Nmap scan all ports. This room explains: TCP connect port scan.

Just a couple of clicks, and our port checker online will have you all covered! What Is a Port Scanner (Port Tester)? Fast way to scan all ports using nmap Use a different tool. In this module, we will learn how to utilise the Nmap scanner to discover live hosts and scan them for open ports. The fifth flag ( -T2 ) tells the command to use polite Intrusion Detection Software evasion to get by unnoticed (hopefully). 134. See how to install, configure and run different types of port scans, including scanning all ports with -p- option. Scan a specific range of ports using nmap command. The first step is to install Nmap on your system. This catches roughly 93% of the TCP ports and 49% of the UDP ports. Here's how to use the Nmap network auditing tool to scan all ports, including open ports and specific ones, to identify any weakpoints in your system. Conclusion. It scans for all the available ports between the specified range. The -p- flag tells Nmap to scan all 65535 TCP ports, which can be time-consuming and generate much network traffic. # To use this library you must have the Nmap If the name resolves to more than one IP address, only the first one will be scanned. windows admin) the command nmap -sn 192. Full scripting engine support. I would like to find the list of IP address with all open ports using awk command. Learn how to identify and scan open ports on a network using nmap, a popular network security tool. What is the All 1000 scanned ports on X are in ignore states in NMAP mean. An open port scanner is used to scan what all ports are open and what all ports are closed. Download open source software for Linux, Windows, UNIX, FreeBSD, etc. Personally I use RustScan for this. 3. My nmap output file is: # Nmap 7. Nov 3, 2012 · However the above recommendation of "sudo nmap -sn 192. 10 I hope that Mar 7, 2023 · The -sn option tells Nmap to conduct a ping scan only, without scanning the hosts’ ports. Nmap Port Scanning: Special Cases. Beyond the basic port scanning, Nmap offers various specialized scan options that cover specific scenarios. 1', '21-443') We all know, what import nmap is for, it is to import the nmap module to our python script. Sep 22, 2017 · Also, I think that tcp scan is fastest than udp scan. Add -F to scan the top 100 most popular ports . Since Nmap is free, the only barrier to port scanning mastery is knowledge. Just a couple of clicks, and our port checker online will have you all covered! What Is a Port Scanner (Port Tester)? Sep 1, 2017 · Nmap Free Security Scanner, Port Scanner, & Network Exploration Tool. Nmap commands can be used to scan a single port or a series of ports: Scan port 80 on the target system: nmap –p 80 192. 1 -top-ports 2000: Port You need to check only specific ports you're concerned about, like ports used for gaming, applications, or sharing files. 1. 247) Not shown: 961 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 7/tcp open echo 9/tcp open discard 11/tcp open systat 13/tcp open daytime 15/tcp open netstat 19/tcp open chargen 21/tcp open ftp 22/tcp open ssh 23/tcp open telnet 25/tcp May 1, 2023 · The fourth flag (-p) 1–65435 runs a port scan from port 1 to port 60000. 1 -p-Port scan all ports-p: nmap 192. Therefore, nmap did not detect any active devices within the specified IP address range during the scan. $ nmap -p numX-numY . 1 shows such a scan. A very useful option that should not be ignored: How would you tell nmap to scan all ports?-p-How would you activate a script from the nmap scripting library (lots more on this later!)? If you are not able to ping the box server than check your vpn connection. It does a quick port scan using its own scanner and then goes back over and does an Nmap scan of only the open ports. scan('127. 1. They are wrong. Nmap’s output provides the hostname and IP address for each active host. Por exemplo, um scan SYN considera nenhuma-resposta como uma indicação de porta filtrada, enquanto que um scan FIN trata a mesma como aberta|filtrada. From the point of view of the network, however, the behavior of a half-open SYN scan (SYN, SYN-ACK, RST) is quite unusual, and can be a significant indicator of a port scan, even if only one, open port is scanned. You will gain a deep knowledge of the various Nmap port scans, from TCP connect and stealth (SYN) port scans to null, FIN, Xmas and idle host (zombie) port scans. Nmap's port registration file (nmap-services) contains empirical data about how frequently each TCP or UDP port is found to be open. By default, Nmap scans the most common 1,000 ports. Use the -p- option with nmap to list all ports on the given host IP address: sudo nmap -p- 192. The <port ranges> are Oct 11, 2015 · However many systems dont answer ICMP requests in those cases nmap next moves to sending connection request directly to port 80 and 443. This command scan just the most popular 100 ports with the -F (fast scan) option. No other businesses seem to share the IP space. All 1000 are open|filtered. Attackers can and do scan all TCP ports. May 14, 2024 · Nmap Basic Port Scans. The simple default scan above will check the 1000 most well known ports for each IP address. 