Potter county clerk phone number Jason Herring About the Office: Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Other Potter County Clerk Potter County Clerk Official Public Records. buffalomissouri. 4 miles away. County Seat: Coudersport: Phone Number (814) 274-8290: Official Website: www. Phone Fax. Active slide image alt text will be announced here. Warren County Family Court Warren County Justice Center, 1001 Center Street 0. Potter County Court at Law No 1. Please contact this email first. How to contact us. Open Records Division Potter County Attorney’s Office 500 S. The estimated population of Potter County is 118,015 (2022) and is concentrated in Amarillo and the nearby subdivisions. Potter County Local Rule CR576. Location, contacts, phone number, jury duty, and other info. Be sure to include the information below, so that we may contact you to provide the information in another format. us Quickly find Sheriff phone number, directions & services (Coudersport, PA). Leete Potter County Courthouse Court Administrator, Jennifer Saulter One East Second Street, Room 30 Telephone (814) 274-9720 Coudersport, Pennsylvania 16915 Phone Number:_ Fax Number: Attorney for Defendant: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: RULE L206. Office Office Holder (806) Phone / Fax; County Judge The Honorable Nancy Tanner (806) 379-2250 County Clerk Julie Smith (806) 379-2275 / (806) 379-2296 Precinct 3 in Amarillo, Texas. Potter County Veterans Affairs. Box 9638, Amarillo, Texas 79105. Review your court documents to confirm this address change and contact the Potter County District Clerk if you have any questions. 1 is 806-379-2280 and the fax number is 806-379-2296. About. Potter County Clerk of Courts can be contacted via phone at (814) 274-9740 for pricing, hours and directions. Phone: (806) 376-4471 Payments: (800) 252-8014 Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Kelly Harrison. The Potter County District Courts are in the Potter County Courts Building at 350 SE 6th Avenue, Amarillo, Texas 79101. us. It is 581,357 acres, or 908. Physical Address View Map 2309 Russell Long Boulevard Suite 101 To request public information from Potter County, please provide a written description of the information you seek, and your contact information (mailing address, email address, or telephone number). 4(c) CONTACT INFORMATION; citycourt@amarillo. , Suite 3A Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2350 Hearings are available live streamed on youtube Court Administrator - Angela Harris Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal, financial, or professional advice. Position. Established in 1922, the Potter County District Court is a historic courthouse located in Amarillo, Texas, known for its Art Deco and Prairie School architectural styles, and serves as part of the 9th Administrative Judicial Region of Texas. Info & Resources; Hon. Office # (806) 379-2300 Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm JuryInformation@mypottercounty. Sirmon Note: The District Clerk serves as Clerk of the Court in all civil and family cases for County Courts at Law. This office accepts the following forms of payment: - Money order 320th District Court in Amarillo, Texas. ) between the hours of 9AM - 11AM and 1:30PM - 3:30PM and at the LEC (13103 NE Physical Address: 301 South Polk, Suite 200 Amarillo, TX 79101. General Information. Fax: 806-379-2249 Christy Benge. Box 9618. The board offers voter registration services and processes absentee and mail-in ballots. Phone: (806) 379-2350 Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion. See Potter County Local Rule CR576. us Potter County Court at Law No 1 in Amarillo, Texas. The county seat of Potter County is Amarillo. While the Potter County government strives to keep the information accurate Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Potter County info. Potter County Court at Law No 2 in Amarillo, TX - Court Information Address and mail the completed ABBM to Potter County Elections, P. Discover Potter County, PA Employee Directory for government employee contact info, including names, titles, departments, and phone numbers. aspx?Potter_County/County. Ashley Gledhill (814) 274-9740. The Certified Payments Bureau Code: 8411171 Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. us cause number: _____ type of issuance: *e-filing-you must assess the abstract of judgment writ of execution other: _____ type of service: potter county sheriff *service fee and copy fee required* civil process server -authorized person to be served * unless clerk is to email, then no copy fee is required* file marked date The Potter County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. County-Courthouse. Address: Home Sitemap Contact Us Translate. Miscellaneous Docket Number 16-9122 (PDF) Notice of Sale (03-04-2025) (PDF) Phone: 806-468-5505. Local Rule CR576. Email: [email protected] Website. While the Potter County government strives to keep the information accurate and up to date, there are no guarantees regarding the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the content for any purpose. com To Complete the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire: You may call - (806) 379-2398 or County Clerk Entered General Information. Texas County District Clerks A directory of Texas County District Clerk's Offices. Melinda Powell Assistant Potter County The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. us The Potter County District Clerk's office has no direct contact with child support, but can refer you to the correct agencies to contact The contact number for the SDU is 1-800-252-8014. Scott Brumley. Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (Amarillo, TX). The Clerk of the Board is located at the County Administration Center 1600 Pacific Highway Fourth Floor, Room 402 San Diego, California 92101 please see links and phone numbers/e-mail address below: Board of Supervisors Agendas/Records (619) The DEADLINE to Pre-Register for the Upset Sale is Friday, August 30, 2024. at 806-379-2301 to obtain an alternative method of submitting this request and/or to determine the page count of the requested document(s). 103 Amarillo, TX 79101 (806) 379-2250 (806) 379-2446 www. Home Page; Search; About; Links; Contact; Jury Duty; FAQ; Pennsylvania ; Coudersport Court of Common Pleas of Potter County, Potter County Courthouse 2. Contact Us. Amarillo Municipal Office PO Box 1366 0. Potter County Court at Law No 1 in Amarillo, TX - Court Information POTTER COUNTY CLERK. in the Great Room. Once we have processed the permit and it is ready for issuance, we will contact you to schedule a date and time for you to come into our office to get your picture and signature to issue you your License To Carry. Our phone number is (806) 379-2275. The service is offered Monday - Friday at the Potter County Courthouse (500 S. Potter County Elections Administrator Amarillo Municipal Office in Amarillo, Texas. us Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. tx. Web The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. us POTTER COUNTY CLERK. 500 S Fillmore St, Rm 103. District Four. 📞👥 District Clerk, Potter County, P. Physical Address: 500 South Fillmore Street, Suite 201 Marriage License Court Department Fax Number Email (806) 379-2275 (806) 379-2280 (806) 379-2296 countyclerk@co. Pin 114477# Public meetings of the Potter County Board of Commissioners will be held at 11 am in the Auditorium at the Gunzburger County Office Building, 1 North Main Street, Coudersport. Court System Type: District Court Judicial Circuit 30 Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 417-345-2243 Fax: 417-345-5539 Website: http://www. 605-259-3230 Fax. 100 North Stateline #2. us Potter Town Court in Middlesex, New York. 903-798-3017. 181st District Court. The Chancery Court of Campbell County handles a variety of issues including lawsuits, contract disputes, applicaiton for injunctions and name changes. Create a free login to search deeds, liens, oil & gas leases, right of ways, plat maps and more. at 806-379-2319 or the Civil Dept. ca. Home Page; Search; About; Links; Contact; Jury Duty; FAQ; Texas ; Amarillo; Potter County Court. Offices. Notice The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. Unless a party is specifically notified, Potter and Randall County cases are held at the Historic Potter County Courthouse, 500 S. Under Pennsylvania law, counties are required to provide support to veterans through this office, ensuring they have access to the benefits and services they’ve earned. Your inquiry will be forwarded to . About the Office: Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. ) 8:00 a. 108th District Court in Amarillo, Texas. Potter County Clerk of Courts in Roulette, Pennsylvania. Contact and Phone Numbers P. 605-869-2277 Fax. us 7th Court of Appeals in Amarillo, Texas. Potter County Attorney. us Physical address: 500 South Fillmore, Suite 302A Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2817 Fax: (806) 379-2829 Email: jp4@co. Our phone number Potter County Clerk, Potter, Texas - Address, Phone Number, Fax, Website and Public Records. Amarillo, TX 79101 April 22 - 25 (Tues. About Potter County Board of Elections. Web Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. The hours of operation listed for the Potter County Clerk of Courts are: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Reviews. 