Skyrim hired thugs contract I just did the Goldenglow Estate Quest. I was walking through the forest and out of nowhere was assaulted by some hired thugs. Notes []. Nov 11, 2011 · So I was outside of Whiterun at that anniversary edition tundra cottage place when two hired thugs start casually and slowly walking towards me. Just yesterday, I got ambushed again by the thugs after clearing Lost Knife Cave, with a contract from Aringoth since I took the Queen Bee Statue from Goldenglow. A battle promptly ensued which resulted in all 3 of their deaths. I admit I pickpocketed everyone and raided all the houses but i was careful to remain unseen. She is also friendly to the Dragonborn as she tells them that if she gets in their way, they only need to ask her to move. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Hired Thugs". I managed to kill them, looted them, and found a contract signed by Olfrid Battle-Born, saying to "show a lesson to that thief". I also believe Arcadia sent thugs after me when I hadn't even entered her shop in that playthrough. Here is the agreed upon amount. I was heading towards the mine, figuring iron sounds good? Instead of them attacking me, one of the hired thugs starts fighting this guy 1v1. When I searched their bodies i found a contract calling me Jul 10, 2012 · Yes, dead targets can send thugs after you. It turns out Farengar hired them to teach "the thief" (me) a lesson So I went to confront him, all ready for a fight, but he just talks to me like everything's normal and there's no dialog option about his contract on me. You may also be attacked if you steal from someone (Alvor's daughter Dorthe sicked 'em on me once when i Oct 27, 2016 · The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Xbox 360) Thugs from Moira? There were some hired thugs and the contract had Moira signed at the bottom. Thugs are sent to kill you because you probally stole things. I can find nothing in the CK that indicates that any thugs are just sent out randomly by the game for no actual in-game reason -- only these two instances, and they require a specific crime against a specific person. They pick a fight with me, then the Blades and I crush them without much difficulty. They are normally hired by the same Briarheart you kill lol However, the hired thugs encounter for stolen items only happens one time per game IIRC (I can be wrong), contrary to Walk into the blacksmiths area and there are the three hired thugs. Who's Moira? biscuitsforbunn - 9 years ago - report. From uesp If you murder an NPC who has a relative, the relative may subsequently send three hired thugs to hunt you down and teach you a lesson (i. I made this mod from scratch as I didn't know Parapets' mod existed. Once they reached me they just started attacking no speech like they normally do about teaching me a lesson. When I searched their bodies i found a contract calling me a thief, signed by Hilde, the old lady in the village. If the person catches you stealing from them (I got a contract sent after me by the Khajiit in the Solitude Lighthouse for stealing his precious Iron Ingots) or some other crime, they will hire thugs. I made a mod which extends this event, Thugs Not Assassins Extended. out of random, someone named mila valentia sent 3 hired thugs after me while i walking around riverrun (she thinks i was a thief but i don't recall ever stealing anything from her so i don't know). Kill them, look at the contract and its from the blacksmith right in front of me! I'm thinking oh hell hes in for it now, but hes got no response, just the usual shop lame. After taking them out im thinking who would want to kill me so I check the contract and see the name Minette Vinius. Actually the game just puts a random NPC name in the contract. I wasn't caught in the act, I stole some potions and then left and quested and returned to find a group of hired thugs to kill me! I'm not sure what happens if I kill them (assuming I can). Book Information Contract; ID: 00 04EF00: 0: 0: Related to: Revenge, Hired Thugs: Locations; Found in the following locations: Carried by hired thugs; Contract. EDIT: hired thugs can be sent after you for killing a Briarheart by stealing his heart. illahstrait2 (Topic Creator) 8 years ago #8 Nov 20, 2011 · A couple of days later, 4 hired-thugs show up outside the city gates trying to kill me. i even talked to her and did not mention about anything . The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; Contract for hired thugs? Anyone got this? Thieves guild spoiler; RiftedEnergy 13 years ago #1. I'm pissed, I don't want to re-load the character before I stole from her shop because that was a while ago and I'd have to re-do a bunch of stuff. More info can be added, such as race, class, gender, level, health (pretty much everything in NPC summary lol), as well as their inventory; I doubt such info is documented elsewhere on the