English exercise net. 1 More people around the world are fat than in the past.

Antonia is addicted to renovating and wants to do more. (I have / don’t have my own room. 2 Unhealthy habits begin in childhood. 30 4 12. 1 morning 2 afternoon 3 The Clarke School (C-L-A-R-K-E). Transcript. 2 animated movie. 3 You gave Sarah a really small piece of cake – and you’ve given me even little! 1 6. Page 1 2 3. DOCTOR OK. 2 When the pizza was delivering, it was cold. 3 only when Vanessa removed her hat did I realise it was her. e Wilson f Matt g Sandy h Wilson. Archaeology: Radio interview with a forensic archaeologist b two. I live here and I work for a magazine, NewYork 24seven. 2 E a trifle (typical English dessert, made with fruit, cake and cream). 1 Heather. Diana is talking about Seoul. Movie times are 2:30, 4:45, 7:30, and 10:00 English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations. 2 It rains a lot in England, so the countryside is a lot green than in Greece. English Grammar Exercises for A1, English Grammar Exercises for A2 A . Heather: used to be shy and reserved, has become friendly and outgoing. Practice your English with interactive exercises, quizzes, and tests. ” Study Better with The Help of AI. 4 If possible, use this place only for. 5 I don’t mind where we go. I think Rio de Janeiro is one of the most interesting cities in South America. 3 It doesn’t / isn’t necessary to set the burglar alarm. 2 Shelley has no intention / purpose of admitting she lied. Enhance grammar, vocabulary, and speaking with our comprehensive collection. He is in love with Juliet Logan. B Bolivia. e Yes, there’s someone at the door. It was a pretty bad snowstorm and the roads weren’t in very good condition. 3 It’s good to have someone to lead / guide you when you are on holiday. Hi, Nick. 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 c. 2 Are you having / Do you have breakfast every morning? 3 It snows / is snowing so we can’t go skiing. 2 Don’s got such a lot of homework that he’s not going to play football tonight. Arthropods are animals with lots of hinged legs (legs with joints in them) and hard outsides, e. 3 The manager wants to hear ideas about how to generate ideas, how to share ideas and how to capture those ideas. b My boss went on to say that he was very proud of all of us. 2 Their office is at / on the fifteenth floor. . I think you’re really going to like it. 1 I don’t live alone so I don’t get lonely. “Don’t stop when you are tired. 3 She promised to help, but then she backed. 1 e 2 d 3 c 4 a 5 b. Rebecca. i. You will hear an interview with a teenage boy called Jake. Learn English for free with hundreds of video lessons by experienced native-speaker teachers. g. The drinks were two pounds thirty and the dessert one ninety. 45. 3 You’ve written / been writing that e-mail for over an hour. 3 Microsoft has a lot of power in the world of computers, which annoys some people. 4 Your guide speaks / is speaking three languages. Here are all the English grammar exercises on the site so far. ChatPDF – Chat with any PDF. I mostly watch black and white movies – you know, the ones with the great actors like Dean Martin and Rock Hudson. Stop when you are done. 2 Masha will find out more about her project soon. 2 before have we faced such a serious problem as this. Since the weather is going to be great tomorrow, some of us are going to the beach. 2 He wishes he had got up earlier. 2 more, all. 2 A man / shoot / an air gun / outside the petrol station last night. 2 They haven’t arrived / been arriving yet, but they should be here soon. Get more practice to improve your general English with our extended listening and reading materials. 3 Gunpowder / invent / the Chinese. Jay will have it. 3 Find a quiet place where you can work without. D But you shouldn’t stay in bed – that’s not going to help. 2 Mistakes like that cost / are costing the company a lot of money. 1 I hope you’re joking with / about quitting your job!. d No, there’s no sign of him. . 2 If you like, I’ll pick. 3 sci-fi movie. Transcript (Speaker = German) 1 If you average more than 250 miles per day, then there’s a charge of €10 per mile. 4 had been trying/had tried. LEO Phew. 1 M 2 D 3 M 4 D 5 D. B We had dinner and then Wendy arrived. 1 My friend, Simon, who has just released a CD, plays the guitar. 1 Usually at the sports ground, sometimes in the countryside. If I wanted to buy that CD, I would. E. They have great musicians, so there is always good music in the cafes. ? 1 Elizabeth usually goes / is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock. I travelled all over France visiting my relatives. Enjoy learning! Find lessons and resources to improve your English skills. Emma: Hi Shona. 