Skyrim mannequin duplication glitch. I have just done the bookshelf glitch and mannequin glitch.
Skyrim mannequin duplication glitch 0. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to The best known fix worked for me on Special Edition, which ironically, are the same steps to make mannequins duplicate, but done backwards. I found a dupe glitch with heljarchen hall. Mannequins are really bugged, sometimes I can trade armors to them other times I can't. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Xbox 360) Does the duplication glitch still work? Does the duplication glitch still work with the follower? I've been trying but can't seem to get it. I can't even get the dupe glitch to work with my Blades Armor. 1. Most food, ingredients and misc items, are 2 loading screens away from turning 5 of something into 9-10 of something, easy. New posts Search forums. However, in proudspire manor, using the pullbars and then leaving the cell and returning causes the armor duplication glitch. Open the mannequin's invintory and put the item you want it to wear in its invintory. So basically the Oblivion dupe glitch works on Skyrim? Ted_Ninja - 13 years ago - report. How do I fix it, I've tried solutions I found online and they didn't work. A subreddit about the massively popular videogame The Elder Scrolls V, Skyrim by Bethesda studios. New Duplication Glitch Wille517 11 years ago #1 So I stumbled upon this accidentally and didn't get to use to its full potential but the mannequin you can build in the main manner will reproduce the first armor you put on it regardless of what you change it to after you load a saved game. Then take the Just a quick video to show my fix for the mannequin glitch on skyrim. Keep in mind that this is an in-game glitch so In this video I show you how to finally remove that fucking armor that is stuck on your mannequin in the hearthfire houses. You can now use it as normal, or you can start the glitch again with a new set of items. New posts New media New media comments New profile posts Latest activity. 65 used. The mod offers an update of the bugged vanilla mannequin script This is a replacer for the default skyrim mannequin script, which has a bug that allows for infinite duplication of armor items, and permanently breaks the affected mannequin. Once the AI is disabled, they are frozen and supposed to be returned to their editor spot. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Mannequin Duplicate glitch still work?". Its not the best quality because For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Mannequin duping glitch". I have no idea how to fix this glitch, and I’ve tried many other ways to fix it, none of them have worked, and I was wondering if any of you had a way to fix it, I just want to display some armour Locked post. Is the mannequin dupe glitch still alive? I have tried so many times, but to no avail. Swiftly remove all items , exit inventory , and step back to allow mannequin to fully appear. I have several mani's that dupe things across multiple house just not all mani's and all houses. ". I want to fix the bug without using mods tho. It's a known mannequin glitch. Not to be an ass or anything but the game JUST came out glitches like item duping don't get Leon388 - 13 years ago - report @RayRayG24 So basically the Oblivion dupe glitch works on Skyrim? Ted_Ninja - 13 years ago - report. that's it. It only seems to happen with certain manikins and certain armor pieces, not even complete sets. Hearth-fire has the same thing 3 of the 7 manikins will replicate armor. The script has to enable the mannequins AI in order to work around some other bugs (armor duplication). The second major DLC package for The Elder Scrolls V: So basically the Oblivion dupe glitch works on Skyrim? Ted_Ninja - 13 years ago - report. 5) Activate the mannequin, and remove all the items from it's inventory, leaving it naked. Don't exit out of the equipping screen, then take all of your armor back. Whenever I place ancient falmer armor on my mannequin at home and re-enter the house the armor appears on the other mannequins as well. Here's how to use it to your advantage. The mannequins in the house will duplicate the armor you first put on them. This script ATM does NOT fix the Mannequin Duplication glitch bug. Then dropping 3 swords, 2 would duplicate. I might try the other glitch later to test it out. The duplication seems to occur when the player exits/enters the home. I have encountered the bug where some of my mannequins in my homestead (Lakeview Manor armory) were duplicating items after I tried swapping gear on them. S. Now, do NOT back out of the menu. This happens each time the mannequins are loaded. Same item should will be back on the mannequin. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; Mannequin Duplication glitch fix? DrEchoKnight 13 years ago #1. $30. Anyway, as long as we're on the topic of Hearthfire duplicating glitches, it's been mentioned before but you can sometimes dupe some armor by placing them on the mannequins. Both a fix for broken mannequins and a replacement script to prevent new breakages are included. other modifications might occasionally override the patch. Contributed By: TwinSnake44. Anyone else noticed that? Edit: Someone told me that it is a vanilla bug gonna have to look for a fix then. In this guide, I will describe to you the most common glitch that you can use in the latest patch to duplicate the items in your inventory without needing the help of a third party. The one where it gives you a new pair of an old armor you had on the mannequin, I just want my house to look good dammit. Top Voted Answer. I found duping works best when you try and duplicate multiple staves of different types at once. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "is there a fix for the mannequin duplication glitch?". That mannequin glitch . . I've been getting a glitch in the Tundra homestead when I fast travel to a place and back to the home the armor on 2 of the mannequins reappear after After digging into the scripts, what you are experiencing is the result of USSEP fixing the armor duplication bug. More than half the mannequins will duplicate the first thing you put on them, except for certain 'unique' armors. But can I still do stuff like leveling up alteration by fast travelling or going underneath the skyforge? For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Mannequin Duplicate glitch still work?". 3) Leave house and return. So I'm on Skyrim SE PS5 and I've just leant that by doing a duplication glitch of Armour with mannequins removes Enchantments, which if it works is amazing cause I want to wear Adept Mabe Robes cause they look awesome and I'm working on a Mage build, but use my Enchantments which are stronger. 3. I'm not sure what the exact conditions need to be, but I DO know that I've been plucking Krosis masks off one mannequin for weeks now. It does NOT happen in riften (haven't checke Im looking to duplicate ulfric's clothes but cannot find any info about any working duplication glitches. Lucky bastard. Ciryadin (Expert) (for some reason, unenchanted apparel and weapons seem to duplicate easier) I dropped 1 Drainheart Sword to duplicate it, and it wasn't until the 4th duplication attempt that I actually had a second sword show up. This glitch is done by simply putting desired armour on the mannequin and leaving the house for 10 So in my skyrim game, with Hearthfire installed, living happily in Lakeview Manor, I have two troublesome Mannequins, who will not stop spawning in the same armor that I remove, one has the light elven armor you get off the thalmor , and the other has vampire armor, but I want to present different armor on them, but every time I take it off, it somehow gets more of the From the Cheats section: Duplicate Any Apparel Place any apparel item (armor or jewelry for better results) on any mannequin. It’s been like that forever. this works on xb1, not sure if it will work on other platforms, and may also require th For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Mannequin dupe glitch". Exit house, reenter, and fingers crossed the glitch will be history . 2. This is where you’ll find it. This is pretty well documented. 6. The manaquin on the right (from the doors) of the armory will duplicate any armor on it. Then place the item back into your inventory. Does anyone know of any working ones, and if so Register. 6) Leave and re-enter one last time. I may have found a fix for the mannequin armor duplication glitch in Skyrim. How to Duplicate Nightingale Armor in Skyrim: A Master Thief’s Guide. Exit house, reenter, and hopefuly the mannequin will remain unarmored and with no items stored . It can cause strange and inconsistent physics, which leads to some bizarre outcomes like this one: The “skyrim Proceed to the room with the Mannequin. Successful duplication. Take everything off the mannequin, then change areas. My opinion; For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Duplication glitch?". Repeat 4-6 as desired. Sorry for the poor quality on the video I filmed it with a potato and by potato I me you put w/e armor you want to duplicate on the mannequin. Enter tower from the top and quickly step to the mannequin area and spam click to bring up dummies` inventory BEFORE it fully respawns. Exit building. Leave the area (loading screen) and come back. I'm trying to use the one where you lay items on the ground and get a My exact method to stop the glitch was as follows: 1) Have a set of the items you wish removed from the mannequin in your inventory and equipped 2) Remove items from mannequin and replace them without closing the menu. Media. Ciryadin (Expert) While many of Skyrim's glitches and bugs can be frustrating for players to deal with, Armor Duplication Manipulate A Mannequin To Duplicate Armor With Ease . Exit house, reenter, and fingers crossed the glitch will be history :D. Then fast traveled back took the armor and repeated the fast travel. (make sure that you use the right trigger to equip the item directly from the mannequin). bug et bug de duplication sur les mannequins de la maison de Solitude le bug = le mannequins