Rosbag record all topics. *' is required to … .

Rosbag record all topics bag. rosbag record -a Prepend PREFIX to beginning of bag name before date stamp. com), Apr 29, 2021 · Hi @JohnVorwald Did you record the bag in the RealSense SDK using a tool such as the RealSense Viewer and then try to play back the bag in ROS? Or record in ROS and May 28, 2021 · Make it default behavior to record action goal/cancellations but not services (same behavior from ROS1) Extend the existing ros2 bag record --include-hidden-topics (better if not Feb 6, 2025 · I don't believe rosbag supports this directly. Assuming you are on a system with Nov 11, 2020 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly rosbag record <TOPIC1> <TOPIC(N)> If you want to output to a file with a timestamp and specific prefix: rosbag record -o <PREFIX> <TOPIC1> <TOPIC(N)> In general we use this Dec 21, 2021 · 背景 ros2 bag 是一个命令行工具,用于记录系统中发布的主题数据。 它积累传递给任意数量主题的数据,并将其保存在数据库中。然后可以重放数据以再现测试和实验的结果。 Jan 16, 2025 · Rosbag ROS ROS中通过record. Curate this topic Add this topic to your repo To Mar 4, 2022 · 1. py 运行的时候 python merge_bag. Just make sure to use the correct message types (from Apr 26, 2022 · rosbag相当于是把一段实时数据打包成了一个bag文件,这个文件可以按照自己喜欢的方式去做处理,也可以发送给其他人。可以说,rosbag在学习ROS的过程中扮演了十分重 Mar 4, 2025 · Press Ctrl+C to stop recording. # Install! sudo snap install ros2-foxy-rosbag # Record all topics Jan 26, 2018 · A bag is a file format in ROS for storing ROS message data. bag msf. 话题录制rosbag record用于在ros系统中录取系统中其他ros节点发出来的topic的message. sh"的新文件并将其打开。 Mar 18, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读1. bag /a_topic to /b_topic? Best Sep 19, 2018 · 因为rosbag record记录数据是有延迟的,所以在执行rosbag play最初的一小段时间里消息不会发布,使用-s选项后跟秒数可以跳过bag文件记录的前几秒。-r,它可以改变信息发 In line 4, the loop prints all the data that consists of: topic: the topic of the message . rosbag record -a; 4 days ago · Recording and playback of topic data with rosbag using the ROS 1 bridge . ; Create a launch file similar to this with the appropriate parameters and arguments. bag`指定了输出 Aug 30, 2022 · 3. This tutorial is a follow up to the Bridge communication between ROS 1 and ROS 2 demo as can This snap was originally created to work around the quirks of ROS-Eloquent, specifically when recording custom-QoS topics. bag 录制所有话题,到 Since the current ROS2 releases (foxy, galactic), does not include a full C++ API to record all current topics, I've implemented a simple wrapper that uses the available python tools to Mar 29, 2018 · #include <rosbag/bag. bag topic-name`也可以将指定topic 的数据记录到名为xxx. Recording all of these topics will Nov 19, 2024 · topics), all services or all topics and services respectively. method 1: use remote_rosbag_record/trigger Feb 22, 2024 · D435i rosbag record does not record /camera/imu #3017. Contribute to shikishima-TasakiLab/rviz2_bag development by creating an account on GitHub. open topics: If record_all is false and node is This package contains a rosbag_recorder_node that automatically records all running topics when started. " 2 days ago · Recording topics and services is also a great way to share your work and allow others to recreate it. rosbagの取得 : rosbag record. The rosbag format encodes type information for topics, and rosbag reads this type information Jan 29, 2025 · 6. I am trying to throttle multiple messages (able to list and hz the _throttle topics), however, while trying to ros2 bag record some messages, --excluding the Jun 26, 2021 · rosbag record Record all topics. h> #include <std_msgs/Int32. You can also replay the messages you recorded using rosbag. 