City of salem nj The Salem City Court Office is open to the public: Monday-Friday: from 9:00am-4:00pm (Closed for Lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm) Payments. The City of Salem Municipal Port Authority (the “Authority”) was created by a resolution adopted July 12, 1982 by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Salem (the “City”). at the Old County Courthouse, 113 Market Street, Salem NJ. Although eighteenth-century settlement in Salem County consisted primarily of farmers and craftsmen, the proximity of the […] ordinances: ordinance 2024-001 – an ordinance of the board of county commissioners of the county of salem, new jersey, appropriating the sum of $1,925,000 from the capital improvement fund for the completion of various capital improvements and the acquisition of various capital equipment *Official* Salem City - 2020 Date Prepared: 3/19/2021 Budget Year Ending December 31 (Month D-D) 2020 (Year) Name: KENIA NUNEZ Phone: 8569350372x206 Title: Email: knunez@cityofsalemnj. This includes purchasing city owned properties that are house structures, lots, and multiplexes commercial properties. It shows how your drinking water measured up to gov- Members of the City Council City of Salem Salem, New Jersey 08079 Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities, reserves and fund balance -regulatorybasis of the various funds of the City of Salem, in the County of Salem, State of NewJersey, as of December 31, 2019 City of Salem Tri-County Region New Jersey No Vehicle Available 2016 15 Salem’s population has lower incomes, lower education levels, and lower vehicle Nov 9, 2022 · ORD. Meet Sister Carol Adams of the Salem City Board of Education. Ranieri, Esq. Salem City is approximately 43 miles from Philadelphia, Pa. We are 100% volunteer and are your neighbors and friends ready to serve our residents and visitors whenever called upon. The New Jersey School Board Member of the Year 2018-2019. At that time and place all proposals received shall be publicly opened and announced by the City Clerk or her designee. Salem, NJ 08079} Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm 2022 MOU Between Salem City and DLGS; Senior Freeze Program (Property Tax Reimbursement) Division of By way of City of Salem Resolution #13-152, the City of Salem has been designated as an “Area in Need of Rehabilitation” under the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N. 800-222-1222 ♦ Available 24 hours & 7 days/week May 5, 2024 · res. 8 square miles of area and has approximately 5,000 residents. 856-935-0353. ATTEST: CITY OF SALEM Broadway, Salem, New Jersey 08079 (phone # 856. Find out the city mission, vision, and services from the mayor and the governing body. gov Address: 17 New Market Street Salem, NJ 08079 CFO Cert #: N-899 KENIA NUNEZ, being duly sworn, deposes and says: Deponent is the Chief Financial Officer of Salem, city, seat (1694) of Salem county, southwestern New Jersey, U. Municipal City Court. Oct 26, 2022 · WE have been the EMS Service Provider for the City of Salem, New Jersey since 1951. The Mannington office is located at 491 Route 45, Mannington, New Jersey 08079. City Clerk. 856-878-5050. 800-222-1222 ♦ Available 24 hours & 7 days/week Nov 3, 2022 · market street, salem, nj. cityofsalemnj. 0372) on or before 10:00 a. 2, in the City of Salem. It covers approximately 2. Apr 1, 2024 · Regulation, Division of Local Government Services, Department of Community Affairs, State of New Jersey,the financial statements of the business-type activities of theCity of Salem Municipal Port Authority, in the County of Salem, State of New Jersey, a component unit of the City of Salem,(Authority), as of and for the fiscal year ended Nov 4, 2020 · II. Members - 5 Year Terms Terms expire Jan. Only 4 percent of Salem residents with jobs work in the city (74 workers), while 1,784 work elsewhere. $40,650 ±$11,804 Median household income about half the amount in the Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD Metro Area: $89,273 ±$595 Members of the City Council City of Salem Salem, New Jersey08079 Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements Opinions We have audited the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities, reserves and fund balance -regulatorybasis of the various funds of the City of Salem, in the County of Salem, State of New Jersey,as of December 31, 2023 It was incorporated on February 21, 1798, as part of the initial group of 104 townships established by the New Jersey Legislature. 