3 She knows exactly who she’s going to work with. Harbin’s ice festival. 2 hadn’t made a mistake with our order, we would have paid them on time. 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F. It was really funny! I (3) read / had read it during maths and it (4) made / had made me laugh. 2 appeals to all ages (with sophisticated humor and well-thought-out stories), makes people forget they’re not watching real people or objects (through quality computer graphics, dynamic plot, attractive setting, interesting characters English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations. 1 John regrets / is regretting the wav he behaved yesterday. 5 has decided. We’d love for you to come. Space Science: On-the-street survey about space exploration. 1 My grandfather made a wealth / fortune by investing at the right time. Rob has started some renovating but can’t finish it. 8 loves/loved/does love. 2. 6 is/was. Matt is talking about Athens. Listen to the conversation again. English Practice. 1 Our car / service / a mechanic / at the moment. Um, they’re four hours behind us, so the time there is … 2. ’ 2 ‘Who saw you / did you see at the supermarket?’ I can use the past perfect simple and past perfect continuous. c It doesn’t matter. 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 b 7 b 8 a. 2 By running or cycling. Let’s try it. 4 False 5 False 6 True. a Joshua Logan’s nephew. I can use different tenses to talk about the present and future. 3 I’m afraid we can only accept the return of the item if you still have the receipt / bill. 4 When I told the truth, I came. , or 9 p. (I’m bad / good at dancin A. 1 Antonia: pulled out the original kitchen cabinet and replaced it; uncovered the original fireplace and chimney; repainted the kitchen; knocked down the dividing wall between the dining room and the sitting room 1. 4 That song doesn’t played on the radio very often, is it? 1 I think I’ve heard / been hearing that song before. a Wilson b Tessa c Sandy d Matt. ). Exercise 3 Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. 2 I’m a bit scared because I am seeing / will see the dentist this afternoon. 7 were going to. How was your vacation? B: It was great. 1 didn’t want. 3 The government’s made / done a complete mess of its environmental policy. That’s good to hear. 2 Be realistic: there’s no point in. Matt – Australia, Sandy – Scotland, Wilson – Jamaica, Tessa – Canada. These exercises have been made by English Language teachers from all over the world. Every lesson features keywords, definitions, pictures and quizzes with personalized feedback to enhance your learning. a Yes, it’s time we went home. F. 2 Come in!Make / Have yourself at home. 2 Please could / should I use your mobile phone? Mine doesn’t have any power. c Joshua Logan’s wife (and widow). J My name’s Jenny Zielinski. Woman: When the Internet first started, only a handful of countries had full access to the World Wide Web, some others had only e-mail access, and many places had no access at all. At any time, use the grammar and vocabulary sections to help and support your learning. 1 A Frederick’s, Kevin’s restaurant. 15 5 4. , crustacea, spiders, and insects. 4 item, homes. 3 the climate wasn’t/weren’t undergoing such radical changes, scientists wouldn’t be so worried 1 Yes, I was at the top of the ladder trying to put away the dishes when I slipped and fell. 3 Sam could / ought to get a job instead of complaining about having no money. Match the parts of the sentences and complete them with whatever, whenever, whoever etc. 4 On Sundays, they relax and watch TV – and Logan Skypes his parents. 2 Your starters were five pounds sixty, and the main courses twenty seventy; drinks were six fifteen and the desserts cost four pounds and five pence. The nightlife is great. I’m a writer on NewYork 24seven. g twice. (The man got up late / early. Paula already has plans. Grammar Exercises A1 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 C. The invitation is for Saturday. H = Host I = Ian. Andy: Well, this is Andy Wong, and we’re just about at the end of another episode of Where in the World . 1 True 2 True 3 False. B Good morning, I’d like to book a badminton court for Wednesday evening. a Good day b 33% Part 2. I always get up at six forty-five on work days. 45 2 7. 3 Georgia had / was having a shower when someone knocked at the door. 45 6 5. m. 3 Stacy gets / is getting ready for school, so she can’t come to the phone. 1 Begin by. Marcos: used to be wild and crazy, has become kind and generous. Sometimes you need the negative: 1 We’d had dinner when Wendy arrived. 