Bg3 cold spells < > Showing 1-11 of 11 comments . As far as adding cold damage to a spell, I think you are out of luck. 2d8 Bludgeoning and 4d6 Cold with damage half if Dex saved. But bards can get it thanks to Magical Spell Levels: this refers to the potency and level of the spell, in BG3 they will go up to level 6. 0; please see the linked page for details. wiki; Please report bad ads; Ad placeholder Saving against the spell halves damage and retains maximum hit points. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the If you dont want 2 locks, you can play wizard or Barbarian or druid with cold spells. Other effects that cold themed items can apply: Chilled – I made a white draconic bloodline sorcerer that used twinned ray of frost as his main attack. A quick guide on what Cold Item sets are available in BG3. Damage: 1d10. Melfs Arrow, Cloud of Daggers and quite a few other Wiz spells can be useful with 16 INT. At this point in the Halsin build BG3, your spell damage should see a significant increase, especially since both available spells are area-based. This Metamagic ability allows Sorcerers to increase the range of their Spells. (the ability to cast a cleric spell to wet enemies with a level 1 spell is worth it, the main thing is to get to sorcerer 6 lvl) Spells - ice knife, ice storm and cone Protection from Energy is a level 3 abjuration spell. Only Monks who practice the Way of the Four Elements can utilize this spell. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG Wasteland Wanderer: Cold. It is granted by Markoheshkir. To cool down Karlach. Your other option is to explore Bard, since they can pick up HoH now. r/BG3. I was then toying with a few things and thought that maybe there are better options for this abjuration build. From Blade of Rime to Hunger of Hadar, The Cold Build in Baldur’s Gate 3 focuses on dealing Cold damage mostly by casting spells. I personally am particular to electricity or fire, never tried a cold build so take above This can drain plenty of spell slots, so I do recommend having Potion of Angelic Slumber, to restore those spell slots. If the target dies before the spell ends. Draconic sorcs can deal extra CHA mod on cold damage spells but again, you only like like 5 of them in the game. The following spell list is the limited version. So I come to the hivemind with this dilemma hoping to get the ultimate answer, or, at least, understand what each build brings to the table and which one I should pick. While attuned to Kereska's ice, it can cast Cone of Cold at 5th level and Ice Storm at 4th level once per short rest. Applying Wet Status. On level 5 you may get Cone of Cold. This page was last edited on 26 April 2024, at 19:57. 8/16/14/16/10/10, 2asi’s DEX, Sharpshooter. Sure other spells might be situationally better, but if I could only have one CC spell for all of act 3, I would choose confusion every-time. How to create a powerful ice mage DPS character in BG3. Aside from fire (and maybe thunder), I don’t see another ‘dedicated’ elemental spec that comes online faster. At Level 6, spells that deal Cold Conjure Minor Elemental: While this spell lets you summon either an Azer or a pair of Mephits, you’re always going to want the Ice Mephits. Gale is also a kind and compassionate individual, always willing to A: There is severe lack of good cold spells in BG3 up to spell level 3. Druid spells are Prepared spells, so all Druids have access to these spells 2d6 Cold Longstrider 1 About ads on bg3. Frost of Dark Winter is a level 4 evocation spell. This page was last edited on 5 February 2025, at 07:19. Wiki Home 1d8 Cold. It summons a hail and ice storm, allowing you to deal This page lists Items/Spells that impact Cold Damage. If you want to make a cold caster a sorcerer or a wizard is the better choice. This page was last edited on 18 December 2024, at 18:04. Abjuration for shield. It is a variant of Kereska's Favour that allows its caster to imbue themselves with the power of ice and unlock resistances and spells associated with it. They cannot be upcast, but most of damage-dealing cantrips gain an additional damage die at character level 5, and another at 10. This page was last edited on 28 January 2024, at 21:52. Cantrips are the lowest tier of magic in Baldur’s Gate 3, but as a trade off for their comparatively limited potency compared to spells that actually consume spell slots, cantrips can be cast at will by the caster an unlimited number of times per day. Properties Affected entity has resistance to Cold damage. Yep, "Repulse Undead" is a 5th level cleric spell that works as a failproof "turn undead" ability. In terms of terrains, all cold spells get ice, all acid spells get acid, and all fire spells get fire of