Avengers fanfiction peter nesting tony

" Tony nodded, shoving Peter forward and towards one of the blown out peter’s calculus teacher has a policy where a student has to answer the phone on speaker in front of the whole class. Tony Sep 28, 2017 · Movies Avengers. "Peter's talked about you. pre infinity war, avengers still live in stark tower. "Pete wake up bud" tony said shaking peter's shoulder lightly. "Do not apologize for that Peter. Avengers Team Members (Marvel) & Original Female Character (s) Tony Stark. Peter goes missing only to reappear at school. Changes By: Bladam-Shevine. It took two shots of Glucagon to get you stable enough to move. He can practically hear the school’s jaws drop, and from Tony’s expression it’s clear that this was what he intended. " "Mr Stark, choose Morgan. It's different this time. -or-. 9 Days and Counting (IronDad&SpiderSon) By: irondork. Peter leaned forwards to catch his breath, when a call from none other than Tony Stark started to come in from his suit. In another universe, Peter Parker is made the sole successor of Stark Industries, but only after losing everything and everyone that mattered. - Words: 875 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 222 - Follows: 99 - Published Peter's eyes well up with the mist of tears for a moment, but he blinks them back in order to look back up at Tony. He let out a soft whimper and tears rolled down his cheeks. He had done a good job of it too. "Hey, kid. They'd said there would be no lasting effects once he recovered from the massive headache he'd awakened with, but Tony wasn't so sure. stark" he said with a cough. Tony makes it to his knees and bends over Peter, feeling his heart thud against his ribcage at an ever-rising speed. "'Kay. He quickly webbed the man with his left arm and immediately felt the pain of his bullet wound and his jaw return. Sunday. Rhodey stops by the compound to visit Tony, only to have the shock of his life when he see's a boy sitting next to his best friend. Tony continued rocking the teen as Peter's breathing evened out and everything calmed down. Or, Post-Endgame Peter goes back in time and accidentally-on-purpose gets Steve and Tony together before the initial snap happens. Steve Rogers. The results of that call are not what anyone expected. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 3,707 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 343 - Follows: 111 Peter gently smiled, and looked into the eyes of Tony stark. It's okay. OR A dead May story from Pepper's point of view. Peter Parker. About 15 minutes later tony noticed a weight on his chest he looked down and saw peter curled onto his chest Jul 18, 2019 · Tony shrugged, looking back at his work and continuing to virtually disassemble the reactor. Features Irondad and Spiderson. Peter's Field Trip By: Aquamelon008. The Adopted Little Spider By: Supernerd17. Tony snapped his fingers in front of his son's face; 'Earth to Peter Parker-Stark! Once tony stepped off the elevator in the common room, he glanced around the room didn't see peter. With Great Care By: Giggles96. " The boy still didn't wake up. "God, I'm sorry kid. Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker. ”. Tony was all the kid had left. Instead, Tony grabbed Peter by the shoulders and pulled him in close. Movies Avengers. One by one, the Avengers begin to discover that Peter is smarter than he lets on. In the middle of the night when I'm in this dream. amputated By: hailingstars. As one of the aliens shot,Tony yelled out, "On your left, kiddo. Oh, Snap By: wedelia. That didn't help. Tony stared at the kid, alarmed, before leaping into action. You know you have to do it. Yes, demanded. Peter managed to meet his gaze. Overprotective Father (figure)s By: Yuna Yami Mouto. Peter looked up at him, and he loosened even more at the remorse in Tony's eyes. Wanting to clear the air, and have a honest conversation, after the battle at the Stark Expo Natasha makes her way into Tony's home workshop discovering a secret that Tony keeps form the world, and causing a domino effect of changes, culminating in a different Jun 18, 2018 · Peter is Tony Stark's adopted son, only a few know this. "My money's on Clint. Tony walked towards the couch and saw the kid on the couch barely conscious. Omega Tony Stark. A Home for Broken Heroes By: cshen. Peter's heart began to race, the beeping of the monitor notifying the older men he was awake. God, his head hurt. A Oneshot drabble inspired by the announcement from Tom Holland. Peter and Wade have to keep their relationship a secret since Peter is underage. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Words: 2,437 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 1 - Published: Jan 12 - Status: Complete - id: 14317227. Uncle James "Rhodey" Rhodes. Procrastinating having to get up and get dressed, Peter grabbed his phone off the bed side table, taking notice of the time and date. Hidden Omega By: Ironspiidey. Aug 25, 2017 · Movies Avengers. Part 4 of heir peter fics. Tony’s stupid yet genius, kind, humble, self-sacrificial son. "You're fine. "Thank you, Mr. "Tony. Eventually, Peter calmed down and buried his face in Tony's chest, tears still leaking from his eyes. Tony said with a smirk. But his friend had stopped, shaking hands hovering over the boy's chest. "Easy, Under-Roos," Tony said soothingly. He tried to develop the air filtration system to better combat against potential biohazards. Peter had saved Rhodey's life. "Kid, it's okay. because peter parker is, in fact, peter parker, the heir to stark industries, he knows a lot of…influential people, and this gets him into a lot of trouble when he has to take calls in class. Tony had brought a lot of surprises into Pepper's life and into their relationship. Spider-man: Avenger in Training By: Dragonball X Avalon. "Hey kid," he called, closing the book and tucking it away. His classmates were staring at him in shock. "Okay, it's alright kiddo, just let it out," Tony kept whispering comforting words into the boy's ear as the puke didn't seem to want to stop. And when you're close, I feel like coming undone. It was a perfectly normal day until it wasn't. "Guess I'll have to carry him," Tony sighed. Control By: wolfypuppypiles. Avengers Team & Peter Parker. The Princes Love By: Shadows in the Clouds. Where the half blood Gryffindor Peter Parker makes pureblood Slytherin Tony Stark submit and get on his knees. He'd been excited to go on patrols, eager to brush away the stress of his classes. Tony quickly knelt down next to him to push his curls out of his eyes and start rubbing his back. Hibernation By: queenLiz4. tony is very good at being an embarrassing dad. " Peter blushed pink and whined, "Tony!" He snatched the phone away and finally decided to pull away, walking away to answer back. Suddenly Peter banged his locker with his fist in frustration, resting his head on it in defeat with a small thud. Tony knew that he was going to be locked in his room and as he saw Coulson talk with Clint and his wife Laura, the three of them laughing while Natasha was hanging out with Jane and With Great Care chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. " Tony stilled in shock not believing his sweet Spider-baby had just called him Dad. Peterson is a great hacker, good enough to even deceive Tony Stark, stealing a lot of money, but maybe Tony knows this ------------------. The hours that the Avengers were in Stark Tower with their allies (Tony had suggested the Tower be where they have the Wake) that Peter was nowhere to be seen. Chapters: 1/1. Secret Lovers Chapter 1: Our Little Secret, a Deadpool + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. A broken computer and angry foster family lead to a chance encounter with Captain America and Bucky Barnes, and the next thing Peter knows, he's being fostered at Avengers Tower and living with the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Pepper Potts/Tony Stark. So she decides to do what Tony should have done. Tony was wary of the idea at first, saying that he'd have to run it by Spider-Man first; but the boy was pretty excited with the idea of officially meeting the rest of his heroes and agreed immediately. The doors opened up into a large sitting area he immediately recognized as the common area for the avengers to "hang out" as Tony called it. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 10 - Words: 11,230 - Reviews: 5 - Favs Movies Avengers. Peter is with him this time. As soon as Tony pressed the 'send' button, he got another text. Don't text me again if it's about skipping class. In another universe, Tony Stark is hiding behind a mask of an iron-hearted man, secretly trying to pick up what is left of a disembowelled Oct 1, 2017 · Movies Avengers. Slight Team Cap bashing. Natasha sprung up to her feet as well. No, you're not sorry, because you're going to be just fine," he tried to insist, even as his own voice shook. He had called Tony a few days ago, as he needed help, and Tony had told him to meet him at the compound. Jan 10, 2020 · Movies Avengers. The blaring alarm went off, waking Peter up. " It was MJ's turn to blink, though she followed it up with a glance in Peter and Ned's direction. —. Aug 9, 2021 · Steve could hear the panic in the teen's voice, and he was quick to reassure him. This story is based off of Spider-Man: Homecoming but will include lots of moments with the Avengers. Peter doesn't get to go home that night, and if he gets in trouble for sneaking out by his babysitter (Tony's words), that's his problem to deal with. This takes you through a part of their life together. Cafe AU. "Check this out Happy. " She murmured. Peter was already having a bad day. Tony snarks back, “Well whatever the case you’re still my favourite. In the beginning, she couldn’t stop bringing up how he reeked of desperate, hurting omega. Dec 13, 2021 · Peter is aware of the shocked faces that must be behind him. " It's okay, Mr Stark. The Rogues think Peter has two moms now. In a world where omegas, specifically male omegas, have very little rights, it was the only way to survive. Woven Together By Chance Strengthened by Love By: charmed4lifekaren. Feb 10, 2020 · Hiding Medical Issues. Their First Meeting By: cornholio4. "I think they're inside. Still, he wants to punch himself and his Movies Avengers. Peter gets injured, Tony gets injured, and neither of them is quite over Titan yet. Eventually, Peter draw in a deep, shaky breath and pulled away from Tony. Peter wakes up, and he's simultaneously five years too early and right on time. Shit. Tony took notice on the fact that his boy was running late, a Apr 22, 2019 · Movies Avengers. Steve had asked Nat once, shortly after they moved back in, why she thought Tony hadn’t brought Siberia up yet. Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, finally starts to catch a break. Fluff. Peter moaned in his sleep, only curling up tighter before he went still again. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Humor - Iron Man/Tony S. " Peter swung out of the way and called, "Thanks dad. Stark" peter said as he laid his head on the car window and closed his eyes. James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers. Set in an AU where IW, Endgame and Homecoming don't exist. Tony pressed his hands down on Peter's, trying to catch his gaze. To: Peter Parker. Just let it out," he comforted the crying boy as he ran his fingers through his hair gently to calm him down. Flash had tripped on his way to school, gotten embarrassed and decided to take it out on Peter. Jan 27, 2022 · Peter is downed in his clothes, he’s tiny compared to the one Tony met in 2016, with dorky, thick-framed glasses on his face. Sadly because of his popularity, he has to hide away from the paparazzi and fans, finding himself secluded cafes where he could feel like a casual citizen in. With shaking hands, Peter tried to cover them, his face already pale and his eyes wide. Lets get you a bottle mommy has so kindly gave us before she left. Peter started squirming a bit before letting out a gusty, quiet cry. Also on AO3. What if Tony Stark adopted Peter as a baby when he had no where else to take care of him and then in the process changes his life for the better. That is, until a random portal appears and rips Peter from his home and into a strange city he had never heard of. Slowly walking in Tony started to take a video to send to happy later. She is your daughter. Clint gave them an innocent look and headed to his nest. Sam pulled a now very green Bruce to his feet and cast a look around. Damian is a confident boy, perhaps too much. She hadn’t elaborated, and Steve hadn’t understood. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family - Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Iron Man/Tony S. , Hulk/Bruce B. Its naptime. Untouchable, burning brighter than the sun. Tony feels like he's dealt with the situation well, all things considered. " Peter finished, he had to make sure Tony made the right choice. julienne. She’s stopped commenting on his scent. The whisper was garbled, and Peter watched as a few tears dripped down the god's nose and softly plopped on the red and gold armor. " Peter sighed again and ran a hand through his hair. The workshop is dead silent. Wake up," he whispered. Hold On, To Me As We Go By: G. Jun 1, 2019 · Peter's reaction after meeting the Avengers (except Tony) for the first time. Damian Wayne is the illegitimate son of the richest man in the world. Of course, they devolve into a full blown argument. After a tragic accident kills Aunt May, Tony is left to take care of Peter. I got us a tour at SI!" She squealed. He hadn't known what happened until he looked to see Tony's arm sticking out towards him, and he paled as he realized. Innocent By: wolfypuppypiles. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama/Family - Iron Man/Tony S Peter inhales sharply, his need to fuck this egotistic boy suddenly rides up his throat, “or else I’ll fuck you stupid, Stark. I'm right here. His kid, who taught him to live above his demons, is in the hell that Tony swore to keep him safe from. " Tony ordered "Peter, everything's going to be alright, we're gonna get you back to the compound. Jul 22, 2019 · Peter falls silent, and Tony is secretly pleased. Team as Family. The Avengers work to help Loki love himself for who he is while Tony finds himself falling for Loki. She goes to train him. "No. It's like a million little stars spelling out your name. I'll Always Answer When You Call By: YourGuardianAngel08. Secret Lovers By: DontCryCraft6473. Words: 2,009. Tony had been hiding his second gender from the moment he presented. Aug 30, 2019 · Movies Avengers. First Kiss. Spiderman had saved his best friend. Son of Stark by HailHydra001 reviews. And the one time that Tony surprised Peter. May 30, 2019 · Morgan sat at the stairs, her eyes wide and curious as Tony and Pepper carried Peter into his bedroom. "Great news, everybody. Jun 7, 2019 · He raised a shaky hand to his face, ready to wipe away the tears and man up in front of Tony Stark. Beta Peter Quill. Part 4 of your dad is calling. "Pete," Tony said exasperatedly, "Come on, bud, it's Tony. Tony sighed, and laid a hand on the kid's soft head. "My baby! Tony stopped tickling Peter to hand the phone over. "Shh, Shh, I know. Tony's omega By: ilovenifflers. (random name)just made it worse. May 1, 2019 · The tears began welling in Peter's eyes again as he felt his last few specks of hope being blown away. "But we found him in his lab at three in the morning, and there were eight empty coffee mugs on the table next to him. Williams. Peter Parker Meets the Avengers. Tony saves Peter By: Jaybird883. Oct 9, 2019 · One very upset scientist had been desperate for the toilet and was very disturbed when they found Mjolnir sitting on top of the toilet lid in the stall. Stars flew across Peter's vision, and the teenager blinked, suddenly finding himself on the ground. There was no point in lying. Some might even compare his IQ to that of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Peter pulled Tony up with a strong hand, and Tony wrapped an arm securely around his shoulder. Crossed-posted on Ao3. OOO. Tony Stark, an alpha, and Peter Parker, an omega, become mates. "Say good-bye, Spider-Baby. "None," he told her, flippantly. As soon as there baby was born, there were urgent voices, but no crying. Undoubtably the Avengers laughed, at the expense of the dumbfounded employee. " He said, standing up carefully, while petting his son's back, trying to soothe the crying child. Dec 31, 2023 · Peter looked Tony in the eye. Avengers Family. “He doesn’t need us like he used to, Steve,” she said simply, shrugging and returning to her training. "Ok thanks Mr. Sam Wilson (Marvel) James "Bucky" Barnes. "Come on, Stark," Peter heard Thor mutter. Oh, Howard Stark must be rolling in his grave. When the suit was finally pulled away, all Tony could feel was the heat radiating through Peter's thin clothes. He can even keep up with the likes of Shuri! But not everyone knows that. Tony added unhelpfully. He took care of things calmly and without ever raising his voice. The last thing he remembered, was walking home from school. Peter. He was about to loose his Aunt too. "Ugh!" Tony's whine was one for the record books, much to the shock of his classmates. He wanted to analyze every part of the design of his current one, to look for technology that was outdated, or could be upgraded, downsized, or replaced. This is his life growing up with the Avengers as his family, and what happens when he falls in love with a certain Wade Wilson Peter is really smart. Peter swung over the guy, kicking him in the chest and knocking him to the floor. /Spider-Man, Iron Man/Tony S. . " Ned bit his lip, not convinced. + -. Tony's ever the worrier, but he's a good daddy, at least in Peter's May 6, 2019 · Movies Avengers. The one being hated by world due to Tony’s self-proclaimed foe. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 4 - Words: 9,372 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 296 Jan 21, 2021 · Both Pepper and May were informed of the ‘Tony is now actually Peter’s Dad’ situation beforehand, and both of them had called each other to laugh at the irony of it all. Apr 27, 2019 · Movies Avengers. Due to the feeling he was too late in responding as one of the aliens managed to rogues all believe peter is tony's son. 5 Times Peter Surprised Tony By: Irondad. Call him paranoid but he'd rather be safe than sorry. "FRIDAY. " Peter muttered, fighting back the saliva pooling into his mouth over and over again. Tony was in the lab working on the newest prototype for the company when the baby monitor relayed Peter's cries. A warm, calloused hand pressed against his forehead. A kids movie was playing on the boy's phone but his eyes were closed as he rubbed both capes and snuggled into the pillows. The one Tony risked his life for. Tony and Pepper adopted Peter, A. Peter dropped his backpack on one of the chairs and walked over to a kitchen area. When Tony asks Natasha to tell Happy how to manage Peter, she decides Tony's idea of managing isn't enough. Jan 12, 2020 · Movies Avengers. Sorry I lost it there," Peter whispered sheepishly as he wiped away the remaining tear tracks from his face. All in the short space of fifteen years. Peter must have sent a text at the same time Tony sent his. Not again. Steve found himself holding off a frown as he walked into the Avengers compound. "Ok, thanks JARVIS," Peter replied. "Tony's fine, Peter," he said, and Peter sighed in relief and sank back down in his seat. also includes them chilling at the tower for a movie. He's all settled in at the compound and has lots of fun with the Avengers. He can’t help it, he wants Negan. "and don't forget the dangers of a bored Hulk. You scared the shit out of us, but you're fine now. "I-I'm sorry," he stammered. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Captain America/Steve R. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. Loki arrives at the Avenger Tower for his yearly hibernation but this year things are different. What happens when Tony brings him home? Trigger warning- hints of suicide. His mentor, fearless, and brilliant. Peter, in all his dark hair and blue eyed adorableness, won Tony over with his intellect, and even now, Tony is coming up with new things to teach him and keep him safe. When Fury tries to convince Peter that he was the only Avenger available to fight the 'Elementals' with Beck, Peter pulls a Tony Stark and dials the private number of a certain Sorcerer Supreme that he KNOWS will be answered. Trapped, Peter must try to find a way to get back home without a place to stay, money, or even his Spider-Man suit. peter Parker finally gets the chance to show he isn't lying about his job at Stark Industries- a field trip to his workplace, and some avenger surprises. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,834 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 302 - Follows: 119 - Updated: 2 Movies Avengers. "No, I'm fine. Stark. Some surprises she didn't mind, most she hated, but none of them broke her heart the way Peter Parker did. I forgot and I just…". Jun 16, 2024 · Pop Star Tony Stark. In no time at all she was okay the hospital being wheeled into a room. Matters of the heart By: wolfypuppypiles. hints of Peter x Gwen, set after spiderman homecoming and civil war never happened. Tony was standing in the main kitchen and didn't even look up as Steve and the others entered. And, oh, yeah—he also recruits a former-Air-Force-pilot-turned-galactic-hero, has lunch with December 5, 2002. Peter fell asleep almost immediately tony chuckled at his small snores. - Chapters: 5 - Words: 14,329 - Reviews: 114 - Favs Jun 17, 2024 · The Avengers Find Out Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Tony had hit him. I'm not coming to get you. So, all the heroes gathered together at the compound for an awkward meet-n-greet. Peter and Tony have been together almost a year, all this time Peter managed to hide his second gender status from the Alpha who dislikes Omega's but what happens when Peter cant hide it anymore? Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Words: 1,896 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 16 - Published: Jan 12, 2020 The point was Peter was going to come to the Facility after finishing his patrol or mission and Tony Stark absolutely refused to let him be alone when he arrived, thus Clint's nest of blankets on the couch. Rated M for a reason. The news news from Mrs. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Black Widow/Natasha R. However, his luck changes when he adopted by husbands Tony, Stever and Bucky. My take on this 5 plus 1 trope! Takes place after Civil War and Infinity war doesn't happen. Language: English. There's no music blasting, no tools hammering, no sparks flying, and certainly no talking. Tony’s sure he’s only gotten worse since, especially now that he’s dying. He woke slowly the bright Tony realising Peter is a dad By: SpideyParker0100. Tony loves going to cafes and restaurants. Whether it was because Peter just bossed Tony Stark around or because they had never heard Peter use that type of voice before he wasn't sure. When a man with a grudge against Tony finds his way into a school-wide Decathlon practice, he gets more than he bargained for and Peter and Tony reveal more than they wanted. He called Peter more names and teased him more about his internship and how it was fake. Slamming the alarm off, Peter slowly got up. "Tony, he's burning up," Pepper said, wiping the sweat from Peter's brow. For the rest of the summer Loki is stuck in his natural Jotun form. He certainly never intended on making up for lost time. The idea of this story is that Tony survived the battle with Thanos, was made to forget Peter, but kept record of Peter's "internship". Harrington assumed it was still the carsickness dying off when Peter had to rush out of the decathlon meet during the first few minutes, but when he came back not feeling much better and periodically repeated the process for the next half hour of the meet—at this point, he hadn't answered even one question and he pondered why he . The first sign that something was wrong happened when Peter woke up an hour early from his nap. "I know," Tony replied, already undoing Peter's suit. What will happen between the mentor and his forgotten protege? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. Dr Strange added helpfully and Peter pouted. Peter is upset but won't tell Tony why. I am in the middle of an Avengers meeting. I saw Endgame and I have not accepted the death of Tony Stark or Nat, so this fic is in an AU of mine where Infinity war or Endgame never happened. Tony stark didn't look very brave in this moment, he actually seemed worried and afraid. Jotun Loki/Tony Stark Alien biology! he asked cautiously. His heart had to be beating because Rhodey hadn't said anything. Father-Son Relationship. Peter gets drunk and it is Tony to the rescue. Food, shower, bed. There’s blood flowing from a gash on the kid’s temple, and he looks still, awfully still. "Kiddo, why did you swing all the way here so Tony could feel himself growing annoyed. He waited a few more moments, then just said, "I'm sorry. He leaned against the wall as he felt the elevator rise. Choose Morgan and go. May 5, 2018 · The voice crack in the word 'please' hurt Tony more then anything. Steve had, of course, brought along Bucky and the others. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 6 - Words: 30,938 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 186 Peter was on his knees within a second and hurling into the toilet bowl. Feb 20, 2018 · Tony had promised that he would always do everything he could to keep Peter safe, but when the CIA came for him, there was nothing he could do. Yet, he deadpans, “I’m your only intern. 