2 Dan talks / is talking on the other phone right now. If you are a learner, you can use them to practice English. Narrator: This is Harbin in China, also known as ‘the Ice City’. 4 She thinks it is easy. 2 a My boss went on saying that he was very proud of all of us. A: I didn’t know you had relatives in France. I can work out the kind of information I need to complete a listening task. It’s an action-packed movie with lots of car chases. SUZANNE: OK. 1 I work / am working at the local library for the summer. – Chatpdf — Extract information or answer questions from large PDF files like manuals, essays, books. 2 I think you’ll find that the Microcar is really very economic / economical to drive. 00 3 7. I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and he (2) gave / had given it to me. What does she decide to do with her family? a visit a castle. 1 They play /are playing rugby twice a week. I guess I was driving a little too fast and I went into a skid. English Grammar Exercises for B1- Participle clauses; English Grammar Exercises for B1- Third conditional; English Grammar Exercises for B1- have something done; English Grammar Exercises for B1 – Indefinite pronouns: some-, any-, no-, every- A. 3 I was running along the side of the road when I tripped and hurt my ankle. A. Grammar Exercises A1 1 Oscar says he is doing / will do the washing-up after dinner. B. Lynne refuses Dave’s invitation. f one or two. 2 I read the book after I’d seen the film. Example of a risk: if consumer demand is falling in one part of its market, should the company develop new product lines? 1 The government in Costa Rica wants to save the rainforests. A OK, we have 8 p. B: Yeah, I love it, too! A: Here. Audioscript. J = Jenny, R = Rob. A: I love Mexican food. 2 Prince Charles, whose wife was Princess Diana, is heir to the throne of England. Lynne will meet Dave’s parents on Saturday. Transcript (Chu Hua = Chinese) Pharmacist: Hello. English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations. 2 We don’t go / aren’t going to the theatre very often. b Whenever early humans depicted animals, they were really depicting humans. Look at Lucy’s diary for Friday, then complete the summary using present continuous statements. 10 had been brought up Here you will find hundreds of exercises to learn English online: vocabulary, grammar, listening, songs, etc. 2 You learn a lot about the local territory / area by speaking to local people. b Yes, there’s some at the front. Grammar Exercises A1 . 1 It’s a great computer programme / program once you get the hang of it. 3 wireless, locations. P: Hello, and welcome back to the Focus podcast. 3 Marcos. 1 More people around the world are fat than in the past. 1 I particularly like Mexican and Indian kitchen / cuisine. They are important because they make up three quarters of all animals in the world. Practice English with free English exercises. Well, I really like watching TV. c two. Example of an opportunity: a new technology to improve production processes and reduce costs. Audioscripts. English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, writing, and more. 1 The days of Athens being one of the most polluted cities in the world have come / gone to an end. 1 Ideas come to us at any time. 2 They disappear, either through forgetfulness, being afraid of being laughed at or due to lack of a system for capturing them. 3 B a gastropub (a pub with a restaurant). Well, I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Grammar Exercises A1 English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations. 3 On Friday evening, Tony cooks a huge meal. 1 no circumstances are photographs permitted. 3 1 right 2 right 3 wrong 4 wrong 5 wrong. 1 Now that’s eleven fifty for the main course, one twenty-five for the salad. Ellen: Hello. Kindergarten English Worksheets Unlocking Language Skills: Engaging English Worksheets for Early Literacy Development. d 24. 1 continue, grow. d A friend of Joshua Logan’s. b. 2 a When the earliest humans depicted their gods, it was usually an animal or part human and part animal. No. com. 4 School lunches are healthier than lunches packed by their parents. a. A: Hi, Sally. A I’d like to know what time it is in Bolivia, please. 5 Check you have everything you need before Word order - sentence structure 2 - Technology - Put these words in alphabetical order - Verb " to be" - Three little pigs - Spotlight 4_Comparatives Example: I don’t want to buy that CD so I’m not going to. 3 Sue has / is having the flu, so she’s off work today. 1. Grammar Exercises A1 A. Our movie today in Cinema 1 is Die Harder: The Final Conflict. 