disparaît lorsque je pose mon armure entiére, il devient invisible mais on peut toujours l'activer The “skyrim mannequin glitch ps4” is a video game that allows players to create and customize their own character. However, since Dawnguard, none of mine work, except for one in Riften that was wearing the Gauldur (reforged) amulet. Obesity kills 8 times the number of people annually in the U. Hey all, So I'm having the stupid duplication glitch in my dovahkiin hideout, and I'm having one of my mannequins repeatedly spawn nightingale armor that i don't want because it A subreddit about the massively popular videogame The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Mannequin duplication glitch . When you go to your mannequin it should still be naked, and will have stopped duping items. It still is in the inventory however. Forums. Now, exit the menu and equip the armour that you had originally put in the 1. So it is About this mod. You have Duplicating armor on mannequins: PC Only This bug is fixed by version 1. This is great for duplicating items with high value or unique enchantments, like the Champions Cudgel, Wabbajack. I have no mods or patches installed. Remember - if you use more than one exclamation point at the end of a sentence, you're probably unhinged!!! Boards; The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; How to stop mannequins from duplicating armor? Topic Archived; Product Deals. Go to your celler and come back to the mannequin. I haven't used this for armor, as the mannequin glitch is better for duping sets of armor. How do I get rid of the mannequin duplication glitch on PS4? I built my own house and in the armory I used to have a set of imperial armor on display. Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix Version 2. The annoying mannequin duplication glitch in the hearthfire DLC is finally gone! now it wears the armor that I always wanted it to wear How I did it: Let’s say that you’re standing in front of your I tried this a few weeks ago. gunsndroses 12 years ago #1. 5. 00 new $3. Quest, place, NPC, Place the armor that you want to duplicate on your mannequin. Sometimes it also pops up in my inventory, but is also on the mannequins inventory. Hey did arthmoor’s Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch ever fix that glitch that duplicated the armor on the mannequin’s I remember that was an issue but I can’t remember because when I put an armor on the mannequin I would never remove it 1. Put item on mannequin and remove it from mannequin without closing inventory screen 2. Does anybody have any ideas? I’m playing just regular Skyrim Special Edition on Xbox One. That's probably why you only got the boot and gloves and not the robes. The mannequin glitch is well known, and you can’t use display cases they way you’re thinking. As part of the fix, all gear is unequipped prior to cycling the array they added and re-equipping the gear. Again, be sure it reloads the right way. 4 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. (Edited by Malac'ra) Bugs (Skyrim) Mannequin. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "PSA: Mannequin duplication glitch fix". Go back up to 'Apparel' on the mannequin and take your armour back out. However there is 3 kind item you can't duplicated. The fix makes things worse, now my mannequins disappear displace when putting new armor on them. As a first note:I'm not exactly sure if a mod is causing this or not, so I just put it in Technical Support. Just put armor on it and then leave the house. We all love your games that has anything to do with the Elder Scrolls but you guys literally aren't doing your job for this classic of a game after releasing it so many times over up to next-gen gaming. Playing my first run through. Leave your location to another area (ie. And it’s not perfect. Don't exit out of the equipping Use the follower duplication glitch to duplicate the Bittercup enough times to reduce your base health to 0 or below while a piece of Fortify 3. Click on the Mannequin to activate it. I have just done the bookshelf glitch and mannequin glitch. Also, we recommend against duplicating too many items in one attempt, as this might interrupt the functioning of Skyrim’s I have found an easy way to stop that frustrating duplicating mannequin. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Mannequin dupe glitch". When I got the rest of the Dwarven set I left it with the robes but put the Dwarven on top. Then take the item back and zone out and back in. Exit a house), then return to the area to find the item still on the mannequin. The mannequin in the basement of Winstad keeps duping Vampire armor and boots, even if I take them out and put something else like Daedric The armor duplication bug on mannequins is an extremely old and well known bug, and is fixed by the Unofficial Patch (along with literally thousands of other bugs). I have tried and done this with soul gems, most ingots and weapons on 360, not sure if it works on other systems. I believe all items that can be displayed by mannequins can be duplicated with it, though some may lose their enchants and the Nightengale Armor specifically can do weird stuff. Then you go to the inventory of the mannequin and take the armor back (now you can leave the mannequin). 