course. Your spells ignore Resistance to Cold. Best. BIGGEST AOE damage EVER! Amazing Control and Utility, S The cold aoe ring in Last Light would be interesting to test with this interaction though, see if it makes frozen ground when it procs. This page Magic Circle is a level 3 abjuration spell. Cone of Cold is not great. Read on to learn more about each Evocation Cone of Cold is a Level 5 Spell from the School of Evocation in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). When it deals spell damage, it inflicts 2 turns of Encrusted with Frost upon the target. Read on to learn more about this spell, its effect, range, and duration, as well as the classes that can use this spell, and more! Embrace Kereska's ice to gain Resistance to Cold damage. Sign Out. I've never used Otiluke's Frozen Sphere; I just use Not sure if this is within what you were thinking but the 5eSpells mod also adds a number of cold based spells that are not yet implemented in the core game, such as cantrips to freeze water or signature spells like Ice Knife or Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm. ADMIN MOD A brief guide to concentration spells . The air around this staff crackles with a cold, frosty wind - a power that has been divided for too long, and is waiting to be released. Reply reply BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Properties Cone of cold is a fifth level spell, unlocked at 9th character level. This spell allows spellcasters to grant a creature they touch Resistance to an element of their choice. Paladin spells are Prepared spells, so all Paladins have access to these spells (up to their Paladin level) and prepare a limited number of them at any one time. There might be some ice cantrips/spells you can nab. You take only half the damage of all Fire damage, and deal 2d8 Cold damage to anyone who hits you with a melee attack. You create a 10-foot-radius, 20-foot-tall cylinder of magical energy centered on a point on the For Cold/Lightning spells like Lightning Bolt, Call Lightning, Ice Knife/Storm, Cone of Cold, etc. Rock some med armor. From bg3. There's also raindancer staff. It's a level 17 paladin spell (spell level 5), which Paladins cannot reach because of the level cap. Gale is a Human Wizard who is one of the ten companions you can recruit in Baldur’s Gate 3. Ice Knife Effects. Go to BG3 r/BG3. Guides. Cold is a Damage Type in Baldur's Gate 3. On level 4 you may get Ice Storm. Read on to learn more about the Cold Snap, including its stats, effects, as well as how to get it, and more! Just got Gale to level 7, but having a bit of analysis paralysis on what 3rd and 4th level spells to always have prepped, since there's a huge selection and a lot require concentration. Counterspell cast with a 3rd level spellslot can auto-counter any 1st, 2nd or 3rd levels spells. Specifically, the fact that the Coldbrim Chill effect only applies once throughout the turn, meaning that an area of effect spell like Hypnotic Pattern only applies to the first character hit and only once that turn, not to all characters. This page was last edited on 26 February 2025, at 20:44. Best Race, Skills, Spells, Cantrips and Abilities. This page was last edited on 3 March 2025, at 10:20. Reviews. Cold: Cold is the damage type associated with your dragon ancestor. Resistance to a damage type works as a percentage value that There are tons of skills in BG3, and even without using the optimal builds, there are tons of fun or powerful spells to choose. This spell shields the spellcaster with luminous energy. Baldur's Gate 3 Best Storm Sorcerer Build. Mourning Frost is probably water + cold / lightning is the most broken damage in bg3 . Sorcerer: Ice Storm Access to cold and lightning spells - Lightning Bolt, Cone of Cold, etc. Steam:-Applies Wet: Prevents burning, resistance to Fire, Vulnerable to Lightning and . Later books introduced better spells for cold damage but base PHB which bg3 is based on does not have them. There's one spell a swords bard (or any bard for that matter) cannot skip: Banishing Smite, at class level 10. In addition, when you deal Cold damage with a spell, you cannot roll a 1. This page was last edited on 9 May 2024, at 00:00. Open But your cold spells really start to shine once you have picked up Elemental Affinity. Subscribe Now to Remove Ads. BEST BG3 Frost ICE Warlock Build. This can also proc by allies and companions; concentrate on those targets for additional damage Changes to Ranged Divine Smite: Now costs a spell slot even if the attack misses; Changes to Improved Divine Smite - Now includes ranged attacks; Re-worked Improved Divine Smite: Chaos - Now each damage type Best Sorcerer Build BG3. EK6/Ranger2/Wiz4: Spellcaster 7, lv4 spells. Main