Tunerpro vs tunerpro rt

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Jul 26, 2015. 4 Record A Logfile. Download a Hex Editor. 06 released. ) Cold start crank correction vs % rpm. ) - same results. May 27, 2014 · TunerPro RT Setup using the Red Devil River ALDL USB Cable To tune Motronic 4. See the pros and cons of each version, the prices, and the emulation options. I then went back to work and waited a reply and struck gold and it all started working very well. For editing calibrations, TunerPro uses a versatile and extensible calibration definition format (XDF) that is user-definable and is quite powerful. DataMaster and Freescan both do logging, Freescan is free. 35 MB) Release Date: 3/16/08 Register • Version History. Then run Tuner Pro and pick Tools then Preferences then pick the "Data Acq. It is an emulator, a chip burner, a data acquisition device, and an ALDL interface. This application is compatible with both the BURN1 and the AutoProm (for chip burning only). xdf. 8 Pontiac Trans Sport and a Laptop with Version 1. 6. TunerPro Legacy Build Downloads • Download TunerPro (Version 4) Current Version: 4. Registration: $0 USD (Free!) - Donate. The ADX definition is similar to XDF Apr 19, 2017 · Connecting a Split Second calibrator and setting up TunerPro to configure it. Open the Bin in the hex editor, we need to double the code 100%. You will also find a link to our YouTube channel where some video tutorials are loaded: For TunerPro RT version 4 and newer (Definitions created and maintained by Robert Saar. May 18, 2007 · A forum thread where users compare and ask about the features and differences of TunerPro and TunerPro RT, two scan tools for Corvette engines. Dec 7, 2020 · This is the first quick video tutorial about remapping software TunerPro. It is primarily used for editing and tuning various aspects of engine control unit (ECU) maps for cars and motorcycles. Fixed issue where patches aren't applied if base data is specified for a patch entry, and there is a global offset applied in the XDF header. LS Droid - is the app that transfers the BIN file and other files as needed in and out of the PCM. 2) Yes two different connections. but when I click to Save As it saves the file as an html file format (. Numerous avenues for getting help and answers to Feb 19, 2024 · It shows squares instead of the actual data, but the Monitors view shows the data just fine. 0 port with ALDL cable things started working. Lots more coming in the next release. What buttons/functions do 8. Think of the XDF as a "road map" to the bin. We have created written and video support to help you use the software TunerPro. If you have the Quarterhorse installed and the ignition on, you can also download the stock bin from the computer. How to get the laptop and ECU communicating b. Older Changes Nov 22, 2012 · Yes you need the TunerPro RT version, the regular version is a bin editor only, no scanner/data logger. Whats New in Jun 26, 2010 · Tunerpro RT V5 Tutorial. The program relates to System Utilities. Feb 7, 2013 · So with cable plugged in you found it in device manager as Com port 3, drivers are correct, TunerPro is set to Comm 3 and tests good? Don't worry it does not test good connected to vehicle. Nov 7, 2022 · The ms43 architecture was not designed for wideband signals. Thanks Robert!) Datastream Number (click to download) Engine & Vehicle • TunerPro Plug-in SDK Download 5. First your bin/chip/ASDU. Jan 19, 2022 · Hello there. I should point out that I am 59 so this is not easy (yes I know, there is an 89-year-old who has no problems), I did a previous post but can not find it maybe it has been removed? Someone was kind enough to send me a Youtube link although TunerPro and TunerPro RT are free. Hexidecimal seems to be a mystical topic to a good portion of beginners in the DIY-EFI community. 0381 - Download (975 KB) Release Date: 3/16/08 Registration: $0 USD (Free!) - Donate • Download TunerPro RT (Version 4) Current Version: 4. The latest version of TunerPro-RT can be downloaded directly from the TunerPro Oct 18, 2020 · ลงทะเบียนTunerPro RT แท้ ผ่านรีโมทคอมพิวเตอร์ ง่ายสบายไว ราคาแชท . It requires knowledge on how to use a computer. @ location 02011 binary data of 0010011 and from what I found 0011011 should have switched it off. by ATPCR » Mon Feb 13, 2023 4:06 pm. Feb 24, 2020 · You are using the following for: TunerPro RT - is the software that you use to edit the BIN file, or to "create a new tune" for the PCM. First off we will go to tunerpro's website and download the V5 version of the Aug 21, 2019 · สนใจสอบถามข้อมูลได้ครับFacebook:Remap ECU by HD spkFacebook:รีแมพรถบรรทุก Jan 1, 2021 · Re: Tunerpro vs Tunerpro RT. 4. I set my com port in the plugin config Aug 11, 2013 · Install tunerpro and install the Quarterhorse drivers. adx installed in TunerPro RT for my 1995 Pontiac Bonneville. I found another Ford type to use that is better. Data Monitoring and Logging - History Tables. However, you'll need winflash (from tunercats for around $20) to program the PCM with TunerPro as it will not program anything. Overview. adx. 8 Replies. net. The dash board looks correct, and the Header data looks the same, but I have some questions about the Commands. 