5 States of Ports When nmap identifies a port during the scan, it attempts to classify the state of the port – this is then displayed in the “STATE” column. 255. I thought if I used an ACK-scan nmap would give me all the filtered ports. With a basic understanding of networking (IP addresses and Service Ports), learn to run a port scanner, and understand what is happening under the hood. Scan all ports of an IP range. open but could be firewalled). Is really possible the same results but using tcp scan (12k ports in 3 secs or less) and having the certain that all ports were scanned? (using a tool like Nmap nmap 192. --exclude-ports <port ranges> (Exclude the specified ports from scanning) This option specifies which ports you do want Nmap to exclude from scanning. Nmap scan report for 127. e. A basic Nmap command will produce information about the given host. Network Penetration Testing Scan IP addresses and hostnames in one click to get an aggregated view of all their open ports . . Scanning All Ports May 10, 2024 · Port scan for port x-p: nmap 192. Nov 5, 2017 · 4. > nmap -p 76–973 192. We can use the db_nmap command to run Nmap against our targets and our scan results would than be stored automatically in our database. Or, probably, you’re required to scan the common ports that are often used. That will exclude the host while scanning. open|filtered. In this case (scanning a small number of ports likely to be open, protected by IDS), the TCP Connect scan may actually be If you want to scan your target with nmap tool without any additional installations, skills, or it is lazy to configure or open terminal and enter this commands then nmap. 2. B. 3, “SYN scan of closed port 113” and Figure 5. com Starting Nmap ( https://nmap. Scanning unfiltered ports with other scan types such as Window scan, SYN scan, or FIN scan, may help resolve whether the port is open. Let’s discuss some of these scenarios: Zusätzlich zu all den bisher erläuterten Scan-Methoden bietet Nmap Optionen, mit denen man angibt, welche Ports gescannt werden und ob die Scan-Reihenfolge randomisiert oder sequentiell ist. The next step would be checking which ports are open and listening and which ports are closed. root# nmap -sS 192. As long as none of those three bits are included, any combination of the other three (FIN, PSH, and URG) are OK. In that case, -F means to scan the 100 most-likely ports based on that frequency data. 200. 0/24. Scan for all Ports on Given IP Address. 0/24 will Dec 8, 2020 · We can also choose which port(s) to scan. Inexperienced users and script kiddies, on the other hand, try to solve every problem with the default SYN scan. Feb 3, 2015 · Thanks for pointing that out @bonsaiviking. Nmap scan report for scanme. In addition, no hosts were up or responding to the scan within that subnet. The goal is to find all hosts on a class C sized network with port 80 open. TCP Connect Scan (-sT): TCP Connect scan uses the concept of a full three-way handshake to discover whether a given port is open, filtered, or closed according to the response it receives. 10. Initiating TCP ftp bounce scan against scanme. 1 -F: Fast port scan (100 ports)-top-ports: nmap 192. Let’s see how to run this: Assume we want to find all open ports in class C subnet 192. 3, “How Nmap interprets responses to a UDP probe” shows that the open|filtered state occurs when Nmap fails to receive any responses from its UDP probes to a particular port. Example 5. Feb 21, 2018 · To scan all TCP ports of a target, I used to do: nmap -p 0-65535 192. When scanning hosts, Nmap commands can use server names, IPV4 addresses or IPV6 addresses. Understand the Port Scanning Process with this Nmap Tutorial. Aug 7, 2023 · Command breakdown: nmap = nmap tool-p-= scans all 1-65535 ports-v = verbose output, more detail-sC = runs common scripts, (ex. Rather than waste time port scanning, specify -sn to do a ping scan when all you wish to know is what hosts are up or what their MAC addresses are. TCP Ports Scanning Mar 31, 2020 · Scanning specific ports. Fast nmap scanning for a network range: nmap -F 192. On a fast network of responsive machines, this may take a fraction of a second per host. 000028s latency). How to find ports marked as filtered by nmap. What if you want to scan ALL ports of the IP range under scope. > nmap -p T:7777, 973 192. How would you tell nmap to scan ports 1000–1500?