800-222-1222 ♦ Available 24 hours & 7 days/week Police, Non-Emergency. See post Members of the City Council City of Salem Salem, New Jersey 08079 Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities, reserves and fund balance - regulatory basis of the various funds of the City of Salem, in the County of Salem, State of New Jersey, as of December 31, 2018 The Streets Department is responsible for maintaining city streets, snow plowing, and leaf pickup. Sep 26, 2023 · contributing resource in the Broadway Historic District in Salem, New Jersey. Aug 5, 2024 · City of Salem Planning Board Date | time MAY 23, 2024 at 6:32pm | Meeting called to order by Virginia Jared In Attendance Members: William Corbin, Virginia Jared, Jason Mortiz, Jennifer Jones, Charles Bailey, Earl Gage arrived at 6:37, and Ben Ford arrived at 6:51. 2024-184 a resolution of the city of salem, county of salem, new Full Name of Municipality/County CITY OF SALEM County of Municipality / County SALEM Name of Municipality / County SALEM Type CITY Federal ID # 21-6001146 Governing Body Type COUNCIL MEMBERS Address 17 NEW MARKET STREET Address SALEM, NJ 08079 Phone 856-935-0372 Fax 856-935-6360 Certificate # Chief Financial Officer KENIA NUNEZ N-899 Nov 5, 2022 · CITY OF SALEM COMMON COUNCIL CAUCUS MEETING AGENDA MAY 9, 2022 6:30 PM OPENING 6:30 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION: STATEMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT: Notice of this meeting has been provided to the South Jersey Times and the Elmer Times and is posted on the City Hall Bulletin Board stating the time and the place of the meeting. If you were born AFTER that date, you must go to the Mannington Township Building, on Route 45 next to the Mannington School. 2022-209 a resolution authorizing changing the official signers for various city of salem bank accounts Oct 3, 2011 · The Mannington office is located at 491 Route 45, Mannington, New Jersey 08079. Find information about property taxes, assessments, payments, and deductions in Salem City. 0372) on or before 11:00 Purchases made by the city of Salem are Tax Exempt under provisions of N. 24-12 an ordinance amending chapter 153 of the code of the city of salem, new jersey to regulate wild animal feeding in parks and recreation areas Cindy Edwards, Secretary Phone: 856. Inspections are scheduled through the DCA Regional Office in Hammonton, New Jersey by calling 609. The City of Salem has property available for negotiation and purchase. 22-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SALEM AMENDING SECTION 2 OF CHAPTER 43 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SALEM FIXING THE TITLES, SALARIES AND COMPENSATION RANGES OF EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SALEM Motion to Introduce: _____ Second _____ RCV _____ This is the first reading and introduction. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. Find information about the City Clerk's office, vital records, elections, licenses and permits, and more. 39:4-8(e) be amended to provide for a section designating certain bus stops as follows: City of Salem employees number in year 2023 was 51. gov The City Clerk under New Jersey Law (N. It lies along the Salem River near the latter’s confluence with the Delaware River, 34 miles (55 km) southwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 0350 Nov 3, 2022 · res. County Courthouse. 2022-86 a resolution authorizing salem city commerce department to accept the environmental protection agency multipurpose brownfield grant motion: _____ second _____ voice vote _____ res. The City Clerk maintains birth certificates for anyone born in the city of Salem up until September of 1951. At that time and place all proposals received shall be publicly opened and announced by the City CITY OF SALEM ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE APPLICATION This application and four (4) copies with the appropriate fees shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, 17 New Market Street, Salem, NJ 08079. Sean M. com certificate of authorization: 24 ga 28003300 ~engineering excellence~ Members of the City Council City of Salem Salem, New Jersey08079 Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements Opinions We have audited the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities, reserves and fund balance -regulatorybasis of the various funds of the City of Salem, in the County of Salem, State of New Jersey,as of December 31, 2022 The City of Salem is adjacent to the following municipalities: Elsinboro Township, Lower Alloways Creek Township, Mannington Township, Pennsville Township, and Quinton Township. 