97. Now," Peter demanded. Nevertheless, he’s Tony’s (found) son without a doubt. The clock struck half past midnight, not that Tony Stark noticed it, he was too engrossed in the latest modification of the Iron Man suit. Peter's best super power had always been his heart, and now there was something wrong with it. " Tony shook his head, breaking down into a sob," Petey I just got you back I-I can't lose you again. Peter is kidnapped and tortured in front of Tony, in order to teach Tony a lesson. Peter Parker Has Abandonment Issues. Tony chuckled quietly and leaned down to rub Peter's shoulder gently. This time, they are joined by Peter, the three-year-old kid he and Tony adopted just over two weeks ago. - Words: 3,086 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 54 T'Challa, Tony, Erik, Wanda, Clint, Sam, Scott and Natasha all quickly snapped a picture. And now…now the boy wasn't moving. " both Coulson and Natasha stated and smirked at each other knowing the struggles of entertaining a couped up Barton. Prompt: i need a fic called "the 5 times tony went to peter's school and the one time peter went to tony's work/meeting/SI" (Anon) Warnings: Major Character Death (no description of actual death), dissociation (just in case) A/N: This is the first of 10 collab works we're doing for 1k followers on weartirondad on tumblr! Once the ship crashes into somewhere and finally stops. At first, it was only sniffling and Tony thought the baby might settle down on his own. Peter opened his eyes more "Mr. Peter comes to the Avengers Tower and shares with Tony the first time he had seen him in person. Worried Tony Stark. Walker. "That would be our cue, then. Tony's eyes were wide and full of tears while Pepper screamed to hold her kid. His heroic, naive, innocent and adorable little spider kid. Now, the two were finally going to meet the Rogues. A boy that looks just like his friend did when he was younger. Please comment and review:) Movies Avengers. L. K. Hijinks & Shenanigans. Before he took out his phone to distract himself. "Hope you don't mind the change in plans, Happy has the day off and Tony got dragged into a Tony whispered, fighting the urge to shake the kid…or hug him. , Iron Man/Tony S. Tony was with her the whole time holding her hand while there baby was being born. And each time his outside facade grew stronger, as he slowly sank into the dark place created in Afghanistan. Peter's Family By: slayer of destiny. Peter Parker, Spider-Man, the fifteen year old boy who lost his parents at the young age of four and his Uncle at the age of thirteen. Actually, no one does. Tony never actually considered that the kid might've had trauma after the whole Vulture incident, considering he seemed to go right back to his usual inept and awkward teenage self. Peter Parker had a tough start, he lost his parents and his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Hawkeye was busy being the lookout and in a sniper position. A Spiderman, about six months ago after his aunt May was killed. Part 85 of We Forgot Peter. He reached out and pulled the kid closer, whispering soothing words absentmindedly to the boy. Tony never wanted a kid. peter and tony are pretending to be biologically related. Serious Injuries. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship - Peter P. At MJ's nod, he smirked. Or, another Tony adopts Peter story (but hopefully with an original twist)! Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. They saved him every time. But he never made it home. Tony, Steve, Thor and Bruce get suspicious and want to protect their little boy from the nest. This post endgame where Tony survives and Peter accepted the position in the Avengers at the end of Homecoming. The same eyes, the same curls. When Peter cancels on Tony one too many times the man starts to worry and realise there is much to Peter Parker he never knew. Genius, Tony's Kid (although neither will admit to it), Spiderman, oh and did he mention he also has a one year old daughter only known by few. In his nervousness and excitement of having his first movie night with the Avengers, Peter forgets to take his epilepsy medication. Tony and Peter sit at their respective workbenches in silence. Cry Your Heart Out By: KevyGrayce. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. He opened his eyes and Tony noticed the tears in them. Tony felt like throwing up. It was just safer that way. Peter and Mr. Once again, Thor shocked Tony's armor. Waking up for school was the worst part of the day, almost as bad as, well, being at school. Ned Leeds is a Good Bro. Run a diagnostic report on Peter Parker's body. Rogers followed it, and spotted them. he trailed off when Peter looked up at him and he realized his ears were probably still recovering. Tony chuckled as he watched his kid. The doctors at Avengers HQ had determined that the sonic wave that had hit Peter had overwhelmed his senses, causing his brain to overload and shut down, rendering him unconscious. vt vc cw ej hx cl ti wu hz dr