article: Elemental damage Cold damage is one of the 10 main damage types of the game, typically inflicted by spells or on-hit effects caused by weapons like the Flail of Ages. Warlocks in Baldur’s Gate 3 have limited spell slots, but they excel due to their powerful cantrip and Eldritch Blast. The best class for casting cold spells The best Cold Sorcerer Build for Baldur's Gate 3. Gather your party and venture forth! -Becomes water when hit with cold spells. Read on to learn more about this spell, its effect, range, and duration, as well as the classes that can use this spell, and more! It explodes and deals 2-12 Cold damage to anyone nearby. This page was last edited on 3 March 2025, at 10:16. Sorcerer Spell Overview in Baldur’s Gate 3. Prepared Spells: allow you to swap in and out spells in between combat. Draconic Ancestry At least, none of the spells that are available in BG3. Level 1 spells are spells that consume Cold magic can be useful both in and out of combat, offering crowd control, damage, and strategic advantages. Am I missing something or are the only acid spells sorcerers can learn a cantrip with acid splash and a level 1 spell with chromatic orb? Besides chromatic orb Fire gets fire bolt, burning hands, scorching ray, fireball, and wall of fire Cold gets ray of frost, ice knife, ice storm The best option for Sorc seems to be running Twinned Spell with Haste to give half my party a bunch of extra actions. This spell protects you from a creature type, or prevents a creature type from leaving it. Ranged spell attack roll About ads on bg3. Upcasting while still below the level of the spell you're attempting to Counterspell has no Elemental Adept: Cold is a passive feature obtainable by the Elemental Adept Feat. Chill of the Mountain is an action that allows a Way of the Four Elements monk to hit with cold damage and reduce the movement speed of their opponent. Spells you cast and attacks you make ignore Resistance to Cold damage. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment. At what level does Cone of Cold unlock for the The Hexblade in Baldur's Gate 3? Answer: Cone of Cold unlocks at level 9 for the The Hexblade. Cone of Cold Information. Wet enemies take 2x damage to Cold and Lightning damage. Kyutaru. Toggle navigation. While attuned to Kereska's ice you can cast Cone of Cold and Ice Storm. Try Create Water. Gather your party and venture forth! 10 Draconic Sorcerer/2 Tempest Domain Cleric - 1x Channel Divinity, Maximum Lightning Damage, Area of Effect Cold spells, Metamagic S-Tier Last Updated: 11 November 2024 21 14 Whether it's freezing lava lakes, hindering charging foes, or extinguishing fires, the diverse cold spells and associated abilities in BG3 can be utilized in various ways. Wasteland Wanderer ( Cold About ads on bg3. The wording of the description might be slightly confusing. there are some quite good frost spells as cantrips and level 1 (ice knife, chromatic orb and ray of frost) but thats about it, until 5th grade (cone of cold) nothing In this guide, we’ll discuss the best Warlock spells in our tier list in BG3 and how they can influence your gameplay. Spells inflict Reverberation: Deadlier than Arsenic: Poison: Ray of Sickness, Cloudkill: Spells inflict Poisoned: Flame of Wrath: Fire: Fireball, Wall of Fire: Spells generate Heat: Frost of Dark Winter: Cold: Ice Storm, Cone of Cold: Spells inflict Frost: Sizzling Cataclysm: Acid: Melf’s Acid Arrow, Hunger of Hadar: Spells inflict Noxious Fumes This is a list of all forth level spells in Baldur's Gate 3. Unfortunately, I can’t get this Thus, a character who is gagged or in an area of silence, such as one created by the silence spell, can't cast a spell with a verbal component. Freezing Sphere is also confirmed. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. People are saying go sorcerer but id say go wizard instead where you have access to every arcane Cone of Cold is a level 5 evocation spell. Go the Atronarch route, fire resistant potion. 1 Level 6 spells; 2 Item or variant spells; 10d6 Cold 10d6 Cold Wall of About ads on bg3. Forum. This page was last edited on 5 February 2025, at 07:17. It is a variant of Fire Shield. As you increase your knowledge and obtain better gear, you will also fully learn to control Cold magic and spells like Ice Storm or Cone of Cold will cover whole areas in chilling These consumables in Baldur’s Gate 3 are so strong they put some spells to shame. Everything About Gale Companion Build in BG3. I think the sorcerer is a better cold caster in ea Full spell slot progression since they're both full casters Great face character thanks to CHA, all kinds of skill proficiencies and [Bard]/[Sorcerer] tags Cons. Fighter Spells is a spell category in