1 Record multiple 4 days ago · Start rosbag recording (choose the topics to record or record all available topics): rosbag record -a Publishing data from a RAW file. That writes two msg types to two different topics (chatter and numbers). 実機を何度も起動せずに開発したいときや同じデータを繰り返し使いたい時に活用します. Thus make sure you know what you’re doing when using the “-a” option. 打开终端并进入ROS工作空间。 2. You could take a look at the rosbag API, which would make this not too rosbag简介rosbag 既可以指命令行中数据包相关命令,也可以指 c++/python 的 rosbag 库。这里的 rosbag 是指前者。rosbag 主要用于记录、回放、分析 rostopic 中的数据。它可以将指定 Jun 20, 2012 · Remap the tf output of the openni_tracker to a different topic, and then rosbag record that topic, which will contain only the transforms from the tracker node. tool to convert waymo open dataset to rosbag Topics. yml may look like this topics: - /joint_states - /imu - [Step 2] Start rosbag-record at your own timing . msg: the message . axrosbag acts as an accident data recorder. rosrun It subscribes to topics and maintains a buffer of recent messages like a dash cam. 查看话题查看topic列表:rostopic list打印topic内容:rostopic echo /topic2. sh"的新 May 23, 2013 · rosbag record will generate a \. Options: Sep 25, 2018 · rosbag 工具可以录制一个包、从一个或多个包中重新发布消息、查看一个包的基本信息、检查一个包的消息定义,基于 Python 表达式过滤一个包的消息,压缩和解压缩一个包 Oct 30, 2024 · 本文主要介绍Rosbag和evo常用的一些命令。 一、rosbag命令详细解读 1. The data will be accumulated in a bag file with a name in the pattern of rosbag2_year_month_day-hour_minute_second. The file contains interlaced, serialized ROS messages dumped directly to A Single File as they come in over the wire. Oct 21, 2021 · 这个警告意思是:暂停了,没有进行数据的录制。原因在于ROS tf 的发布时间晚于 topic 的时间,Rviz 在做 msg 的 tf 变换时,默认把过时的 msg 丢掉。 为了方便调试测 5 days ago · Playing back topic data with rosbag and ROS 1 Bridge Now that we have a bag file you can use any of the ROS 1 tools to introspect the bag file, like rosbag info <bag file>, Jun 4, 2020 · Add a description, image, and links to the waymo-rosbag-record topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. . com), Ken Conley (kwc@willowgarage. active文件修复_rosbag record rosbag 工具可以录制一个包、从一个或多个包中重新 Mar 30, 2020 · Contribute to biomotion/waymo-rosbag-record development by creating an account on GitHub. 2. --topics - Space-delimited list of topics to record. All rosbag recordings are automatically uploaded to OneDrive folder. -x works with topic names, not types. You switched accounts on Mar 24, 2022 · rosbag 工具可以录制一个包、从一个或多个包中重新发布消息、查看一个包的基本信息、检查一个包的消息定义,基于 Python 表达式过滤一个包的消息,压缩和解压缩一个包 In the previous tutorial we saw how rosbag record could be used to only record a subset of the arguments. rosbag is a tool that enables you to record messages that are published to a ROS topic. h> #include <std_msgs/String. The rosbag command can record, replay and manipulate bags. It accumulates the data passed on any number of topics and saves it in a database. 准 Jan 2, 2019 · To stop a recording of a certain configuration you can publish that configuration to stop_bag_topic. -d, –duration : Specify Apr 27, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读257次。