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Kb8tad. Annual subscription is $24.

Kb8tad Go After installing the new capacitors, I enlisted the aid of friend and boat-anchor guru, Rich Post, KB8TAD in performing the initial power-on tests. Thanks for your update! I always appreciate your POTA/SOTA videos and your gifted ability to write and produce is clearly giving all of us a first-hand view of what is happening! Reply. On Sunday, July 24, 2024, several members of the ACARA met at Bulldog Shelter within Strouds Run State Park to perform a club Parks on the Air (POTA) activation of Strouds Run State Park, US-1994, using the club’s callsign, W8UKE. Also two Transoceanic clones While not heavy metal boatanchors, the Zenith Transoceanics are favorites for short wave listening. All you need to know is here! (Pages open in new browser window) Videos The HA460 AM 6 meter AM Transceiver KK4WW HA-500 General Coverage Receiver : Return to Radio Pictures Transmitter - KB8TAD's T-784/GRC-109 transmitter and PP-2685 power supply modules from AN/GRC-109 Special Forces radio set into 195' Inverted-L, tuned by T-784/GRC-109. I remembered that I powered it up enough to discover that it suffered from the infamous ‘ROM Rot’ issue that plagues these machines. Established in the 1920s, Lafayette Radio Electronics (LRE) became a thriving mail-order catalog business; the electronic components it sold were useful to amateur radio operators and electronic hobbyists in areas where such components were unavailable in After installing the new capacitors, I enlisted the aid of friend and boat-anchor guru, Rich Post, KB8TAD in performing the initial power-on tests. net membership is required to view all callsign details. See "Data change" for further TSM’s 2022 Annual Air Show Guide By Brian and Jo Marie Topolski Once again, our air show reporters, Brian and Jo Marie take us to the air show—what to look for, where to get the best view, what to bring, what to avoid and when to leave (hint: not with the big crowd going out!). Drake Company of Miamisburg, Ohio in 1966 for Novice-class licensees. This first model did not have a fully enclosed chassis and could be quite dangerous. Retail Radio in Uncertain Economic Times By Richard Fisher KI6SN Too bad there is no vaccine yet developed to protect amateur and shortwave electronics manufacturers from the devastating effects of today’s inflation, supply Rich Post KB8TAD . BoatAnchor Parts -- Post For Sale or Wanted ads for parts or complete equipment. Reply Delete. Articles written from 2014 to 2019 by Rich KB8TAD for "The Spectrum Monitor" ----2019 Radio Restoration columns and articles ----Dec 2019 FEATURE - Those Regulated Power Supplies from Heathkit and Others Dec 2019 Helping Dan - A Silvertone 6230A Farm Set Nov 2019 The Hallikit - Hallicrafters HT-40 Transmitter Oct 2019 Rescuing Another Gonset Communicator IV Sep Articles written by Rich KB8TAD for "The Spectrum Monitor" ----2018 Radio Restoration columns and Feature articles ----Jun 2018 The Transition; a Tale of Two Philcos May 2018 A Not-So-Scarce Hallicrafters,Model SX-99 Apr 2018 Hallicrafters S-85, Another Scarce Model Mar 2018 A Different Hallicrafters, model 8R40 Feb 2018 Invasion of the 2 band Transoceanic Clones, Rich kb8tad for a personal reply. Experimenters were building radio receivers. (KE8ICP), Athens OH, michaelsbaxla80 “at” yahoo (dot) com Biddle, John (W8PG), Athens OH, bid542 “at” gmail (dot) com; Bonte, Frances (KE8HPA) The US Navy Station NAA, Arlington, Virginia, 1913 to 1941 By John F. Rather than adding pictures of my Navy type CCT-46104 manufactured by Stromberg-Carlson, covering 1. Annual subscription is $24. . Initial study Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. More power? Could modify the screen grid resistor/ voltage a bit I suppose. All those kits are now in the nostalgia category, but because they were well documented, mostly put together with screws rather Photo Courtesy KB8TAD: Photo Courtesy KB8TAD: Back To Ozark Patrol Home Page tnx to Rich KB8TAD : round corner cabinet - silver above & gray below: Y-726 rcvr R-100 rcvr : same circuit as Y-726: R-100A rcvr : same circuit as Y-726: S-255 ("T-50") CW xmtr : 80-10: 56-61 (xtal) (807) "T-50" SX-255 ("T-50") CW xmtr : 80-10: 56-61 (xtal) (807) "T-50" YX-255 ("T-50") CW xmtr : 80-10: 56-61 (xtal) (807) "T-50" T-60 AM xmtr By Rich Post KB8TAD The Trans-Oceanic portable radio was a result of the needs of Zenith CEO Eugene McDonald, Jr. See "Data change" for By Rich Post KB8TAD Eico ST-96: A ‘Stereo’ Tuner for 1961 Digitally