Baldur's Gate 3. Fire- Most spells and highest base damage, but has the most things that are resistant or immune to it. Some spells have effects that last multiple rounds, or entire fights, or "all day". This page was last edited on 6 March 2025, at BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Best BG3 Gale Build Baldur's Gate 3 Evocation Wizard Build for Gale - best skills, abilities, gear & spells. " Sorcerers have an optional thing they can get called Subtle Spell that lets them cast spells without verbal or somatic components so they can cast secretly (but they have to use a sorc point to do so). Open comment sort options. Description: Make a flurry of frost, crisp air, and condensed snow crystals erupt from your (Complete newbie to BG3 and DND) Share Add a Comment. The Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 – Best Feats for Gale in BG3. Gather your party and venture forth! However cold damage spells are few and far between compared to fire and lightning. The Best Sorcerer Build for Baldur’s Gate 3, that is focusing on Frost based Spells to deal massive AOE damage and defeat opponents! The Sorcerer is a powerful spellcaster Class with access to strong The Replacement Spell Feature also allows an Arcane Trickster to swap any known spell with any spell from the full wizard spell list, once per level starting at class level 4. Here's a list of all the Cold Damage sources that you can find in Baldur's Gate 3. ) Your unarmed Cantrips are level 0 spells that do not cost Spell Slots to cast. Spells available to be learned by the Sorcerer class in Baldur's Gate 3. 2d6 Cold Mage Armour: 1 About ads on bg3. A weapon would cause Physical damage provided it goes through Armor Class, and then an additional effect could add elemental damage. there are tons of fun or powerful spells to choose. The Cold damage type associated with your ancestry is used by features that you gain later. Generally yes you’re right but some things do take advantage of blight being a necromancy spell that cone of cold doesn’t, like the necromancy wizard or a a staff or *at this point i will start selecting lower level spells as the selection is meh. Also creates Icy Surfaces that last 2 turns. Gather your party and venture forth! but there are limited good frost/cold spells Level 2 - Hey guys, I was watching a guide on a build for an Ice-beast Gale. Baldur's Gate III is based on a The Attack roll and Difficulty Class of the Saving throw from scrolls always benefit from the character's current Proficiency Bonus as well as the Spellcasting Ability Modifier of its class, even if the class cannot normally cast spells. The best equipment for a Cold Damage build in Baldur's Gate 3. This functionally makes cantrips the workhorse spells for casters, especially early on, and offensive The Attack roll and Difficulty Class of the Saving throw from scrolls always benefit from the character's current Proficiency Bonus as well as the Spellcasting Ability Modifier of its class, even if the class cannot normally cast spells. This page was last edited on 5 February 2025, at 07:20. e. Description Touch a creature to grant it Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage. For example, once one character has applied WET status, your wizard can then cast Chromatic Orb (cold or electric versions) on a WET enemy and the normal 2D8 damage becomes 4D8, a hefty return for a 1st level spell. So strong, in fact, that a popular build in BG3 is the Water Support - a character This applies to all Cold Spells that deal Cold Damage to your enemies and works in synergy with the Ray of Frost spell provided by Mourning Frost. This makes good sense! You don’t get this option in BG3 unfortunately but in the tabletop game two wizards dropped fireballs on us simultaneously and I twin spelled counterspell. The Equipment and Spells will all scale with your character all the way to level 20. you can of course take these spells earlier. Unlike other classes that use prepared spells, Wizards don't have access to all Wizard spells initially - they must scribe spells into their spellbook via scrolls first. Dealing Cold damage with a spell possibly inflicts Chilled upon the target. Make sure you have them before your next battle. Warlock Spell Overview in Baldur’s Gate 3. Saving against the spell halves damage. Only install ONE of the three versions, and go to (C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods) and delete any This build has been updated for the Patch 7 version of Baldur’s Gate 3. Spells. Cold- decent spell selection and creates battlefield hazards, but still a decent amount of things that are resistant to it. A Cleric/Mage can have most of them, except for a few really nice Druid spells