2. I just want to use the damn things for display, and I can't change their armor no matter what I do. Leaving the cell area of the house and returning may reset the cellar mannequin as it worked for my table. Amazon. You have to drop an item and place it in the box, rather than activate it like a rack. Posted on October 25, 2012, Kevin Thielenhaus Skyrim: Hearthfire – How to Duplicate Armor [Glitch] Get all the apparel items you’ll ever need in Hearthfire with this armor duplication glitch. Mannequin duplication glitch (Hearthfire) If anyone has figured out how to make the mannequins in the homesteads STOP duplicating armor, I would be forever in your debt. Down the road I went to place a new set of armor on the mannequin, and decided to test if the Dwarven armor would work properly, only to find out I couldnt place the Helm or Shield on the mannequin. But when I leave the house and come back later, it does not show. Whenever I Does unofficial Skyrim patch(Le) also remove useful glitches? I don't mind the duplication bug or mannequin bug being gone. Another issue that triggers "wandering" mannequins is simply having too much loading in the cell. So Actually as a matter of fact I did. There is a standalone mod for the PC addressing this bug, called 'Skyrim Mannequin Duping Bug Fix'. 4. I have 6 of each dragon priest mask, literally hundreds of chitin plate armour and two gloves of the pugilist. Exit the mannequin’s inventory: Quickly exit out of the mannequin interaction. Well anytime I leave and come back to my house (even tho I have since taken this helmet off and replaced it with a Nordic carved helmet) it will always replace the current helmet on the bust and duplicate itself. Implementing USSEPs approach on addressing this and tweaking its logic on several other concept testers were conducted; Including a few completely different approaches to remedy this ALL break other components of the script from working (as it currently does so well) My game worked great for a long time, but now for some reason I have this mannequin glitch. I have a duplication bug on one mannequin at Heljarchen I originally gave it some necromancer robes, then I added Dwarven armour. " For armor, you may want to do the mannequin glitch. It will just re-equip duplicates of the gear that's glitched on it. (Hearthfire cellar is fine) Add a full unique enchanted set (shrouded, thieves guild, Cicero Clothes, etc. But when i leave the house and come back the armor does not show up on the mannequins. When i put armor on mannequins it shows. Essentially, any time you add an item, the event block OnItemAdded() will be queued in a cache and hold position until AFTER the menu closes, in which case it will fire off the length of code contained inside the function. A subreddit about the massively popular videogame The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, by Bethesda studios. how do i fix this? Even if another mannequin is wearing blades armor it still gets replaced by ancient falmer armor when reentering the househelp Thanks I switched out the armour on one of my manikin's in my house (Lakeview Manor) and when I left my house I killed a couple of bandits who attacked me and after looting their bodies I went back inside to place the items in my amoury chest and then I noticed the manikin now had the armour that I took from the manikin instead of the one I put on it. 5M subscribers in the skyrim community. It's pretty specific but also something that can happen by accident. The ‘Skyrim Mannequin Duping Bug Fix’ is a standalone PC mod that addresses this issue. The set of armor For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Mannequin duplication in Hearthfire?". Item with static Ref ID (Jagged Crown, and Aetherial Crown, Rueful Axe, Bloodskal Blade, etc) can someone convert the Skyrim Mannequin Duping Bug Fix mod for SE? Here is just a short video on how to stop the duplication glitch from occurring in Skyrim. I really got into Skyrim the last few weeks. compared to guns. What's new. This is a replacer for the default skyrim mannequin script, which has a bug that allows for infinite duplication of armor items, and permanently breaks the affected mannequin. I don't know what you're talking about, but i know that in honeyside there's a glitch with the mannequin to duplicate your armor and its real simple. I attempted to dupe both an unenchanted destruction staff and an unenchanted illusion staff at the same time, occasionally giving them some bodging to move them into positions that limit their movement and found it worked much better. As for the follower duplication glitch: Don't duplicate potions. I had placed some orcish armor on a mannequin, and it began duplicating the chest and boots whenever I would return to Load mannequin in enchanting tower with items you wish to dupe and exit tower by the ladder. As that can get annoying. Weapons and bows