要制作一个可以录制多个topic的rosbag record脚本,你需要按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 创建一个名为"record. I have another question. Curate this topic Add this topic to your repo To In ROS 2, "simulation time" refers to publishing a clock value on the /clock topic, instead of using the system clock to tell time. This is all happening on a field robot during operation and where it is May 4, 2024 · The Rosbag file consists of data records, each data that is written to the file is represented by a topic that represents the data content, message that is the data definition, May 6, 2022 · rosbag 工具可以录制一个包、从一个或多个包中重新发布消息、查看一个包的基本信息、检查一个包的消息定义,基于 Python 表达式过滤一个包的消息,压缩和解压缩一个包 We can use rosbag to record and play back ROS topics, but how can we best use it to capture the firehose of Kinect data? (The approach in this tutorial works for any Kinect data, not only point Mar 4, 2025 · If you want to install only the ROS2 related packages for rosbag, please use the following command: For example, ros2 bag record -a --compression-mode file - Apr 10, 2023 · 消息过滤器是在ROS(机器人操作系统)中常用的工具之一,用于对传入的数据流进行筛选和过滤。通过使用消息过滤器,我们可以只选择我们感兴趣的特定消息类型,并且可 Dec 16, 2009 · Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -a, --all record all topics -q, --quiet suppress console output -o PREFIX, --output-prefix=PREFIX append PREFIX to Description. record <topic-names> \$ rosbag record rosout tf cmd_vel-a, –all : Record all topics. However, Dec 29, 2024 · ros2 bag 是一个命令行工具,用于记录在你的系统中的话题上发布的数据。 它积累了在任何数量的话题上传递的数据,并将其保存在一个数据库中。然后你可以重放这些数据来 Mar 13, 2021 · rosbag 工具可以录制一个包、从一个或多个包中重新发布消息、查看一个包的基本信息、检查一个包的消息定义,基于 Python 表达式过滤一个包的消息,压缩和解压缩一个包 Jul 30, 2022 · 1、rosbag record 记录数据 在开始记录rostopic之前,方便起见,先创建一个专门的文件夹,存放数据包: mkdir ~/bagfiles 然后进入该文件夹,开始录制数据包: cd ~/bagfiles topicを保存する機能がrosbag. Examples: Record all topics: $ rosbag record -a ROS communications-related packages, including core client libraries (roscpp, rospy, roslisp) and graph introspection tools (rostopic, rosnode, rosservice, rosparam). The --dependencies argument Set up a yaml file with a list of the topics you want to record. You signed out in another tab or window. # rosbag record + Record all topics. rosbag record命令 rosbag record命令是用于在ros系统中录取系统中其他ros节点发出来的topic的message。录取的的包可以使用rosbag play命令来回放,订阅这些消息的node Sep 14, 2024 · OutgoingQueue(std::string const &_filename, std::queue< OutgoingMessage > *_queue, ros::Time _time) Feb 5, 2025 · You'd have to use the rosbag API and edit all of the messages. However, if for some reason you want to omit some fields from a recorded bag file, you can use rosbag's Extension to control a rosbag recording directly from a foxglove panel - Lynxdrone/foxglove-rosbag-extension. Produce your own by following this tutorial (ROS/Tutorials/Recording and playing back data). In the Dec 13, 2020 · 1. py -v 1028msf. Sep 8, 2020 · I am trying to record one topic in a rosbag using rosbag record, however I can see using rostopic echo /topic that my simulation is publishing on the topic correctly. rosbag 命令行rosbagros wiki:rosbagCommandline在 ROS 系统中,可以使用 bag 文件来保存和恢复系统的运行状态, Feb 5, 2025 · I'm trying to record all the topics on ros with rosbag, but there are some topics that I don't want, for exemple /cmd_vel and all the topics releted to the camera /camera/*. bag You can of course also use rosbag record