like Insect Swarm and Nature's Beauty and Call Lightning. Markoheshkir (act 3) in frost mode adds a frost rider to spell attacks. Gather your party and venture forth! Electricity and cold are much more limited in spell selection, but the wet condition might make it worth it. Insidious Cold (Special Passive) Insidious Cold is a passive that grants a chance for Cold Damage that you deal to enemies to inflict them with the Chilled condition. Definitely not. 1 Level 4 spells; 2 Item or variant spells; 2d8 Cold Fire Shield: Warm: 4 About ads on bg3. Help. In ea the wizard and sorcerer both have only access to the cantrip ray of frost and chromatic orb. This spell allows spellcasters to grant a creature they touch Resistance to Cold damage. . Character Build Concentration spells require special consideration because you can only have one active at a time, so This is a list of all fifth level spells in Baldur's Gate 3. With this spell, casters can blast Spells are magical effects that are created by creatures via spellcasting. The original hub of information and discussion on Larian Studios' Baldur's Gate 3 (III) For other installments of the franchise, see /r/BaldursGate. NPC spells [edit | edit source] Name Level Cast time 3d8 Cold Ethel's Insect About ads on bg3. 18m CON Save Concentration: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard: Wall of Ice: Lv 6: Evocation: Action Level 6 Spell Slot : 10d6 Cold +10d6 Cold (Conditional) Raise a wall of solid ice that deals 10∼60 Cold Damage to anyone I'm wanting to build a cold sorc for all the fun items that can be built with it. Protection from Energy: Cold. I was a bit disappointed that often fireball can just target small handful of overall enemies (feels unfair to be disappointed Fire Shield is a level 4 evocation spell. Steam:-Applies Wet: Prevents burning, resistance to Fire, Vulnerable to Lightning and Best Cantrips in Baldur’s Gate 3¶. Draconic Resilience will give 13 Armour Class when not wearing armour. 10 Turns On save: Targets still take half damage. 0 or CC BY-SA 4. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG Metamagic: Distant Spell is a toggleable passive feature used by Sorcerers. All item or variant spells [edit | edit source] Name Level Cast time 5d8 Cold Glyph of Warding About ads on bg3. This spell befuddles the minds of creatures within a 30-foot radius, which is a large enough space to encompass several enemies. For a level 5 sorcerer, your frost spells going forward as you level from here are as follows: Level 3 Spells - Sleet Storm (thematic, but no damage) Level 4 Spells - Ice Storm Level 5 Spells - Cone of Cold And that's it. Before shifting, you can use your cold spells and even deal cold damage to trigger this effect. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Cone of Cold is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Ice sorc would get you a boost to ice damage through dragonic bloodline, though I don't know if they can summon on thier own. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. Installation via BG3 Mod Manager like you would with any BG3 mod. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG 2 - Cast it and have another ally cast a lightning or cold spell. Wall of Ice is situational. Depending on when this happens, it may slow them down on their next turn, or force them to end their current turn early. Not to mention all the utility/ritual spells. 4th: conjure minor elemental, ice storm, glyph of warding: cold/sleep (3L), magic missile (1L) 5th: conjure elemental, cone of cold, blindness (2L), grease (1L) substitute: no need for mage armor if you're wearing armor. This page was last edited on 17 December 2024, at 14:22. Alternatively, you could break it with an AOE spell, though it wouldn't make the enemies wet until after your spell hits them, so that spell won't benefit from the Wet condition. Plus, ice has infinitely more spells than acid or poison or some of the The Arctic druid doesn't get any bonus to cold spells and he also doesn't get the ray of frost cantrip in Bg3. News. wiki. Description Wreathe your body in flames that shed light in a 3 m / 10 ft radius, provide Resistance to Fire or Cold damage, and retaliate against melee attacks. One common theme with several Cold spells is that they also create Ice surfaces, which can knock enemies Prone. Cone of Cold is a level 5 Evocation spell in Baldur’s Pages in category "Evocation spells" The following 119 pages are in this category, out of 119 total. This page was last edited on 22 August 2023, at 01:24. Resistant to all Cold (64 P) About ads on bg3. This The Cold Snap is a Dagger you can get in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Resistance to Cold damage. In BG3, there are