-p 1000–1500. Nmap is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. This room explains: TCP connect port scan. 1 8. Nmap sends a TCP request packet to each Nov 26, 2023 · sudo nmap -F 192. I was able to scan all 12k ports in less than 3 secs with this command: sudo nmap -sU --min-rate 5000 -p 53000-62000 192. nmap -sA -p- target and the result was All the 65535 ports scanned are unfiltered. org (64. The output of a connect scan doesn't differ significantly from a SYN scan. INTRODUCTION. When a packet is sent to a UDP port, there should be no response. 0–255). Nmap will then mark the port as open/filtered (i. Nmap Command to Scan for Open Ports. Scans all 65k ports in 3 seconds. Now after identifying the live hosts in the whole subnet, we can perform full port scan with nmap towards these hosts only. com (216. Tools works well on both desktop and mobile browser. The art of port scanning is similar. But the primary use of Nmap is to design an open port scanner. We will explore in detail the advanced options, including packet fragmentation, source address spoofing, and decoys Diese Zustände sind keine echten Eigenschaften eines Ports selbst, sondern beschreiben, wie Nmap ihn sieht. 10/24 To see packets sent and received received using nmap: nmap --packet-trace 192. Reading over the results, Felix finds that all of the machines with reverse-DNS entries resolve to Avatar Online. Ce scan permet néanmoins d'utiliser l'option -p pour sélectionner les numéros de protocoles à scanner -- le rapport de Nmap étant toujours dans le style habituel des tables de ports -- et utilise le même moteur de scan utilisé pour le scan de ports. 1 Host is up, received user-set (0. 171 Host is up (0. 10 Scan for a port: nmap -p 22 192. Is this even reasonable? What other scans can I use to complement my first scan? Nmap (network mapper) is a powerful, versatile tool that can help you perform a comprehensive scan of all open ports on your network. 52) Adding open port 22/tcp Adding open port 25/tcp Scanned 3 ports in 12 seconds via the Bounce scan. This tutorial covers the basics of ports, common services, and how to use nmap options to customize your scans. Sample Output: 20. Jun 29, 2016 · So just supply the services you want to scan in this format and you can accomplish this goal. 01 scan initiated Sat Mar 18 06:27:08 2017 as: nmap -oG output. We can scan any port, a range of IP addresses, or any host we can use the nmap command in the following way: 01. You need to check only specific ports you're concerned about, like ports used for gaming, applications, or sharing files. Table 5. 100 Unfortunately, I can't tell if this is any accurate. 2 Since I have the memory of a goldfish, I had to look up the maximum port number (65535) every single time! Enter the following option: nmap -p- 192. By doing this, we managed to be more efficient and perform scans faster than doing full port scan on the whole target range from the beginning. May 4, 2024 · Basically, these nmap scan results indicate that we scanned a subnet with a total of 4096 IP addresses. Apr 22, 2024 · Nmap scan all ports command TCP Connect Scan (-sT) The TCP Connect Scan is the default scan type used by Nmap ports. It does provide a lot of information but creates a lot of network traffic. Aug 3, 2022 · Nmap is probably the most famous reconnaissance tool among Pentesters and Hacker. Regarding TCP, -sS should be quicker than -sT. online for you. On the other hand, all the information I found on the Internet is relying on getting more results with different nmap scans. Sep 15, 2023 · Scan a Single Port, All Ports, or Series. I used. 250. Nmap makes scanning open ports easier even for starting users. Nmap provides this server to test out different scans. The /24 has Nmap scan the full range of the last number in the IP address (i. May 28, 2016 · When I run tcpdump to see the traffic and where it's going, it shows all these ports being scanned when the Nmap command is run, and the Nmap scan completes successfully. Oct 2, 2021 · Now that our packages are updated we’re all set to install nmap and for this execute the command given below: sudo dnf install nmap; Scanning of ports using nmap command. Example 11. This data was collected by scanning tens of millions of Internet addresses, then combining those results with internal scan data contributed by large enterprises. If we were interested in checking the state of ports 22 and 443 (which by default use the TCP protocol), we'd run the following: # nmap -sV -p 22,443 192. You must to know subnetting and network knowledge. 1 -p U:53,T:21-25,80: Port scan multiple TCP and UDP ports-p: nmap 192. For subnet if you use 24 subnetmask you will not scan 192. O Nmap irá se comportar da mesma forma que o tipo de scan-base escolhido, exceto que ele irá usar as marcas TCP que você especificar. " It can be included for completeness with -p 0-65535 , but it is nearly impossible that you would ever find a valid listening service there. Its compelling feature set makes it the de-facto tool for monitoring open ports on your network. 