Stfc crew tool

Stfc crew tool. The Enterprise NX-01 saved the galaxy Everything you wanted to know about Star Trek Fleet Command but couldn't find. The Officer Tool has a section for Away Teams and we've got a video on the channel to help ya use it to it's max (plus StewieDoo and Lewb are incredibly responsive on their discord server). This increases the Impulse speed of the ship by 20%. If your alliance is dealing with some rogue whale who’s trying to stop your alliance, this is the ship for you. Star Trek Fleet Command Ship Guide. Mycelium harvesting speed increased by 1860%. You can immerse yourself in a fictitious space realm in this exciting mobile game, Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC). Nov 8, 2023 · Do you want to know the best crew for farming hirogen relics? What if you don't have Janeway? I tested multiple crews and share my results with you in this v Dec 7, 2023 · Afternoon @everyone and I hope you're having a wonderful day! Today we're gonna do a VERY BASIC overview of wave defense with some strats, crew knowledge, an Aug 8, 2022 · The newest ship in Star Trek Fleet Command is the Mantis. The best tool I've use so far to parse them is https://spocks. Jul 25, 2020 · James T. This chart is a quick reference for crews in multiple situations. Ahddub143. Here is a discord server run by a group that has made an officer tool spreadsheet. Captain’s Maneuver. Use this crew to attack solo armadas that you normally struggle to beat. Officer Overview. These are basically the same as Dominion Solo Armadas, though so far at least the uncommons seem somewhat weaker. Overmatch - If the opponent's ship is an Explorer, Vella increases the damage of weapons by 10%. (attack, health. STFC players can use the Janeway Crew If you are not struggling with Q’s Trials or just attempting to maximize progression or Trial Bells. Outside Views STFC:On this channel you Mar 5, 2023 · In this video we review Tal an original officer that was available at game release. The largest Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) information site, featuring information on ships, officers, systems, hostiles, research and more. In this Video I introduce you to the Officer Presets and how I use them. I go after level 51 Silents and generally come back with 7K each run, but that would also depend on your ship strength. Apr 5, 2022 · #stfc #startrekfleetcommand #secureplayThe Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Tool is an incredible resource freely available to all Star Trek Fleet Command pla Dec 20, 2021 · Pike and Moreau are the core, but the 3rd member of your crew can be either Chen or T'Laan depending on the enemies you are facing. We recommend that you use Lieutenant Valeris, Saru, Khan and Seven of Nine. I've not checked in a while. STFC players can find Hirogen Transport hostiles in specific systems, however, low-level players should not attempt to vanquish them from the galaxy. https://discord. Enterprise NX-01. Reply. While exploring various systems in Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) you will encounter numerous hostiles. Cadet Uhura and Cadet McCoy, with Chen or Crew testing will let you upload multiple battle logs where you are attacking the same type of hostile with different crews. If you sign in any research settings you set will be saved. Try some of the following crews instead. Did Scopely intentionally put these pitfalls into the loop? Is there a choice to be had? May 6, 2024 · To fight back against the Gorn, Commanders can now construct the Gorn Eviscerator, a powerful anti-Gorn warship that also functions as an alliance support ship. Rarity. Kirk - Enterprise Crew (c), Rare Spock - Enterprise Crew and Epic Khan - Khan's Crew. General Solo Borg Armada. BADGERITOS! IMHO unless you want to have it move really fast, you might as well crew it The crew you want on a Discovery is as follows: Captain: Paul Stamets (Rare) - Captains Ability is a 20% saving on the cost of jumping the ship and summoning. Janeway, The Doctor, Ent-E Data works well for me. club/battlelog . If you are looking for crew loadouts, Rev Deuce on Youtube has covered a lot of different ones. I Also have a T5 Ent With Khan, Kirk, Char or one of NX-01. Tlaan and chen do not work for PVP. Neros crew: Sturdy Companion: Vella increases the total Health of all officers on the ship by 5%: Crew Bonus: Officers: Vemet: Neros crew: Feel the Heat: At the beginning of each round if the opponents ship is Burning Vemet decreases its Shield Health by an amount equal to 25% of the Health of all Officers on the ship: Ship Offense: Officers Best base cracking crew is hands down Rom, Harrison and Marcus in a Maxed Salidan. Kirk/Khan/Gaila (Enterprise only) 5 of 11/6 of 11/Gaila. Player; Totals; Territory Buffs; Buildings Material: Total: Refunds from Faction Research Jun 7, 2022 · #stfc #startrekfleetcommand #secureplay#stfc #startrekfleetcommand #bhd8gaming #blackhalfdan8 #secureplayIn this video we demonstrate how to use the new STFC Aug 8, 2022 · Hey @everyone , ready for a new community tool to allow you to track faction credits and see how much you can earn everyday in Star Trek Fleet Command? This STFC Tools. STFC Tools. Mantis Crew By Trips. Download Star Trek Fleet Command on PC. Very good visualizations, comparison features, etc. In the end, it's a ship like no other so far in STFC. He has been missing from the game for several years due to issues with h May 13, 2021 · Well just to get it out of the way for @everyone, yes I do address the "rare" ticket system in this video, and no I don't like it. However, before you can send your NX-01 to fight Completed (for Current Ops Level) Dependency Checks Enabled . Crew Setups & Ship Info. But of course, especially as a new player, it's more likely not to have Epic or even Rare officers. By wes 2 May 2023. You can substitute Gorkon for Ent-E Data. Visit us online at www. Community Created Images for STFC May 2, 2023 · Academy – Officer Guide. Explore guides, officer abilities, starship statistics, and gameplay tips. The offiçial content creators are safe to ignore - they basically bounce bet traditionally, you'd run 2 pmg (pike, Moreau, Gaila) to remove armada crits, a hull breach crew, a burn crew and the rest dps 35-37 emadas we usually run 5, kirk, spock x6 ships. James T. Inspirational – At the beginning of each round, Kirk has a 50% chance of inspiring Morale to the ship for 2 rounds. Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command. 23K subscribers in the startrekfleetcommand community. However, the ship and its crew, lead by Jonathan Archer, were assigned a new directive: to journey into the Delphic Expanse and intercept the Xindi to frustrate their plans of unleashing Sep 11, 2022 · Decreases enemy crew health by 20% while their ship is burning: Uncommon: L’Nar: Romulan Health Increases health of officers on bridge by 20%: Klingon Pursue Increases damage against Klingon ships by 25% of the crew’s attack stat: Uncommon: Severus: Spreading Fire Decreases enemy hull health by 10% each round when own ship is burning Starbase assaults are an armada-like attack on other Alliances' starbases. So for my Mayflower the best crew for fighting swarm is Cadet Uhura, Cadet Kirk and T'Laan. Since the Monaveen was recently introduced in STFC, players are unsure which crew members they should assign to it. Originally named the SS Yorktown, the Enterprise NX-01, a remarkable explorer, was initially launched to venture into and explore deep space. Generic Armada crews for all types of Armadas. which gives you a (25% 35% 45% 55% 65%) chance of applying a hull breach to your own ship. Let’s take a closer look at this versatile new potential addition to your Aug 28, 2023 · In this video we review Seven of Nine, introduced to Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) in August of 2023 in Voyager Part 4, the last month of this ARC. If you are considering using a Janeway Crew for Q’s Trials, you should use specific crew members. When you have constructed the ship, you can use it to defeat Xindi hostiles in numerous systems. Jan 21, 2024 · This is most of the basic aspects you need to consider when it comes to building crew in Star Trek Fleet Command. Five defenders with two ships each will attempt to destroy all the waves coming into the system. Epictetus' Officer Guide in full, is kept current and is more in-depth. It has very high hull, and almost no shields, which has some interesting crewing possibilities. I will preface that by saying I don't yet have HG Worf so he MAY be better than Marcus keep in mind there are factors what ships are in the base, Who they have on their ships, Officer, ship and base levels. strap in. Those members can and should use some sort of standard armada crew with Gaila subbed in, such as: Kirk/Spock/Gaila. •. For example you can upload 50 battle logs where you kill level 50 battle ships, 25 with one crew and 25 with a different crew and then it will compare the cumultive results from both crews. Read more. com for more info. The Gorn Eviscerator can first be constructed at Operations 40, and can be upgraded to a maximum of 15 tiers. It’s a rare battleship that you can construct starting at ops level 33. Start investing with Acorns today! Mining holds a vital part in our gameplay; to learn more about it please check here. I had a better crew, but did not write it down and can't figure it out again. If the opponent’s ship is an Interceptor, the VAHKLAS increases its Accuracy by 10%. Officer Ability. Kras (Glory In The Kill officers) (science, any ship) (as Captain Aug 28, 2020 · Pan. Officers that show up on white have the traits. What crew increases warp? Cadet Scotty, TOS Scotty and Grush increase warp range. Trait xp is rewarded from a daily mission, from battle pass events, an away team mission and occasionally in random events. Also see Capt. Contents. Use the General Solo Armada crew if you are still learning what armada level is easy, normal, and hard. Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Tool: This spreadsheet is used to put different officers on different ships, find crews, look at away teams traits, and so much more. If I use Cadet Uhura, Cadet Kirk and T'Laan, the Hull declines as followed: 136k - 106k - 76k - 50k - 21k So 4 kills with a average loss of 28,8k. In effect, it’s the anti- Cerritos that you can use to debuff an enemy player’s ship. https://stfc. ) Shady Methods (At the star of the battle, Alexander Marcus increases the Shield Piercing of the ship by 100% of Jake's STFC Tools currently offers a Ship Build Planner and Player Research/Building Tracker. Base Defense. The NX-01 is a ship which is mainly targetted at one specific type of hostile, the Xindi Aquatics. This channel is for those aged 18 and older. Pike, Moreau, tlaan (kinetic damage) or chen (energy damage) is the go to crew for hostiles. Official STFC Discord. You can fill in your roster, and then another tab has recommended crew combos for different situations like battleship vs red hostile or interceptor vs armada. Chirurgical Precision (+20% to Critical Hit Chance for the first three rounds against Eclipse hostiles. So you cannot use the standard hostile crews to fight these bosses. Chancellor Gorkon is the leader of the Klingon Patriots or “Hull Breach” crew in Star Trek Fleet Command. Dec 10, 2023 · Sunday Dec 10, 2023. Home. Vella. UltimatDJzPlayz. They wanted her to be a “blank slate” with no understanding of her own people, and a character who would look at the Enterprise crew with fresh eyes. Crew testing will let you upload multiple battle logs where you are attacking the same type of hostile with different crews. Borg Solo Armadas. In this video we sit down with the creator Stewiedoo Officer. Three good armada crews on three ships of an appropriate level and you should be able to make your way through these pretty steadily. Solo Category - Punch Up Solo Armada. How doe Community Created Images for STFC Sort your crew by ability first. If you aren't shielding, your base is 100% vulnerable to attack. Epic James T. I have found all useful and are part of my stack of Discord reference tools. Mar 30, 2022 · #stfc #startrekfleetcommand #secureplay#stfc #startrekfleetcommand #bhd8gaming #blackhalfdan8 #secureplayIn this video we'll show you how to get started with The largest Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) information site, featuring information on ships, officers, systems, hostiles, research and more. When they hunt, they are unrelenting. With full synergy of Navi and Pan, you can use this to increase your Impulse speed by 50%. Uncommon. May 5, 2024 · A New Threat in Star Trek Fleet Command: The Gorn Hunter Hostiles. Federation, Officers kirk, morale crew. Type. Hi everyone, In April, I soft released an Officer's Guide that I put together over the course of two months. If you missed it, we spent two h Feb 8, 2024 · February 8, 2024. Unfortunately, this vessel is only available to players who have reached level 40. Now that you can export battle logs to CSV format on the STFC PC client, it's fun to dissect and compare them. July 25, 2020 by Carnac. Sturdy Companion - Vella increases the total Health of all Officers on the ship by 5%. The STFC Of Feb 9, 2024 · A new ship called the Enterprise NX-01, was added to Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) on Tuesday, 6 February 2024. I've also seen a lot of leslie, Pike, Moreau Do not run PMC or PMT (Pike, Moreau and Chen/Tlaan). The official discord is a bit of a cesspool with some really touchy unofficial-official modding and a looooot of Stockholm syndrome players ranting and venting. Kirk. Mantis Crews Category - Mantis Crew By Trips. Apr 6, 2021 · The rest of the characterization came from the idea that she would be someone with no idea what the Federation was, or what it meant. Ships require at least one Officer in order to function. STFC Officer Tool. Content Creators. Tonight we begin by discussing Janeway and how she's working now that she's out into the game. Personally it’s a waste of time and scopley adding another addiction to this game. A full ship/building/research planner is currently in beta. Any higher and you need to think about crew. You can obtain new Officers by using recruit tokens. Master the basics of officer loadouts for mining, hostile grinding (PVE), and PVP attacks! Use cre Aug 28, 2023 · Janeway Crew. Kirk, for Cadet Kirk, click here. Unfortunately, this means that any crew ability that says it works against hostiles does not work against mission bosses. You can get Gorkon recruiting shards from the Klingon faction store, Ultra and premium recruiting chests, as well as from Transporter patterns. It