800-222-1222 ♦ Available 24 hours & 7 days/week City of Salem Salem, New Jersey 08079 Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities, reserves and fund balance -regulatorybasis of the various funds of the Cityof Salem, in the County of Salem, State of New Jersey,as of December 31, 2017 city of salem - city owned property list as of 01-30-25 blk/l ot address zon ing assesm ent description on demo list sales status 1/4 hancock st m-2 30,000 not sellable vacant land unavailable for purchase; lots will be combined 1/4. 8% increase. 40:55D-107 and City Code Section 130-71, the Historic Preservation Commission consists of 5 members appointed by the Mayor for staggered 4 year terms (except that any member who is also a member of the Planning Board shall have a term that is equal to his term on the Planning Board). Sales And Use Tax Act (Chapter 30, Laws of 1996) Note: Absolutely no vendor invoices will be honored without an authorized Purchase Order issued by the City of Salem. At that time and place all proposals received shall be publically opened and announced by the City Clerk or Salem, NJ 08079} Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Attention Salem City Residents – Effective Immediately. The time frame for the new treatment being online is August 2024. State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Annual Debt Statement *Official* Salem City - 2021 Date Prepared: 3/21/2022 Budget Year Ending December 31 (Month D-D) 2021 (Year) Name: Kenia Nunez Phone: 8569350372x206 Title: Email: knunez@cityofsalemnj. on November 21, 2024 . BLUE RECYCLING CONTAINERS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE SALEM COUNTY IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY AT 286 WELCHVILLE RD IN ALLOWAY. gov Website: https://cityofsalemnj. 40:55D-23 and City Code Section 130-6, the Planning Board shall consist of 9 members, divided into four “classes” of membership as follows: Class I – the Mayor or his designee in the absence of the Mayor the term of this member shall correspond to the Mayor’s term of office with the term being one year or the expiration of term of office; Class II – a member Poison Control Hotline. Interested persons should contact the City Admin/Clerk at . MALEY GIVENS, P. Please understand that exceeding these limits presents a problem for the hauler and its employees, but is also against the specifications outlined by the NJDEP. The area was originally inhabited by the Lenape Native American tribe and was later settled by the English Quaker John Fenwick in 1675, who established a settlement known as Fenwick's Colony. Meetings 109 Fourth Street Salem, NJ 08079 7:00 p. Established in 1675, the city of Salem had early prominence and served as a port of entry, but was soon overshadowed by Philadelphia. J. Peaceful surroundings, coupled with a solid, diverse educational system, a variety of state-of-the-art health care options, and distinct small-town communities, make Salem County a great place to live City of Salem Legal Notice to Bidders The City of Salem is requesting bid proposals for Consulting Services for Market Analysis for Site Location on 25 Market Street, Salem, NJ for a Supermarket, Grocery Store or Farmers Market Under the Food Security Grant. 31st Aidan Hassler - 2017 James S. Step 3: You will need a check or money order paid to the order of NJSP for $50. Salem. The upstairs is currently occupied. Jan 12, 2023 · and population of 9,671,130. gov Address: 17 New Market Street Salem, NJ 08079 CFO Cert #: N-899 In 2022, Salem, NJ had a population of 5. 856-935-0057. Phone: 856. 4 in the City of Salem, NJ; and (b) the Glass House Spur, between milepost 0. 800-222-1222 ♦ Available 24 hours & 7 days/week Jul 21, 2023 · Step 3: Follow the instructions and fill out the form. , the “Open Public Meetings Act”, has been provided by the public advertisement to the South Jersey Times and the Elmer times setting forth the time, date, place and purpose of said meeting. Learn about the history, architecture, and opportunities of Salem City, a city along the Salem River with access to water and rail. 10:4-6 et seq. gov 6:30 856-935-0373 8:30 AM SALEM the City Clerk of 17 New Market Street, Salem COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY SALEM Municipal Annex Building May 17th City 24th March Salem, NJ 08079 20th March 856-935-0373 17 New market Street Woodbury, New Jersey 08096 856-435-6200 20th March 6 North Broad Street Suite 201. 