605-869-2177: Mellette County Clerk of Court: PO Box 257 First & McKinley St White River, SD 57579-0257: Ph. Name: Julie Smith; Email: juliesmith@co. Area District Clerks. gov; 806-378-3082; 806-378-3085; In-Person: 201 SE 4th Ave Amarillo, TX 79101; By Mail: Amarillo Municipal Court PO Box 1366 Honorable Judge Dee Johnson District Courts Building 350 SE 6th Ave. GardnerRandy CulpJared Lazorchak Roadmaster Lee Gardner Secretary / Treasurer Bobbi French (Secretary) Jared Lazorchak (Treasurer) Township Phone Number (814) 435-8544 Auditors Susan Haythanthwaite Sandy Hoffman Tax Hebron Township. County Court - Judge Nancy Tanner 2. Potter Clerk of Court: Potter County Clerk. Review your court documents to confirm this address change and contact the Potter County District Clerk if you have any questions. Important Links. us County Clerk Effective July 1, 2022. Note: The Potter County District Courts Building moved to a new address on June 28, 2024. Fillmore | Amarillo, TX 79101 | Phone: (806) 379-2246 | info@co. Coudersport, PA 16915. Contact. 900 S Polk Potter County Court at Law No 1 500 S Fillmore St, Rm 405 0. Physical address: 500 S. FAILURE TO APPEAR MAY RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF A DEFAULT ORDER. Find info for any nearby courthouse. us Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Potter County info. Email:countyclerk@co. Board of Commissioners Meetings Dial in number: . Potter County Court at Law No 2 in Amarillo, Texas. 37683 (423) 727-9696 Access Phone Directory Here Submit your questions via the form below. All child support activities were directed to the State of Texas because of Federal Legislation "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation ACT" (PRWORA) passed in 1990. Regarding any specific queries on records access, you can always reach the Potter County Clerk office on the phone: 806-379-2275, whichever is more convenient. 251st District Court in Amarillo, Texas. Potter County Texas Courthouse Directory provides contact information and courthouse status for the Potter County Clerk and Potter District Clerk offices. us The Potter County Record of Deeds office now has a record alert system available to the public free of charge. For divorce case-related inquiries, refer to the Prothonotary’s Office: or professional advice. M. Tommy Potter. Please enter a valid phone number. Home; Texas Court Records; The Potter County Clerk’s main responsibility is ensuring that production and storage of records follows stipulated protocols. - Fri. Court System Type: District Clerk Office Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 806-379-2300 Email: [email protected] Website: http://w5. Nancy Tanner, Potter County Judge c/o Ms. The Potter County Elections Board, led by Director Charlie F. Searches and Copies: Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. us The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. Secretary / Clerk. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Yates County info. Amarillo, TX 79106 (806) 433-7456: Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Or if you want to e-mail the Potter County District Clerk's Office you can e-mail any questions to juryinformation@co. 570 Main Street, Suite 110 PO Box 182 Jacksboro, Tennessee 37757 Phone: 423-562-3496 Fax: 423-562-9732. Box 9638 Amarillo, Texas 79105. The Court travels to individual counties for hearings held in Armstrong, Briscoe, Deaf Smith, Hale and Oldham. Tenth Judicial Circuit of Kentucky Nelson County Circuit Court Nelson County Justice Center, 200 Nelson County Plaza Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Address. Potter County Court at Law No 2 500 S Fillmore St Counties > Potter. The phone number for the court is (806)349-4880. 1. Explore Potter County Clerk Records with ease on TexasFile. Amarillo, TX 79105-9618 Phone: 806-379-2299. Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105-9570 (806) 379-2300 (806) 372-5061 Subscribe or Login to View Emails General Contact for Potter Street: 500 S. us; Phone Number: (806) 379-2288 To obtain copies of public records, submit a written request to District Clerk, Potter County, P. Office Hours: Mon – Fri, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Closed for lunch daily 12 pm – 1 pm 1 East Second Street, Room 23, Coudersport, PA 16915. pottercountypa. The company is headquartered in Amarillo, Texas. Phone: (806) 379-2375 Fax: (806) 379-2225 For additional information in running for office please contact the correct affiliate below: Republican Party Chairman: Dan Rogers: 4217 SW 21st Ave. Potter County Sheriff. The contact number for the The County Clerk's office is located on the second floor of the Potter County Courthouse at 500 South Fillmore, Amarillo, Texas, 79101. About Potter County Sheriffs Office. Website View contact information for the Potter County Public Defender's Office. S. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Potter County info. Elected Official: Stephnie Menke. Designed for landmen, legal professionals, surveyors, and other industry experts, our user-friendly platform makes it simple to search and download PDF versions of land documents in Potter Letters of Guardianship cannot be issued until a completed Guardianship Registry Information Sheet is filed with the Clerk: Guardianship Registry Information Clerk's Office - Portage North County Annex. Note: The Potter County District Courts Building moved to 350 SE 6th Ave, Amarillo, Texas 79101 on June 28, 2024. Potter District Clerk. Potter County Court. 900 South Polk, Suite 320. 605-765-9472 Fax Senior Judge, John B. Magisterial District Judges in Potter County, Pennsylvania, serve as the first level of judicial authority, handling a wide variety of legal matters. reach out to the Potter County Clerk directly: call 806-379-2275 or fax 806-379-2296 . 500 S Potter County Court at Law No 1 500 S Fillmore St, Rm 405 0. If you still have questions about your summons or jury duty, please call the Potter County District Clerk's Office at (806) 379-2300 and press 1 for Jury Service. Box 9638 Amarillo, TX 79105 (806) 379-2275 (806) 379-2296 Subscribe or Login to View Emails General Contact for Potter Street: 500 S. Potter County District Clerk PO Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105 Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Gettysburg, SD). Fillmore, Ste. Probation is a sentencing alternative to incarceration. What if the person ordered to pay child support does not pay? Potter County Court of Common Pleas in Potter County, Pennsylvania Court Online Resources. The amount you need to pay. If you move within Potter County, update your address by either registering again, making changes here, or sending a signed letter or your current registration card to our office with changes and a signature. Precinct 2 500 S Fillmore St, Ste 502 0. 0 Physical Address: 900 South Polk, Suite 705 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806) 349-4830 Payroll/Personnel (806) 349-4832 Email: human-resources@co. 1 miles away. Web Physical Address: 900 S. us Subscribe or Login to County Clerk Office Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 806-379-2275 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www. 2301 to obtain an alternative method of submitting this request and to determine the page count of the requested document/s. 75501. If you changed your name, update your information by either registering again, Phone: (806) 379-2228 Fax: (806) 379-2427 Email: Continuances should contain the cause number for the case, reason for the request, and contact information so that the court can contact you. District Clerk Entered General Information. County Court at Law #2 - Judge Pamela C. Court of Common Pleas of Potter County Court of Common Pleas of Potter County, Potter County Courthouse 12. Contact the Potter County Recorder of Deeds Office also on the following: Lien searches; Property ownership and transfers The phone number for Potter County Court at Law No. IV-D Court is presided over by the Honorable Judge Jeremy Fowler. Clerk Phone number of Potter Town Hall: Not available: Potter, NY email: Not available: Potter official website: Phone number; YATES COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE: 417 LIBERTY STREET, 3155365120: ONTARIO COUNTY CLERK OF COURT: 20 ONTARIO STREET: 5853964206: CANANDAIGUA POST OFFICE: 405 EASTERN BLVD: 5853941500: STEPHNIE MENKE POTTER COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK. Potter County Courthouse in Gettysburg, South Dakota. 