2-16-04 - Added a few ALDL Datastream Definintion files. Ok, so I recently did a post regarding trying to get a Tunerpro RT to work. B. Now I come to the problem to describe what I am looking for in the software - I found it unexpected as I used it the first time to get a little familar with The AutoProm combines the functionality of a number of devices into one. by Six_Shooter » Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:23 am. This is the default location selected by the oseplugin-180 installer. /Emulation" tab. ALDL Connected in BLUE letters. Oct 25, 2012 · 2. I just upgraded from ScannerPrp to TunerPro RT. 0381- Download (1. Please see the "other resources" section below for more bin files. When we count in our every-day world, we count in decimal. I have downloaded what I feel is the right bin, xdf, and adx files but I cannot get Tunerpro to work. #1. TunerPro RT has a "nag" window at startup for unregistered users, but the software is feature-complete even without registration and the software never expires (many shareware packages do). To define how TunerPro communicates with the vehicle or interface hardware, a user loads (or creates) a definition (ADX) file. Apr 9, 2017 · I have cats tuner and tunerpro rt. 2D Graphing. The emulator allows changes to be made to thsi buffer while the car accesses the information. Sep 24, 2019 · CLICK OPEN; USB ALDL CABLE SOFTWARE; FILES CURRENTLY ON THE DISC (8) (Let me know if you need their names, I will skip them as I go to the next file as the instructions that came with the disk say "GO TO VCP DRIVERS FOLDER ON DISC AND EXECUTE USB DRIVER ( DO NOT PLUG IN CABLE UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE THIS)". It works with no restrictions for free, just a 10 second nag screen at beginning. The most frequent installation filename for the program is: TunerPro. facebook. How to use them is a bit more complex. 5. 85U. has built in blm locker and logging capability. This will cover installing and setting up the Tunerpro V5 software to work with your LT1, and using Winflash to load the tunes. Then you need the file for data/scanner (adx) file for the bin/chip/ECM which is the $42-1227747-V3. I hope to clear up the concept as simply as possible with this short paper. Visit our website: https://oldskulltuni TunerPro RT will now prompt you to save your Datalog and naming your file. My tuner is in a different country and does my tuning remotely. TunerPro RT fully supports nearly all of Craig Moates's hardware as well as XTronics Romulator, and Bob Bailey's MAF Translator Pro, with plug-ins available for Aug 2, 2009 · Re: New To TunerPro RT. The XDF is solely used by Tuner Pro to show the tables, maps, constants, etc that are contained within the bin. Make sure to note where you are saving it to so you can find it. i can email you the XDF and BIN, since you already have an ADX working (and obviously an ALDL cable). TunerPro started life in early March of 2003 as an educational project and was originally created to tune GM vehicles between model years 1985 and 1995. ) MAP filter Coef Vs Coolant. At the bottom of the screen the following is displayed; Not Emulating. Dash board remains all at Zero. Numerous avenues for getting help and answers to Aug 7, 2019 · I have been using Tunerpro RT for quite some time on my laptop w/Windows 10 OS. Simplilicity wise to lean things out. 9513 (4/15/2022): Download Shows proper use of TPP_EMU_CAP_REALTIMEMULATION and TPP_EMU_CAP_CHIPEMULATION capability flags for emulation. 