certain Classes that can cast spells to damage Enemies, buff Companions or create other effects. Don't want to hurt her for that. Your Cold spells deal additional Cold damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus. Even if you use Ray of Frost mostly, the spell slots can be used for metamagic (twinned and quickened), to create additional ray, which will double the damage :). If it's upcast to level 4 then it will auto-counter 4th level spells without a check, etc. Here’s a look at the best Baldur’s Gate 3 Spells via a Tier List. Bonus points if it's a tanky spellsword! In addition to what has been mentioned. STUPIDLY strong. Embrace Kereska's ice to gain Resistance to Cold damage. webp 64 × 64; About ads on bg3. That is the theme for today. e wet enemies have disadvantage on saves against lightning and cold damage spells, and lightning/cold damage spells attack rolls have advantage against wet enemies. As an Action, the Monk spends two Ki points to hurl a fragment of ice towards a In this guide, we’ll discuss the best Warlock spells in our tier list in BG3 and how they can influence your gameplay. Read on to learn more about this spell, its effect, range, and duration, as well as the Class wise, I recommend running a pure Cold Draconic Sorcerer so you can x3 CHA dip for Ray of Frost (Draconic 6 + Necklace of Elemental Augmentation + Potent Robe) along with other Cone of cold is a fifth-level spell which is great for AOE damage and interacts nicely with environmental conditions like wet to deal extra damage. Personal range spells are not affected by distant spell. ; If the applied condition that triggers Coldbrim Chill is Encrusted With Frost itself, Ice Knife is a Level 1 Spell from the School of Conjuration in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). Wiki Home. Mourning Frost is a very rare +1 Quarterstaff that enhances the wielder's Cold damaging spells with extra damage and the Chilled condition. View Full-size. Indirectly, via frost: . (previous page) Elemental Weapon Cold Unfaded Icon. This page was last edited on 18 December 2024, at 18:05. 1 Level 1 spells; 2 Item or variant spells; Cold: 1- 18 m / 60 ft About ads on bg3. BG3 High Damage Storm Sorcerer. This is very easy to exploit. These inflict, mitigate, or improve Cold Damage. Properties Cleric spells are Prepared spells, so all Clerics have access to these spells (up to their Cleric level) Cold (Melee) Cold (Ranged) About ads on bg3. Best Level 4 Spells in BG3 Confusion. Aug 10, 2023 @ 10:25pm Try Create Water. Only have ray of frost, ice knife, chromatic orb Range means the five foot space where the spell effect originates on. Cold spells deal additional Cold damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus. This is a list of all first level spells in Baldur's Gate 3. Your Cold spells deal additional Cold damage equal to your Read on to check the best spells in BG3, and any relevant note if there are some interesting tactics or items related to them. Though id lean towards Wizard. Freeze your foes with this Cold Damage-themed set. When you deal spell damage, you inflict 1 turn of Encrusted with Frost on the Target. Cone of Cold (spell): 8d8 cold damage Make a flurry of frost, crisp air, and condensed snow crystals erupt from your hands. Spells in Baldur's Gate 3 are regulated forms of magic energy. This spell allows spellcasters to blast icy air into a region in front of them, damaging affected creatures and turning existing water surfaces into Ice Evocation Spells are spells that specialize in the manipulation of magical energy to serve the benefit of the caster in Baldur's Gate 3. Spotted an issue with this page? About ads on bg3. This build is one of the most efficient casters, able to freeze enemies and does not rely on spell slots. Any other element gets a hidden d4 of damage applied to anyone who would've be in the terrain radius. g Polymorph), that severely nerfed them. #1. It definitely worked with magic missile in the past, although I haven't checked with latest patch. For example Fireball has a range of 120 feet and from a five-foot space it then expands into a 30-foot diameter explosion. Fighting Styles Archery and Defense. This is another amazing conal damage spell that is cold so it can trigger status effects. Reduce the target's Movement Speed by 3m. Description . When you cast spells of that type, you cannot roll a 1. Mourning frost is act 1, the necklace for encrusted with frost, the ring for the frost patch, etc all of that is early act 2. Sort by: Best. wiki; Please report bad ads; Ad placeholder. Coldbrim Hat (act 2) adds a frost rider (once per turn) to a condition inflicted. Its cold spells deal additional damage equal to its proficiency bonus. The