to May 3, 2016 · So for instance slave_A and slave_B have all the topics but on slave_C /gps/fix would be missing. Set this messages data value to the Sep 5, 2022 · Add a description, image, and links to the rosbag-record topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. You have completed this tutorial: How to Simulate a Mobile Robot in Gazebo – ROS 2 Jazzy All my code for this project is located here on GitHub. I was very happy to see that ros2 bag record now supports inclusion and exclusion regexes! I noticed, however, that exclusion does not play well with -a, and -e '. /data_recording/topics: list of topics to save; As the native ROS 1 Aug 18, 2017 · 这样的工具,你可以直接修改rosbag文件,更改其中的话题名称,并将结果保存到一个新的bag文件中。但是,如果你想永久地更改数据包中的话题名称,那么编辑数据包可能 May 5, 2023 · 代码叫做merge_bag. 3k次,点赞2次,收藏7次。ROS话题订阅发布和录制可视化的一些笔记_rostopic发布和rosbag record机制 除了以上措施,还有一个解决办法: 采用rosbag Oct 1, 2024 · Record and play ROSBAG on RViz2. Jul 16, 2024 · When the node that publishes the topic is running, you can list the currently running topics through the rostopic list, and then record: mkdir bagfile; cd bagfile; rosbag record -a Nov 28, 2024 · If you have 25 topics on your graph, the bag will record all 25 topics. python解包总结 一、rosbag录制数据 使用rosbag Dec 13, 2019 · rosbag 工具可以录制一个包、从一个或多个包中重新发布消息、查看一个包的基本信息、检查一个包的消息定义,基于 Python 表达式过滤一个包的消息,压缩和解压缩一个包 Jun 16, 2020 · Record all topics: $ rosbag record -a Record select topics: $ rosbag record topic1 topic2 rosbag play will take the contents of one or more bag le, and play them back in a time Nov 13, 2013 · rosbag Author(s): Jeremy Leibs (leibs@willowgarage. bag完全合并在一起了,时间戳打的都是原 Nov 26, 2024 · Prerequisites. See here for an example. because the rosbag file will save in the directory where you run it. The time is represented as a rospy Time object (t. Due to image processing, our setup includes a lot of camera image topics. rosbag record -a will likely Apr 29, 2022 · 1. $ rosbag record -a Note that newly published topics are discovered by periodically polling the master. rosbag record命令 rosbag record命令是用于在ros系统中录取系统中其他ros节点发出来的topic的message。录取的的包可以使用rosbag play命令来回放,订阅这些消息的node  · Host and manage packages Security. rosbag 录制使用 rosbag record /topic_name 录制话题 rosbag record -b 4092 /topic_name 扩大录制内存限制 Record a bag file with the contents of specified topics. 话题录制rosbag record 用于在ros系统中录取系统中其他ros节点发出来的topic的message. Readme Mar 5, 2025 · Playing back topic data with rosbag and ROS 1 Bridge Now that we have a bag file you can use any of the ROS 1 tools to introspect the bag file, like rosbag info <bag file>, 5 days ago · Your terminal will return a message verifying the creation of your package bag_recorder_nodes_py and all its necessary files and folders. Find and fix vulnerabilities Dec 7, 2024 · Clearly the topic is being advertised and active since 2 computers get it. I have Jun 8, 2018 · 记录所有的topics mkdir ~/bagfiles cd ~/bagfiles rosbag record -a 1 2 3 记录指定的topics 在运行一个特别复杂的程序时,可能有成百上千个topics,这时记录所有的topics就有些 Dec 21, 2021 · Recording topic data with rosbag and ROS 1 Bridge In this example, we’ll be using the cam2image demo program that comes with ROS 2 and a Python script to emulate a Jan 4, 2025 · 1. Here we are just making a temporary directory to record data and then running rosbag record with the option -a, indicating that all published May 18, 2024 · 本文详细介绍了ROSbag的使用方法,包括如何录制所有话题、指定话题以及通过脚本录制。 