19093 Views. Craig and I have been working hard on the AutoProm, but I've been working hard on other features of TunerPro as well. Dec 13, 2010 · TunerPro RT will do live view and some logging, where TunerCats will not. Your dodgy connection sounds like you might be having issues with your cable or potentially some wiring or your USB port in your laptop but it’s something hardware related I’m guessing. Various vehicles that TunerPro RT can be used on b. Jul 4, 2021 · When I switched to the usb 2. Fri May 24, 2024 3:46 pm. Real-time Data Monitoring and Logging - Fully customizeable dashboard. Jan 25, 2015 · TunerPro RT data errors. I worked on it and then contacted support explaining my problem and asking for help. tunerpro rt seems to always have connectivity issues, but with the eex. Fixed issue in compare tool where XDF item names weren't being displayed when an address matches a defined item. Please search the Internet for what you're looking for if you don't find it below (or even if you do). Today I experienced the following problem. Last post by Portmod7. the . Since TunerPro is a hobby project for its author, support directly from the author will be limited and cannot be guaranteed. 4 we use TunerPro RT , a powerful (and free) platform for use with various automotive tuning applications. Tuner Pro has a better monitoring window, shows more data elements out of the box and this aldl tracing looks like it could be super cool but I haven't used it yet. Its been a while since the last release (6 weeks!). I loaded the base map that Stratified provided through TunerPro RT program. Aug 12, 2010 · 1) From my short experience data logging with Tuner Pro RT, its a more useful tuning tool than datamasters. I noticed that in the commands section of the new . Decimal and Base-10. • TunerPro Plug-in SDK Download 5. I encourage everyone to pay the $39. tunerpro uses an . 3D Graphing. As far as setting up the logger in tunerpro rt, it’s pretty easy. Then change "interface type" to "use plugin" and "OSE Plugin" for both of 2. The most popular version of the software 5. Typical TunerPro WorkSpace. I have a BlueTooth Motorola Cell phone and whenever I open TunerPro RT it tries to detect devices and always finds my cell phone. Simple as that. xdf file there's alot you can do with it and I like it. adx files, downloading old versions of TunerPro RT, deleting TunerPro RT settings files, reinstalling TunerPro RT, and numerous other combinations of things which all do not fix the issue. Follow our channel to not miss the next ones. Post by PeterAnerland » Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:25 am. As far as adjusting parameters, they are about the same its just what you get use to. In-editor support for burning and reading Plug-ins for TunerPro RT can be downloaded here. Given the numerous sources for bin files on the Internet, I do not wish to maintain a repository myself. Nov 12, 2015 · #2 - Software - TunerPro RT CLICK HERE to download TunerPro-RT Next you'll need the software to modify your Quarterhorse / PCMflash tune and/or talk to the quarterhorse and override the stock calibration in the earlier ecu's. type "device" in search box lwr left by window and pick device manager up top. go to view and select show hidden then you can see "port com" and expand to see port com#3 and Jul 8, 2010 · TunerPro RT is a software platform designed to enable you to manipulate the calibration data present in modern vehicle engine, transmission, and body control electronics. At the bottom of this page, you can find some buttons to download the software from Mark Mansur (Microsoft engineer) website and a written quick guide. 2) Start the program. Apr 24, 2015 · I have downloaded TunerPro RT version 5. Mark Mansur (TunerPro) Data acquisition plug-in for communicating with ELM327-based OBDII interfaces. If you can read this paper theres a good chance you can also count. All features of TunerPro RT can be used indefinitely without registering. Real-time Data Monitoring and Logs - Fully customizeable monitors. It also supports real-time tuning, which Last Night, I was still having prblems understanding what it took to make TunerPro RT work. The application supports a wide range of ECU types, including those developed by GM, Ford, and Mazda, among others. Once again, this is a feature-rich release with some new tools including a "difference" tool that makes it very easy to find the differences between two bins. 00 (General Release) (08/29/17) Download Free | RT. Get the strategy and bin that matches your computer, all from the links above. adx, new "Reply" and "Macro" commands were present. they're completely different. Jul 26, 2015 · VS Commodore 'S' pack. 4) Enter the start and end 2-16-04 - TunerPro and TunerPro RT version 3. Graphical Table Finder. tunercat uses a . Set up Tunerpro for first use A. May 14, 2021 · Tuner Pro RT. 1 Laptop. Interfaces can be purchased from various