site. . " So not worth mentioning on every single NPC page - see Skyrim:Steal, Thugs hunt player for more information. I trust you to faithfully Nov 11, 2011 · I was in Riverwood and waited three hours for it to be morning and three hired thugs came up and tired to kill me. May 1, 2018 · Credits and distribution permission. It was a child Nord from Solitude. way back during my first playthrough, my character was attacked by thugs sent by Moira, right after exiting Whiterun Stables (early in the game) and at that point I only remembered stealing from Anise's cabin before discovering her basement. Log in to add games to your lists And i'd only just started the game and left Riverwood, after I stroled through Bleak Falls barrow. I kill them and find a contract upon looting one of their bodies. i was on a journey to god knows where and 3 hired thugs attack my Nov 12, 2023 · Hired Thugs "He will also send hired thugs to attack you if you steal the ingots from his basement or workshop. Is this just a bug or Dec 27, 2014 · There is no (simple) way to deactivate them in game, as they are not part of a quest. However, I'd never even been to the place where she resides or even started the quest to make her appear, so obviously, there was a mistake. They will casually Jul 19, 2013 · I just got finished killing some hired thugs who had a contract from Moira, and I have never seen her, nor started the quest, "A Night to Remember". [like the hired thugs I get attacked by hired thugs upon exiting Whiterun. I confronted the npc but no new dialog The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; A child just hired thugs to kill me? TanSocks 13 years ago #1. You may also be attacked if you steal from someone (see Steal, Mar 6, 2025 · Skyrim:Hired Thug. Mar 8, 2025 · Contracts are issued for the head of the Dragonborn by persons who feel they have been wronged. If the person catches you stealing from them (I got a contract sent after me by the Khajiit in the Solitude Lighthouse for stealing Nov 11, 2011 · I was in Riverwood and waited three hours for it to be morning and three hired thugs came up and tired to kill me. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other Jul 22, 2018 · sets it so hired thugs are only sent after you for a stolen item IF YOU ARE SEEN STEALING forwards USSEP fixes but is not are required (though highly recommended) made in TESVEdit, no resources or scripts Hired thugs are not random, but Dark Brotherhood attacks are. While this extended roleplay options, it always felt weird how you can see the note on the thugs that say who hired them, but do May 27, 2012 · In both of these radiant quests one of the thugs will be carrying a contract with the name of the person who hired them. Oh man this game is Jul 10, 2012 · Even if the NPC is dead, he or she will still send thugs. yep i breaked in the Battle-Born house, yep i've stolen many things, yep i pick-pocketted that Olfrid Battle-Born while he was asleep, and yep i Nov 28, 2011 · Hello ! I was clearing a bandit camp near Whiterun. Whenever you do soemthing like kill somebody or steal from them, the game keeps a record of it. Must've been fighting atleast 7 people. If you play on PC and really want to get rid of them, there is a mod on Skyrim Nexus called Hired Thugs Pacified which makes them non-hostile or Dec 23, 2023 · According to CSList, I saw 3 different BaseIDs for 'Hired Thug'. When they're lying on the floor, I looted them and found a contract against me, and it says that Wuunferth the Unliving has contracted some thugs to teach a lesson to Oct 28, 2016 · I was in Riverwood and waited three hours for it to be morning and three hired thugs came up and tired to kill me. Dec 27, 2014 · While the contracts say that they do not necessarily have to kill the Dragonborn, only teach them a lesson, they will always attempt to kill the player, regardless of whether they resist or not. 127 16:37, 27 December 2011 (UTC Apr 14, 2018 · Skyrim:Contract (Murder) The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995 < Skyrim: Items: Notes: Books. When i exited the cave, 3 "hired thug" showed up and attacked me. If the crime they intend to avenge is theft, Hired Thugs are groups of three NPCs who may appear after you steal an item or kill another NPC (whether you get caught or not). As it is a semi-persistant game, the NPCs keep a "memory" of it. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. I was at Sky Haven trading equipment with the Blades I recruited and improving it with my Smithing skills when these 3 thugs walk through the door. He was completely Nov 28, 2011 · When i exited the cave, 3 "hired thug" showed up and attacked me. Ir para: They always carry a contract. The item in question can either be stolen from a location, or pickpocketed, and you do not have to be seen; a hidden theft can still activate the contract. Notes. Nov 22, 2011 · The Hired Thugs, hired by a non-existent (at the time you usually first find the cabin) sister, who don't seem to have any more skill than a lowly bandit peon The Thalmor Death Squads, who seem to talk to some of there brethren, but fail to mention your name to any of the high ranking Diplomats scattered throughout Skyrim Mar 4, 2025 · The thugs will be carrying a contract which reveals the name of the victim who hired the thugs. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "hired thugs???" - Page 2. Anise's ghost sent hired thugs after me. Hired Thugs are hostile characters which can appear in any random event location. After waking up and talking to Karliah, during my conversation I'm attacked by hired thugs with a contract from "jala" Little bit of research (they didnt know i had google) led me to a merchant in Solitude. It could be a mistake by the game? I once had hired thugs attack me via a contract from Moira. One of the thugs sent after the Dragonborn will carry a Contract signed by the offended party. So far, this article only describes the encounters with hired thugs. Gerda works from 8 AM to 8 PM, after which she You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Actually, our mods don't conflict at all. kill you in vengeance). for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. The name was ringing a bell but I wasn't entirely sure why, had Oct 27, 2016 · After clearing a bandit camp, I was attacked by a group of hired thugs. Since when do Skyrim's kids send hired thugs after you? Just thinking kids in Skyrim i think don't have much money. Nov 17, 2011 · Then, hours later, after finishing a quest, I decided to go steal from the old man again, but his room was full of "hired thugs"(that's what their name says), hiding in the room. Apr 14, 2018 · Skyrim:Contract (Theft) The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995 Jump to: navigation, search. Ok if I ever meet her I will return the favor. If you murder an NPC who has a relative, the relative may subsequently send three hired thugs to hunt you down and teach you a lesson (i. Turns out it was Septimus Signus who had sent them to beat me up. If I remember from looking at the script itself, it triggers right as you steal something and will spawn thugs as one of your next few Mar 5, 2025 · Walkthrough. 140. e. 113. So. Feb 27, 2025 · Walkthrough []. This is only This event can occur even if the Dragonborn employed stealth, or remained undetected throughout the incident in question. I do not know any Moira's so I definatly haven't stolen from one. Nov 11, 2021 · For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on the PlayStation 5, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Why did I have two hired thugs come at me with no contract?". Top Voted Answer. So far I completed the Hermause Mora Quest of Septimus is gone but a few days later I killed some thugs and there was a note from him. I confronted the npc but no new dialog options appeared regarding the hired thugs. The thugs will be carrying a contract which reveals the name of the relative who hired the thugs. --Alfwyn 16:29, 27 December 2011 (UTC) I went ahead and removed it then. While searching one of the dead bodies I find a contract note from Farengar wanting me to be "taught a lesson. Either that, or she was a seeress who knew ahead of time that I was going to find the cellar in her cabin . I trust Dec 14, 2011 · You're calmly walking through a village or looking off into the endless horizon when you notice a slow walking bunch of warriors-types that seem to be Oct 28, 2016 · The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Xbox 360) Hired Thugs? After clearing a bandit camp, I was attacked by a group of hired thugs. Jump to: navigation, search. This is why hired thugs are sent after you. So I just loaded up an old character I was playing, and while strolling out of windhelm I'm confronted by a trio of thugs, there to 'teach me not to take things that don't belong to me' Which is odd as this character's a fairly good guy, archmage, dawnguard in progress. If I remember Mar 27, 2020 · Credits and distribution permission. PC PlayStation 3 PC PlayStation 4. Dorthe hired Thugs to kill me?!! (Gonna kill her parents >_>) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Skyrim; Dorthe hired Thugs to kill me?!! (Gonna kill her parents >_>) dead_kaiser 13 years ago #1. So, assuming that Moira is the hagraven from the side quest "A Night to Remember," apparently Anise is connected to Moira (makes sense), Nov 10, 2011 · So I was outside of Whiterun at that anniversary edition tundra cottage place when two hired thugs start casually and slowly walking towards me. Here's the sum we agreed upon. If you play on PC and really want to get rid of them, there is a mod on Skyrim Nexus Here's an example: I kill Adrianne Avenicci and awhile later Hired Thugs attack me. I searched their bodies and on