47th District Court. net: County Clerk: Kathleen Majot: County Commissioner: Barry Hayman: Building Department Contact Details: To locate an inmate in Potter County, contact the jail directly at 814-274-9730 or check online databases that allow searches by name or Potter County: Ashley Gledhill Potter County Courthouse One East Second Street, Room 23 Coudersport, PA 16915 phone: 814-274-9740 fax: 814-274-3361 Schuylkill County: Theresa Gaffney Schuykill County Courthouse 401 North Second Potter County Votes is a company that operates in the Government industry. County -Courthouse. Woodburn (R) (806 Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Departments. - 5:00 p. Physical Address: 500 South Fillmore Street, Suite 201 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Looking for Potter County Clerk records & marriage licenses? Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Amarillo, TX). Abbott Township Supervisors Lee T. While ensuring quality production and storage of documents, the Potter County Clerk Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Potter County info. You may hand-deliver your ballot by mail to our office at 900 S. Address Phone Juvenile Probation Contact Information: Santa Fe Building 900 S Polk Street Suite 500 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806)349-4900 Fax: (806)349-4933 Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (Roulette, PA). County Clerk. How Do I Search property records in Potter County in TX , find owner info, lookup up deed, tax, loan and lien records, check permits & purchase history and more. Potter County Courthouse 1 E Second St, #23 Coudersport, PA 16915. O. Clerk Address: 900 South Polk St. Contact Information Name Potter County Clerk of Courts Address 1 2nd Street Roulette, Pennsylvania, 16746 Phone 814-274-9740. This will help landowners immediately recognize fraud and mitigate the damage. Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105 Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. Lyman County Clerk of Court: PO Box 235 300 S Maine St Kennebec, SD 57544-0235: Ph. , Room 320 on Election Day. Independence Town Court 38 Marietta Avenue 13. us Jessica Giebel’s direct phone number is (814) ***-**** What is Jessica Giebel’s work phone number? Jessica Giebel’s headquarters phone number is (814) 274-8290 Which industry does Jessica Giebel work in? WHAT IS THE PHONE NUMBER TO THE PROBATION OFFICE? The Probation Office is not a part of the Sheriff's Office. Home Page; Search; About; Links; Contact; Potter county courts and government offices Potter County Clerk Office. Access a comprehensive range of public records, including deeds, liens, assignments, and more. CONTACT US: Mailing Address: P. Document copies available from County Seat: Amarillo 79101 Square Mileage: 909 Street: 500 S. Calvin Skipper, Supply Clerk Phone: (806) 349-4816 Email: CalvinSkipper@co. Fax Number. us Subscribe or Login to View Emails. 379. Johnson County Courthouse 222 West Main Street Mountain City, TN. Fax. Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal, financial, or professional advice. mail or personal delivery to: Hon. Director. 806-372-5061. City. Magisterial District Court 55-4-01, 131 North Puritan Street Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Coudersport, PA). 1 will be added to the local rule listings within thirty (30) days of its publishing in the Pennsylvania Eighth Judicial Circuit of Kentucky Warren County Circuit Court Warren County Justice Center, 1001 Center Street, Suite 102 0. Phone Number. ("Corky") Roberts 3. 9 miles away. Fillmore, Suite 601, Amarillo, Texas. 605-259-3030: Potter County Clerk of Court: PO Box 67 201 South Exene Gettysburg, SD 57442-0067: Ph. Zip Code. us Larry Potter, Johnson County Mayor. us This page provides a list of all Potter County elected officials, their party affiliation, the year in which their term ends and a link to their office website. 1, Electronic Filing and Services of Legal Papers (criminal), has been adopted by Order of the Court on March 26, 2019. Fillmore, Room 301 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Or by email to: openrecords@co. Phone: (806) 379-2820 . 806-379-2310. Amarillo. Contact Information Name Potter County Sheriffs Office Address 1 2nd Street, 24 Coudersport, Pennsylvania, 16915 Phone 814-274-9350. Fillmore | Amarillo, TX 79101 | Phone: (806) 379 1 review and 5 photos of POTTER COUNTY COURTHOUSE "This marker is located on the grounds of the Potter County Courthouse. 2 mile away. Menu. , Suite 1B Phone: (806) 379-2360 Fax: (806)379-2869 Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion. Local Rules. Email: countyclerk@co. Republican Party. Nancy Tanner, Potter County Judge Attn. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: YSM. Magisterial Court 55 4 01 55th District Potter County Court of Common Pleas of Potter County in Coudersport, Pennsylvania. Mailing Address: P. Texarkana. 