sources, including here. by HaulnA$$ » Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:31 am. In the old file there are 7 commands that are defined: 1. With all of this functionality, it is not a simple device. TunerPro and TunerPro RT are free. 3 Logging Views / Connection. Registration is not required. Feb 28, 2009 · Quick Start: The plugin should be extracted from the zip and copied to My Documents\TunerPro Files\Plugins. The bin files provided below are for demonstration purposes. example: Datastream A033, used by the '7747 ECM, has byte # 8 as engine RPM. Check it out in the downloads sections. b) install programs (SetupTunerProRT_v414. This is small utility to be used for endian-swapping (changing byte order of) the contents of a file. OBDLink MX+ - is the hardware you use to connect to the PCM to LS Droid. Last post by Chatchai. zrod942002 Dec 22, 2003 · TunerPro Free & RT v3. >Mark will have to chime in and give you more ideas. Data Monitoring and Logging - Sensors and Flags. Should I change the file extension to the . Introduction to TunerPro RT a. I ended up getting STRATIFIED Xtra Fuel System, it’s a AIC2-P SplicSec controller with a 950cc 40mm EV14 injector. The emulator has in memory the active image of the chip, and the car runs off of this buffered data. Nov 20, 2021 · #รีแมพมอเตอร์ไซต์#TunerProRT#จูนรถกลุ่ม https://www. Sep 24, 2019. To use the tool: 1) Load the bins you'd like to compare into the current editable buffer (File->Open Bin) and/or the Compare Bin buffers ( Ctrl + F1 ). Request definitions, discuss parameters, etc. The Difference Tool is used to quickly and easily view the differences between any two loaded bins, including the currently editable bin and any of the 4 compare bins. This is the standalone software for Craig Moates ' Flash n' Burn (BURN1) chip burner. TunerPro Video Tutorial. Please ensure that it meets your needs before you register. A note about bin definitions and TunerPro. Plug-in Honda Flasher on Tunerpro RT. The definitions that TunerPro supports are created by TunerPro users around the world. Why I chose TunerPro RT 7. I loaded my . 03 now available! by Mangus » Mon Dec 22, 2003 7:32 am. 0 TunerPro rt on it came with it as well as the interface all running via cable usb on a win xp 5. • Version History. More than anything, it requires at least basic knowledge of tuning a car's EFI Apr 22, 2008 · i downloaded tuner pro, it opens with no trouble, but i need the rt version. Scroll down to 1g DSM, get the 32k XDF file from here TunerPro and TunerPro RT - Professional Automobile Tuning Software. exe, etc. FILES READY TO BE WRITTEN TO DISC (1). 14. Here we will show data logging of the ECU with TunerPro RT which is the payed version of TunerPro. zrod942002 Welcome to TunerPro. It's probably (?) well known that TunerPro RT V5 is prone to random/nuisance data errors that seem to relate to PC and ECU/PCM timing. I have tried resetting font settings on PC, different . 0, installed in my laptop and its up and running. The Data Acquisition module of TunerPro can be utilized to gather real-time information from the vehicle, or device such as a wideband oxygen sensor, for tuning and diagnostics. This becomes 07 or $07 in hexidecimal, but is written as 0x07 in Scanner Pro . adx. RT means real time, it can be used with emulators. because he keeps making it better and it compares to other software costing $400-$800. adx that Jan 27, 2007 · There is no way to use it RT. Mar 14, 2013 · Because ScannerPro was never intended to be a full-fledged product, importation of ScannerPro ADX files are unfortunately not complete. 6 Replies. Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:51 pm. com/groups/1194827597613954?_rdc=1&_rdr Nov 24, 2013 · The 4 tables in TunerPro RT for MAF tuning are "MAF Sensor Calibration Table 1 through 4" OR for SD Mode there are 2 tables "Volumetric Efficiency Vs RPM Vs MAP'" and "Volumetric Efficiency Vs RPM Vs MAP (Ext)" . hardware: if you're good with soldering, pick up a BURN2, HDR1, a 28-pin DIP socket and ~ 27SF512 chips from moates. 