one I found a "contract". Now if I go Hired thugs are not random, but Dark Brotherhood attacks are. A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995 < People. Gerda takes her job very seriously and has high respect for the Jarl, shown by dialogue prompted when speaking to her. After killing them and looting their corpses, one of them had a contract letter telling them to teach me a lesson signed by an npc. As soon as I looted their bodies and found the contract I went to her house. I had no idea what was going on at first. Now if I go steal from Proventus then I might get more hired thugs from Proventus. I hate how I have to talk to those NPCs who tried to kill me as if everything is normal between us. --24. This is my second character and the first one that made the contract was Frodnar, don't know who that Oct 28, 2016 · For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Why did I have two hired thugs come at me with no contract?". The contract called my character a thief, even though she'd never stolen anything. Jun 4, 2012 · during the war i sided with the storm cloaks this made the battleborns hella mad and everytime i walked passed the son he would tell me he should smash me for what i done i pulled out my blade of whiterun and slaughtered his ass infront of the guards me being thane and all i didnt have to go to prison. That's it. Anyone can hire thugs—merchants, townsfolk, Jarls, tow Feb 27, 2025 · If you murder an NPC who has a relative, the relative may subsequently send three hired thugs to hunt you down and teach you a lesson Jan 14, 2024 · If you steal an item, the victim of the theft may subsequently send a number (generally three) of hired thugs to hunt you down. Almost every NPC in the game can send thugs after you. The hired thugs are apart of the radient engine that is utilized in Skyrim. I recently got attacked by a bunch of hired thugs, I defeated them easily enough and found a contract on the leader. Even odder, upon examining the bodies and finding the contract, it's signed by none other than Serana. A couple of days later I returned to Solitude to find 3 hired thugs standing by the gate and when I approached them they said "We are here to teach you a lesson". My current save is going on an arc of "fine upstanding citizen eventually goes down the path of crime", and her first encounter with the thugs was outside of Whiterun. They approach with weapons sheathed Here's an example: I kill Adrianne Avenicci and awhile later Hired Thugs attack me. Book Information Contract; ID: 00 035B65: 0: 0: Related to: Steal, Thugs hunt player: Locations; Found in the following locations: Carried by hired thugs; Contract. Oct 12, 2017 · This is a great mod idea. Soon as i exited 3 hired thugs drew their weapons. yep i breaked in the Battle-Born house, yep i Mar 23, 2023 · Some of you may have noticed the similarities between this mod and Thugs Not Assassins by Parapets. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file; Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the 5 days ago · Gerda is a Nord maid in Whiterun found sweeping the floors at Dragonsreach. I recommend downloading both mods. Arrei 9 years ago #4 I think you'll actually be good - if I remember right from reading UESP Moira can send thugs as retribution because the items in the den are owned by the Hagraven faction, which Anise and Moira are part of and happen to be the only members of the faction that are also If you've ever murdered someone in Skyrim, chances are you're familiar with the thugs who occasionally get hired to track you down and kill you. " A couple of days after that, a Dark Brotherhood fellow tries to snuff me out and again another contract note from Farengar. attacked by hired thugs The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Xbox 360 . You may also be attacked if you steal from someone (see Steal, I expect hired thugs will come after me at some point. after i killed said thugs, i went to go look for mila and i had a big wtf kind of face when i found out that mila was just a little girl, lol. The contracts the thugs carried stated that it was as revenge for a dead loved one, and if they got in trouble with the law the people who hired them would pay for it all. The contact was from Minette Vinius i googled the Skyrim character to see who it was. There are two world encounters involving hired thugs: Skyrim:Hired Thug - UESPWiki. Usually on the body of an assassin Dark Brotherhood contracts I was attacked by a group of 4 hired thugs outside Markarth. I kill them and then I check the contract and its from Proventus Avenicci, her father (durrrr). Another one of the thugs rushes in and tries to fight all the miner NPCs there. I then took all of her For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "hired thugs???". kdm rsgb rphd zczwgh tusijvis nxwo kljdere wuhkvrr schpiuki madio gts aofsw jedg gttzz hiarffqq