47th District Court in Amarillo, TX - Court Information County-Courthouse . Polk Street Suite 705 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806)349-4830 Email: human-resources@co. Honorable Judge Dee Johnson . Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. Box 9570, Amarillo, TX 79105 Or Contact the Family Department at 806. 500 S Courthouse Documentary; Pennsylvania Lumber Museum; Address Phone (Child-support cases only) Fax Email. The cost of copies is $0. potter. District Judge Congressional District. Fillmore, Suite 405 Amarillo, TX 79101. 37 Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. the department to address your question. Office Recording Fees; Probate/Civil Filing Fees; Searches and Copies; Jury Service; Phone # Term Ends In: 108th District Court: Judge Douglas R. York, PA 17401 Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal, financial, or professional advice. Home Page; Search; About; Links; Contact; Jury Duty; FAQ; Texas ; Amarillo; Amarillo Potter and Randall Counties Potter County Clerk Office PO Box 9638 0. 3. the probation officer maintains contact with the offender to ensure compliance and provides rehabilitative assistance, such as finding housing, employment, counseling and social services. 903-798-3588. Potter County Court at Law No 2 500 S Fillmore St, Rm The County Clerk’s mailing address is P. Phone: 219 Phone: 219-465-3400; Quick Links. Submit your request by U. Santa Fe Building (Main) First Floor, Ticket Office - 900 S. 19 South Newberry Street. We do not accept checks or credit/debit cards at this time. 50 per page for uncertified copies and $1 per page for certified copies. 500 S Fillmore St, Ste Potter County Court at Law No 2 500 S Fillmore St, Rm 402 0. Google Map Loading Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Polk St. Fillmore, Amarillo, Texas. Toggle main menu visibility. co. Reviews of the Potter County Clerk of Courts " Anya Coyot " 2 months ago. Contact Information Name Potter County Clerk Address 23 West 2nd Street Coudersport, Pennsylvania, 16915 Phone 814-274-9740. It employs 251-500 people and has $10M-$25M of revenue. Search Our Database of Millions of Property Records. P. Precinct 2 Courthouse in the City of Amarillo. County Court at Law #1 - Judge W. And you can email the court by clicking here. Fillmore | Amarillo, TX 79101 | Phone: (806) 379-2246 | Phone: (806) 379-2255 Email: countyatto rney@co. Overnight Mail Delivery: 570 Main Street, Suite 110 Jacksboro, Tennessee 37757. Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. F. As of November 7, 2023, 642 absentee and mail-in ballots had been reported. Tommy Potter (Lafayette County District Court) Hon. Population: 115,543 County Seat: Amarillo 79101 (806) 379-2250 (806) 379-2446 www. 47th District Attorney. com. Fillmore Suite 601 Amarillo, TX 79101. The estimated population of Potter County is 118,015 (2022) and is concentrated in Amarillo and the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County, Tioga County Courthouse, 118 Main Street 12. Fillmore, Amarillo, About Potter County Clerk of Courts. Quickly find Recorder phone number, directions & services (Amarillo, TX). The Potter County District Clerk's office operated the local registry for receipt and distribution for child support until 2001. or email us at jococontactus@gmail. Phone Number: Bureau of Consumer Protection The phone number for the Potter County Clerk of Courts is: (814) 274-9740. Potter County Trailblazers program was established by former Potter County Address: 900 South Polk Street, Suite 401 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: Phone: (806) 349-4834 Fax: (806) 349-4845 Email: Email: brookegraves@co. Potter County Court at Law #2 Judge Hand - YouTube POTTER COUNTY WEATHER Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Box 9618, Amarillo, TX 79105-9618. 1 miles away Andrew Potter Executive Officer/Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Andrew. 2319 or Civil Department at 806. Phone:(806) 379-2275. 37 square miles, in total land area. Click Potter County District Court contact information including location, website, phone, fax, and email of the Potter County Clerk. Online Directory. Services. Phone: 806) 379-2275 Marriage License Court Department Phone: (806) 379-2280 Fax Number: (806) 379-2296. Kevin Siska (814) 274-9350. Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion. Phone: 814-274-9740 Fax: 814-274-3361. Other Courts Nearby. gov. us INVITATION TO BID. Potter County District Clerk PO Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105 Or Contact the Family Dept. Court Coordinator: Jami Bevins Physical Address: 900 South Polk, Suite 106 Amarillo, TX 79101 Mailing Address: PO Box 2289 Amarillo, TX 79105-2289 Phone: (806) 342-2600 Property Tax Department: (806) 342-2600 Motor Vehicle Department: (806) 342-2600 Email: pcto@co. . Your name: Email address: Phone number: URL (web address) of the material you tried to access: The problem you are experiencing: Contact Us. Potter County Prothonotary / Clerk of Courts / Orphans Court. Contact Information Name Potter County Recorder of Deeds Address PO Box 9638 Amarillo, Texas, 79105 Phone 806-379-2275 Fax Clerk Offices; Libraries; Treasurer & Tax Collector Offices; Potter County Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts/Clerk of the Orphans' Court. Potter County Clerk of Courts is located at 1 2nd St #23, Rm 24 in Coudersport, Pennsylvania 16915. 0 mile away. Web Accessibility . History of the County; Your Cause Number or Defendant Number 2. com Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. The system will alert you via email and/or text message anytime a document is filed associated with your name or tax parcel ID. Sep 6, 2024 Phone: (806) 379-2325 Press the enter key or spacebar to expand or collapse the accordion. The Veterans Affairs Office in Potter County serves as a crucial conduit between local veterans and federal resources. Brown, is responsible for overseeing elections in Potter County, Pennsylvania. Potter@sdcounty. Clerk Where do I get a marriage license? The County Clerk's office is located on the second floor of the Potter County Courthouse at 500 South Fillmore, Amarillo, Texas, 79101. Home Page; Search; About; Links; Contact; Jury Duty; FAQ; Texas ; Amarillo; Precinct 1. OWNER: Potter County. Home Page; Search; About; Links; Contact; Jury Duty; FAQ Contact; Jury Duty; FAQ; Pennsylvania ; Shinglehouse; Magisterial Court 55 4 01 55th District Potter County. Amarillo, the trading hub of the Texas Panhandle is Potter County's county seat. If you move to another county, you must register in the county of your new residence. Contact; Search; Home; Potter County District Clerk Phone. Fax:(806) 379-2296. us The Potter County Sheriff’s Department will be processing all Potter County resident pistol permits by mail. Home Page; Search; About; Links; Contact; Jury Duty; FAQ; Texas ; Amarillo; Precinct 4. The Potter County Clerk of Courts, located in Coudersport, Pennsylvania, is responsible for The Potter County Clerk serves as Clerk of the Court for three courts: 1. Please enter a valid email address. us The County Clerk's office is located on the second floor of the Potter County Courthouse at 500 South Fillmore, Amarillo, Texas, 79101. Search. Phone Number: _____ Email address: _____ 181st District Court in Amarillo, Texas. At the County Clerk, obtaining copies of recorded documents costs $1 per page, and a Clerk's certification A Justice of the Peace for Potter County hears small claims court cases for Potter County. Potter County Court Clerk. Potter County Website. Judicial District. m. Fillmore St. WE DO NOT ISSUE MARRIAGE LICENSE AFTER 4:30pm. The District Clerk's office is located at 501 S. us/default. Physical Address 3560 Willowcreek Road Portage, IN 46368. Phone: (806) 379-2275 1. To obtain copies of public records, submit a written request to District Clerk, Potter County, P. The marker is in excellent condition. Clerk of the Court; Info & Resources. 2024 Upset Sale is Monday, September 9, 2024, at 10:00 A. Box 9570, Amarillo, Texas 79105, or make a request in person. us Amy Farkas, Buyer 1 Phone: (806) 349-4819 Purchasing Department Links: Bid Opportunities How to Do Business with Potter County Online Surplus Auction Purchasing Policy and Procedures Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Purchasing Home Page. us The recording of deeds fees differ based on the number of pages and names; the introductory rate for a one-page stands at $28 . us To request records under the responsibility of the Potter County Commissioner Court, please submit your request by U. Frequently Asked Questions. , Room 418 . Contact Information Name Potter County Clerk Address PO Box 67 Gettysburg, South Dakota, 57442 Phone 605-765-9472. County Website. One North Main Street. They preside over preliminary hearings in criminal cases, decide minor civil disputes, and manage traffic violations, landlord-tenant issues, and small claims. rjyuux eem pjshvy wkf sxuky zbcqqohx ohxjpttf hbfsn aghd zgfk ievai vemmvd gxfj cjrj csc