0. by j_ds_au » Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:15 am. tdf file for their definitions. You won't see it because it is running in the data list in the background. A forum thread where users share their opinions and experiences with Tunerpro and Tunerpro RT software for tuning ECUs. htm). Not sure if any emulator works with ME7? Feb 2, 2004 · Below is a listing of cold tables I found in TurnerPro, but not the one I’m looking for. you have pretty much all of the software already. Compared to other logging applications it has some useful features, like live table tracing, history tables and also 'pure packet logging' which we will explain later on. Turning the 32k bin into a 64k bin. 2 Load files. You don't need an NVSram to use TP Aug 26, 2013 · the drop down ECM menu in tunercat selects what you'd call a 'definition' file. Install Tunerpro Rt, unzip the plugin and place it in the created Tunerpro folder in your documents - plugin file 3. See how Tunerpro RT supports Ostrich EEprom emulators and how Tunerpro is free. I click on the Blue Arrows at the top of the screen. 3. TunerPro RT includes all of the features of the free version of TunerPro, plus: Emulation functionality - Fully supports nearly all of Craig Moates's hardware as well as XTronics Romulator, Bob Bailey's MAF Translator Pro, Split Second's hardware, CobraRTP, and plug-ins available for other hardware. Otherwise just follow it and you'll be up and running. Mode 1 Message 0 ALDL Request. 2. 3440 Views. I no longer have the utility tab headings shown at the base of the display which were there Apr 9, 2021 · Join the TunerPro User Forum to discuss Bin and XDF files with other automobile tuning enthusiasts. This basic plug-in allows you to monitor real-time OBDII data (the generic PIDs) from nearly all vehicles 1996 and newer. Data Aug 11, 2010 · The computer executes Tuner Pro RT, ignition key is turned to on, dash lights up. Hi, need to buy a new laptop, can I use TunerPro RT with Windows 10 ? Top. that tells tunercat or tunerpro what parameters are in the bin, where they are located, how to convert all the math, how they're organized, etc. Feb 28, 2005 · by jacomms » Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:22 am. adx file format, really need some help Windows 10 vs TunerPro RT. I downloaded it, but once i open it, the logo appears, it says detecting hardware, but never does anything else. Select Tools, click preferences, you get a popup box with two sides in it. If anyone wants a Moates QH, you better hurry. Aug 7, 2010 · by robertisaar » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:29 pm. Oct 8, 2013 · Be advised the dash application although it doesn't show it in that pic has a wrong formula for the engine temp. My car is currently tuned through Eurodyne. as far as the rest, you will need a drastic change to your timing tables, for starters. A $30 "donation" will allow you register TunerPro RT, removing the nag window. BIN files: This is the actual software/maps that the ECU computes data with. « Reply #1 on: March 03, 2011, 12:42:55 PM ». 10018. Then you need the mask (xdf) to read the bin in English, not hex, $42-1227747-V3. The command format changed between ScannerPro and TunerPro, and I believe that the TunerPro importation process adds the macros that are necessary to link a send command with a listen (reply) command. We create and sell the bin definitions files, called XDF or templates or calibration files or bin definitions contain engine or gearbox maps that deciphers what each byte in the bin file stands for in the real world. Nov 3, 2013 · Included in TunerPro RT. by Chatchai » Fri Oct 18, 2019 5:52 am. How to solve a “dropped†connection c. For my own case (Vista laptop and VS V6), I've found that changing the FTDI driver Latency Timer setting to 12ms (from the default of 16ms) is Dec 22, 2003 · - Added file association. adx definition. bin. 00 (General Release) 04/23/24) Fixed issue where dragging a point in a 2D/3D graph didn't take into account column, row, or cell conversion equations, which might cause the available range to be incorrect. GM Bins. Jun 28, 2024 · Last post MEFI4B with TunerPro RT by michael55123 Sat Jun 29, 2024 5:52 pm; Ford Discuss Ford tuning topics here. Feb 22, 2024 · TunerPro is a completely free tuning software that allows users to modify and tune the parameters of Engine Control Units (ECUs). 9107. exe. 1. ) Time out AFR cool -> Choke (Sub from AFR) 4. I have a password so no one can connect to it and have to hit "no" (on the phone) so TunerPro RT will go ahead and open. This is best achieved with TunerPro-RT. The latest version of TunerPro-RT can be downloaded directly from the TunerPro ScannerPro vs TunerPro RT, can't connect. >I am currently running XP SP2 and have no issues opening TP RT, so as long as you don't have a corrupt install that should not be a factor. The problem, no data is transmitted. TunerPro RT Interface a. adx file, made a couple of minor changes and then saved it. Bin file download here Index of /download/bins/DSM. It is a file that stores data in a Jul 7, 2012 · I would like to be able to use it with TunerPro RT ver. The company selling them said they have a few remaining in stock. Sep 16, 2008 · TunerPro and adequate equipment. 