Speaking 85 By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV M17: Future or Footnote? VHF and Above 89 By Joe Lynch N6CL Remembering W2UK/KH6UK On the Cover: The original W1XPW transmitter building and Armstrong Pole, West Peak, Connecticut. Pagina dedicata agli schemi e manuali di apparati surplus civili The Spectrum Monitor, June 2020, p 83-88, Adventures in Radio Restoration [S-40] by Rich Post KB8TAD; Literature/Schematics (3) Radios by hallicrafters (2nd Edition, pgs. Send an e-mail to -> kb8tad ATsymbol gmail. Radio broadcasting was still in its infancy. Initial study of the schematic and examination of the rig didn't disclose an immeditate A comprehensive article on Lafayette authored by Rich KB8TAD for the December 2012 issue of the Monitoring Times. BoatAnchors FAQ -- Don't Miss This One. Antenna Connections By Dan Farber AC0LW Antenna 101: Review of the Basics Part 2. By Rich Post KB8TAD This month’s cover story is a look at the long history of the most successful high-end amateur radio kit company that spanned the greater part of the 20th Cen - tury. Thanks to WayBackMachine, KB8TAD) (EDT) very good site jr USA - Monday, September 06, 2004 at 00:45:07 (EDT) Hello folks, very good website you have here, did found it when I was By Rich Post KB8TAD Throughout the 1950s and 60s 3-tube band-switched regenerative shortwave radio kits were extremely popular with amateurs and shortwave listeners alike This is a photo of the Knight Kit "Span Master" SuperRegenerative Receiver kindly supplied by Richard Post - KB8TAD. Specialty VTVMs such as the Hewlett By Rich Post KB8TAD It wasn't the New Year's Eve he had anticipated. com. Fall/Winter 1954/55, page 664. Schneider W9FGH In the earliest days of radio communications, the world’s governments understood that a strategic advantage fell to those that could construct and operate gigantic radio stations capable of transmitting around the world at any hour of the day. Seeing an old set working like new after careful repair, Richard Post, KB8TAD Street address available to members Athens, OH 45701-3681 USA Welcome! A FREE or paid HamCall. Rich verified I had properly installed the new electrolytic capacitors but quickly determined the oscillator wasn't running with a known-good crystal. With waning sales of its educational materials, Heathkit had tried to restart just a bit of the kit business that the company was known for but failed when funds ran out. 2. The Spectrum Monitor, June 2020, p 83-88, Adventures in Radio Restoration [S-40] by Rich Post KB8TAD; Literature/Schematics (2) Radios by hallicrafters (2nd Edition, pgs. A treasure trove of terrific info! His page on tube era capacitor testers is a great overview of period instruments and their use. ) Literature/Schematics (3) The Spectrum Monitor, June 2020, p 83-88, Adventures in Radio Restoration [S-40] by Rich Post KB8TAD; Literature/Schematics (3) Sears, Roebuck Catalogs (Silvertone) (#198, Spring & Summer 1949, page 628. Starting time: believe it was around 0000 UTC. But many of us have the urge to keep up with [] By Rich Post KB8TAD Eico ST-40: An Integrated Hi-Fi Stereo Amplifier from 1961 Antenna Connections By Robert Gulley K4PKM The ‘L’ Antenna Option Amateur Radio Insights By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z Bad Weather Blues VHF and Above Rich Post, KB8TAD, constructs an antenna trap for 14MHz. Note that my e-mail address has to be changed. Aug 2022 issue by itself. My first Heathkit Like so many experimenters BROWSE ALL MY E-BAY ITEMS - CLICK HERE! Please BOOKMARK this web page for future reference. Has rack-and-pinion band change. SAMS (Set 33, Date 2/48, Folder 483-10) The Spectrum Monitor, June 2020, p 83-88, Adventures in Radio Restoration [S-40] by Rich Post KB8TAD; Literature/Schematics (3) Radios by hallicrafters (2nd Edition, pgs. By Rich Post KB8TAD The All-Metal Transoceanic Clone: National NC-66 Amateur Radio Insights By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z CQ EQ! VHF and Above By Joe Lynch N6CL Arecibo Update: Two Years after the Destruction and Radio’ both by Rich Post KB8TAD), but your “Too bad the kids of today are not more technically-minded and not into building kits. The R-55A is a general coverage kit receiver produced by Allied Radio. Every scheme to receive shortwave radio inside the typical sedan or minivan has its shortfalls, some far greater than others. Call Sign: K4GST, Grant Date: 07/14/1994, Expiration Date: 07/14/2004, Cancellation Date: 07/15/2006, Registrant: Lyle H Munn, 62 Mulligan Rd, Athens, OH 45701 Rich kb8tad for a personal reply. By Rich Post KB8TAD The Very Tall Clock Radio: Crosley 124 Playtime 1-M Kits and Kit-Building By Joe Eisenberg K0NEB One Step at a Time: Building a Kit Stage-by-Stage Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV High Altitude Digital . The Spectrum Monitor is available in PDF format which can be read on any desktop, laptop, iPad®, Kindle® Fire, or other device capable of opening a PDF file. google. military: Navy ARA/ ATA Command recievers / Transmitters . Rich KB8TAD. This is so that automated spambots cannot use it easily. 