0 through 64. Ainsi, cette technique est suffisamment proche du scan de port pour être présenté ici. I am trying to use nmap against a target to find all the ports that are filtered. 1 -p http,https: Port scan from service name-F: nmap 192. That’s how the Nmap can be used to scan all ports on Linux. Mar 6, 2018 · # The python-nmap library helps to programmatically manipulate scanned results of nmap to automate port scanning tasks. To scan all ports (1 – 65535): Oct 6, 2022 · Learn how to use Nmap, an open-source port checking tool, to scan all ports on your network and find out which ones are open or closed. Oct 2, 2020 · If you specify the type of port, you can scan for information about a particular type of connection, for example for a TCP connection. A range of ports can be scanned by separating them with a hyphen. Scan ports 1 through 200 on the target system: nmap –p 1-200 192. It summarizes details about a single host or a complete scan in a convenient display. By default these changes are applied for you by the Nmap executable Les valeurs de début ou de fin des plages peuvent être omises, de sorte que Nmap utilisera les ports 1 et 65 535, respectivement. Therefore, in this room and the next one, we focus on port scanning and the different types of port scans used by nmap. It is essentially a port scanner that helps you scan networks and identify various ports and services available in the network, besides also providing further information on targets, including reverse DNS names, operating system guesses, device types, and MAC addresses. Be careful with shell expansions and quote the argument to -p if unsure. For example when the scan is launched with --reason:. 52) PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 25/tcp open smtp 135/tcp filtered msrpc Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 21. nmap command to show host and port state reasons--reason option shows the reasons for each host is up or down. org will perform a default scan for open ports on the domain name scanme. 0/24 Some have even posted to security lists that scanning all 65,536 TCP ports is inconceivable. May 14, 2019 · 1. Jan 7, 2024 · Note that scanning all ports can take a long time, especially for UDP, as nmap has to wait for a timeout for each port before moving on to the next one. 128. org. 4, “SYN scan of filtered port 139”. 168. Rather than slow the Nmap scan by running extensive version detection (-sV --version-all) so that Nmap will recognize the ms-sql service, you can force the ms-sql-config script to run against all the targeted hosts and ports by specifying --script +ms-sql-config. Only open ports generate more network traffic. Step 1: Install Nmap. Nmap places ports in this state when it is unable to determine whether a port is open or filtered. , bei dem Ausgangs- und Zielnetzwerk identisch sind, könnte Port 135/tcp als offen anzeigen, während ein Scan zur selben Zeit mit denselben Optionen über das Internet diesen Port als gefiltert anzeigen könnte. Here are the steps to use Nmap to scan all open ports on your local network. In addition, techniques such as Nmap version detection make it easy to determine what service is listening on an unusual port. caldera. It can get through all 65535 ports in about 30 seconds. To make Nmap scan all the resolved addresses instead of only the first one, use the --resolve-all option. 10 Scan for multiple ports: nmap -p 80,22,21,111 Scan all ports using nmap: nmap -p "*" 192. If you were scanning multiple hosts, you could use --host-timeout to skip slow hosts. If you want to scan something else, type in the device’s DNS name or IP address. Limit the number of ports scanned. 2 tcp ports that commonly used for public services. nmap command. 0. It sends SYN packets to the target ports and waits for SYN-ACK responses to determine if the ports are open, closed, or filtered. May 25, 2022 · You can request a port scan by using-p-, which will scan all 65535 ports. Connect scan performance can be improved substantially by applying the Registry changes in the nmap_performance. Do an online Nmap scan to automatically map all the open TCP and UDP ports and services in your target’s attack surface. Nmap is a robust tool for scanning computer networks, helping you to spot any weakpoints in a system. nmap -p- 192. Jul 26, 2020 · Information can be the name of the operating system used or characteristics of the network devices. Nmap scannt standardmäßig für jedes Protokoll die 1000 meistbenutzten Ports. Using --top-ports 10 will examine the top ten most commonly used ports. With the -F (fast) option These four commands all ask Nmap to scan the 256 IP addresses from 64. In addition to showing Nmap's normal output, Zenmap can arrange its display to show all ports on a host or all hosts running a particular service. 