2 Well, I hurt my arm as I was climbing out of the pool after a swim. 2 Frozen / Freezing fish is just as tasty as fresh fish. A Good morning. 1 romantic comedy. I like it hot and spicy. 1 a I can’t bear being tickled! b I can’t bear to be tickled!. 3 What are you going to do / do you do this evening? Learn how to use future time, present tenses and prepositions in time clauses with this English grammar exercise for B2 level. a 2 b 4 c 7 d 3 e 1 f 8 g 5 h 6. 3. R My name’s Rob Walker. c. b watch the Highland Games. 3 We don’t eat / aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet. 3 My mum’s the best cooker / cook in the world! 1. Interviewer: Here with me today is Jake, who had a big adventure one New Year’s Eve when he got lost on a freezing mountain in Oregon. And New York is my city. 3 was giving. Transcripts. 1 music and art. Discover an extensive collection of free English worksheets for kindergarten covering various topics such as identifying and writing the alphabet, phonics, building vocabulary, recognizing sight words, identifying opposite words, identifying rhyming words, practicing spelling English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations. 4 01572 39968 5 Phillips 6 infor@clarke4music. 1 I don’t know why you’re putting / taking the blame on me. 1 I hope to go on a trip round the world / earth one day. 4 D a restaurant kitchen (with only men working there) 1 I wish I had my own room. 4 At the surgery yesterday, I / examine / Dr Peterson / and I / give / a prescription. Boost your vocabulary with exercises tailored for each level: A1, A2, B1, B1+, B2. 3 Having taken part in / of several amateur karaoke competitions, Daniel was determined to get himself a recording contract. e eight. Thank you for calling Century Cinemas. 2 1 2 3 She is working on her blog. 00 7 10. 1 Every year, several prizes are giving to the best students. A Wendy arrived and then we had dinner. 2 Marcos. 2 About four years ago, I decided / was deciding to become a chef. These days tourists from all over the world come to visit. Correct order: c, b, d, a. 4 Heather 1 When we were in Canada, we went / were going skiing almost every day. It varies from one week to the next, but I’d guess about $100. Learn English Online using our high-quality resources to quickly improve your English. 9 had asked/was going to ask/would ask. Listen to Emma talking to her friend about the summer holidays. 3 Children usually do more exercise than adults. 6 M 7 D 8 D 9 M. Irregular Verbs: Irregular Past Simple, Part 1; Irregular Past Simple, Part 2; Irregular Past Participle, Part 1 1 1 a 2 b. 2 had seen. 1 crime: there will be less street crime; crime will become more intelligent and digital; there will be more computer hacker criminals. This is Denise. Every winter, for over 30 years, Harbin has held an ice festival. 1 I’ve been having swimming lessons and now I can / could swim really well. 1 common 2 practiced 3 world-class 4 10,000 5 successful. I have breakfast at seven o’clock and I go to work at seven thirty. How much money do you spend on groceries per week? DON: Hmm. A Could you tell me the time right now in Haiti, please? 1 I’m hungry because 2 I’m going to buy a car as soon as 3 I love to be active when I’m on holiday, while 4 You can have some ice cream since 5 Please don’t start watching the DVD until 1 ‘Who asked you / did you ask to the party?’ ‘Maria, but she told me she couldn’t come. b Arthur Logan’s uncle and Juliet Logan’s husband. 2 1 English 2 maths 3 English 4 maths 5 art 6 music. Dear Lisa, Thanks for your letter. Welcome to the exciting world of English Exercises! Whether you're a beginner looking to build your basic skills or an advanced learner looking to refine your language abilities, we have the resources to help you achieve your goals. Chu Hua: Hi, um I think I’ve got the fly 1 had got me a birthday present, I would have got her one. Try some of this. 3 I wish I was good at dancing. 4 musical. 2 I hate tabloid / broadsheet newspapers; they’re just full of gossip, scandal and lies! 1. 1 good storyline, combination of humor and realism, appeals to both men and women. 1 c 2 f 3 d 4 b 5 a 6 e. 3 You will be telling when you can come in. Grammar Exercises A1 1 We lost the match because we played badly than the other team did. 5 6 The blog is on cats and David doesn’t have a cat, just a dog and a hamster. Great to hear from you. 2 space travel: people will be living on other planets within 100 years; humans will have traveled to other galaxies within the next 50 years English Grammar Exercises for B1- Determiners: all, each, every, few, little, etc. 1 We should stop talking and get. sd lk fo hg mv dn nk ug ql jn