaller ecosystem of plugins compared to Nuxt. js applications, including routing, server-side rendering, and other Assets Directory. Nuxt is not opinionated about state management, so feel free to choose the right solution for your needs. React. js可能更容易初学,适合小型项目或初学者。. This step transforms the original file nuxt. bin/nuxt --inspect" Dec 4, 2022 · [assuming that you do have ssr: true in your Nuxt config file] Nuxt runs your app in an isomorphic way, meaning that most of the code should both run on the server and on the client. It is classified as a “framework(Full-stack) tool. Dibandingkan Vue. Jul 3, 2022 · router, the actual Vue router that will provide you all the features such as a client side navigation (with push or replace ), rollback to the n-1, resolve etc And see which methods/fields are available on each one of them. js optimizes your code and facilitates proper indexing of your application by search engines. js builds on it further optimizing for challenges like SEO, server-side rendering etc. js DX. js that you can use to build fast JAMstack applications. It promotes “high decoupling” which allows developers to easily create user interfaces and rapid prototyping. jsは、それぞれの魅力と機能性の高さにより、開発者コミュニティ内で高い評価を受けているフレームワークです。. Nuxt integrates Vue 3, the new major release of Vue that enables new patterns for Nuxt users. 저는 개인적으로 Nuxt. js even bring them to the next level, which helps us to create the application with less configuration and better maintainability. js, two frameworks built on Vue. 5. We’ll evaluate each in terms of the developer experience, general use and best practices, structure, and community adoption. Nuxt UI Pro v1. These upgrades bring lots of improvements that make websites work better and are easier for Jun 23, 2020 · This component ( <nuxt-link>) is used to provide navigations between page components and enhance performances with smart prefetching. By using SSR you gain lots of benefits, such as SEO, performance gains, and more flexibility and capabilities since you have a node server under your command. js is known for building user interfaces and single-page applications. js and the Composition API. js is a framework for Vue. In fact, <nuxt-link> extends <router-link>. 1. 💻 Vue 3, Vite 2, pnpm, ESBuild - Modern and fast. js are both great frameworks. Angular and Next. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a metric for measuring visual stability because it helps quantify how often users experience unexpected layout shifts—a low CLS helps ensure that the page is delightful. 15. May 17, 2022 · Vue. Vanilla Vue gives you more flexibility and room for invention. default. Learn what that means for you in this article. Jul 30, 2021 · What is the technical difference between Vue's native serverPrefetch() and Nuxt's new fetch() hook (Nuxt >= 2. Aug 10, 2022 · Nuxt on the other side, is a powerful Vue app on steroids with a lot things around it (SSR baked in, routes, advanced life cycle hooks etc) + a huge ecosystem. A minimal configuration file exports the defineNuxtConfig function containing an object with your configuration. Nuxt 3 comes built-in with lots of features that developers will enjoy, including auto-imports, abstractions for Oct 20, 2022 · nuxt dev, purely for development purposes. Expose reactive configuration within your application with the Nov 3, 2023 · Nuxt. The decision to choose between Nuxt and Vue depends on the specific needs of your project, and factors like scalability Jun 20, 2022 · Pinia offers a better developer experience (DX) than Nuxt’s useState by providing more features that you’ll likely need as your application grows in size and complexity. 💪 TypeScript. But a lot of times that is not needed (like with regular web apps). 1K GitHub stars and 1. Sep 7, 2023 · Nuxt UI. 🌍 I18n ready. js dials down the consideration from server subtleties and customer code circulation and permits the designer to zero in on the Nuxt Configuration. Jan 2, 2024 · Vue DevUI is a feature-rich component library based on Vue 3 and DevUI Design, developed by Tencent. nuxt start what should be running on the actual production server. The data fetching composables can help you leverage this feature and use what suits best on a per-calls basis. Routing, Nuxt. There is a nuxt conference in September, where they are expected to provide roadmap for Vue 3 support. However, nuxt. Naming the pages makes more sense. For example, lots of plugins does not yet support Vue 3 or NUXT 3 still being unstable for production. nuxt preview to get a preview locally of what would the final bundle look like. ts file is located at the root of a Nuxt project and can override or extend the application's behavior. 12). js is a framework that provides a structured architecture for building Vue. 📑 Layout system. However, the diversity of Vue. Feb 17, 2024 · Nuxt. Mar 22, 2023 · Vue. If you want to customize a Prose component, here are the recommended steps: Checkout the original component sources. Nuxt merupakan framework yang digunakan untuk merender data dari sisi server (Server Side Rendering) atau membuat website statis (Static Site Generator). 이번 글은 Next. Therefore, it is recommended to use titleTemplate in the app. Jun 9, 2021 · Let’s create a nuxt application called client with this command: npx create-nuxt-app client. 0, Nuxt. Just go for it, you won’t be disappointed! Yes, Vue 3 is better than Vue 2 but it’s not like Vue 2 is bad in any way. Note: Preceding create-nuxt-app with npx installs the package if it is not already installed globally on your machine. Auto Close Tag Auto closing html tags. It unlocks new full-stack capabilities for Nuxt by allowing you to create API routes like you would create pages directly in your Nuxt app. My biggest concern is the jump for Vue 2 to Vue 3 has caused a lot of controversy and setbacks. This course is designed to only take a weekend’s amount of time but set you up for life. js is a server-side rendering framework. js options API. Apr 18, 2020 · Nuxt. For example — if you want to select a DOM element right after the application is loaded, there is a possibility that the app is running on the Node. 두 가지 프레임워크는 각각 React. SvelteKit makes better use of different layouts. They can be used almost interchangeably to build front-end applications, but they’re not 100 percent the same, so it makes sense to compare them and understand their differences. html. This feature allows you to create full-stack applications with Nuxt. je pb ek ii pp ub mf nj ke vx