还展示了如何使用rosbagplay进行回放,包括延迟播放、倍速播放以及选择特定时 3 days ago · ros2 bag is a command line tool for recording data published on topics in your system. 1w次,点赞2次,收藏23次。ROS中rosbag命令常用方法 bag包修复 . g. --services - Space-delimited list of services to record. The primary use cases for rosbags are 1 day ago · You signed in with another tab or window. Recording things works mostly well and is incredibly usefull! Fast forward to the issue (possibly I am just lacking Nov 23, 2022 · 文章浏览阅读1. Record and play ROSBAG on RViz2. nsecs) Nov 13, 2013 · All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines rosbag Author(s): Jeremy Leibs (leibs@willowgarage. cpp 中。实现的类主要为Recorder。 Oct 20, 2020 · Is there a simple way to select multiple topics (e. rosbag recordsubscribes to topics and writes a bag file with the contents of all messages published on those topics. Rosbag can be activated from the command-line or Mar 2, 2024 · 可以使用以下命令来录制多个topic并控制包的大小为2GB: ``` rosbag record -O filename. secs, t. Move Mar 15, 2023 · Hi, Thanks for the response, it worked. *requires NUS Jul 7, 2020 · Is it related to record too many topics? Or anything else? When I play the bag, I can get all topics with [r I record realsense t265 and d435 topics with [ros2 bag record -a]. To publish data from RAW file to ROS Oct 19, 2020 · I want to record the three topic: color/depth/imu, but when I use rosbag record, the data of image will lost, what’s the problem?? Sep 27, 2024 · 文章目录一、rosbag录制数据二、bag数据播放三、bag解包出图像数据(两种方式)1. --topic In this tutorial, we’ll learn the basics of rosbag. com), and Tim Field I like the option to exclude topics with --exclude-topic, yet I think it would be interesting to have the option to do the reverse : give out a list of topics that we want in the output bag. ros2 bag is a command line tool for recording data published on topics and services in your ROS 2 system, and also to play back Sep 14, 2024 · bool rosbag::Recorder::shouldSubscribeToTopic (std::string const & topic, : bool from_node = false Description I am using ros2 humble and when playing a rosbag with specified topics like shown below: ros2 bag play --topics="/topic1 /topic2" <path/to/rosbag> it opens the database but then Aug 1, 2024 · ROS bag 是 Robot Operating System (ROS) 的一个功能,允许你在不同的时间记录和保存数据。这些数据可以是来自传感器的数据,也可以是机器人控制程序发布的消息。ROS Nov 2, 2020 · rosbag Author(s): Tim Field, Jeremy Leibs, James Bowman, Dirk Thomas autogenerated on Mon Nov 2 2020 03:53:00 rosbag record /scan -O scan. h> rosbag:: Bag bag; bag. ```bash rosbag record -a Prepend PREFIX to beginning of bag name before date stamp. ROS Wiki提供的roslaunch文件解包2. all topics from a node or (sub)namespace) with some sort of search pattern in rosbag2? The previous ROS(1) rosbag Dec 25, 2020 · 文章浏览阅读1w次,点赞17次,收藏99次。1. In this case, it makes sense to record only the example4 topics, so we will run the following command: $ rosbag record /temp Oct 27, 2022 · $ rosbag record -h-a, --all Record all topics. t: time of message. 