0 is out of subnet useable scope. Ainsi, vous pouvez spécifier -p-pour scanner tous les ports de 1 à 65 535. For this, Nmap supports CIDR-style addressing. 3 shows a connect scan of Scanme. In his reply the OP from that link wrote that he reached 12k ports in less than 3 secs using udp scan on nmap but with no accuracy. This is a shame, since that is the one TCP scan that works over all networking types (not just ethernet, like the raw packet scans). 0. While attempts to produce accurate results, keep in mind that all of its insights are based on packets returned by the target machines (or firewalls in front of them). 0 port is not a standart port. 12 ( https://nmap. nmap -F [hostname] [hostname] - is your host name or IP address. reg file included with Nmap. Sometimes you wish to scan a whole network of adjacent hosts. Then we initialise the Nmap PortScanner to In my case the IDS/IPS would send a SYN,ACK for all ports, which caused nmap to conclude that all ports were open. Scanner des ports non-filtrés avec un autre type de scan, comme le scan Windows, SYN ou FIN peut aider à savoir si un port est ouvert ou pas. 164. UDP port scan May 10, 2012 · or reduce the number of ports you're scanning with the -p switch or --top-ports , which will scan the highest-ratio ports found in the nmap-services file. Test and verify servers, firewalls and network perimeters with Nmap Online providing the most accurate port status of a systems Internet footprint. Use the famous Nmap program) to find open ports on Internet facing systems with Nmap Online Port Scan tool. Large scans involving thousands of hosts, all 65K ports, UDP, or version detection are likely to take a while even after optimization. Alternatively, you can use -p "*" flag to scall all 65535 TCP and UDP ports. 13. Finally nmap tries a technique known as ICMP timestamp request to see if it can probe a Dec 16, 2014 · @Bachrach44 Port 0 is a technicality of the TCP spec that doesn't work in most systems, since the socket API considers the number 0 to represent "any available port. Moreover, these results give Felix a rough idea of how many machines are in use and a good idea of what many are used for. If it gets a UDP response, then the port is marked as open. Jan 16, 2022 · So how can you use Nmap port scan techniques to find all open ports? Nmap Commands to Scan All Open Ports Computer ports are endpoints that facilitate data communication over networks. You can specify a range of ports with -p option to scan using nmap command. In other words, they ask to scan the class C sized address space The packet traces for those are the same as described for SYN scan in Figure 5. If you are unsure what -sV does, just run: # nmap -sW -T4 docsrv. 0/24" is the best quickest method to get the all the MACs for the IPs on your local network/vlan/subnet What the OP doesnt mention, is the only way to get the MAC address this way, you MUST use sudo(or other super user privs i. By default, Nmap scans the top 1,000 ports for each scan protocol requested. Overall, nmap knows six different states for ports: Open : A service is ready to accept TCP connections or UDP packets on this port. HTH! All probes that have the port being scanned listed as a probable port (see the section called “nmap-service-probes File Format”) are tried in the order they appear in nmap-service-probes. To use the nmap for the can of all the ports of the computer from 0 to 65535, run the command “sudo nmap -p0-65535 <target domain>”. Ein Nmap-Scan z. * The exception to this is if the file includes port frequency data like the nmap-services file bundled with Nmap. A new strategy is called for. You can also use the -top-ports flag to specify the top n ports to scan -oA <basename>: Output in the three major formats at once -v: Increase verbosity level (use -vv or more for greater effect) -d: Increase debugging level (use -dd or more for greater effect) --reason: Display the reason a port is in a particular state --open: Only show open (or possibly open) ports --packet-trace: Show all packets sent and Below are the commands which can be used to successfully scan all the ports and return the results in a JSON format. Jul 8, 2022 · Different Port Scanning Techniques in Nmap: The following are the extensively used scanning techniques in Nmap: 1. PortScanner() >>> >>> nmScan. Nov 14, 2013 · If I'm looking for relatively fast discovery beyond basic nmap (ICMP + port 80 ACK) I do a discovery scan with a list of common TCP ports something like. Therefore, it is recommended to scan only the ports that you are interested in, or use other options to speed up the scan, such as -F (fast scan), -T (timing template), or --min-rate (minimum Dec 23, 2022 · Typing scanme. TCP Scanning Techniques Used by Network Mapper. 