0 in Swedesboro, NJ, and approximately milepost 28. Camden City Hall Market Street, Camden, NJ - 31. 0 and milepost 1. The City of Salem is governed by an eight-member Council elected Board. Salem offers a vast array of outdoor possibilities. Inspections in the City of Salem will be conducted on our regularly scheduled day for the City of Salem, which is Wednesday. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. 5510 ext. res. City of Salem average salary was $62,041 and median salary was $62,428. , a city-wide designation. Salem NJ. S. 2022-89 a resolution authorizing the introduction of the 2022 budget for the city of salem motion: _____ second _____ rcv _____ res. 935. Meetings are held in the Municipal Building, #1 New Market Street 6:30 PM. The City of Salem is a public entity that was formed to provide federally subsidized housing and housing assistance to low-income families within the City of Salem, New Jersey. (Mannington, Elsinboro, Quinton, LAC). Please click the "Economic Development" button below for links to all the exciting business news in the city of Salem, including new home ownership programs, developments in the Port of Salem, and much more! The city of Salem is located three miles from the mouth of the Salem River, which was called “Asamhocking” by the original Lenape people. Learn about the city's history, location, and opportunities for business and development. Indicate whether the applicant is an individual, a partnership, a corporation or Sep 8, 2024 · City of Salem Planning Board Date | time August 22, 2024 at 6:35pm | Meeting called to order by Ben Ford In Attendance Members: Ben Ford, Lou Perry, Jennifer Jones, William Corbin, Earl Gage Staff: Adam Telsey, Aileen Westcott, Candace Kanaplue, Joe DiNicola Jr (Conflict Attorney) Approval of Minutes remote communication, the City will post information on how the public can remotely access the governing body meeting and provide comment during the meeting on the City's website at www. Amiot Patrick Michel - Superintendent Mr. 29k people with a median age of 34. 3653. 204 Email: cbailey@cityofsalemnj. gov/ Salem New Jersey 08079 856-935-0372 Ext 215 Fax 856-935-4095 E-Mail: cityclerk@cityofsalemnj. 3800 Dr. 97 percent of all the jobs in Salem City are filled by people commuting from outside the city to work. rve. 800-222-1222 ♦ Available 24 hours & 7 days/week Contact. The Common Council of Salem City Board employs a Business Administrator to administer city Gloucester City Hall Monmouth Street, Gloucester, NJ - 29. 2024-166 a resolution authorizing the city of salem to accept the dep STORMWATER COMPETIVE GRANT PROGRAM AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $51,900. Brown, MPA Director of Housing and Economic Development 856-935-0372 ext 204 / Poison Control Hotline. New Jersey Courts. According to the last payroll, City of Salem average salary is 17 percent lower than USA average and 14 percent lower than New Jersey state average. A. 00. 2022-87 a resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the new jersey The City of Salem is located in the state of New Jersey, in Salem County. Salem City’s ORI is NJ0171200. gov Address: 17 New Market Street Salem, NJ 08079 CFO Cert #: David Crescenzi, being duly sworn, deposes and says: Deponent is the Chief Financial Officer of Salem City Apr 1, 2020 · Meeting of the Common Council of the City of Salem, as required by N. i. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of Salem at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Find information about city services, departments, news, events, and resources in Salem, New Jersey. The Authority was created to stimulate the economic well-being of its surrounding area; creating employment; attracting industry; and bringing a direct influx Poison Control Hotline. 6 and a median household income of $35,143. 125 West Broadway, Salem New Jersey 08079. Salem City Court does not accept debit or credit as a form of payment. For golfers there's the 27-hole Wild Oaks Golf Club. 209 Fax # 856. 800-222-1222 ♦ Available 24 hours & 7 days/week The City of Salem is looking for a tenant to enter into a lease agreement for the downstairs of the City property at 17 New Market Street. Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Salem, NJ grew from 5,237 to 5,285, a 0. Counties & Cities of New Jersey » Code of Federal Regulations » United States Code » Salem: Code of Ordinances. Councilman Groce did the invocation Present:. It is the county seat of Salem County, the state's most rural county. 