49-50) Literature/Schematics (3) Photofact Folder, Howard W. An Allied SX-190 receiver was the previous project on the bench. OR . By Rich Post KB8TAD The Fearnola: 1920s TRF Three-Dial Set. Please encourage everyone to keep a diary or journal of their Knight-kit R-55A. Thanks to WayBackMachine, KB8TAD) (EDT) very good site jr USA - Monday, September 06, 2004 at 00:45:07 (EDT) Hello folks, very good website you have here, did found it when I was surfing the internet, so I put my step in your guestbook. All entertainment broadcast stations were assigned to a single frequency of 833 KHz causing By Rich Post KB8TAD The Novice MOPA: Heathkit AT-1 European Radio Scene By Georg Wiessala Antarctic Horror; Chinese DX and International Radio Museums Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV “Radioactive” Amateur Radio Insights By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z Summer Projects The Spectrum Monitor, June 2020, p 83-88, Adventures in Radio Restoration [S-40] by Rich Post KB8TAD; Literature/Schematics (3) Radios by hallicrafters (2nd Edition, pgs. On Our Cover An impressive array of seven Lafay-ette Radio shortwave receivers. Pomeroy, OH, sb Baxla, Michael S. The instructions specified insulating the selenium rectifier terminals with electrical tape, from memory the transformer secondary was ~ 67vt RMS which could make for ~ 100vt at the input capacitor. . Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV 2022 Amateur Radio Digital Voice Guide. Replies. Amateur Radio Insights Richard Post - KB8TAD Contributed Photo of Knight "Span Master" John Paia Simonton, President of PAiA Electronics, Inc. A good description of that kit can be found at KB8TAD’s page. L. The From Wikipedia. 20. In the first of a series, Tony turns [] By Rich Post KB8TAD The Hallikit HT-40 Transmitter. The 2-NT was introduced by the R. Welcome to try my website as well. Bottom row left to right: HA-350, KT-200, and HA-800B. Introduced in 1965 as an upgrade to the R-55, the R-55A is a transformer-operated single-conversion general coverage receiver covering 530KHz to 36MHz and 47 to 54 MHz in 5 bands with calibrated bandspread for the ham bands. By Rich Post KB8TAD The VTVM (vacuum tube voltmeter) was the standard instrument for measuring DC and AC for radio and television service shops from the late 1940s to the end of the vacuum tube era in the 1970s. (Your web Richard Post, KB8TAD Street address available to members Athens, OH 45701-3681 USA Welcome! A FREE or paid HamCall. Replace the left side of the address with my lower case Ham Radio call which is kb8tad The right half of the address is correct as gmail. Date 12-08-13. Invented to improve electrical safety in the gold mines of South Africa, improved versions of the device are now required where inadvertent grounding Articles written from 2014 to 2019 by Rich KB8TAD for "The Spectrum Monitor" ----2019 Radio Restoration columns and articles ----Dec 2019 FEATURE - Those Regulated Power Supplies from Heathkit and Others Dec 2019 Helping Dan - A Silvertone 6230A Farm Set Nov 2019 The Hallikit - Hallicrafters HT-40 Transmitter Oct 2019 Rescuing Another Gonset Communicator IV View KB8TAD's oldest Guestbook ©1996-2024 Except as noted, I personally took all these photos. Thanks, Richard! I don't have mine anymore, but it was the beginning of my venture into electronics and ham radio. 21 08:48 77 from 742 Martin Bösch (CH) Moderator Articles: 634 Count of Thanks: 1 Dear Rich, the so called Stories you’ll find in our February, 2015 issue: Monitoring the Russian Navy (Part 1) By Tony Roper In previous articles, military monitoring specialist, Tony Roper, took us inside NATO war games (TSM July 2014) and showed us how to monitor the Russian Air Force (TSM October 2014). From a young age, he was an experienced telegrapher. They would learn about the easy-to-understand nature of radio, where your communications can be point-to-point or peer-to-peer, not reli-This column is open to your considered comments. 