doesn't matter how well your ships are prepared, how big your base is, everyone is able to be cracked with a bit of patience. With a max ENT, my new go-to crew is Janeway, Doc, Kirk. Epic. You can send Join your fellow commanders on the official Star Trek Fleet Command™ Discord server! | 112298 members There's no officer which affects the Cerritos's support abilities, so your best bet is probably to go with a warp-range crew so it can travel further and be more useful to your main warships. It really depends on your target. so will refer to the Phoenix Raven member for any updates they want to make. If you have Picard and Beverly, they can replace Pike and Moreau. Ship Info for STFC. Spocks. Is this an officer you want? And why? Plus a deep dive into the Voyager mechanic and pitfalls that we've found along the way. Traits will give you a higher critical chance on away team missions. Nero's Crew. Crews Category - General Crew Guide. Epic Five Of Eleven - Unimatrix Twelve (c), Epic Six of Eleven Unimatrix - Twelve and Epic Khan - Khan'sCrew. September 12, 2023. Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) recently revealed that gamers are able to experience the ship that took humanity on its first steps out on its trek through the stars. Take a look at our crew recommendations guide if you want to find a few examples of good Officer combos in this game, and feel free to leave us your own thoughts in the comments below. A recent update introduced a new vessel called the Monaveen and since its Crew testing will let you upload multiple battle logs where you are attacking the same type of hostile with different crews. Apr 3, 2024 · The STFC Officer Tool is the best way to get to know your officers and make sure you are crewing for Success in Star Trek Fleet Command. They just don’t live long enough to talk about it. Investing it wisely will help you to gain a considerable amount of rewards in increased critical mission successes over time. Although you can use any crew to make headway in this activity, it is not recommended, as some crew combinations will perform better than others. Some Good Crew Combos for Mining Ships:Full SynergyFor P For PvE Generic Crews (until opponent Level 51+ Ships)vs Energy Weapon Hostiles (Explorers, Battleships, and most Survey Ships)1) Epic Pike - Shaked Unofficial Officer's Guide. gg/5kv33BjZ Dec 12, 2023 · Scopely introduced a lot of interesting stuff. Officers ability -80% armour piercing to the opposing player in PVP if you're defending (not as useful as it sounds you're on an explorer the thing you most need to worry about is shield piercing and the ship at OPS33 even with it being BlueMandalorian. STAY INFORMED AND DON’T LOSE YOUR PROGRESS! Subscribe for exclusive updates on our launches & more! Sync your progress across platforms and devices. In order to start these, they require Tactical Mandate tokens that you get from from your daily Alliance Unity event (20), and from Alliance Altruism chests (100 per chest), which you open with Rare Cardassian Loot. When you apply the trait it will show blue and are active. . Engage Dec 8, 2023 · Wave Defense. Ship Info: Again, the name says it all. Sep 12, 2023 · STFC: Monaveen Crew. club, stfc. Search for ships, research, or buildings and calculate actual build and repair costs based on the research you've done. The D’Vor’s Mining Bonus from the Mining Laser is increased by 12000% when mining Raw Latinum. Kirk is the Command …. I make videos! Specifically, I make videos for Star Trek Fleet Command, Star Trek: Infinte and formerly EVE: Ech May 26, 2021 · Check out this guide for getting started with basic crews. Make sure you have Hugh, etc below decks. Wave defense is a group starbase defense game within Star Trek Fleet Command. Vemet. etc) then by traitthe system will show the ones best for mission first. March 5, 2024. Officers form a crucial part of your ship and impact the performance of that ship. If the opponent’s ship is an Explorer, the KUMARI increases its Shield Piercing by 10%. Speed or distance? Some characters, like origins Stamets, increase speed. That being said, if you are looking for active defense, or defending your base as you raid so PMC doesn’t work on these. The Academy: This channel has a ton of content about many different aspects of the game. ” -La’an Noonian Singh Commanders, Brace yourselves–the unrelenting hunters have arrived! Mantis Category - Mantis Crew By Trips. The Academy. Pike/Moreau/Gaila should only be going on the LEADER of the armada, not the other members. ) Overpower (80% chance to inspire Morale when the opponent’s HHP is under 80%. chris255555. I found that the officer component of the game is simultaneously the richest part of the game and at the same time completely undocumented and not well understood. This is a universal crew setup for solo armadas. it's go time. Romulan Tenacity - If the ship survives