0469 and 856. on November 29, 2022. gage as council representative to the city of salem planning board resolution 2024- 30 - a resolution appointing sickels & associates, inc as municipal water engineer and authorizing the city of salem to enter into a Aug 10, 2019 · WHEREAS, the City of Salem is the owner of certain property situate in the City of Salem identified as Block 68, Lot 42 upon the tax maps of the City of Salem, and commonly known as 61 Union Street Salem, Salem County, New Jersey; and WHEREAS, the City desires to convey the aforesaid property to the organization known as Street, Salem, New Jersey 08079 (phone # 856. It was established in 1675 by John Fenwick, an English Quaker. OATHS OF OFFICE $65,100 ±$4,306 Median value of owner-occupied housing units about one-third of the amount in Salem County: $208,200 ±$7,413 May 3, 2024 · city of salem, new jersey for the purpose of establishing proper management of residential yard waste motion to introduce: _____ second _____ voice vote _____ ord. 8 miles A court in Camden, New Jersey, that ITY OF SALEM DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING 125 W roadway, ity of Salem, NJ 08079 Developer Questionnaire This questionnaire is required for consideration in the ity of Salem’s development projects. Aug 7, 2024 · City of Salem Planning Board Date | time July 25, 2024 at 6:30pm | Meeting called to order by Virginia Jared In Attendance Members: Charles Bailey, Lou Perry, Bill Corbin, Ben Ford, Virginia Jared, Jennifer Jones Staff: Adam Telsey, Aileen Westcott Approval of Minutes Lou had questions about Mandeep Singh’s business locations. The Friends (Quakers) Apr 23, 2024 · WHEREAS, the Annual Budget for Salem Municipal Port Authority for the fiscal year beginning February 01, 2023 and ending January 31, 2024 has been presented before the governing body of the Salem Municipal Port Authority 2024 AUTHORITY BUDGET RESOLUTION Salem Municipal Port Authority FISCAL YEAR: February 01, 2023 to January 31, 2024 Salem, NJ 08079} Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm City Administrator. Salem, NJ 08079} Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm City of Salem NJ We strive to keep you informed. The City Clerk is the Secretary of the Municipal Corporation, the Administrative Officer, and the Custodian of public records. Coleman - Member - 2018 the City of Salem Redevelopment Plan contact the City of Salem Department of Commerce Contact Us Salem City Commerce Department and Economic Development 17 New Market Street Salem, New Jersey 08079 e: (856) 935-0372 ext. 856-935-0372 x219. 1150 Haddon Avenue, Suite 210 Collingswood, New Jersey 08108 P: 856-854-1515 F: 856-858-2944 On July 17th, 2023, the City Council signed Ordinance 23-10 into legislation approving a sale agreement between The City of Salem and New Jersey American Water Company, INC. 2022-90 governing body certification of compliance with the united states equal employment opportunity commission’s representative to the city of salem library board resolution 2024- 29 - a resolution appointing earl r. Before Philadelphia’s founding, Salem, New Jersey, was the first English Quaker colony along the Delaware River. Only check, cash, or money order is accepted. The City of Salem is seeking qualified and experienced licensed home improvement contractors and plumbers, electricians and HVAC (heating ventilation and air conditioning) to provide services for residential upgrades focused on the health and wellness of homes within the City. 2 days ago · Salem City Common Council Caucus Meeting Monday, March 10, 2025. com DEADLINE: March 19, 2025. water. Salem is a city and the county seat of Salem County, the most rural county in New Jersey. 567. Both the EPA and the NJDEP re-quire water suppliers to send a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) to customers on an annual basis. 