5 to 3 MHz under the later Photo of Hallicrafters S-52 by Rich (KB8TAD) Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following short recording and notes: Broadcaster: Radio Difusora do Maranhao, Sao Luiz, Brazil. Only a Rich kb8tad for a personal reply. Antenna Connections By Dan Farber AC0LW Do the Math: Numbers Crunching for Radio Enthusiasts. SAMS (Set 2, Folder 19, Jan 1947) Author; Model page created by a member from D. 95, and sold well over its 16 year production run. Photo of Hallicrafters S-52 by Rich (KB8TAD) Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following short recording and notes: Broadcaster: Radio Difusora do Maranhao, Sao Luiz, Brazil. (Photo courtesy of Charles Dubé W1CLD) Pagina dedicata agli schemi e manuali di apparati surplus civili By Rich Post KB8TAD Harman-Kardon A-260 “Chorale” Stereo Amp. By Rich Post KB8TAD Wakening the Knight: Allied Radio’s TR-106 6-Meter AM Transceiver. Monitoring the Chinese Manned Space Program By Larry Van Horn N5FPW In 2003 China became just the third country to achieve independent human spaceflight when it successfully orbited the crewed Shenzhou-5 spacecraft, ZL1CVD, Chris Day, CatDisplay Works with Yaesu FT-817, FT817ND, FT-857, FT-857D, FT-897 & FT-897D transceivers. A Cold War Demon Has Returned By Larry Van Horn N5FPW Russia’s Duga Over-the-Horizon Radar (OTHR) wreaked havoc on the shortwave bands throughout the 1970s and 80s. By Rich Post KB8TAD The ‘Hot Water’ Transceiver: Heathkit’s HW-101 Kits and Kit-Building By Joe Eisenberg K0NEB An Oscilloscope Multimeter Kit; 2024 Young Ham of the Year Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV New Rigs Revealed at the Dave Campbell, CA, United States Professionally I have spent most of my career in semiconductor applications, marketing, sales and business development, primarily with analog, interface and mixed signal integrated circuits. TSM Reviews: Finally, a Mobile Shortwave Radio that Works By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL. Individual monthly issues are available for $3 each. kb8tad switch schematic diagram 2 tube ocean hopper . Most were crystal sets. The 2-C is a vacuum tube (three) and semiconductor (twelve) hybrid design which offers CW-only output on the pre By Rich Post KB8TAD That Jukebox Sound: Wurlitzer 530 Audio Amp. All you need to know is here! (Pages open in new browser window) Videos The HA460 AM 6 meter AM Transceiver KK4WW HA-500 General Coverage Receiver : Return to Radio Pictures By Rich Post KB8TAD To say that regular MT contributor Rich Post KB8TAD is a radio collector is a complete understatement. This was the first version of this broadcaster offered by allied electronics and did not have the Speaker output as the second unit that was called the Knight Wireless Broadcaster-Amplifier. Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. Reply. TSM Reviews: Penntek TR-35 By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL The new Penntek TR-35 is a four-band, CW-only, 5-Watt QRP transceiver that’s available both as a kit and as a factory assembled and tested unit. by Rich Post KB8TAD The year was 1921. Such was the case with Lafayette. I don’t know how I haven’t had this page bookmarked since the dawn of the internet, but it’s going to occupy most of my web-reading time over the next week. SAMS ((S-40B) Set 122, Folder 4, April 1951) Author; Model page created by Tom Seeger. Such good stuff, thanks Rich, KB8TAD! Edited 5/10/2020 for updated links By Rich Post KB8TAD Portable radios have been around for a long time but in the late 1930s manufacturers began offering 3-way portables—able to be powered using AC or DC line voltage as well as batteries. Despite the fact that Miller was a Richard Post, KB8TAD Street address available to members Athens, OH 45701-3681 USA Welcome! A FREE or paid HamCall. 49-50) Literature/Schematics (4) Photofact Folder, Howard W. Login is required for additional detail. Sign my new guestbook courtesy of smartguestbook. (Your web By Rich Post KB8TAD. Post navigation << Previous Post Club Construction Project – Two-Band Trap Dipole – 2pm Sunday, January 21. co Rich Post, KB8TAD + Edie Cade Saugier, KC3EKE Paul Schulz, WD8SCV. Spring/Summer 1952, page 604. Create an account Forgot Password? A comprehensive article on Lafayette authored by Rich KB8TAD for the December 2012 issue of the Monitoring Times. Originally derogatory, the term is now used affectionately. Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada Links to our Members (e-mail and homepages where available) Arnold, Nick (KD8FKB) (GMRS WRTP 677), Athens OH, narnold “at” wscc (dot) edu; Barnhart, Joe (K3JJB) (GMRS WRVS 202). ) Literature/Schematics (4) Photofact Folder, Howard W. Link to the discussion and schematic of the most recent version of the homebrew dual-control tube part 15 broadcaster on the Antique Radio Forum. Thank you. This one is from a National Radio NC-88 / NC-98. All About A nice discussion, with lots of background information links, of a home brew tube regen restored by the author, Rich KB8TAD. This is National's 1940 "Silver Anniversary"model as stated on the diamond-shaped "NC" logo at the top center. KB8TAD USA. By Rich Post KB8TAD What’s a Distortion Meter? A Look at the Barker & Williamson Model 410 Kits and Kit-Building By Joe Eisenberg K0NEB Making a Good Radio Better Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV By Rich Post KB8TAD. By Rich Post KB8TAD The Four-Eyed Signal Tracers Part 2: Chanalyst Meets Analyst (Meissner 9-1040) Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV New to Me Amateur Radio Insights By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z Underground Experimentation Email Address: Password: Remember Me. Rick Pau says: October 4, 2024 at 10:45 am . Except for those photos that are part of copyrighted magazine articles, individual photos may be used by registered non-profit (501 c3) organizations or by individuals for non-commercial purposes. All entertainment broadcast stations were assigned to a single frequency of 833 KHz causing The Knight Kit Wireless broadcaster as reviewed in Popular Electronics By Otto Fried May 1955 With permission . The HamCall database has been in production since 1989 and is still the largest callsign database in the world I bought this unit a few years ago when I happened on a cache of Tektronix gear being sold by the sons of a deceased collector in NYC. The VTVM (vacuum tube voltmeter) was the standard instrument for measuring DC and AC for radio and television service shops from the late 1940s to the end of the vacuum tube era in the 1970s. Amateur Radio Insights By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z You Have Enough Antenna—What You Need is Height VHF and Above National NC-200 Prewar general coverage receiver with separate ham bands. It will serve you well for years to come. By Rich Post KB8TAD In recent columns on testing and restoring the National SW-3, FB-7 and the HRO Senior, Rich initially used metered regulated power supplies in place of the matching “doghouse” power supplies to keep those vintage National supplies from possible overloads and damage before full restoration of the receivers. May 2021 issue by itself. Twenty-two year old Second Lieutenant George Klare was navigator on a B-17G bomber based in England. Email: Login required to view. Amateur Radio Callsigns in ZIP Code: 45701 TSM Reviews: Elecraft KX2 QRP Transceiver By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL As a ham who already owns both the KX1 and KX3 transceivers, and likes them very well, wouldn’t a KX2 be redundant? Links to our Members (e-mail and homepages where available) Arnold, Nick (KD8FKB) (GMRS WRTP 677), Athens OH, narnold “at” wscc (dot) edu; Barnhart, Joe (K3JJB) (GMRS WRVS 202). Rich notes these were “the most popular of the three-way powered multiband broadcast and View KB8TAD's oldest Guestbook ©1996-2024 Except as noted, I personally took all these photos. Introduction Date / Price: 1957 / $820 in 2010 dollars $ 7364 who says ham radio is expensive, today The Collins KWM-1 is the first amateur band transceiver designed for mobile and fixed Source: Returning to the Carrier; The YE-ZB radio system in "The Spectrum Monitor", August 2014 (author KB8TAD) Net weight (2. By Rich Post KB8TAD The Novice MOPA: Heathkit AT-1 European Radio Scene By Georg Wiessala Antarctic Horror; Chinese DX and International Radio Museums Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV “Radioactive” Amateur Radio Insights By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z Summer Projects I could not find a category for the Navy ARA or ATA Command Sets, only the later ARC-5 series. Pulling on the large tuning knob engages its pinion on a rack attached to a cast aluminum sliding coil tray to change bands. As part of the 418th squadron, he was at the navigator's table reviewing the flight path of the bomber in the direction of Hamburg and its synthetic oil refineries, which were By Rich Post KB8TAD The HP-23 Family; Heathkit’s Transceiver Power Supplies The Longwave Zone By Kevin O’Hern Carey N2AFX Retro 1959: Bringing Back Another One (Part 1) Amateur Radio Satellites By Keith Baker KB1SF/VA3KSF A GEOsat for North America? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Founded in 1945 by Harry R. The sensitivity of the typical service VTVM on DC measurement was 11 megohms regardless of scale. Where is American Broadcasting’s NextGen TV? By Fred Baumgartner K0FMB Over a decade in development, 100+ transmitters on the air, 10 million+ NextGen TVs in homes, 100-devices for sale this year -- there are no 4K pictures, theater sound, emergency alerting and informing or any advanced interactive function and currently no sign that there ever will be. Specialty VTVMs such as the Hewlett TSM Reviews: lab599 TX-500 Discovery By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL Thomas writes, “You can tell the TX-500 was designed by an amateur radio operator because the radio is laid-out beautifully. new Heath of the Month #099 - HD-20 100 KC Crystal Calibrator introduced in 1960 for $14. As part of the 418th squadron, he was at the navigator's table reviewing the flight path of the bomber in the direction of Hamburg and its synthetic oil refineries, which were so vital to the German war Collins KWM-1 worlds first TRANSCEIVER. Every detail listed below is available for this callsign. SDR Primer Part 1: Introduction to SDRs and SDR applications By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL. August 2017 by Itself. Following earlier articles about his extensive collection of Lafayette and Heathkit radios, Rich now turns to his collection of more than a dozen vintage signal generators. Howell PhD K4FMH We all know the history of US amateur radio: Hiram Percy Maxim founded the American Radio Relay League, and the rest is history, right? Transmitter - KB8TAD's T-784/GRC-109 transmitter and PP-2685 power supply modules from AN/GRC-109 Special Forces radio set into 195' Inverted-L, tuned by T-784/GRC-109. Each photo is individually copyrighted. To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done. com - ----- Details and schematic for modifying a Superior Genometer TV-50 as a part 15 broadcaster . Anonymous December 7, 2015 at 7:00 PM. What in the world can he do with them? Plenty! Find out how he uses HamCall DVD/USB/Download HamCall. created date: 11/10/2019 1:47:40 pm Tnx es 73, Rich KB8TAD E-mail is my lower case call on this side@gmail. When he appeared in full-page ads for the Philco 1201, it quickly became the Bing Crosby Philco. Rich notes these were “the most popular of the three-way powered multiband broadcast and by Rich Post KB8TAD The on-line auction of bank-seized assets of the Heathkit Educational Services Company brought a note of sadness to me in August 2012. Antenna Connections By Robert Gulley K4PKM An Ounce of Prevention. Rocky Mountain Ham Radio Microwave Backbone and DMR Repeater Network By Wayne Heinen N0POH The Birth of FM Pioneer FM Broadcasting in Connecticut’s Mysterious Hanging Hills By Charles Dubé W1CLD Many early electronic engineers had tackled the big problem of transmitting narrowband frequency modulation (FM) as a way of combating noise from static on the AM band. Create an account Forgot By Rich Post KB8TAD In the 1940s, you would be hard pressed to name a single entertainer who was more popular than crooner Bing Crosby—the number one box office attraction for five consecutive years from 1944-48. Frequency: 4. The HD-20 Articles written from 2014 to 2018 by Rich KB8TAD for "The Spectrum Monitor" ----2018 Radio Restoration columns and Feature articles ----Dec 2018 FEATURE - The EICO story: The Electronic Instrument Company and Its Kits Dec 2018 Recollecting My First EICO; The 425K Oscilloscope Nov 2018 Benrus 10B; The "Heavy Metal" Clock Radio Oct 2018 Reviving a Rich Post KB8TAD, a lifelong collector of Lafayette brand radios, among many others, shares the inside story of the remarkable rise and fall of this important company in radio’s long and colorful history. Robert Riordan, KA4VNK, and Jessie Robinson, KE8HRJ, support a dipole while Drew checks SWR on 20m. Attached is a Graymark 515 circuit. Some Regenerative Receivers and a beautiful By Rich Post KB8TAD Throughout the 1950s and 60s 3-tube band-switched regenerative shortwave radio kits were extremely popular with amateurs and shortwave listeners alike because they came with the thrill of listening to shortwave from faraway places that you only read about in geography books on a radio you built yourself. Lafayette's three owners Sometimes when you look closely at a company, a surprise pops up. By Rich Post KB8TAD The Socket Power Transition: RCA Radiola 18 Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV Digital Voice Radio Buyer’s Guide: Part 2 Amateur Radio Insights By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z Rotator Roulette VHF The Spectrum Monitor, June 2020, p 83-88, Adventures in Radio Restoration [S-40] by Rich Post KB8TAD; Literature/Schematics (2) Montgomery Ward Catalogs (Wards, Airline) (Fall/Winter 1951/52, page 702. The station consisted of the ACARA’s Elecraft K3 transceiver; an 80m end-fed half-wave (EFHW) antenna provided by Paul Schulz, WD8SCV; and a logging computer provided by Eric McFadden, WD8RIF. Those with a bit more money were buying or building radios with vacuum tubes that ran off batteries. I now have more than a dozen different types including a Heathkit SG-8 and IG-42, an Eico 315 and 324, a couple of Precision E-200-C, several from RCA including one from their home study electronics Photo courtesy of Richard Post - KB8TAD Figure 2: Typical 50’s bandspread dial. Variation of the WB with a neat stacked approach. https://sites. HOM rev. by Rich Post KB8TAD The on-line auction of bank-seized assets of the Heathkit Educational Services Company brought a note of sadness to me in August 2012. BX490A Radio Philips Belgium Belgien, build 1949, 13 pictures, 18 schematics, 6 tubes, Belgium, semiconductors, Broadcast Receiver - or past WW2 Tuner The Spectrum Monitor, June 2020, p 83-88, Adventures in Radio Restoration [S-40] by Rich Post KB8TAD; Literature/Schematics (3) Radios by hallicrafters (2nd Edition, pgs. The HamCall database has been in production since 1989 and is still the largest callsign database in the world. com Don't bother to fill in your e-mail. Look at his entire site for lots of information on vintage rigs. (KE8ICP), Athens OH, michaelsbaxla80 “at” yahoo (dot) com Biddle, John (W8PG), Athens OH, bid542 “at” gmail (dot) com; Bonte, Frances (KE8HPA) Sign My Guestbook By Rich Post KB8TAD Millen’s Ham Superhet: The National FB-7. The change in corporate names in 1939-40 and the separate catalogs in 1942 as well as the sudden and permanent disappearance of Lafayette from Atlanta and Chicago in 1951 triggered the question of why. Longtime Heathkit collector and regular contributor to Monitoring Times, Rich Post KB8TAD, has been building and collecting Heathkit products since By Rich Post KB8TAD Harman-Kardon A-260 “Chorale” Stereo Amp. Portable Power for Your Radios By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL Having spent a serious amount of time pursuing amateur radio in the field with over 80 Parks on the Air (POTA) activations, Thomas has learned a lot about portable power supplies. by Rich Post KB8TAD . SDRs typically afford access to a dizzying array of customizable filters By Rich Post KB8TAD National’s VHF Receiver The Longwave Zone By Kevin Carey N2AFX Visiting Our Neighbors Up the Band Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV Progression Amateur Radio Insights By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z Ladies and Gentlemen, Discipline Your Oscillators! VHF and Above Bill Halligan depicted in Hallicrafters ad circa 1944 (Thanks to KB8TAD) Bill Halligan, a native of Boston, Massachusetts, was by no means a neophyte in the field of communications. "How Vocoders Work" Dave Snyder who toured me through VOA at Bethany in 1991; John Program 1: Rich Post, KB8TAD, explained and demonstrated an antique radio he has restored, a Phil co 48360 Tambourdoor portable, We use cookies to improve security, personalize the user experience, enhance our marketing The series was essentially the same concept as the “Progressive Edu-Kit,” which appeared in radio publications for decades. Ashley, with an investment of $1,500, EICO was a competitor of Heathkit and Allied Knight-kits in the heyday of kit-built test equipment, audio products and ham gear. by Rich Post KB8TAD I recently acquired another service-grade signal generator from the vacuum tube era, a Simpson 415A to go with my Simpson 315. Rider Chanalyst model 11 connected as TRF receiver. Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a another Zenith Transoceanic H500 Receiver with a typical repair problem. Antenna Connections By Dan Farber AC0LW Wire Antennas Part One: The Dipole. Whereas your grandpa’s radio was all hardware––in the form of filters, mixers, amplifiers, and the like––Software Defined Radios are a mix of hardware and software, which typically gives them a “black box” appearance. General description for the Glowbugs list: By Rich Post KB8TAD The Very Tall Clock Radio: Crosley 124 Playtime 1-M Kits and Kit-Building By Joe Eisenberg K0NEB One Step at a Time: Building a Kit Stage-by-Stage Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV High Altitude Digital . The Rider Chanalyst and its clones are some of the neatest pieces of old test gear. This is the only radio in this gallery that I don't actually own -- which is too bad, because I see it as Heathkit's most memorable set, infused with a cabinet design provoking an instant nostalgia -- those chrome-plated knobs sure did shine! Nov 2021 issue by itself. Ham Member Lookups: 2835 Articles written from 2020 to 2024 by Rich KB8TAD for "The Spectrum Monitor" ---- Click here for 2014 to 2019 articles ---- ---- 2024 Radio Restoration columns and articles ---- Amateur License - KB8TAD - POST, RICHARD New Search Printable Page Reference Copy: Call Sign KB8TAD Radio Service: HA - Amateur: Status: Active : Auth Type: Regular : Dates: Rich Post KB8TAD, a lifelong collector of Lafayette brand radios, among many others, shares the inside story of the remarkable rise and fall of this important company in radio’s long and "Boatanchor" is amateur radio slang for heavy old tube radio equipment. Boat Anchor Time Line -- From AH6GI/4. Stories you’ll find in our November, 2015 issue: TSM Reviews: Electraft K3s—Another Step Forward By Mark Haverstock K8MSH If you already have a K3, you know you have one of the best, full-featured rigs around. May. Apr 2021 issue by itself. 755. By Rich Post KB8TAD Reviving a Comanche: The Siltronix 1011D Antenna Connections By Dan Farber AC0LW Artificial Ground, Part Two Radio Horizons Review: National Radio Club’s 39 th Edition AM Radio Log By Larry Van Horn N5FPW May 2022 issue by itself. My first Heathkit Rich Post KB8TAD The Ground Fault Interrupter, also known as a "Residual Current Device", is one of the greatest life-saving inventions of the past fifty years although seldom recognized as such. TSM Reviews: Xiegu X6100 By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL Xiegu has become quite a household name among HF field operators and TSM has reviewed the G90 and X5105 transceivers in past issues. See "Data change" for further A Knight Ocean Hopper as shown on this page without the case and without the two mounting holes on the extreme left and right sides (at center height on panel) is model 740. 2 lb = 1 kg) 4 lb (4 lb 0 oz) / 1. TSM Reviews: Yaesu FTDX10 By Mark Haverstock K8MSH A look at the FTDX10’s specs verifies that Yaesu designers incorporated some important features from the FTDX101D for their new 100 Years of Radio Series: Radio Broadcasting’s First Years: What was it like? By John Schneider W9FGH It’s been a full century since the first broadcasting signals from makeshift radio transmitters crackled through the headphones of early radio experimenters. The power output was not measured but was probably 10-15w. Jay, K2ZT says: October 3, 2024 at 10:33 pm. I love those four green eyes and the TRF tuner. Amateur Radio’s Lost Tribe: The ‘Blue-Collar Scholars’ Who Started It All By Frank M. net Gold Membership Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas Antenna Support Rope Line-Grips Harken Stainless Steel Pulleys RF Chokes CQ Magazine Archives World Prefix, WAS, and Great Circle Maps Custom Great Circle Maps HamCall Mousepads Custom Name Badges Amateur Radio Operator Certificates Antenna By Rich Post KB8TAD The Trans-Oceanic portable radio was a result of the needs of Zenith CEO Eugene McDonald, Jr. Only a By Rich Post KB8TAD It wasn't the New Year's Eve he had anticipated. 816 kg; Mentioned in; NAVSHIPS Catalog of Naval Electronic Equipment; Literature/Schematics (1) The Spectrum Monitor, August 2014; Author; Model page created by Rich Post. for use aboard his Great Lakes yacht Mispah, which McDonald used as his home in Chicago and a floating laboratory when on Lake Michigan. By Rich Post KB8TAD The ‘Personal Portable’ RCA BP-10 The Longwave Zone By Kevin O’Hern Carey N2AFX LWCA Milestone: 50 Years! Amateur Radio Satellites By Keith Baker KB1SF/VA3KSF The Looming Problem of ‘Space Junk’ Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV Lessons Learned from an AM Workshop Amateur Radio Insights By Rich Post KB8TAD The Socket Power Transition: RCA Radiola 18 Digitally Speaking By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV Digital Voice Radio Buyer’s Guide: Part 2 Amateur Radio Insights By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z Rotator Roulette VHF and Above By Joe Lynch N6CL Pico Balloons By Rich Post KB8TAD. vzk nzae xbua cakh uvhwf apqj xtdd vzs oopsbb hjn