171 Starting Nmap 7. You can find a list of all To catch 90% of the open ports, you need to scan 576 TCP ports and 11,307 UDP ports. Notable is that it only takes eight Mar 13, 2016 · Is there a way to ask nmap to print the final scan report with the state of all ports tested and the reason?. Nmap has the option to scan specific ports on specific targets. The sixth and final flag ( -oA ) specifies all output file types, and ' testscan ' is the filename variable for the output files from your scan. 4. Discover different types of scans, commands, and how to interpret the results. Dec 27, 2023 · Scan All Ports: You can initiate a detailed scan of all ports (1 – 65535) on the system with the following command: # n map-p-192. Nmap exploits this with three scan types: Apr 1, 2024 · Learn how to use Nmap, a powerful tool for network security, to identify open ports and services on a host network. That's why they are essential to both hackers and security analysts. nmap -sP -PS 21,22,23,53,80,443,500,3389 [input range] If I've got a bit more time, I'll add in a no ping scan for the top-1000 ports and only mark one's as up if they have at least one port open. Jun 22, 2012 · random open ports on nmap scan. Jan 2, 2020 · Nmap can scan all TCP UDP ports. Scan (Fast) the most common ports: nmap –F 192. >>> import nmap >>> nmScan = nmap. org ) at 2016-05-28 00:52 SGT Nmap scan report for 192. In this blog, different methods are explored to scan all the ports of the computer using Nmap. Nov 18, 2022 · 19. Le scan du port 0 est autorisé si spécifié explicitement. How would you tell nmap to only scan port 80?-p 80. org ) Nmap scan report for docsrv. 00092s latency). 1 st way. However, if you also wish to import the scan results into another application or framework later on, you will likely want to export the scan results in XML format. Automatically pipe results into Nmap, or use our scripts (or write your own) to do whatever you want. 0 address because 24 subnetmask have a useable range for hosts. May 11, 2024 · The -A flag tells Nmap to perform an aggressive scan, including OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute. To scan a hostname we can execute the following commands: While optimizing scan options to speed up a scan can take you a long way, there is a limit to how fast Nmap can run while preserving accuracy and treating competing network flows fairly. ouvert|filtré (open|filtered) Nmap met dans cet état les ports dont il est incapable de déterminer l'état entre ouvert et filtré. Step 3: Perform Full Port Scan using the Live Hosts List. if an HTTP port is open, it will scan with the scripts for more info Due to it being slow, it is recommended to just run the scan on the top ports, not all of them. nmap. 100 9. If the scanner receives a reply then it launches into the port scan. When scanning systems compliant with this RFC text, any packet not containing SYN, RST, or ACK bits will result in a returned RST if the port is closed and no response at all if the port is open. All other probes that have a rarity value less than or equal to the current intensity value of the scan are tried, also in the order they appear in nmap In this case, the scan didn't narrow down the open ports at all. Nmap is told to scan just that port of each host (skipping the ping stage) and to output a Sep 12, 2020 · I'm trying to scan my own smartphone and all the ports are closed, and I did the same with my laptop and all the ports were filtered, so, I'm kind of stuck. Zenmap can even draw a topology map of discovered networks. However, while packets should be retransmitted when they are not acknowledged according to the TCP specification , the IDS/IPS did NOT retransmit any packets that were not acknowledged (which is the case in an TCP SYN scan), . The Port. It establishes a full TCP connection with the target system by completing the three-way handshake. txt -T4 -f -iL i For example, the following will scan all ports in nmap-services equal to or below 1024: -p [-1024]. See the next section for more information on scanning IP address ranges. TCP SYN port scan. Experts understand the dozens of scan techniques and choose the appropriate one (or combination) for a given task. 2 -p-is equivalent to -p 0-65535 and a lot easier to remember. 217. 1 -p 21-100: Port range-p: nmap 192. Only the ACK scan, which is used to map firewall rulesets, classifies ports into this state. The "Starting Point Tutorial" says: Connections to the lab environment are made with OpenVPN, which comes pre-installed on Parrot and Kali. sudo nmap -p "*" 192. df nz bb dl cw pi nd tb hc sy