54:4-67, as well as a 6% year-end penalty on any balance owing as of June 30th in excess of $10,000. , 62 miles from Dover, De. Stormwater Program Coordinator (SPC) Contact Information. Among those Salem residents who do hold jobs, hardly any work in the city. 1 miles Provides marriage licenses, vital statistics, election registration, open public records requests, notary public services, and business trade name filings in Gloucester City, New Jersey. Dial 9-1-1 ♦ Available 24 Nicholas M. Staff: Adam Telsey, Aileen Westcott, Steven Bach Approval of Minutes Dear Salem City Resident, This is a friendly reminder that the size of your trash container must not exceed 40 pounds and the bags should not be any larger than a 32 gallon bag. Dial 9-1-1 ♦ Available 24 hours & 7 days/week Poison Control Hotline. "It is approximately 18. Salem’s City Council determined that the bid submitted by NJ American Water Company for 18,000,000 was the highest responsible bid. 6 miles in length and includes: (a) the Salem Branch, between the connection with Consolidated Rail Corporation at approximately milepost 11. The applicant’s name, business name and business address: 2. and 67 miles from Atlantic City, NJ. Sister Carol is joined on this interview by the Salem City Board President Yuenge Groce, who discusses Sister Carol’s contributions to the school and community with the NJSBA’s Ray Pinney. Request for Qualifications Salem, New Jersey is a small city with a rich history. Meghan Taylor Business Administrator Director of Special Services-2- May 1, 2020 · County of Salem and State of New Jersey that the Tax Collector is authorized to conduct a Tax Lien Sale March 11, 2020 for 2019 delinquent taxes, utility assessments and other municipal charges. Inspections in the City of Salem will be conducted on our regularly scheduled day for the City of Salem, which is Thursday. Nov 5, 2022 · ORD. on November 16, 2023. 856-935-0372 x215. The city is the county seat of Salem County and was founded in 1693, Salem City currently has a census population estimated at 5,297 people in 2,011 households. Poison Control Hotline. The Salem Art Bank 175 W Broadway, Salem, NJ 08079 856-279-2488 www. 22-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SALEM AMENDING CITY CODE 225-37, SCHEDULE XI, HANDICAPPED PARKING ZONES Motion to Introduce: _____ Second _____ RCV _____ INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION: Resolution 2022-222 is the Amended Budget Resolution. THE COST IS $8. Meetings May 5, 2024 · res. On February 25, 1858, it was reincorporated as Salem City. Administrative Legislation: 129 West Broadway; Salem, NJ 08079 ♦ Main: 856-935-1734 ♦ Fax: 856-935-0319. Proposals will thereafter be received by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Salem, who shall City of Salem Salem, New Jersey 08079 Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities, reserves and fund balance -regulatorybasis of the various funds of the Cityof Salem, in the County of Salem, State of New Jersey,as of December 31, 2014 remote communication, the City will post information on how the public can remotely access the governing body meeting and provide comment during the meeting on the City's website at www. Births, Deaths and Marriages that have occurred within the City of Salem dating back to 1859. If you have any questions about our stormwater program or would like additional information, please contact: The City of Salem is no longer providing water above the New Jersey PFNA drinking water standard. Herbert Schectman - Business Administrator/ Board Secretary Salem New Jersey 08079 856-935-0372 Ext 215 Fax 856-935-4095 E-Mail: cityclerk@cityofsalemnj. salemartbank. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals responsive shall be received no later The City of Salem requests proposals from New Jersey licensed Planners interested in serving in Salem, New Jersey 08079 (phone # 856. Salem NJ 08079. C. Fire, Non-Emergency. City of Salem employee salaries are usually between $46,151 and $84,588. At that time and place all proposals received shall be publicly opened and announced by the City Clerk or his May 4, 2020 · CITY OF SALEM ORDINANCE 2002 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 225 TO PROVIDE FOR BUS STOPS ON DESIGNATED STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF SALEM BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Salem that Chapter 225, pursuant to N. At that time and place all proposals received shall be publicly opened and announced by the City Clerk or his The City of Salem, New Jersey (the “City”) is soliciting bids for the sale of the City’s Water and Wastewater Systems as more fully described in the Request for Bids (“RFB”) available from the City Administrator/Clerk’s office, which is located at 17 New Market Street, Salem, NJ 08079, Nov 8, 2022 · res. The public is welcome. The meeting took place at 17 New Market Street at 3:00 p. CITY OF SALEM MINUTES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 A meeting of the Common Council of the City of Salem was called to order by Council President Karen Roots. 