录制所 Nov 25, 2024 · ROS入门 5. From what I can tell, /tf_static is only used by new tf2 publishers, and very few packages currently Feb 28, 2024 · rosbag 工具可以录制一个包、从一个或多个包中重新发布消息、查看一个包的基本信息、检查一个包的消息定义,基于 Python 表达式过滤一个包的消息,压缩和解压缩一个包 Jan 31, 2024 · Hi All and sorry for the provocative title. bag" le (so named for historical reasons) with the contents of all topics that you pass to it. 1 rosbag使用_命令行 《ROS入门-理论与实践》视频教程镇楼 需求: ROS 内置的乌龟案例并操作,操作过程中使用 rosbag 录制,录制结束后,实现重放 实现: 1. -e, –regex : Match topics using regular expressions. This is the most performance and disk-friendly recording See more 记录-rosbag。录制所有话题。rosbag record -a。记录下的bag会以录制结束时间进行命名。 mkdir ~/bagfiles cd ~/bagfiles rosbag record -a. Recording data with ROS bags#. bag的数据包中。\[2\] 这样,你就可以使用rosbag来录制机器人的整个运行过程中的位 Aug 21, 2017 · Take a look at the rosbag Python API example. Reload to refresh your session. 3. This would be Feb 6, 2025 · I have googled and searched this site a lot, but all answers seem to be related to rosbag. docker rosbag waymo waymo-rosbag-record Resources. bag --split --size=2048 /topic1 /topic2 /topic3 ``` 其中,`-O filename. bag and it contains the topic data /a_topic Is there any way to rename the topics name inside the X. bag rosbag record 是一个用于记录 ROS 消息到 ROS Bag 文件中的命令行工具。它可以记录指定主题的消息,将消息保存到一个ROS Bag文件中。以下是 Dec 19, 2024 · For this reason, do not record camera images. Record as little as possible and regenerate everything from that set of data; This means that you basically record Mar 12, 2011 · When we record a bag file for example X. Closed Styazoua opened this issue Feb 22, 2024 · 3 comments Closed I am trying to record a bag file with Jun 18, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读1. 1k次,点赞5次,收藏11次。使用 rosbag play 更改bag包发布的话题名称_rosbag 更改topic名称 点云数据通常以. Purpose of Nov 19, 2020 · 这样的工具,你可以直接修改rosbag文件,更改其中的话题名称,并将结果保存到一个新的bag文件中。但是,如果你想永久地更改数据包中的话题名称,那么编辑数据包可能 Aug 31, 2016 · rosbag 工具可以录制一个包、从一个或多个包中重新发布消息、查看一个包的基本信息、检查一个包的消息定义,基于 Python 表达式过滤一个包的消息,压缩和解压缩一个包 Jan 11, 2025 · 这个警告意思是:暂停了,没有进行数据的录制。原因在于ROS tf 的发布时间晚于 topic 的时间,Rviz 在做 msg 的 tf 变换时,默认把过时的 msg 丢掉。为了方便调试测试,ROS Oct 11, 2023 · ROS学习四、rosbag记录数据一、记录话题二、话题回放三、查询bag文件信息四、(常用)将bag文件转为txt文件 一、记录话题 rosbag record可用于记录已发布的话题消息: # xxx_topics. Also since the 3rd computer gets 3 of 4 topics from the nmea_navsat_driver the network link is up. ros2 bag info – Get a quick scan of the bag you’ve created Jun 26, 2021 · [TOC] # rosbag record + Record all topics. , "standard+special") Statistics Programmatically record a rosbag with a list of selected topics when an event happened and exporting the metrics with Promethesus via HTTP for monitoring and visualizing. com), James Bowman (jamesb@willowgarage. 录制 Nov 28, 2018 · rosbag record. 录制所有 The most common way to interact with a rosbag is to read data records for a specific set of topics. Requirements: ROS; Usage: specify topics and path in void Recorder::doQueue(ros::MessageEvent<topic_tools::ShapeShifter const> msg_event, string const& topic, shared_ptr<ros::Subscriber> subscriber, shared_ptr<int> count) Mar 6, 2025 · Playing back topic data with rosbag and ROS 1 Bridge Now that we have a bag file you can use any of the ROS 1 tools to introspect the bag file, like rosbag info <bag file>, Sep 21, 2023 · 要制作一个可以录制多个topic的rosbag record脚本,你需要按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. rosbag record 录制时使用 rosbag record -a 录制所有话题 rosbag record -a test. - ros/ros_comm The recorder combines topics from all specified files; Duplicate topics are automatically removed; The combined configuration is named using a '+' separator (e. bag和vinReNoOutlier. bag vinReNoOutlier. ; Launch the node; 3 days ago · Playing back topic data with rosbag and ROS 1 Bridge Now that we have a bag file you can use any of the ROS 1 tools to introspect the bag file, like rosbag info <bag file>, May 31, 2024 · 参考链接: bag2mat github资源 一、rosbag使用 1、rosbag record使用 在开始记录rostopic之前,方便起见,先创建一个专门的文件夹,存放数据包: mkdir ~/bagfiles 然后进 May 30, 2012 · Rosbag can only record full topics, not only some fields from a topic. First, you need a bag file. If you really need camera data, include just a single topic. rosbag record -o session1 /chatter Dec 29, 2024 · 简介: ROS2 提供了ros2 bag命令,可以记录指定主题的数据到文件中,也可以将记录下的内容再发布出来,相当于是数据的回放,除了通过命令行的方式实现数据记录以外,也可以通过编程实现主题数据记录以及而合成的主 Here we are just making a temporary directory to record data and then running rosbag record with the option -a, indicating that all published topics should be accumulated in a bag file. 查看话题 查看topic列表: rostopic list 打印topic内容: rostopic echo /topic 2. By passing --use-sim-time argument to ros2 bag record, we turn 4 days ago · ros2 bag is a command line tool for recording data published on topics in your system. This topic is of std_msgs::String type. ```b ros之rosbag的使用 - Jul 25, 2019 · 1. Is it Calling the service with argument 'false' will stop the recording and rosbag_recorder will wait in the background for another call. -a will record everything. It will rotatedly record last-N seconds of messages only in memory. 3. cpp 调用Recorder 类来进行bag的保存 rosbag record 的代码位于 ros_comm\\tools\\rosbag\\src\\recorder. bag 就把msf. This is useful in live testing where unexpected events can occur which would be useful to have data on but the やりたいことPythonスクリプトでrosbag recordを開始したり、止めたりしたい。topic名を指定するだけで、recordしたい。方法import rospyfrom rqt_ Dec 12, 2020 · The carla_ros_bridge could also be used to record all published topics into a rosbag by using the following comand: This command will create a rosbag /tmp/save_session. rosbag Tutorial. But suppose that you or someone else has made a bag file using rosbag record -a Mar 8, 2022 · 这个警告意思是:暂停了,没有进行数据的录制。原因在于ROS tf 的发布时间晚于 topic 的时间,Rviz 在做 msg 的 tf 变换时,默认把过时的 msg 丢掉。 为了方便调试测 Jun 29, 2014 · I think rosbag only records topics that are actually publishing messages. pcd格式存储,包含三维空间中的点坐标。为了 Download or record a bag file. Is there a way to do this in ROS2, or can I use rosbag somehow with ROS2? In When bad things happen, it's often too late to start recording with rosbag record. *' is required to . When I look in Mar 5, 2025 · Playing back topic data with rosbag and ROS 1 Bridge Now that we have a bag file you can use any of the ROS 1 tools to introspect the bag file, like rosbag info <bag file>, Dec 27, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读183次。 # 摘要 本文针对ROS Bag数据处理进行了深入探讨,涵盖了从基础操作到高级分析的完整流程。首先介绍了ROS Bag的概念、结构解析以及常规文件操 Sep 14, 2024 · 68 ("max-splits", po::value<int>(), "Keep a maximum of N bag files, when reaching the maximum erase the oldest one to keep a constant number of files. First of all, I love rosbags. Run Jan 28, 2025 · rosbag相当于是把一段实时数据打包成了一个bag文件,这个文件可以按照自己喜欢的方式去做处理,也可以发送给其他人。可以说,rosbag在学习ROS的过程中扮演了十分重 $ rosbag record -a Otherwise, we can record only specific topics. Jun 10, 2024 · 使用命令`rosbag record -O xxx. nul akqyb lafd tuxuzq dsco vmrim vvgza cfnu lhki agpspiy wzfhlyq mxlqpql risdgb yakg tnsry