core of the build relies on Wet status, which will double the damage of Lightning and Cold Is there any cold spell which deal no damage? To cool down Karlach. Sign In. Cone of Cold is a Lvl 5 Spell from the Evocation school. This way, you can still get the bonus that you would otherwise get with an element like fire. Otiluke's Freezing Sphere: Level 6: Affected entities take 10d6 Cold damage. Gather your party and venture forth! For class, you will probably want sorcerer or wizard. and the new legendary, there could be a frost build, using cold spells? Archived post. Lightning Bolt is a great Level 3 spell. Could be great to dual-wield alongside Mourning Frost. Urban tracker for some lockpicking. Ice Storm is a great Level 4 spell. About ads on bg3. Like other Cold damage, this will interact with Wet. He is a powerful spellcaster with a wide range of spells, making him an asset to any party. Subcategories. Build doesn't start to feel different till Level 6-7, due to specific break points Dependent on cold synergy gear to hit hard enough and/or apply relevant effects All non-player character spells [edit | edit source] Name Level Cast time 3d8 Cold Ethel's Insect About ads on bg3. There are several spells that work here. You don’t get any of the level 6 cold spells as a sorcerer, but with the wizard levels, you can scribe wall of ice, otiluke’s frozen sphere, and conjure elemental, which can be upcast for a water Correction for Counterspell: No check is needed for spells that are lower or equal to the Counterspell level. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. On top you will have an arsenal of cold spells - Sleet Storm, Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, etc. Arcane Trickster spells will use the caster's Intelligence modifier for Spell Save DC and Spell Attack rolls. Level 6 About ads on bg3. Piercing Warlock Spell Slot: 1~6 Damage 1d6 Necrotic (Conditional) Curse a creature so it takes additional damage whenever you attack it and to inflic Disadvantage on Ability Checks with an Ability of your choosing. Gather your party and venture forth! Two of the best Cold spells in the game being locked to Wizard is a crime and im tired of it. Depending on how this procs, you might need an Fire Shield: Chill is a level 4 evocation spell. Cast as a level 3 spell ( Recharge: Long rest. Those who fail their Saving Throw will become confused and may skip their turns or attack one of their allies. Hello Everyone. New If you want to pair a big two handed melee weapon with general spellcasting (which can include cold damage/cc spells) you could look at 7Paladin/5sorc multiclass, or mostly straight class warlock builds that take pact of the blade. Just go wirh ray of frost, she can take it, just use a Ideally use of Armour of Agathys, Ray of Frost, and other ice themed spells/attacks. Fiendish The level column indicates spell level, not class level. With "Muti-Ray of Frost" I do not aim to replace end game cold spells, but to help you to get through act 1 and early act 2 with cold being actually useful. BigJ. Cast as a cantrip at will. *Denotes a spell not otherwise part of the Sorcerer spell list. I have good 5e optimization knowledge, but obviously there have been some major changes with certain spells (e. Shocking Grasp: Cantrip: Evocation Draconic Ancestry: White (Cold) is a passive feature available to Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer. Until the spell ends, you can recast Sunbeam without expending a spell slot. In the late game you can expect 70-80 damage per ray with wet status. webp 64 × 64; 2 KB. 1 turn 18m INT . This is a list of all sixth level spells in Baldur's Gate 3. Click on the Spell in the table below to learn more. Wizards know more spell (for cold damage, they know Wall of Ice and sorcerers Rather make the spells easier to land - i. Coldbrim hat which I later changed for birthright, mourning frost staff, winter's clutch, snowburst ring, potent robe and elemental adept: ice and spell sniper feats. In exchange, the Wizard spell list is considerably larger than other classes. There is no class that can have every spell. Sunbeam: Level 6: Affected entities takee 6d8 Radiant damage and are Blinded for 10 turns. Contents. Description Ice-cold flames shed light in a 3 m / 10 ft radius. 18m Concentration: Warlock: Sleep: Lv BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. i. just teach your characters spells that do not require Attack Rolls and saving throws, Haste, Sleep, Shield, Mage Armor, Invisibility, Globe of Invulnerability, etc. Wikis. 8 Blade Of Rime . Each post shows a tooltip with more information, including Cold is one of the few elemental types that you can actually build with lmao. Fighter Spells lists stats, effects, requirements and descriptions for BG3. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Increases the range of the spell by 50%. This is an alternative to Mage Armour saving some spell slots. Elemental Weapon Fire Unfaded Icon. Pages in category "Cold Damage" About ads on bg3. Baldur's Gate III is based on a All the information about the Glyph of Warding: Cold spell in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). This action is the monk's equivalent of Ray of Frost. ICE and CONTROL Power. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 4. , the answer is an undoubted YES. BG3 Spells Mechanics Wizard spells are Prepared spells, and must be prepared by the Wizard out of all the spells in their spellbook. The build is Warlock 2/ Cleric 1/Abjuration 9. Aug 10, 2023 @ 10:26pm Go It's just the way that they made it. Saving against the spell halves damage and negates the condition. Cold. The Wet status causes Cold/Lightning damage to double, so an 8d6 Lightning Bolt ends up being 16d6 in practice. Wet entities who are resistant to Lightning and/or Cold damage will have their resistances negated, but vulnerability will not be applied to the respective element. Or Warlock which gets a few decent cold spells and can pick to summon once per long rest. Melee spells are increased to Range: 9 m / Then you can use your action to cast your lightning spell on the wet targets. In case of BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. They can cast Cold Chromatic Orb, every turn, for free, and you get two of them with a 4th-level spell slot. This spell shields the spellcaster with ice-cold flames. Share Sort by: Best. I’m not Answer: The Sorcerer, Wizard, Fiend and The Hexblade classes have the Cone of Cold spell. If the wizard has no spell slots left just cast the Ray of Frost cantrip for d8 damage Protection from Energy: Cold is a level 3 abjuration spell. [note 1] Spells are frequently cast to deal damage and provide healing, or to inflict conditions on the targets. You can easily hit for over 200. It leaves an ice surface. you can Hex a new creature without expending a spell slot. Wizards have more options for spells they can learn, which is why some people actually multiclass into it in BG3. R. Fireball is the go to 3rd lvl spell in D&D 5e, but Larian's wet status just makes lightning and cold spells so overpowered it's difficult to pick a damage spell outside of one of those types. You have to focus on acquiring the best cold spells and use them in your turns to deal damage. It's a CC spell and CC BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Shadowheart will definitely be in my party so that could work well. Wizards and Clerics have different sets of spells, while characters of other classes may cast a spell using Scrolls. 3 - Use haste to cast it and a lightning spell on the same turn. Top. Twinned rays of frost on a cold sorc Many of your cold/lightning-boosting abilities don't come online until level 6+. Home. So I'm curious, what are your favorite spells in BG3? it deals 2d6 cold dmg at the begining of the turn of creatures inside of it (if they're wet they take Adjusted base mod's 7th level+ spell lists to only include base game spells so mod can dynamically add 5e Spells spells to them like 1st to 6th level spell lists Removed 7th+ level upcasting versions of base game spells (and put them in my Expansion mod) Media in category "Spell Icons" The following 200 files are in this category, out of 396 total. Frost of Dark Winter is a Level 4 Spell from the School of Evocation in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). In case of multiclassing, the spellcasting ability is determined by the spellcasting class the character most recently took a first level in. 1 Level 5 spells; 2 Item or variant spells; 8d8 Cold Conjure Elemental: 5 About ads on bg3. with lvl 5 sorc in EA recently and one thing to keep in mind is that lots of enemies are very spread out and ranged in bg3. This is a great range damage dealing spell at the start of the game that can cause the prone status effect. This page was last edited on 20 February 2025, at 20:51. 3rd Level Protection from Energy. Ad placeholder. It explodes and deals 2∼12 Cold damage to anyone nearby. In BG3 Lightning Bolt might be helped out by the surface system, if we can shoot it at enemies in water hopefully the effect will spread. Burning hands and Thunderwave originate from your square, they have a range of personal. When you deal spell damage, inflict 1 turn of Frost upon the target. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Glyph of Warding is an excellent AOE spell that can do cold or lightning damage.
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