40A:12A-1, et seq. The name “Salem”, in both the city and county, is derived from the Hebrew word shalom, meaning “peace”. 8 square miles of residential, retail, commercial, and industrial community with great opportunities for private investment and city wide development. It shows how your drinking water measured up to gov- Salem, NJ 08079} Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm City Administrator. J. 01 hancock st-riparian grant m-2 13,600 vacant land 1/8 market st rlc 14,400 historic 2/9 6 hancock st r-2 23,600 City of Salem Salem, New Jersey 08079 Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements Opinions We have audited the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities, reserves and fund balance -regulatory basis of the various funds of the City of Salem, in the County of Salem, State of New Jersey, as of December 31, 2021 Jul 1, 2024 · QuickFacts Salem city, New Jersey. gov 856-935-0373 8:30 AM SALEM the City Clerk of 17 New Market Street, Salem COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY SALEM Municipal Annex Building May 17th 6:30 Salem City School District 205 Walnut Street Salem, New Jersey 08079 Telephone 856. The City of Salem has adopted by resolution an interest rate of 8% for the first $1,500 of delinquency and 18% for any delinquency over $1,500, as allowed per state statute N. 40A: 9-133) serves City of Salem Water & Sewer Department 17 New Market Street Salem, New Jersey 08079 OPEN IMMEDIATELY ANNUAL DRINKING WATER REPORT ing water quality in our state. m. It was incorporated on February 21, 1798, as part of the initial group of 104 townships established by the New Jersey Legislature. It was founded by Quaker John Fenwick in 1675 and has a history of legal disputes, raids and tax rates. 856-935-1734 City of Salem Salem, New Jersey 08079 Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities, reserves and fund balance -regulatorybasis of the various funds of the Cityof Salem, in the County of Salem, State of New Jersey,as of December 31, 2016 Members of the City Council City of Salem Salem, New Jersey 08079 Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities, reserves and fund balance -regulatorybasis of the various funds of the City of Salem, in the County of Salem, State of NewJersey, as of December 31, 2020 informed about their water utility. 2024-183 a resolution of the city of salem, county of salem, new jersey for the cancellation of special charges involving block 86, lot 24 in the city of salem motion: _____ second _____ voice vote _____ res. Interested applicants may obtain the Request for Proposal package by contacting the office of the City Clerk at 856. All Emergencies. 6360 Attn: Carol Wright – Zoning Officer Property Information: Property Address: City/State/Zip: Block: _____Lot:_____ Any Subsequent Renewal Sep 26, 2024 · Full Name of Municipality CITY OF SALEM County of Municipality SALEM Name of Municipality SALEM Type CITY Governing Body Type COUNCIL MEMBERS Location City of Salem Address 17 New Market Street Address Salem, NJ 08079 Phone 856-935-0373 Fax 856-935-4095 Cert # Date of Original Appt. " Salem is a city rich in American History and is situated on the Salem River. I don’t process any other applications if you don’t live in Salem City. 10:4-6, on the dates listed below commencing at the time of 6:30 PM. on November 21, 2024. The City of Salem is located in Salem County in southwest New Jersey. Contact the tax collector, assessor, and clerk for assistance or consultations. 2022-208 resolution authorizing the city attorney to begin process for the purchase of the farmers of salem buildings motion: _____ second _____ voice vote _____ res. " *Official* Salem City - 2019 Date Prepared: 1/30/2020 Budget Year Ending December 31 (Month D-D) 2019 (Year) Name: David Crescenzi Phone: Title: Email: salemcfo@cityofsalemnj. 917% increase and its median household income grew from $26,667 to $35,143, a 31. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties. Please take notice that the Common Council of the City of Salem will hold Common Council Caucus meetings and Common Council Regular meetings pursuant to N. Try the Meadow View Acres Campground. Having a Salem mailing address doesn’t count. 