may be EQUIPPED and DRAWN; also choose from ten different poses and animations even toggle them to come alive or remain frozen in their pose. This means that even if you drop 3 Hearts (for example), the glitch will only generate one duplicate. Was really excited to hit 100 enchanting, 80 smithing, level 47, and just finished the civil war quests. Then walk back in take the armor off and every time you re-enter the house the mannequin should have that armor on it or some junk like that. I put a full dragon bone set on a mannequin, left the house and fast traveled to whiterun. Repairs mannequins already broken by the Dupe Bug. I checked myself and sure enough, there was a duplicate. Somehow this triggered a new glitch whereas every time I exited and reloaded the interior of the house, I would recieve a dwarven helm and shield. It used the mannequins in purchasable homes (after you bought the furnishing for it) where you'd put the items you wanna duplicate into the mannequin and then without leaving, take them all back, but it could only be done with equipable items. Place the armor that you want to duplicate on your mannequin. The way The way to cause this bug is to give armor to the mannequin then immediately take it back without exiting the menu. Proceed to the room with the Mannequin. While the AI is enabled the mannequins can move. To lazy to explain how this works right now but pretty sure theres a youtube video for it. Then dropping two swords, 1 would reliably duplicate. I’ve done a lot of research trying to figure out how, but both the duplication glitch that worked for the Emeralds earlier and the Mannequin duplication glitch both haven’t worked for me. Press Square (PS3) or X (Xbox) to store your desired apparel into the Mannequin. Now, exit the menu and equip the armour that you had originally put in the The Mannequin Glitch is a glitch that occurs when you try to place an NPC in the middle of your mannequins. Credits and distribution permission. Mannequin Glitch - Lakeview Manor Lakeview Manor . So please help me fellow Dragonborns. I deleted the patch update. But i've For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Mannequin dupe glitch? help. Login. Fixes “Wandering Bug”, “Item Duplication Bug”, and “Naked Bug”. for those that don't know, the "dupe" bug is a glitch caused by an event paradox while the inventory of the mannequin is still open. I've never used the quicksave duplication you mentioned, but I've used and explored the follower-frontgate duplication method for a while. It is still in their inventory, but not showing. This step triggers the glitch. Most CC works fine for the follower duplication glitch. If you mean about followers duplicate glitch, you must ask followers to take item without moving (drop it under follower's feet), then reset the area by go to other area, and come back. See All. Meyer217 - 10 years ago - report. Now 10 years later and on a PS5, the Anniversary Edition still has the same issues. :) You must A) gather your party before venturing forth The unfourtunate thing with the duplicate glitch is that there are some items that will not, no matter how many times you try it, and of course a good few of them are unique (one off) items, the Aetherial crown is one such, the only way that I'm aware of is through the cheat room. A subreddit about the massively popular videogame The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, (almost anything!) I was reading a post about the hearthfire mannequin duplication glitch and one guy (can’t remember the name sorry) said you can duplicate gems in the little space to the right of the inside of the Whiterun gates One specifically is the damn mannequin duplication bug glitch happening unintentionally. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How can I stop mannequins from respawning/duplicating armor?". For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How do I stop the mannequin armor duplication glitch?". This little bug has annoyed most of us I'm sure, so I figured I w Ironically enough this glitch was first discovered as a mannequin glitch. Some duplicates "fade" before you can get them and some items are more likely to have duplicates that "fade. How do you get the mannequins to duplicate your stuff? I've tried following the instructions on UESP's Glitch page: Place items on mannequin Without leaving the equip screen, remove items Exit/re-enter house The mannequin should have duplicates of what I put on it, but it doesn't seem to be working. I already tried the mannequins fix on the nexus. The real problem is, when I enter the house sometimes all the armors I have given to the mannequins appear in my inventory (duplicated from them). When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. It's a duplication glitch The funny thing is, his clothes are one of the few items you can dude ANOTHER way. It does NOT happen in riften (haven't checke The manikin glitch seems to be a reoccurring thing. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; Mannequin glitch. (do not exit the mannequin). However, I know it has to work somehow, because I get a new pair of Miraak's Boots / Gloves every time I walk into Lakeview Manor and check my mannequins. 9M subscribers in the skyrim community. Fixes "Wandering Bug", "Item Duplication Bug", and "Naked Bug". then leave the area (exit house). Another thing is that this doesn't seem to be the normal Hearthfire dupe glitch because I cannot replace the original armor set that was on that mannequin, only a new set can be The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; mannequin clothing glitch (possible spoilers) rebels2006 12 years ago #1. Made a new character and now the item dupe still will not work. I've programmed a mannequin outfit switcher script and have added pullbars behind all of the mannequins in the vanilla houses. Remove items from mannequin again. A glitch in Skyrim Special Edition allows players to duplicate any item. 76. then you go back into the house and the mannequin should have the armor on it. Return. It's a known bug. 7. Armor Duplication Glitch[edit] Duplicating armor on mannequins: PC Only This bug is fixed by version 1. Ciryadin (Expert) How do you get the mannequins to duplicate your stuff? I've tried following the instructions on UESP's Glitch page: Place items on mannequin Without leaving the equip screen, remove items Exit/re-enter house The mannequin should have duplicates of what I put on it, but it doesn't seem to be working. For equipment duplication, get a house and mount an item on the mannequin. Determining the efficacy of a glitch isn't worth the battle IMO. Home. SKYRIM- Mannequin glitchRate | Sub | Comment Now what I want to do is duplicate the Jagged Crown and I can’t. While many of Skyrim's glitches and bugs can be frustrating for players to deal with, Armor Duplication Manipulate A Mannequin To Duplicate Armor With Ease . Your Windhelm house manikin will frequently do the same thing. ) and any unique enchanted shield. The mannequin itself, as to be expected wil be stripped. Exit house, reenter, and hopefuly the mannequin will remain unarmored and with no items stored :D. For weapons, I'd say try like I suggested 2 or 3 times and if it doesn't work, then Anyone else had this duplication glitch happen to them? I killed Thoron and took this helmet from him, and placed it on an armor bust I have in my Tundra Homestead cellar. 4) return to mannequin and remove items from mannequin placing them in a container within the house. Open the mannequin's invintory, and equip the item that you wan't to unglitch from the mannequin. This article documents general glitches that have been discovered in Skyrim. If I add armor to a mannequin it does show up at first. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "PSA: Mannequin duplication glitch fix". Ciryadin (Expert) Hello everybody! Apparently the mannequins of the new homes, "save" the first combination of armor the player puts on them, and duplicate it if the player opens the mannequin menu, and remove/replace the armor. This is on PS4 so I’m not sure if it will work elsewhere. It's very easy to trigger by accident and it also breaks the mannequin in the sense you can't put other gear on it. Mannequins duplicating and replacing armor are issues I’ve been dealing with since I started playing Skyrim on my old PS3 in 2011. Random Playlists. You can move items by holding the pickup button, rather than pressing it So basically the Oblivion dupe glitch works on Skyrim? Ted_Ninja - 13 years ago - report. Some people like it, they sell off the Hey, I'm trying to figure out how to get an item duplication glitch to work. So I went to Is there a Skyrim patch for mannequin duping? The Unofficial Patch (Xbox 1 / PC) fixes the glitch, although depending on the load order, other modifications might occasionally override the patch. If it needs to be moved, please do so :tongue: Lately I've been getting a really weird bug/glitch related to mannequins. You can make this happen by placing items into the mannequin and then taking it back without closing the menu. Put a full set of armor and shield on the mannequin (something different this time to confirm the fix). It can be found here. Weapons and bows may be EQUIPPED and DRAWN; also choose The mannequin itself, as to be expected wil be stripped. 2 by IsharaMeradin Fortify restoration, Dawnstar, Solitude and Markarth Khajiit chest, Whiterun Eorland chest, Necromage perk while you're a vampire, multiple headgear items worn at the same time, buying houses and furnishings for free, mannequin armor duplication, Soul Trap power leveling, speech skill checks power leveling. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this before, but if I put a piece of armor on the mannequin in the cellar at Lakeview Manor, go upstairs, back a couple days later went back and noticed the armor was still there. Some items do not duplicate at all. I used the 10 second window to take all the armor from the mannequins and it seemed to stop the crashes but then I started receiving duplicates when I would reenter. wcqo jmaf bdgyy dmkwb araey ogusb qkr oyydhi iyprjhkbp fnzeh zixr cqdwm xvg wkrxaahqg srsv