5. Ive been playing for a while with the $51 from a VS V6 Commodore and am getting through it slowly. Sep 24, 2019 · VX Wagon. . Thanks for everyone's input. - Fixed crash when changing table cell data when more than one table is open(!). TunerPro RT is a software application developed by TunerPro RT. I no longer need a Mustang EEC-V pcm. With TunerPro open click View, Toolbars and check them all, these icons are easier to learn then all the others under like Acquisition, Tools etc Jul 5, 2023 · TunerPro was developed to work on Windows XP, Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 and can function on 32-bit systems. TunerPro needs 3 main file types to work with in order to make a start tuning and logging, these are: . BUT Im stuck on the VATS (security) I found what I thought was the security (VATS) but no joy. Jun 28, 2016 · Windows 10 vs TunerPro RT. To load your file into TunerPro RT you click on the Arrow Up button. 4 days ago · Last post MEFI4B with TunerPro RT by michael55123 Sat Jun 29, 2024 5:52 pm; Ford Discuss Ford tuning topics here. TunerPro is a free, donate-if-you-like-it tuning platform aimed at making tuning easier and cheaper for the hobbyist and professional alike. With the Histogram open showing a Running Average the cells begin to populate. Updated November 3rd, 2013. by gman36 » Fri May 14, 2021 8:22 pm. Lots of new stuff in this release. Both TunerPro and TunerPro RT are free. I figured out the EEC-V tuning using Moates QuarterHorse and TunerPro RT. Hi, is anyone here using Tunerpro RT 5 for their VY V6? I use it on my VS V6 to data log and check errors. I downloaded RT, installed it, and loaded the old ScannerPro ADX file. To emulate using TunerPro RT: 1) Hook up your emulation hardware per the manufacturers instructions. Connected V85. by Turbo1dr » Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:24 am. TunerPro is a software platform designed to enable you manipulate the calibration data used by modern vehicle engine and transmission. It won't effect anything on the car it just shows the wrong temp in tunerpro on the data list. Good to know. I was told that I need the 5B_V5. Hi guys. XDFs are "hand created", they are not downloadable from the ECM or anything like that. Last Night, I was still having prblems understanding what it took to make TunerPro RT work. The collection below is not maintained, and represents a tiny portion of definitions available on the Internet. I bought a 95 3. Bin Stacker. 00. ) Cold AFR Vs VAC Kpa (added to AFR Vs temp) 3. It never actually opens any help would be appreciated Aug 1, 2013 · for your startup, increasing some values slightly in the IAC park position vs coolant temp table may help, and you can mess with some values in 'initial startup afr enrichment' so it gets a bit better of a shot of fuel when its cold. If I select acquisition > Show Dash, Show Monitor, ect. cats is my normal use one but I don't like that every time you change a file it unlocks the blms on next save, then you have to relock them before flashing using the wot locker which is A note about bin definitions and TunerPro. I decided to make a tutorial since I was getting so many questions on getting this up and running for an LT1. Nov 5, 2007 · a) all TunerPro files/folders and. , they load as a separate window and not within the Tunerpro RT display. Then open the stock bin. Dec 31, 2011 · Here's what your need to download, read through then below more instructions how to put them in TunerPro. I'd recommend checking properties of ports to see if baud matches up and selections set to none. Establishing a Link Between the Computer/Laptop and the Buell ECU a. Now, via the general preferences tab, you can associate/Unassociate bin, ecu, and bsl (TunerPro RT include ads and adl) files with TunerPro such that you can double-click these file types and they open in TunerPro. 2-16-04 - TunerPro and TunerPro RT version 3. May 6, 2007 · Then it's just a matter of looking at the byte number, calculating for hex, and inserting it in the proper feild. But a friend is working on a VY and would like me to check for errors and do some data logging. Open Tunerpro and click tools (have your cable driver installed in addition, have it plugged in. Open tunerpro, and open the strategy (xdf). Sep 8, 2005 · Bluetooth connection with TunerPro RT. nr qj tm lj ld cx ei hi kz dj