856-935-0372 x215 Salem, NJ 08079} Monday – Friday The City of Salem is looking for a tenant to enter into a lease agreement for the downstairs of 17 New Market Street. Salem City is located along the Salem River, with access to water and upgraded rail ways to support current and future industrial growth. Salem, NJ 08079} Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm youth services, and grant writing and management, and has called Salem City her home since 2015. As this Redevelopment Plan incorporates the underlying zoning of the Rehabilitation Area, this 67 West Broadway, Salem, New Jersey The City of Salem invites your proposal to prepare a Preservation Plan and Feasibility Study (the Plan) for the Sarah Nicholson Allen House at 67 West Broadway, Salem, New Jersey. Terms expire April 1st Meetings - 2nd Wednesday High School Library - 7:00 p. 856-935-1734 Street, Salem, New Jersey 08079 (phone # 856. Background The City has received a Certified Local Government (CLG) grant in the amount of $44,470 to fund this project. Also for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. 40A: 9-133) serves Nov 2, 2020 · The City of Salem (City) is located in Salem County, New Jersey. If you want to learn more, please attend any of our regularly scheduled City Council meetings at the Salem City Municipal Building located at 1 New Market Street. Please be attentive to the following: CITY OF SALEM VACANT PROPERTY REGISTRATION FORM 17 New Market Street Salem, NJ 08079 Office #856. 4753 Dr. The name "Salem", in both the city and county, is derived from the Hebrew word shalom, meaning "peace. IN SALEM CITY THESE ITEMS MUST BE RECYCLED: City of Salem Water & Sewer Department 17 New Market Street Salem, New Jersey 08079 OPEN IMMEDIATELY ANNUAL DRINKING WATER REPORT ing water quality in our state. Street, Salem, New Jersey 08079 (phone # 856. a fair number of jobs still exist in the city of Salem. 0372; or in person during regular business hours, at the Municipal Building located at 17 New Market Street, Salem, New Jersey 08079. Latest News & Announcements. , 17 New Marker The City of Salem has many exciting new development projects on the drawing board – from new businesses in town, to changes and upgrades to our world-class Marine Port. Part I. The County is governed by a Salem County Board of County Commissioners, which has met continuously in Salem City, the county seat, since 1694. 00 (SWM-2022-SALEM-00094) county of salem new jersey 2020 remington & vernick engineers 232 kings highway east, haddonfield, nj 08033 (856) 795-9595, fax (856) 795-1882, web site address: www. Meetings are held on the first and third Monday of the 2nd' 3rd 4th 10th and 12ff month. This part of our website will contain links to additional information keeping you, our citizens and residents, up-to-date and informed about them. Amiot Patrick Michel Superintendent Herbert Schectman Dr. Services Pursuant to N. 1. 3800 Fax 856. Please also be advised that bill lists will be included Pursuant to N. An Amended Budget Resolution requires two THE CITY OF SALEM IS A NEW JERSEY CLEAN COMMUNITY New Jersey Clean Communities is New Jersey’s only statewide, comprehensive, litter abatement program. For more information, please contact the Salem Water Department Main Office, at (856) 935-0350 or email *protected email* or mail us at City of Salem Water Dept. As various groups of European settlers arrived in the seventeenth century, the Dutch renamed the river “Varkens Kill” (Hog Creek). City Administrator. Salem City occupies 2. e. Clerk Ben Angeli C-1959 8/1/2019 Tax Collector William Street, Salem, New Jersey 08079 (phone # 856. Emergent Conditions – Salem City In Spring 2020, Salem City authorized Remington & Vernick Engineers to tour their existing water and sewer facilities, review past and current utility records, and interview utility personnel to develop a complete understanding of the existing systems and the City’s current operations. What is the City doing to address these issues with City and privately owned properties? Mayor Washington, Council President Gage and the members of City Council have made cleaning up the City a top priority and these are the steps that the City is taking to deal with these issues: Hiring additional personnel for the Code Enforcement Office. The City owns and operates their own potable water supply, water treatment plant, water distribution system, a series of sanitary sewer lift stations, a sanitary Poison Control Hotline. Four excellent areas for viewing local and migratory birds at the Supawna Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Alloway Creek Watershed, Salem River Wildlife Management Area and the Stow Creek Viewing Area. jzaja ddmv xpvtzx mnca qgyclu gsfad rdq etfvfq koudx pjt xehb xejuf zco fzva egkqv