an attack that depletes its shields and is destroyed in one of Oct 22, 2023 · #stfc #startrekfleetcommand Importance of Faction Credits 3:27Basic Voyager Loop 6:03Voyager Research 12:52Voyager Crew for Farming Faction Credit Method 15: Mar 5, 2024 · STFC: Hirogen Transport. We advise you to use a typical hostile crew Apr 8, 2024 · A New Threat in Star Trek Fleet Command: The Gorn Hunter Hostiles. STFC has assembled an array of information for your continuing missions across the galaxy. He’s an epic command officer. . STFC: Silent Hostiles Crew. In that case, you can go with high level Cadet or Next Gen combinations. Mission bosses are basically specialty hostiles. Feb 13, 2024 · Good afternoon @everyone and I hope you're having a great day! Today we FINALLY get to explore the NX-01 Enterprise in STFC. (This is for the epic officer James T. “We are prey. His officer ability is “Mistakes were Made”. That said just to get it o Jun 14, 2023 · Download 6K. Away Team Traits. COST CALCULATOR. Community Images. It is VERY helpful. The best defense in this game is a shield. It basically involved a star base a the center of the map, with ten successive waves of ships coming from the edges of the system to attack it. Others, like Grush, increase distance. God knows try and get 20k unc for one upgrade as f2p. Tonight ENDED up being a singular topic with a WIDE variety of variables to examine, from all ops levels from 30-60 in how we look at officer sourcing with officers and milestones. Play Star Trek Fleet Command now. space/ might be what you are looking for. Before you can work out which is the best crew for your ship at its current power. Did you ever wonder what the cost of building something in STFC really is after taking into consideration all your research? This tool will allows Who should you spend Trait XP on? What missions should you focus on? What preparations should @everyone make as a low or high level to get the most out of aw This is all correct, and the best answer. Contribution by an ex "Phoenix Ravens" Alliance member, I believe both their own, also notes from the Epic "Epictetus"s Guide. If you can get a decent Kim below decks from the event store, you can eventually replace Kirk with Torres for maxed out shield mitigation. The truth is plenty of people have seen the Gorn. Once started, they have a 10 minute timer. STFC Commanders level 40 and higher can now experience the NX-01, which is the vessel that took humanity through the stars. One of the enemies that you can encounter is Hirogen The largest Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) information site, featuring information on ships, officers, systems, hostiles, research and more. Pan’s Captain’s Maneuver is “Getting Up To Speed”. Leader – As long as the ship has Morale, Kirk gives all Officers on the ship a bonus of 40% to all their stats. The Officers screen can be accessed via the menu in the upper left corner of your screen Dec 6, 2023 · A recent STFC update introduced the Wave Defense game mode, and it invites Commanders level 30 and higher to team up with other players to battle enemies. Independent Ships Ship Rarity Grade Type Ship Ability (at Level 1) Realta Common 1-star Explorer +10 increase of shield health Orion Corvette Common 1-star Battleship +10 increase of hull health…. With it comes a new loop. It makes the Ent a beast for killing Yellows and trial hostiles. Crew Setups and Ship Info: The name says it all. The guide is intended to not only provide Aug 25, 2023 · Manually entry has gone!! This video explains the process of extracting data from your game account and then using it for 2 epic community tools. Some crew don't work for certain targets. Using similar crew setups should provide good results for you. TOS Scotty as captain, with Cadet Scotty and Ghrush alongside. space and the ‘Crew Setups and Ship Info’ discord will get you everything you need. Aug 15, 2020 · The Basics. BlueMandalorian. PVP is another story. Many of these Discord sites, including the Official STFC Discord, have areas where you can ask questions and get help from other players of many different levels. ) The Basics The epic officer James T. ” -La’an Noonian Singh Commanders, Brace yourselves–the unrelenting hunters have arrived! Dec 4, 2021 · Whether @everyone comes to this video to find an easier way to hit Heavy Transports in capital systems, or to learn about unique ways to crew with officers, STAY INFORMED AND DON’T LOSE YOUR PROGRESS! Subscribe for exclusive updates on our launches & more! Build and customize a powerful fleet, recruit iconic characters, explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, forge alliances with hundreds of thousands of other players. List of all Star Trek Fleet Command Officers. top of page. It is also the crew Leader Siko, Myles, Lorca Others Sisko, Myles, Six Or any Generic Armada Crew. ip an wo st di xl ck yg kd kk